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Bandung, 30 Agustus 2023

Nomor : EDTS-1003/IND/TW/VIII/2023
Hal : Penawaran Harga
Lampiran : 5 Halaman

Kepada Yth,
Bapak Nicholas Tjahjono
Bintang Mitra Ananta Jaya
Di tempat

Dengan hormat,

Menindaklanjuti pembicaraan sebelumnya, bersama surat ini, kami mengajukan penawaran harga
untuk pembuatan Website Company Profile & Catalogue Product, serta jasa optimasi website

Lebih jauh mengenai nilai penawaran dan klasifikasi tim dari kami, dapat dicermati pada lampiran
yang kami sertakan bersama surat ini. Demikian hal ini disampaikan, atas perhatian dan
kerjasamanya kami ucapkan terima kasih.

Hormat kami,

PT Indiga Nusa Digitama

PT. Indiga Nusa Digitama | Jl. Belimbing No.13, Kota Bandung



1. Scope of work
Content Management System Web – Administrator Website
No Module Sub Module Function
Login (email)
Authentcation Forgot password
Reset password
2 Dashboard Summary Report View list
3 User Management User Admin CRUD
4 Page Management Block CRUD
Page Builder (Elementor) 3rd party setup
5 Blog/Article Management
Blog Category CRUD
6 Portfolio Management Portfolio CRUD
7 Media Management Photo, Video, Document CRUD
8 Form Management Form Inquiry CRUD
Product CRUD
Product Category CRUD
9 Product Management
Product Variable CRUD
Product Attribute CRUD
10 Addon Feature Multi Language (IN, EN) Setup
Google Webmaster Console
Google Analytics
11 Third Party Facebook Pixel 3rd party setup
SMTP Email
Whatsapp Chat
Custom post type
12 Customization Custom field Setup
Custom taxonomy

Note: CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete)

PT. Indiga Nusa Digitama | Jl. Belimbing No.13, Kota Bandung


Public Website
No Page & Section Element/Description
Menu Navigation
1 - Top Header
Product Search Bar
- Main Header
Language switcher
Sort description
Menu Navigation
2 - Footer 1
General information pages
- Bottom footer
Social media icons
Copyright section
Banner slider
About Us (sort desc.)
Service list
3 Home page
Product category list
Product list
Blog list
Call to Action section
General pages Media
- About us page Description
- Contact us page Form Inquiry
4 - How to order page
- FAQ page
- Term & conditions page
5 Services page Service list
6 Service detail page
7 Product Category page Product list
Product title
Featured Image
8 Product page Images gallery
Product price
Product variables option

PT. Indiga Nusa Digitama | Jl. Belimbing No.13, Kota Bandung


Product attributes option
Product short description
Product Marketplace link button
Share product
Product long description
9 Product search result page Product list
10 Portfolio Page List of Portfolio
11 Blog/Article Category page Blog/Article list
12 Blog/Article page Description
Share article

2. Infrastructure
No Item & Description Cost (Per year)
Private Hosting Tokoweb
• 40 Gb Storage
1 • 4Gb RAM
• 4 Core CPU 1.600.000,-
• Estimated 135.000 visitor/month
Email Hosting
• Unlimted email hosting
SSL Certificate 200.000,-
Domain 200.000,-
Total 2.000.000,-

3. Man Power
No Man Power Qty Working days
1 Project Manager 1 14
2 Backend Web Developer 1 12
3 Frontend Web Developer 1 12
4 Quality Assurance 1 2
5 DevOps Engineer 1 1
6 Graphic Designer 1 2

PT. Indiga Nusa Digitama | Jl. Belimbing No.13, Kota Bandung


4. Project Timeline
Scope of Work
1 2 3
Project Initiation
Backend Web Development
Frontend Web Development
Content Development
Testing, Debugging, Revision
Deployment, Documentation, & Training

5. Overall Cost
No Service & Item Cost (Rp.)
1 Product Website Design & Development 7.000.000
2 Content Development & Update 500.000
3 Infrastructure 2.000.000
Total 9.500.000

6. Pricelist SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

Gold 1 Gold 2 Gold 3
Rp. 1.800.000/month Rp. 2.500.000/month Rp. 3.400.000/month
for 12 months for 12 months for 12 months
SEO On Page Optimization SEO On Page Optimization SEO On Page Optimization
SEO Off Page Optimization SEO Off Page Optimization SEO Off Page Optimization
5 Keywords Optimization 10 Keywords Optimization 15 Keywords Optimization
3 Keywords Guaranteed on 6 Keywords Guaranteed on 12 Keywords Guaranteed on
page one page one page one
12 Months Maintenance 12 Months SEO Maintenance 12 Months SEO Maintenance
Monthly report Monthly report Monthly report
Platinum 1 Platinum 2 Platinum 3
Rp. 5.500.000/month Rp. 7.500.000/month Rp. 10.000.000/month
for 12 months for 12 months for 12 months
SEO Audit SEO Audit SEO Audit
SEO On Pages Optimization SEO On Pages Optimization SEO SEO On Pages Optimization
SEO Off Pages Optimization Off Pages Optimization SEO Off Pages Optimization
25 Keywords Optimization 40 Keywords Optimization 60 Keywords Optimization
20 Keywords Guaranteed on 30 Keywords Guaranteed on 40 Keywords Guaranteed on
page one page one page one
12 Months SEO Maintenance 12 Months SEO Maintenance 12 Months SEO Maintenance
Monthly report Monthly report Monthly report

PT. Indiga Nusa Digitama | Jl. Belimbing No.13, Kota Bandung


7. Term & Conditions
a. Penawaran ini bersifat negotiable.
b. Harga belum termasuk PPN 11%. (opsional).
c. Estimasi waktu pengerjaan 14 hari kerja.

d. Total biaya sudah termasuk biaya pemeliharaan website dan bantuan teknis selama
12 bulan setelah website diluncurkan.

8. Portfolio
Berikut kami lampirkan company profile sebagai bahan pertimbangan
Bapak/Ibu memilih jasa kami:

PT. Indiga Nusa Digitama | Jl. Belimbing No.13, Kota Bandung


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