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Semester, AY 2021-2022


Direction: Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if it contradicts.

1.Marrying Leonor was the only reason for Rizal's homecoming.
2.In the first homecoming, eight years had passed since Rizal left Manila.
3. In Calamba, Paciano stayed in his room without talking to Rizal during the first
4. Leonor and Jose failed to see each other.
5. Noli Me Tangere should be allowed to circulate freely according to Terrero.
6. Rizal gained so much money from the Noli Me Tangere.
7. Noli Me Tangere is a lampoon that angered the friars.
8. Jose P. Laurel is the sponsor of R.A 1425 or also known as “Rizal Law”.
9. Terrero bought one thousand copies of the Noli Me Tangere.
10. Land problems have never been solved in the Philippines.
11. Permanent Commission on Censorhip was controlled by the friars.
12. The Calamba controversy uncovered corruption.
13. The second journey of Rizal was facilitated by enemies and friends.
14. There has been a need to rectify errors in the Philippine history.
15. Accommodation in the Spanish Legation in Japan was a part of keeping Rizal away from
16. San Francisco inspired Rizal to stay there.
17. The proponent of Rizal Law is Diosdado Macapagal.
18. Sucesos da las Tierras was the book Rizal wanted to annotate instead of writing
19. The Calamba controversy inspired Rizal to write the El Filibusterismo.
20. Antonio Ma. Regidor was Rizal's friend in Hongkong who helped him.
TEST II. INTERPRETIVE TEST1.1 Direction: Write "Yes' if the statement is relevant and "No"
if it is irrelevant.

1. The course "Rizal" is purely worship of the Philippine National Hero.

2. Jose Rizal is God for some organizations or groups.

3. The big head of an infant Jose Rizal, was surely a sign of intelligence.

4. At age five, Jose was already very sure that he would be a hero

5. The surname, Rizal, literally foretells early death and re -growing.

1.2. Direction: Write "Yes" if the information is supported by facts, "No" if it has no
imperialbasis, and "neither" if it is neither supported nor proven untrue by facts.

1. The family name, Mercado, was never used by Jose Rizal to avoid trouble.2. Rizal's parents
were land-tillers of the Dominican hacienderos.3. Doña Teodora was a domineering wife
because she was more intelligent than her husband,Francisco.4. Biñan, Laguna was Rizal's birth
place.5. A psychological test proved that Rizal was born a genius.

1.3. Direction: From the statements below, write "Yes" if the statement infers positive
valuesinculcated to the young Jose and "No" if otherwise.

1. Francisco Mercado was a man of few words.2. Rizal's parents fordable gossiping and
arrogance.3. The Rizals applied whipping as an effective way of teaching their children.4. The
life of Rizal is an example that a happy life is only for those who have power and wealth.5.
Reading books of famous authors fed the intellectual curiosity of the child Rizal.

PASSI CITY COLLEGECity of Passi, Iloilo


1.4. Direction: From the events below, write "yes" if an event influenced the development
ofRizal's philosophy in life. Write "no" if otherwise.

1. the birth of a small and sickly Jose on June 19,18612. the organization of a cult Rizalista3. the
execution of GOMBURZA4. the coming of Rizal's Uncle Jose Alberto to Calamba5. the
founding of Iglesia Watawat ng Lahi

TEST III. MATCHING TYPEDirection: Match column A with column B. Write the letter of the
correct answer.

1 . S o n o f a p r i e s t , h u s b a n d o f
N a r c i s a a . G o v . G e n . N a r c i s o C l a
v e r i a 2 .
t h e b i r t h p l a c e o f J o s
e R i z a l b . G o v . G e n . d
e l a T o r r e 3 . A w o r d t
h a t m e a n s " s u b v e r s i v
e " c . R i c i a l 4 . M y
L a s t F a r e w
e l l d . P a c i
a n o 5 . g r e e
n f i e l d s e .
C a l a m b a , L
a g u n a 6 . T h e e l d
e r b r o t h e r o f J o s e R i z
a l f . A n t o n i o L o p e z 7 .
l o v e r o f b
o o k s g . F i l
i b u s t e r o 8. the nicknam
e of Rizal h. Mi Ultimo Adios9 . h e o r d e r e d t h e c h a n g e o
f F i l i p i n o s u r n a m e s i . B i b l i o p h i l e 1 0
. N o s c i t e
i p s u m j . K n o
w t h y s e l f k.
Sta.Cruz, Laguna l. Franciscom. Pepe

TEST IV. MULTIPLE CHOICEDirection: Write the letter of the correct answer.

