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1- Derive the expression for inductance of a single-phase transmission line and also for 3 phase
transmission line.
2- Inductance of a composite system
3- Determine the GMR shown below having the radius of each conductor 0.5 cm.

4- i- Determine the self inductance of bundled conductor involving mutual and self GMD


5- Write an expression for Vs and Is for medium transmission line involving nominal T & PI method
and corresponding vector diagrams, taking current references.
6- Find the Vs and Is in long transmission line at no load.
7- What do you mean by voltage profile of a transmission line? Describe in brief about Ferranti with
a vector diagram for purely capacitive load.
8- What are the various types of insulator material and write their application in electric power
9- a-Derive an expression for sag, tension & mid point clearance for overhead transmission line for
unequal support
10- Name various method for achive equal potential suspension insulters.

1- What do you mean by surge impedance loading? Write down various methods of protection.
2- Write in briefe about on load & off load tap changing and synchronous condenser.
3- Write in brief about real power and fequencyy control mechanisim.
4- Describe reactive v/s voltage control mechanism for electric power transmission line.
5- Write down various flexible AC transmission device namely MSCTCR,TSCTCR ahemes with ckt.
6- Write in briefe about DC transmission systems
7- Write in brief about AC distribution systems namely distribution,, inter connected distribution
8- What is kelvin’s law? Write down its limitation and advantages.
9- Name various types of power station in odisha with unity capacity and switch yard capacity and
generation capacity.
10- Write down the basic requirements for ckt. Diagram and battery & inverter detail in kw for solar

1- Write in brief about overhead transmission line inductance.

2- Name various types of insulator use for various type of application for overhead transmission
3- Name various insulator used for underground cable namely double wire armed cable ,led shed
cable and pilsdwa cable.
4- What do you mean by grading of cables. Write various method of grading.
5- Compare over head transmission line with underground cables with advantages &
6- Write varios ways of power systems earthing – rod, earthing, plate earthing and running
7- Derive an expression for capacitance 3:4 cable.
8- Write in brief about murry loop test far.
9- What do you mean by running earth & counters describe in brief about them.


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