Science Seminar Paper 2024

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NEW Support Seminar-2024 34 E II

General Certificate of Education (Ord.Level) Examination, December 2023(2024)

Grade 11 Science-II 03 hours

 This paper consist of two parts A and B.
 Answer all the structured essay questions in part A in the provided space.
 Part B consist of semi structured essay questions and answer 03 questions from given 05.

Part A
Structural Essay
1) A. The power sources and their associated emissions are a critical aspect of our global energy system.
Here’s a brief overview:
Power Sources:
•Fossil Fuels: Coal, oil, and natural gas are the traditional sources of
electricity but are also the largest contributors to CO2 emissions
•Renewables: Solar, wind, hydro, and geothermal power are key low-
emission sources. Renewable’s capacity is expected to triple by 2030, led by solar PV
and wind.
•Nuclear: Nuclear energy is a low-emission source that does not produce
CO2 during electricity generation.
•Electricity and Heat Production: The largest contributor to global
emissions, primarily from burning fossil fuels.
•Transport: A significant source of emissions, especially in countries like
the United States.
•Agriculture: Mainly methane from livestock and nitrous oxide from
fertilizers, significant in countries like Brazil

i. Name the chemical formula of the gas that increases the environmental temperature ….…………….....
ii. Write an energy source in which the above gas is released.

iii. What is the special name given for that environmental condition that can cause due to the above gas?


iv. What is the biological process that helps to minimize the above-mentioned condition?
v. What type of power sources will be utilized more in future?………………………………………..…
vi. During which activity more gases are emitted according to the above description.
vii. Write an advantage and a disadvantage of using solar PV.

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B. Three pyramids belong to the different trophic level s in the eco system are given below.

30 J 30 15 gm-2
(a)……… 400 150 gm-2
3000 J 1000 5000 gm-2
30000 J 1500 10000gm-2

Pyramid X Pyramid Y Pyramid Z

i. Name X and Z pyramids.

ii. What is the blank for (a) in the pyramid X.

iii. Out of the pyramids X,Y and Z which pyramid has/have the probability to be inverted.

iv. Write a for link food chain to represent trophic levels given above.

2) A)The following diagram shows an electrical circuit constructed to find the value of an unknown resistor. The
resistor indicated by R and a 12V battery a switch S are used in the circuit.


i. Name the equipment X ,Y and Z.
ii. What is the function of Z?
iii. What is the factor that is to be constant during the practical?
iv. What is the strategy that you use to keep the above factor constant?
v. What is the shape of the graph that you expect?

vi. State a law related to this activity.

vii. The readings of the X and Y are 6 and 0.2 respectively, in their standard units, find the value of R.

viii. What are the colours of the rings of that resistor in order. (Black=0,Brown=1,Red=2,Orange=3)

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B) The followings are two instruments that you have learn in the lesson Electromagnetism. Answer the
following questions based of them.

i. Find the rotational direction of A……………………………………………………………………..
ii. What is the law that can be used to identify the rotational direction of A?……………………………..
iii. What are the physical quantities that are shown by the following fingers abording to the above law.
a. Thumb ………………………
b. Index ………………………
c. Middle ……………………… X
iv. Which type of a transformer is B? ………………………………………………………………..
v. B has 400 turns in its primary coil and 4000 turns in its secondary coil. A voltage difference of 12 V is
supplied to the primary coil.
vi. Find the voltage difference of the secondary coil………………………………………………………..
vii. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………
viii. If a 2 A current passes through the primary. calculate the current in the secondary coil.

3) A)Given below is a setup of electro chemical cell.

i. Write 02 observations of this setup.

ii. Name the cations and anions in the dilute sulphuric solution.
iii. Name the anode and cathode.
iv. Write the anodic and cathodic reaction.


v. Mark the direction of flowing current through the connecting wire.

B)The following activity is used to identify the effect of metal on rusting of iron. The potassium ferry cyanide
phenolphthalein, and small amount of salt have been added to the semi-solid jelly medium.

Connecting wire
Iron nail
Copper nail

i. What is the colour is given by phenolphthalein for acids?

ii. Which ions gives a blue colour with potassium ferry cyanide?
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iii. What is the colour change that you observe around the iron nail and copper nail?
iv. What does happen to the iron nail if a piece of magnesium is used instead of copper nail in the setup.
v. What is the purpose of using small amount of salt in the setup?

4) (A) Reproduction is the process of producing a new generation by an existing generation.

1. Name two types of reproduction

a……………………………………… b……………………………………….
2. Grafting is a common method which is used to propagate plants.

Polythene sheet
a) Name the above method of Grafting
…… ……………………………………………………………………………….……………………..…

b) Name the part X and Y

X…………………………….. Y……………………………..

c) Write a feature that should be possessed by part X.


d) What is the reason for wrapping the grafted place from bottom to top using polythene strips

(B) A diagram of female reproductive system is given below.

i) Name the parts A and B.


B……………………….……..…….. A

ii) Write the English letter of the diagram which is responsible for the production of ova.


iii) There are two main changes which are undergone in the above-mentioned structure.
Name those two phases and the hormones secreted during that period.
Phase Hormone
1……………………….. …………………..………
2………………………... ……………………..……
iv) The following figure shows the way of developing the fetus in the B structure.