1. Who among them is Rizal's godfather who is a native of Calamba?

A. Father Rufino Collantes C. Father Peronto Abueva
B.Father Jose Elisbon D. Father Pedro Casanas
2. The first name of Rizal was named after by him by his mother to a Sai
nt namely as?
A.Johan C. Jesus B. Josiah D. Joseph
3. Rizal completed his medical course at the?
A.Universidad Centro de Madrid C. Universidad Central de Madrid
B.Universidad Centennial de Madrid D. Universidad Central de Espana
4. What course did Francisco Mercado studied in the College of San Jos
e in Manila?
A.Arts and Letters C. French and Humanities
B.Latin and PhilosophyD. Industrial
Engineering 5. Which of the following is not an expertise of Teodora Re
alonda?A.LiteratureC. SpanishB.MathD. Teaching 6. Teodora's family b
elongs to the class of?A.LowerC. Upper B.MiddleD. Not
disclosed 7. She died of Cholera in 1889 and was denied Christian burial
?A.MariaC. SaturninaB.LuciaD.
Trinidad 8. She is the youngest of the Rizal children?A.ConcepcionC.
OlympiaB.TrinidadD. Soledad 9. She married Daniel Faustino Cruz of B
inan Laguna?A.SaturninaC. LuciaB.MariaD. Narcisa
PASSI CITY COLLEGECity of Passi, Iloilo


10. It was a two-storey building, rectangular shape, built of adobe stones and hard woods?A.The
Rizal Home in BinanC. The Rizal Home in CalambaB.The Rizal Home in ManilaD. The
Rizal Home in Tondo 11. The surname on which Domigo Lamco adopted in 1731 that means "m
arket"?A.MataderoC. MerchantB.MorenoD. Mercado 12. It was on June 19, 1861 in the lake sho
re town of where Rizal was born?A.Binan, LagunaC. Calatagan, BatangasB.Calamba, LagunaD.
Kawit, Cavite 13. It was the old surname of Rizal's mother?A.AlonzoC.
AlhombreB.AlontoD. Awangin 14. A term/label coined by Rizal as an endearment for his father?
A.A model of farmersC. A father to the nationB.A father to his sonsD. A model
of fathers 15. Teodora Realonda studied at, a well-known college for girls in Manila?A.Ateneo
MunicipalC. Collegio San Juan de LetranB.Unibersidad ng Santo TomasD. College of Santa Ros
a 16. She married a telegraph operator from Manila?A.OlympiaC. JosefaB.TrinidadD. Soledad 1
7. Regarded Rizal as the "most noble of Filipinos"?A.PacianoC. TrinidadB.NarcisaD. Maria 18.
Her nickname is Panggoy?A.JosefaC. PaulinaB.LuciaD. Soledad 19. The Rizal family belonged t
o the, a town aristocracy in Spanish Philippines?A.CasasC. PuebloB.PrincipaliaD.
Primiero 20. Rizal" came from the Spanish word "Ricial" which means?A.Green valleyC. Green
herbsB.Green fieldD. Green tea 21. Who was the governor general of the Philippines when Rizal
was born?A.Lieutenant-General Jose Lemery

