07 - Bitter Gourd

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Curativity of Bitter Gourd

1. Diabetes: Taken, in any form, it is capable of keeping the blood sugar

level within normal ranges. To eliminate sugar content in urine take 10-15
gms or ml juice/powder of it, at least 3-4 times daily and continue for 4-5
months, or till improvement is noticed. Some diabetics take its fresh juice
(1/2-2 TSPs) during season, as a first thing in the morning. During off-
season, dried and pulverized powder of bitter-gourd should be taken, in
lieu of fresh juice (2.5-5 mg) with water, or else used as a cooked vegetable.

2. As liver tonic: Extract juice, after grinding, of bitter gourd, and of given
1/2 TSP, with water, to a child twice daily, will prevent jaundice and other
liver problem. It fresh juice is not possible, boil the dried form of bitter
gourd in water and take a 5 ml dose, 2-3 times daily, to ward off ill effects of
jaundice, its after effects and also as a preventive device.

Caliton: If there is noticed, at any time, some yellow taint in the eyes, its
further use must be stopped at once.

3. Leucorrhoea: It can be cured by taking 1/2 TSP of juice of bitter gourd.

Treatment has to be continued for some time.
4. Piles: 5 ml of juice of bitter gourd with sugar can stop blood-oozing from

5. Constipation and Indigestion: Homeopathic medicines, prepared from

extracts of fresh herbal essences, are quite useful to remove constipation,
take 4-10 drops of 'Momvadica Charantia' (prepared from bitter gourd
extract), 3-4 times a day. To improve digestion take 1/2 tsp(2-5ml) of fresh
juice 2-3 times a day and continue for some time.

Bitter-gourd, like margjsa (neem), is a blood purifier par excellence. Take,

twice daily its juice, for a few days to have your blood purified.

7. Arthritis: Massage liberally, with juice of bitter gourd on affected

fruits/parts and, in addition, take its juice orally (5 ml-twice daily) or
prepare and use its vegetable.

Caution: Avoid taking excessive quantity of bitter gourd, in whatever form,

as it generates heat in the body.

(2) If some odd symptoms are noticed as caused by its excessive use, take
curd or lemon to ward it off its effects and reactions.Curd and lemon are
excellent for counteracting ill effects, due to overuse of bitter gourd.

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