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FRRERAAMTA RA HORA ERR Hong Kong Marine Department Seagoing Examination and Mercantile Marine Office SP RENAME Customer Satisfaction Survey — Questionnaire Form MD680~ Application for the issue of a Hong Kong Licence for Deck Officers/Engineers MD68O— PARA NaH AR A HABA aH A neat ae wae ae a Excellent Satisfactory ‘Acceptable Needs: Poor improveneat Is there enough guidance to complet the form? HAMBURG AGS? x a o a a How clearly are the requirements stated? FRR HR GRS HRA? @ a a o a How mlisfed are you with the procedares for downoading the form? x o o o o PRI ILE FY th ih? How satisfied are you with the licence collection aangement? y o o a a AES RRB) SHE Hh 2 How saistie are you with Hong Kong Marine Department (HKMD)'s staff attitude? ot a a a a PHAR ALLIAGRHES? ow satisfied are you with our responsiveness in answering enquiries? yw o ao oO Oo PHAR AL TSHHHRRAES? How satisfied are you with the ease of contacting HKMD's sta when neded fr services or advice? SELMA HMA AMR L ORG of a o a a AREER? Other suggestions 3 (38 2%, Note: Ifthe answer “Needs improvement” or “Poor” is chosen for a specific question, please provide your reason(s) in the * Other suggestions”, so that future improvement could be considered accordingly. AEE MMH ERA HAE, AEG HA OER, PR LRAARARA SRD + MRO A EAL wy TE» CURA Re ATR Please provide the details of person who complete this questionnaire for following up if necessary: JUSTINUS FREDERICK ANDAKI/ | ee / ee tHe | .62-21-e8896068 IName/Position _|CREWTNG MANAGER Pe hettiress BLUEOCEAN@INDO.NET.ID Em 21 FEBRUARY 2024 [Email Address Date Please return your completed questionnaire by fax to (852) 2541 6754 or email hk ARES UL (ALEGRE + (852) 2541 6754) SCAEESSZIE] BARR RLV, PESTA Please puta where appropriate and leave blank where not applicable

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