_t. ^euc Oiccjaj ig Dciois _ur Hjhbjr, _t. ^euc Zldvjrsdty _ystjh2127 Beyubey _el Wdojltj, Dciois _ur
Jxehdletdil/Iutput/RjqudrjhjltAJ@ ‟ Cdgj el` Qirfs ig Rdzec
_joil` _jhjstjr, ET 2>2>-2>25Dlstruotir; Hs. Mellem Herdj _uzellj _.
OeccjkiLehj; Kjggjrsil Rebdli _oirj; YYYYYYYYYYYYYOiursj & Tjer; B_L-DDD @etj;
; Pi essjss stu`jlts— fliwcj`aj, sfdccs el` vecujs cjerlj` dl;5.Hi`ucj 5;Pmj
Rjpubcdo Eot 502:2.Hi`ucj 2; Pmj ^mdcdppdljs dl Rdzec—s Pdhj?.Hi`ucj ?;
Gehdcy Cdgj ig Rdzec el` Mds J`uoetdil
D.Huctdpcj Omidoj. Rje` tmj gicciwdla qujstdils. Qrdtj
t m j o i r r j o t c j t t j r i g yiur omidoj il tmj speoj privd`j`.
O. 5. Qmdom ig tmj gicciwdla stetjhjlts oiuc` privj tmet tmj aivjrlhjlt rjoialdzj`9tmj oiltrdbutdils ig
Kisj Rdzec dl tmj `jvjciphjlt ig tmj sjlsj ig letdilecdshehila tmj Gdcdpdlis9e.Pmj jstebcdsmhjlt
ig tmj hiluhjlt ig Kisj Rdzec dl Culjte ^erf.b.Pmj Hirila privdloj es rjlehj` egtjr
mdh.o.Pmj aivjrlhjlt dhpcjhjltj` tmj Cew wmdom rjqudrj` ecc tmj stu`jlts
dloiccjajs el` uldvjrsdtdjs ti stu`y mds cdgj el` wrdtdlas.`.Pmj aivjrlhjlt `jocerj` tmj `etj ig mds
hertyr`ih es e cjaec
micd`ey.B. 2. Qmet ds tmj priig tmet El`rjs Bildgeodi d`icdzj` Kisj ^. Rdzec9e.Mj writj el jssey
ebiut Rdzec.b.Mj ettjl`j` tmj giul`dla ig ^ripeael`e Hivjhjlt.o.Mj he`j Rdzec es
tmj milirery hjhbjr ig FFF.`.Mj weltj` ti mjcp Rdzec jsoepj grih Girt
_eltdeai. B. ?. Qmet ds tmj oiltjlt ig RE 502:9e. Pmj orjetdil ig tmj hiluhjlt ig Rdzec.b. Pmj rjoialdtdil
ig Rdzec es tmj ^mdcdppdljs Letdilec Mjri.o. Pmj jstebcdsmhjlt ig tmj husjuh gir Rdzec.`. Pmj lehdla ig
tmj `dggjrjlt strjjts ecila Culjte dl eooir`eloj ti Rdzec. E. 0. Miw `d` pici y sjrvdodis eggjot tmj
eardoucturec pri`uotdil dl tmj oiultry9e. Dt rj`uoj` tmj dloihj grih eardoucturec pri`uots.b. Dt
dlorjesj` tmj pri`uotdil dl eardoucturj.o. Dt dlorjesj` tmj tex dhpisj` ti tmj eardoucturec pri`uots.

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`. Lilj ig tmj ebivj.B. :. Qmi ir`jrj` tmj Gdcdpdlis ti e`ipt _peldsm _urlehjs9e. Oehdci `j ^icevdjkeb.
Lerodsi Ocevjrdeo. Grelodsoi `j _eltj`. Hdaujc `j
CjaezpdB. 7. Qmy `d` tmj _pelder`s put tmj Omurom dl tmj hd``cj ig tiwls9e. Pi smiw tmj piwjr ig
tmj Omuromb. Pi hefj cdgj hirj rjcdadius gir tmj letdvjso. Pi hefj Omrdst tmj ojltjr ig tmj letdvj—s cdgj`. Pi
hefj letdvjs bjcdjvj dl tmj Omrdstdel Ai` E. 1. Qmet ds tmj systjh ig cel` iwl dhpisj` by tmj
_pelder`s9e . J l o i l h d j l ` e o . B e l ` e c
e b. Prdbuti `. Oj`uce E. =. Qmet wes tmj rjesil wmy AIHBZR[E ait jxjoutj`9e. Pmjy wjrj tmj
iljs wmi dlstdaetj` tmj Oevdtj oihhuldty.b. Pmjy wjrj tmj iljs wmi rjgirhj` tmj Omurom.o. Pmjy wjrj tmj
cje`jrs ig tmj sjoucerdzetdil hivjhjlt.`. Pmjy wjrj tmj cje`jrs wmi fdccj` rjaucer
prdjsts.@. 4. Pmj getmjr ig Kisj Rdzec.e . @ i h d l e ` i r O m e v j
z o . ^ e o d e l i H j r o e ` i b . @ i h d l a
i C e h o i ` . G r e l o d s o i R d z e
c B. 5>. Pmj tjrh usj` `urdla tmisj tdhjs ti rjgjr ti tmj wjcc-j`uoetj` dl`dvd`uec.e .
D l q u d c d l i o .
O r j i c j s b . D c c
u s t r e ` i ` . ^ r d l o d
p e c d e O. 55. Pmj pceoj ig bdrtm ig Rdzec.e .
B d l e l o . O
e c e h b e b .
H e l d c e ` .
O j b u @. 52. Qmdom ehila tmj tmjsj stetjhjlts ds LIP
PRZJ ebiut dlgcujloj ig Pji`ire Ecilsi il Kisj Rdzec9e. _mj teuamt Rdzec sihj cjssils dl cdgj.b. _mj
wes tmj gdrst dlspdretdil ig Rdzec.o. _mj dloucoetj` tmj vecujs ig Oetmicdodsh dl Rdzec.`. _mj he`j
Rdzec jvjrytmdla tmet mj ds.O. 5?. Qmet wes tmj hjsseaj ig tmj pijh –_e Efdla hae Febebete‘9e. Dt
tecfj` ebiut tmj Dl`icjloj ig tmj Gdcdpdlis.b. Dt wes e pripmjtdo wirf il wmet wdcc meppjl ti tmj oiultry egtjr
e ojltury.o. Dt tecfj` ebiut tmj civj gir ilj—s iwl celaueaj.`. Dt tecfj` ebiut mds pjrsilec litdil ig grjj`ih.

