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Kết quả kiểm tra trùng lặp #7353116 KiemTraTaiLieu


Thông tin tài liệu

Tên tài liệu: KLTN-Huynh Thuc Doan
Tác giả: DON DON
Điểm trùng lặp: 7
Thời gian tải lên: 11:43 04/10/2023
Thời gian sinh báo cáo: 11:50 04/10/2023
Các trang kiểm tra: 55/55 trang

Kết quả kiểm tra trùng lặp

7% 93% 0% 0%

Có 93% nội Có 0% nội dung

Có 0% nội dung
dung không người dùng loại
hệ thống bỏ qua
Có 7% nội dung trùng trùng lặp trừ

Nguồn trùng lặp tiêu biểu

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Kết quả kiểm tra trùng lặp #28568 Trường Đại học Luật Hà Nội

Danh sách các câu trùng lặp

1. Trang 3: Foremost of all, I would like to offer my sincere gratitude to the University of Economics
Ho Chi Minh City, the School of Foreign Languages, and Dr
Độ trùng lặp: 57%
Nội dung nguồn: I would like to offer my gratitude to University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City, and
acknowledge the supports I have received from the School of Accounting at University of
Economics Ho Chi Minh City,

2. Trang 10: four specific challenges were identified and analyzed task achievement, cohesion
and coherence, lexical resource, and grammatical range and accuracy
Độ trùng lặp: 64%
Nội dung nguồn: task achievement, cohesion and coherence, lexical resource, and grammatical

3. Trang 10: Based on the results, some solutions and tips would be suggested to help students be
able to master collocations and use them accurately
Độ trùng lặp: 100%
Nội dung nguồn: Based on the results, some solutions and tips would be suggested to help
students be able to master collocations and use

4. Trang 12: It can particularly help them improve in four crucial aspects task achievement,
coherence and cohesion, lexical resource, and grammatical range and Accuracy
Độ trùng lặp: 57%
Nội dung nguồn: Task Achievement, Coherence and Cohesion, Lexical Resource, and
Grammatical Range

5. Trang 14: International English Language Testing System (IELTS) is a widely recognized and
very important English proficiency test on a large scale
Độ trùng lặp: 63%
Nội dung nguồn: International English Language Testing System (IELTS) is a widely recognized
English proficiency

6. Trang 14: Concerning the scoring procedure, some studies investigated the influence of
corrective feed back on IELTS test takers writing performance (e g , Ganji, 2009; Ketabi & Torabi,
2013; Paulus,1999; Vahdani Sanavi & Nemati, 2014)
Độ trùng lặp: 61%

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Kết quả kiểm tra trùng lặp #28568 Trường Đại học Luật Hà Nội

Nội dung nguồn: writing performance in IELTS (e g Ganji, 2009; Ketabi & Torabi, 2013; Paulus,

7. Trang 15: Task response focuses on The requirements of The Task and an appropriate format
is used
Độ trùng lặp: 95%
Nội dung nguồn: the response focuses on the requirements of the Task and an appropriate format

8. Trang 16: Cohesion is used in such a way that it very rarely attracts attention
Độ trùng lặp: 100%
Nội dung nguồn: Cohesion is used in such a way that it very rarely attracts attention Any lapses in
coherence or Cohesion are minimal Paragraphing

9. Trang 17: A wide range of vocabulary is used accurately and appropriately with very natural and
sophisticated control of lexical features
Độ trùng lặp: 100%
Nội dung nguồn: A wide range of vocabulary is used accurately and appropriately with very natural
and sophisticated control of lexical features Minor errors in spelling

10. Trang 18: First of all, IELTS learners find it difficult to understand the requirements of the Task
and the information shown in the graph/ chart/ table
Độ trùng lặp: 53%
Nội dung nguồn: the requirements of task achievement, particularly in presenting the significant
trends clearly and appropriately, and presenting a clear overview of main trends with 44 2% and 39
5% respectively the same proportion of students (37 2%) confessed that understanding the
requirements of the task and the information shown in the

11. Trang 19: Moreover, the Relationships between the ideas in writing task 1 can be unclear
and/or inadequately marked in some use of basic cohesive devices, which may be inaccurate or
Độ trùng lặp: 68%
Nội dung nguồn: relationships between ideas can be unclear and/or inadequately marked There is
some use of basic cohesive devices, which may be inaccurate or repetitive

