Performance Assessment 7

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Goal: Students will be able to discuss whether or not an atomic bomb is a response a
nation should take in a war using evidence from the atomic bomb dropped on Japan
during World War II.
Role: Researchers/lobbyists
Audience: Classmates/classroom
Situation: After learning about the atomic bomb and its effects, students will examine
images and texts from Japanese and United States viewpoints. After, they will develop
an argument using evidence from World War II on whether or not atomic bombs should
still be used today in certain scenarios.
Performance: State their case
Standard: Why the atomic bomb was created, why the United States decided to drop it
on Japan, how it affected the Japanese, challenging ethical questions related to our

Basic Proficient Excellent

Historical Context Shows some Show a solid Demonstrates a clear

understanding of the understanding of the understanding of the
historical context historical context historical context
surrounding the use surrounding the use surrounding the use
of the atomic bombs of the atomic bombs of the atomic bombs
during World War II. during World War II. during World War II.

Use of Evidence Provided little Provides adequate Utilizes specific

evidence from the analysis of the atomic evidence from the
atomic bombings of bombings of atomic bombings of
Hiroshima and Hiroshima and Hiroshima and
Nagasaki. Nagasaki. Nagasaki.

Argumentation Argument lacks depth Presents a coherent Constructs a well-

with some argument with clear structured argument
organization. organization. that is well organized.

Critical Thinking Show some attempt Demonstrates sound Exhibits strong critical
at critical thinking critical thinking skills thinking by asking
skills but did not ask by engaging in questions and
questions and thoughtful reflection considering broader
consider broader on the consequences implications.
implications. of the atomic bomb.

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