@. 50. Qmet wes tmj sdaldgdoeloj ig tmj gebcj –Pmj Hitm el` tmj Gcehj‘ dl Kisj Rdzec—sCdgj9e.
Pmj stiry wes mds dlspdretdil dl wrdtdla Licd Hj Pelajrj.b. Pmj stiry rjprjsjltj` tmj cdgj ig ^eodeli Rdzec.o.
Pmj stiry sjrvj` es e cdgjcila cjssil gir mdh.`. Pmj stiry rjprjsjltj` tmj cdgj ig Kisj
Rdzec.@. 5:. Qmet ds letdilecdsh9e. Dt ds e bjcdjg tmet jvjryilj ds e letdilec.b. Dt ds e bjcdjg tmet
pjipcj erj jtmliojltrdo.o. Dt ds e bjcdjg tmet pjipcj mevj mjtjriajljius oucturj.`. Dt ds tmj bjcdjg tmet yiu bjcila ti
ilj letdil.@. 57. Qmet ds letdilecdsh9e. Dt ds e bjcdjg tmet jvjryilj ds e letdilec.b. Dt ds e bjcdjg tmet
pjipcj erj jtmliojltrdo.o. Dt ds e bjcdjg tmet pjipcj mevj mjtjriajljius oucturj.`. Dt ds tmj bjcdjg tmet yiu bjcila ti
ilj letdil.DD. PRZJ IR GEC_JGEC_J 5. Rdzec—
s hitmjr jloiureaj` mdh ti pusuj mds j`uoetdil dl Zldvjrsd`e` `j_elti Pihes.GEC_J 2. Rdzec—
s trduhpm dl tmj cdtjreturj wes eoojptj` by tmj _pelder`s wmi ecsi kidlj` tmj
oihpjtdtdil.PRZJ ?. Licd Hj Pelajrj wes ilcy pubcdsmj` tmriuam tmj gdlelodec mjcp ig hexdhiWdic
e.PRZJ 0. Rdzec `d` lit herry Ljccy Biustje` bjoeusj mj wes giroj` ti bjoilvjrtj` ti
^ritjsteltdsh.GEC_J :. Kisjpmdlj Breofjl el` Kisj Rdzec me` e omdc` wmi wes cjgt wdtmKisjpmdlj
wmjl Kisj Rdzec `dj`.
DDD.Dl tmj speojs bjciw, elswjr tmj gicciwdla qujstdils dl twi ‟gdvj sjltjlojs.
5.Oihperj el` oiltrest tmj j`uoetdil ig Rdzec dl Etjlji el` Z_P.
Etjlji `j Heldce wmdom wes girhjrcy Etjlji Hulodpec, wes e biys— somiic el` dtsare`uetjs
gdldsm tmjdr j`uoetdil wdtm tmj tdtcj beomdccjr jl ertjs wmdom ds dl Rdzec—stdhj wes
jqudvecjlt ti ti`ey—s mdam somiic. Pmj Zldvjrsdty ig _elti Pihes il tmjitmjr mel`, wes tmj ilcy
dlstdtutdil dl tmj ^mdcdppdljs tmet privd`j` oiccjaj `jarjjs. Es ti tmj eoe`jhdo ocdhetj dl bitm
dlstdtutdils, dl tmj Etjlji, ocessjs cest tmj wmicj`ey bjadlldla wdtm e hess et 1 i—ociof dl
tmj hirldla. Ecc stu`jlts erj rjqudrj` tiettjl` suom hessjs. Pmj stu`jlts erj ul`jr strdot
supjrvdsdil by tmjdr tjeomjrs.Pmds jxpcedls wmy hist ig Rdzec—s pijhs el` itmjr cdtjrery wirfs wjrj
pri-_peldsmel` pri-Oetmicdo suom es mds pijh predsdla tmj vdotiry ig Zrbdztil`i
ivjr tmjHiris ig Kici el` mds pijh ebiut tmj Wdradl Hery. Ecc tmj tdhj dl Etjlji ds `jvitj`ti stu`y,
eoe`jhdos el` oi-ourrdoucer eotdvdtdjs suom es oiltjsts dl _peldsm, Cetdlel`
Arjjf.2 . B e s j ` i l y i u r p j r s i l e c e s s j s s h j l t , m i w w j r j t m j j v j l t s d l t m j 5
ojlturyoruodec ti tmj girhetdil ig Rdzec—s civj gir mds oiultry9Kisj Rdzec ds sed` ti mevj gdrst jxprjssj`
mds sjlsj ig letdil, el` ig tmj ^mdcdppdljses e letdil sjperetj grih _pedl, es e yiula stu`jlt dl
Heldce. ^riig ig tmds, dt dssed`, oel bj giul` dl twi ig mds wrdtdlas. Dl mds pijh –
Pi tmj ^mdcdppdlj Tiutm‘,wmdom mj writj dl 5=14, wmjl mj wes 5= yjers ic` (el` wmdom wil e
prdzj grih
tmjc d t j r e r y a r i u p ) , R d z e c s p j e f s i g t m j G d c d p d l i y i u t m e s t m j –
G e d r m i p j i g h y Hitmjrcel`‘, el` ig tmj –Dl`del cel`‘ wmisj –sil‘ ds iggjrj` –e smdldla
oriwl‘, bytmj –_pelder`… wdtm wdsj el` hjrodguc mel`‘. _tdcc dl tmds pijh, Rdzec
oilsd`jrj`_pedl es e civdla el` oilojrlj` hitmjr ti mjr `euamtjr Gdcdpdles
C. Lieutenant-General Creig LaguardiaB.Lieutenant-General MarcoD. Lemaso Lieutenant-
General Frank Dispujol 22. Realonda was used by, from the surname of her godmother?
A.Doña AuroraC. Doña TesoroB.Doña TeodoraD. Doña
Tamada 24. Her death was Rizal's first sorrow in life?A.OlympiaC. JosefaB.LuciaD. Concepcion
25. The following poems were composed by Rizal while he was in Ateneo EXCEPT?
A.FelicitacionC. El EmbarqueB.A la Juventud FilipinaD. Mi Primera Inspiracion
PASSI CITY COLLEGECity of Passi, Iloilo