12. Trang 20: the study of Arefsadr (2023) showed that 10 Iranian interviewees had problems with
the IELTS Academic Writing test due to insufficient time, unclear and difficult to understand task
instructions, "distant" topics, and overvaluation of advanced vocabulary and grammar in the scoring
Độ trùng lặp: 72%

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Kết quả kiểm tra trùng lặp #28568 Trường Đại học Luật Hà Nội

Nội dung nguồn: problems with The IELTS Academic Writing test insufficient time, unclear and
difficult to understand task instructions, distant topics, and overvaluation of advanced vocabulary
and grammar in The scoring system The study suggests that IELTS candidates problem of scoring
lowest in The Writing test may not be entirely due to deficiencies in their Writing skills, and that
certain features of The IELTS Academic Writing test may aggravate undesirable testing outcomes
The implications of The results of The study are discussed Keywords IELTS candidates
complaints, Writing test construction, IELTS Academic Writing test IELTS low Writing scores

13. Trang 20: While Irian test takers found that diagram analysis was more difficult than the
interpretation of bar charts Ahmadi et al
Độ trùng lặp: 78%
Nội dung nguồn: found that diagram analysis was more difficult for Iranian test takers than the
interpretation of bar charts,

14. Trang 20: (2019) found that Iranian test takers had more vocabulary problems with tables than
with charts
Độ trùng lặp: 92%
Nội dung nguồn: found that Iranian test takers had more vocabulary problems with tables than with
charts O Loughlin and Wigglesworth (2003) found

15. Trang 20: Lan (2015) found that when the test requires a low demanding task graphic
description, test takers perform significantly better in terms of accuracy
Độ trùng lặp: 95%
Nội dung nguồn: Lan (2015) found that when the test requires a low demanding task, such as task,
1, i e , graphic description, test takers perform significantly better in terms of accuracy

16. Trang 21: On the other hand, a high demanding task yields more complex texts with lexical
variations and grammatical subordinations
Độ trùng lặp: 74%
Nội dung nguồn: high demanding task yields more complex texts with lexical variations and
grammatical subordinations Similarly, O Loughlin

17. Trang 21: Similarly, O Loughlin and Wigglesworth (2003) found that simpler tasks, which
require less information to be processed, elicit more complex structures
Độ trùng lặp: 100%
Nội dung nguồn: Similarly, O Loughlin and Wigglesworth (2003) found that simpler tasks, which
require less information to be processed, elicit more

18. Trang 21: by contrast, Bagheri and Zare, (2009) found that exposing candidates to model
essays improves their awareness of writing features such as form, discourse, relevancy, and lexical

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Kết quả kiểm tra trùng lặp #28568 Trường Đại học Luật Hà Nội

Độ trùng lặp: 93%
Nội dung nguồn: such as exposing candidates to sample essays (e g , Ambe, 2008; Bagheri &
Zare 2009) For instance, Bagheri and Zare (2009) found that exposing candidates to model essays
improves their awareness of writing features such as form, discourse, relevancy, and lexical
resources Similarly, Ambe (2008) found that Japanese ESL learners improved their writing skill By
comparing their essays with model essays and noticing the gap between their essays and the
model essays in terms of lexis, form, discourse, and content He also found that the degree

19. Trang 22: They all speak Vietnamese as their mother tongue and English is considered their
foreign language
Độ trùng lặp: 100%
Nội dung nguồn: They all speak Vietnamese as their mother tongue and English is considered their

20. Trang 23: The questionnaire was used to figure out The challenges of students in completing
Writing Task 1 because it was absolutely reliable
Độ trùng lặp: 65%
Nội dung nguồn: The questionnaire was used to figure out The problems of students in learning
collocations because it was absolutely reliable Along with The questionnaire The interview was
another helpful tool

21. Trang 23: The Statistical Package for Social Sciences or SPSS version 22 0 was used to
analyze The data
Độ trùng lặp: 83%
Nội dung nguồn: The statistical package for social sciences, (SPSS) version 22 0 software was
used to analyze The data obtained from The questionnaire

22. Trang 24: To measure The reliability level of The questionnaire items The reliability coefficient
test was done
Độ trùng lặp: 100%
Nội dung nguồn: the reliability of the questionnaire Table 2 the reliability of all the items, in the
questionnaire Cronbach s Alpha No of items, 810 34 To measure the reliability level of the
questionnaire items, the reliability coefficient test

