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 Microwave oven is one of the most widely used
household appliances.
 The reason for its popularity is that it cooks food in
short amount of time.
 Extremely efficient in their use of electricity.
 A microwave oven heats only the food – nothing else.
 Following international conventions, microwave ovens
at home or in restaurants operate at frequencies of
about 2.45 GHz, i.e. λ = 12. 23 cm The microwave region
extends from 1,000 to 300,000 MHz (or 30 cm to 1
mm wavelength).
 Percy Lebaron Spencer was an American physicist and
inventor of the microwave oven.
a) Conventional Ovens.
b) Convection Ovens.
c) Microwave Ovens.
d) Microwave cum Convection Ovens.
e) Oven Toaster Grill (OTG) Oven.
Conventional ovens
Conventional ovens
 Conventional ovens work on an electric
element for cooking or a gas burner.
 In this type of oven, heat radiates up
and pushes cold air down which can lead
to uneven cooking or baking.
Very common and usually inbuilt in
kitchens or come as part of the kitchen
Convection ovens
Convection ovens
 Convection ovens cook food a bit differently.
 There’s a fan at the back that forces hot air
circulation throughout the oven,
 cooking food more evenly.
 This also results in quicker heating and
consume less power.
 The cooking time will differ from that of a
conventional oven.
Microwave ovens
Microwave oven
They are most popularly used for
heating and defrosting(to release
from a frozen state) and use radio
waves for this.
There are some microwave-oven
specific recipes that are best for
baking in a microwave.
Microwave cum Convection
Microwave cum Convection Ovens
 It’s a microwave oven that has a convection
oven option.
 When turn a knob, microwave turns into a
normal oven (convection type) and can bake
cakes and cookies and anything else, as usual
following the usual recipes.
 Some of these ovens also come with a grilling
option and make use of that feature too.
Oven Toaster Grill (OTG) Oven
Oven Toaster Grill (OTG) Oven

❖These use old-fashioned filament coils for

heating and cooking (much like a geyser).
❖Although they work fantastic for making toast
and even grilling, baking in them doesn’t work
out as best as in the other ovens.
Three types of microwave ovens

 Solo microwave oven

Grill microwave oven
 Convection microwave oven
Solo microwave oven

Solo microwave ovens are basic models

or entry level models in microwave oven
It has one magnetron to produce
 Best for Reheat, simple cooking .
Grill microwave oven

Grill is some thing like using heat to cook

food, like tandoor.
There is a tube that’s heats up and release
lots of heat for food to get cooked.
Keep your hand near burning coal and
feel the heat.
Convection microwave oven

 In this type of microwave which make

molecules in food vibrate, this vibration leads
to friction and eventually create heat for
 It has fan which circulates heat waves
efficiently, uniformly so that food can bake
very well.
 Best for Reheat, Grill and Bake.
 The mains plug and socket are three-pin earthing
 The fast blow ceramic fuse is of 15 A, 250 V.
 Interlock switches are linked with the oven door.
 Power will be applied to the mains transformer only
when the oven door is closed.
 At least one interlock switch is in series with the
transformer primary.
 Even a spot of dirt in the relay or triac, cannot turn
the oven on when the door is open.