26. She was Jose Rizal's first crush, first love and first heartbreak?A . L e o n o r
Josephine BrackenB . L e o n o r R i v e r a D . S e g u n
d a K a t i g b a k 27. She was only 18 years old when she fell in love with Jose
Rizal?A . L e o n o r R i v e r a C . G e r t r u d e
B e c k e t t B.


san D. Leonor Valenzuela 28. Who is the only brother of Jose Rizal?
A . P a c i a n o C . D a m a s o B . F r a n c i
s c o D . E l i a s 29. Who is the eldest sister of Jose Rizal?
A . S a t u r n i n a C .
T r i n i d a d B . S o l e d a d D . M a r i a
30. What is the complete name of Jose Rizal?A . J o s e P r o t a c i o
y A l o n z o C . J o s e M e r c a d o
R i z a l B . M e r c a d o R i z a l D . J o s e P r o t a c i o
R i z a l M e r c a d o y A l o n z o R e a l o n d a

TEST V: SIMPLE RECALLDirection: Supply the necessary information needed by the

following statements.

1.Exact date of the enactment and signing of Rizal Law2.Pure-blooded

n a t i v e s o f t h e P h i l i p p i n e s . 3.As a family guest, he was treated with friendliness
and hospitality by Mrs. Boustead,Adelina, Nellie and _________.4 . E l f i l i b u s t e r i s m o
was finished in _____.5.The last words of Rizal before his exile. 6 . T h e
m o t h e r o f J o s e R i z a l ? 7 . W h o i s h i s b r o t h e r - i n - l a w i n H o n g K o n g ? 8.Who
did Rizal wrote letter about his pleasant life in Hong Kong in January 31, 1892?
9 . W h e n d i d R i z a l a r r i v e i n H o n g K o n g ? 10.This saying "I believe that _______ is no
longer our battlefield; now it is a new struggle.11.What is the exact date of birth of Jose Rizal?
12.The first poem of Rizal written when he was 15.13.The Tagalog poem of Rizal written
when he was 814.GOMBURZA stands for?15.The Father of Rizal. “

La Honesidad es la major Politica”

(Honesty is the Best Policy)Prepared by:



M R . C E S A R N . P A B I L O N A
J R . P a g e 5 | 5 R I Z A L - L I
F E , W O R K S A N D W R I T I

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