23. Trang 26: 87 87 6 As can be seen, the questionnaire is reliable for further investigation with
Cronbach's Alpha, 87
Độ trùng lặp: 77%

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Kết quả kiểm tra trùng lặp #28568 Trường Đại học Luật Hà Nội

Nội dung nguồn: As can be seen, the questionnaire is reliable for further investigation with
Cronbach s Alpha, 923 As seen, in Table 1 in the methodology section Table 7

24. Trang 29: As can be seen, the questionnaire is reliable for further investigation with Cronbach's
Alpha, 807
Độ trùng lặp: 93%
Nội dung nguồn: As can be seen, the questionnaire is reliable for further investigation with
Cronbach s Alpha, 923 As seen, in Table 1 in the methodology section Table 7

25. Trang 31: They reported difficulties in linking ideas with cohesive devices Using a wide range
of cohesive devices appropriately Arranging ideas logically maintaining a clear overall progression
and Managing paragraphing effectively
Độ trùng lặp: 52%
Nội dung nguồn: using cohesive devices, to link ideas using a wide range of cohesive devices,
appropriately, arranging the ideas appropriately, and logically, Having a clear overall progression,

26. Trang 31: As can be seen, the questionnaire is reliable for further investigation with
Độ trùng lặp: 100%
Nội dung nguồn: As can be seen, the questionnaire is reliable for further investigation with
Cronbach s Alpha, 923 As seen, in Table 1 in the methodology section Table 7

27. Trang 34: As can be seen, the questionnaire is reliable for further investigation with Cronbach's
Alpha, 82
Độ trùng lặp: 93%
Nội dung nguồn: As can be seen, the questionnaire is reliable for further investigation with
Cronbach s Alpha, 923 As seen, in Table 1 in the methodology section Table 7

28. Trang 36: As can be seen, the questionnaire is reliable for further investigation with Cronbach's
Alpha, 879 As seen, in Table 4 1 in the methodology section
Độ trùng lặp: 84%
Nội dung nguồn: As can be seen, the questionnaire is reliable for further investigation with
Cronbach s Alpha, 923 As seen, in Table 1 in the methodology section Table 7

29. Trang 42: the most challenging Task in Task achievement, was in understanding the
requirements of the Task and the information in the graph/ chart/ table
Độ trùng lặp: 57%

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Kết quả kiểm tra trùng lặp #28568 Trường Đại học Luật Hà Nội

Nội dung nguồn: The requirements of task achievement particularly in presenting The significant
trends clearly and appropriately, and presenting a clear overview of main trends with 44 2% and 39
5% respectively The same proportion of students (37 2%) confessed that understanding The
requirements of The task and The information shown in The graph, identifying key features of The
graph, and grouping information

30. Trang 42: While identifying key features of the graph, grouping information in a logical order
presenting the significant trends clearly and appropriately, accounted nearly the same with around
one third Writting at least 150 words was not a significant problem
Độ trùng lặp: 60%
Nội dung nguồn: in Presenting the significant trends clearly and appropriately and Presenting a
clear overview of main trends with 44 2% and 39 5% respectively the same proportion of students
(37 2%) confessed that understanding the requirements of the task and the information shown in
the graph, Identifying key features of the graph, and grouping information in a logical order, were
challenging Noticeably, just under a third, of the students revealed that the requirements of writing
a summary of a least 150 words was problematic Figure 3 Students difficulties

31. Trang 46: Exploring the Role of Model Essays in the IELTS Writing Test A Feedback Tool
Độ trùng lặp: 100%
Nội dung nguồn: Exploring the Role of Model Essays in the IELTS Writing Test A Feedback Tool

32. Trang 46: Let Their Voices be Heard IELTS candidates' Problems with the IELTS Academic
writing test
Độ trùng lặp: 100%
Nội dung nguồn: Let their voices be heard IELTS Candidates problems with the IELTS academic

33. Trang 46: Role of Feedback on English Academic Writing Skills of Tertiary Level Iraqi English
as a Foreign Language (EFL) Students a Review of Literature
Độ trùng lặp: 100%
Nội dung nguồn: Role of Feedback on English Academic Writing Skills of Tertiary Level Iraqi
English as a Foreign Language (EFL) Students a Review of

34. Trang 46: International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and
Development, 11(1), 689 702
Độ trùng lặp: 84%
Nội dung nguồn: International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education

