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 These are medications that reduce inflammation,pain and fever.

 Some are non-prescription while others are prescription strength.

 They are used to treat a wide range of symptoms

I. Headache
II. Muscle stiffness
III. Arthritis
IV. Constipation Nausea
V. Allergies
 They are sold in various forms
a. Tablets/capsules
b. Liquid
c. Gels/ creams
d. Suppositilies – Put in your Vagina,Rectum
- Then absorben/broken down

Common Non-Prescription strength drugs (NSAIDs)

a. Aspirin - lower risk of blood clot,heart attack, stroke

b. Ibuprofen – eg Fever,arthritics
c. Naproxen sodium – all day pain relief,aleve Arthritis

Do not take double or Extra Doses – if you miss a dose,take it as soon as you can.

If it is almost time for your next dose,take ONLY THAT DOSE.

ASPIRIN - Works as a blood thinner therefore prevents plate lets from forming

Most heart attacks and strokes are caused by clots

Clots can block arteries and contribute to a reduction in the amount of oxygen rich
blood being delivered to vital organs.


I. Diclofenac
II. Fenoprofen /Nalfon /profeno


 Typically used to treat rheumatologic diseases eg. Rheumatoid arthritis –

autoimmune diseases
 Lupus – Autoimmune diseases - skin,joints
 Vasculitis – inflammation of blood vessels eg. Thicken
 Rheumatic – umbrella term refers to arthritis and several other conditions
that affect the joints,tendons,ligaments,bones and muscles.

Common Signs/symptoms

I. Same symptoms on both sides of the body (both hands)

II. Fatigue /tiredness
III. Stiffness in more than one joint
IV. Tenderness/swelling in more than one joint
V. Fever
VI. Weight loss

Examples of corticosteroids

Cortisone – mists used for asthma,gout


Hydrocortisone – treat bug bites

Medications are available in several forms

They vary in how easily they dissolve/how long they stay in the body.

Are either given locally – precise place OR

Systemically – throughout the system or body

Local Steroids

Common examples – joint injections,eye drops,ear drops and skin creams


Systemic examples

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