A microwave oven uses microwaves to

heat food.
Microwaves are radio waves.
In microwave ovens, the commonly used
radio wave frequency is roughly 2,500
megahertz (2.5 gigahertz).
Working of oven
 Molecules of all food are consist of a dipole
and have positive charge in one side and have
negative charge in another side.
 If we put electromagnetic fields in this, all
molecules are rearranged.
 +Charge is to negative dipole and –charge is to
positive pole.
 This process molecules heat is produced by
 The frequency of microwave oven is 2.5GHz.
 By this frequency change the direction of
electromagnetic fields 2,500,000,000 times
in 1 second.
 The heat efficiency of a microwave oven is
greatly high.
 In microwave cooking, the radio waves
penetrate the food and excite water and fat
molecules much evenly throughout the
Microwaves interesting property
1. They are absorbed by water, fats and sugars.
2. When they are absorbed they are converted
directly into atomic motion and motion is
converted into heat.
3. They are not absorbed by most plastics, glass
or ceramics.
4. Metal reflects microwaves, which is why
metals cause spark in a microwave oven.
5. The reason that metal reflects
microwaves is that no electronic
waves resident in inside of conductor.
6. Because conductor’s conductivity is
7. The property is possible because the
frequency 2,500 megahertz is
resonance frequency of water.
 Microwave oven reduces to one forth
of the time taken on gas stoves.
 The energy and time both save.
 Utensils not heated, only the food gets
 Microwave cooking minimizes the loss
of nutrients in food compared to
cooking in pressure cookers.
 Baking can be done only in microwave
 The color, texture and taste of the food
changes, when it is overcooked in
 Food that require deep frying like puri’s,
bonda’s etc. cannot be made in microwave.
 The microwaved food is harmful to our
health causing diseases and increasing the
risk of causing cancers.
 Microwave oven can be harmful if you stand
directly in front of them, while they are ON.
 The heart of the microwave oven is the high
voltage system.
 It is used to generate microwave energy.
 The high voltage component accomplished this
by stepping up AC line voltage to high voltage
which is then changed to an even higher DC
 This DC power is converted to RF energy that
cooks the food.
 It consists of a cylindrical cathode at the axis of the
 The cathode is surrounded by an almost hollow
cylindrical anode
 consisting of a number of cavities which are called
 The resonators are made to resonate at 2.45 GHz
 A voltage of several kilo volts is applied between
anode and cathode and a magnetic field is also applied
parallel to the axis such that the electric and magnetic
fields perpendicular each other.
 MAG1 is the magnetron this is just a diode valve with a
directly-heated cathode.
 The anode is tied to the chassis, the cathode must be
pulled negative for the magnetron to conduct.
 Diode CR1 is wired in inverse parallel with MAG1.
 The transformer has two secondaries’’:
 a low-tension winding which supplies power to
the heater filament of MAG1,
 and a high-tension winding which supplies the
anode of MAG1.
 The LT secondary needs good, thick insulation;
 but it’s only a few turns anyway.
 We also have a fuse, and a high-voltage
 During the positive half-cycle (red)The left-hand
plate of C1 charges to +2000V.
 The right-hand plate of C1 is held close to 0V by
CR1, which is conducting.
 MAG1 is not conducting.
 During the negative half-cycle (green)The top of
the HT winding is at -2000V so the right-hand plate
of C1 drops to -4000V
 CR1 is reverse biased.
 MAG1 is now forward-biased, and so conducts.
 The electricity from the wall outlet travels
through the power cord and enters the
microwave oven through a series of fuse
and safety protection circuits.
 Thermal protectors that are designed to
deactivate the oven in the event of an
electrical shortor if an overheating
condition occurs.
 If all systems are normal, the electricity passes
through to the interlock and timer circuits.
 When then oven door is closed, an electrical path
is also established through a series of safety
interlock switches .
 Setting the oven timer and starting a cook
operation extends this voltage path to the control
 Generally, the control system includes either an
electromechanical relay or an electronic switch
called a triac.
 Sensing that all systems are "go," the control
circuit generates a signal that causes the
relay or triac to activate, producing a voltage
path to the high-voltage transformer .
 By adjusting the on-off ratio of this
activation signal,
 the control system can govern the
application of voltage to the high-voltage
 There by controlling the on-off ratio of the
magnetron tube and therefore developing
the output power of the microwave oven.
 The microwave energy is transmitted into a
metal channel called a waveguide , which
feeds the energy into the cooking area.
 All microwave energy remains inside the cooking
 When the door is opened, or the timer reaches
zero, the microwave energy stops--just as turning
off a light switch stops the glow of the lamp.

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