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Kết quả kiểm tra trùng lặp #28568 Trường Đại học Luật Hà Nội

35. Trang 46: Thai Nhu Phuong, (2021) Difficulties in studying the writing of english major
sophomores at a university in Vietnam in European Journal of Education Studies, Volume 8, Issue
10 2021
Độ trùng lặp: 83%
Nội dung nguồn: Thai Nhu Phuong ,2021 Difficulties in studying writing of English majored
sophomores at a university in VietNam European Journal of Education Studies, Volume 8

36. Trang 46: Effects of knowledge topic on the allocation of processing time and cognitive effort to
writing processes
Độ trùng lặp: 100%
Nội dung nguồn: Effects of knowledge topic on the allocation of processing time and cognitive effort

37. Trang 46: Trung Thi Nguyen (2021) English majored Students' Difficulties in IELTS Academic
Writing Task 1 Accomplishment
Độ trùng lặp: 85%
Nội dung nguồn: Difficulties in IELTS Academic Writing Task 1 Accomplishment Trung

38. Trang 46: Duc Thanh Hung Duong,Nha Dai Trang Nguyen (2021) Using Collocations to
Enhance Academic Writing A Survey Study at Van Lang University
Độ trùng lặp: 90%
Nội dung nguồn: Using Collocations to Enhance Academic Writing A Survey Study at Van Lang
University Duc Thanh Hung Duong, Nha Dai Trang Nguyen As A formulaic language,

39. Trang 46: Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 533
Proceedings of the 17th International Conference of the Asia Association of Computer Assisted
Language Learning (AsiaCALL 2021)
Độ trùng lặp: 100%
Nội dung nguồn: Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 533
Proceedings of the 17th International Conference of the Asia Association of Computer Assisted
Language Learning (AsiaCALL 2021) Copyright © 2021

40. Trang 47: Task Design in IELTS academic writing Task 1 The Effect of Quantity and Manner of
Presentation of Information on candidates writing
Độ trùng lặp: 91%
Nội dung nguồn: Task design in IELTS Academic Writing Task 1 The effect of quantity and manner
of presentation of information on Candidate Writing IELTS Research Reports, Canberra IDP

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Kết quả kiểm tra trùng lặp #28568 Trường Đại học Luật Hà Nội

IELTS Australia, 4 Yu, G Rea Dickins, P & Kiely, R (2007) The cognitive processes of taking
IELTS Academic Writing Task 1 IELTS Research Reports, 11 454 |

41. Trang 47: Dheifallah Altamimi and Radzuwan Ab Rashid (2019) In Spelling Problems and
Causes among Saudi English Language Undergraduates (2019) Arab World English Journal
(AWEJ) Volume 10
Độ trùng lặp: 79%
Nội dung nguồn: Dheifallah Altamimi & Radzuwan Ab Rashid (2019) Spelling Problems and
Causes among Saudi English Language Undergraduates Arab World English Journal (AWEJ)
Volume 10 Number 3 Pp 178 191 Hughes, J M (1972) Phonics

42. Trang 47: Van Lanh Le, Thi Bao Dung Dang, Kha Nguyen, (2022) Some Common Problems In
Writing Essays Of English Major Sophomores At A University In The Mekong Delta, Vietnam
Độ trùng lặp: 96%
Nội dung nguồn: Van Lanh Le, Thi Bao Dung Dang, Kha Nguyen 2022 Some common problems in
writing essays of English Majored sophomores at a university in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam
European Journal of English Language Teaching 7 (3), 2022 2022 142 Van Lanh Le, Thi Bao Dung
Dang, Dao Nguyen 2022 Difficulties in Understanding And Applying Collocations in writing of
English Majored Juniors at a university in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam European Journal of English
Language Teaching 7 (3), 2022 2022 143 Thi Minh Uyen Phan, Thi Thuy Hang Nguyen Hong Linh
Nguyen 2022 Some common Errors in Vietnamese English Translation of English major Juniors at
Tay Do university Vietnam European Journal of

43. Trang 47: Ahmadi, (2019) An Investigation of Iranian IELTS Test Takers Performance in Bar
Chart and Table Prompts of Academic Writing Task 1
Độ trùng lặp: 90%
Nội dung nguồn: n Investigation of Iranian IELTS Test Takers Performance in Bar Chart and Table
Prompts of Academic Writing T

--- Hết ---

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