Name the part P and Q

P…………………………….. P
Q…………………………….. Q
v) Name 2 substances which are passed from mother to the fetus via Q.


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Part B
5) A) Collection of different type of tissues forms the systems. Digestive system is one of the most important
system in our body.
i. Name the parts of the diagram A,B C and E.
ii. Write down the function of B,F,E,C.
iii. Write the chemical reaction related to the protein digestion
that occur in B.
iv. Name a common disease associated to the part B.
v. Why the above disease is common in the modern society?
vi. Write one method that can be used to prevent the above mentioned disease.
vii. Which organ act as a endocrine gland out of them.
viii. What is the name given for the activity which is
done due to the secretion of E.

B)Heart acts as the pump which helps to transport materials throughout the our body.

i. Name the given parts of the cross section of the heart.

ii. In which chambers the oxygenated blood is present?
iii. What is the muscle present in the heart wall.
iv. Name the valve which is located in between 1 and 2.
v. Which artery provide the blood to the heart muscle?
vi. The thickness of the wall in one chamber is greater than the others. What is it? Give the reason for
your answer.
vii. Write 02 diseases associated with the blood circulatory system.

6) A) The graph shows the variation of temperature of solid object (X) when heat is supplied. The mass of it is 1kg
and which is at room temperature.

Temperature 0C

90 0C

60 0C

30 0C

T1 T2 T3 T4

a) Find the values of temperature using the graph? Time (s)

1. Room temperature.
2. Boiling point of X.
3. Melting point of X.

b) What is the name given for the heat energy which are absorbed during the following time periods.
c) What is the time period where only the liquid state is exist?
d) What is the amount of heat energy that is absorbed by X when heating up to the boiling point of X?
(Specific heat capacity of X is 300Jkg-1K-1)

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B)There were equal volumes of water in two equal cylindrical metal tanks A and B kept outside the house under
the sun. The outer surface of the tank A was painted with black paint and B was shiny.
i. Out of the tanks which tank contains lesser warm water.
ii. Explain briefly the reason for the above deference.

C)LED are the most popular artificial light source which are spreading faster. A B

i. Draw the circuit symbol of LED.

ii. Write one advantage and disadvantage of using LED.
iii. What are the semiconductor material used in LED.
iv. Normal LED is not emitting light when connecting to a dry cell. What is the reason?

7) The solutions with known concentrations are prepared for many purposes during lab activities.
i. Name 02 glass wear that are used to prepare solutions with known concentration.
ii. What is the mass of NaCl that is to be needed to prepare 250cm 3 of 1moldm-3. (Na=23,Cl=35.5)
iii. Write 03 steps of preparing a solution with known concentration.
iv. What are the methods that are used to separate the following?
a) Crude oil
b) Pure water from well water
c) Iodine from water
d) Cinnamon oil from cinnamon leaves
v. Identify the given instrument and write the separating method where it is used.

vi. What is known as solubility?

vii. Name 03 factors that affect the solubility.

viii. 112g of NaCl is dissolved in 200g of water at 25 0C .What is the solubility of NaCl?
ix. Give 02 chemicals which make the bitter taste in salt
x. What is the strategy that is used to remove the bitter taste in salt.

8) A) The following graph shows the motion of two vehicles with the time.
ms-1 60


-1 X

10 20 30 60 80

ms ms ms ms ms
i. At what time
-1 is there
the velocities
are same? -1 -1
ii. Which object shows a higher acceleration with the lime?
iii. What is the difference between the distance travelled by X and Y?
iv. If the mass of X is 1000kg what is the force needed to reach the acceleration in first 10 second.

B)You are given a block of glass, laser torch and a white sheet of paper.

i. Draw the way of passing the light ray when incident as the following manner
ii. According to the above in which medium light rays are moving faster.
iii. Write 02 rules of light reflection.
iv. Light rays are electromagnetic waves. Write 02 features of them.
v. Which electromagnetic wave has the highest and lowest frequency?

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9) (A).The followings are the PH values 4 solutions which are prepared for a laboratory practical.

PH 2 PH 13 PH 7 PH 6


i. Copy down the table on your answer script and fill the blanks using suitable observations.

Phenolphthalein test No change
Methyl orange test Red
Red litmus test No change No change

ii. Name the solutions out of the above.

a) Strong acid
b) Weak acid
c) Strong base

iii. Which solutions give the same PH value as C when mixing each other?
iv. What is the name given for that reaction?
v. Name a substance that can be in the tube C which has the PH value 7.
vi. Write the way of labeling concentrated and dilute sulfuric acid in the laboratory.
vii. Concentrated acids are not added to water in the process of dilution. Give the reason for this.

(B).Consider the following mixtures.

• Sugar solution • Ethanol solution
• Saline solution • Natural water
• Aqueous starch • Laundry blue
suspension suspension

i. Name the homogeneous and heterogeneous mixtures respectively.

ii. Write the main difference between these two mixtures.

iii. Write separately the solute and solvent of ethyl alcohol respectively.

iv. The composition of a solution is mentioned as 5% v/v. What is the volume of the solute
required to prepare 500cm3 of a solution?

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Physical quantities















Potential Difference



The amount of Electricity consumed

Work done


Amount of matter

Molar mass


Wave length
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