F108 Use of Remote Technology Questionnaire

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Document #: F108 Release Date: 24-March-2020 Page 1 of 6

Client Name: PT. Mitsui Kinzoku Client ID #: CMPY-110385

Catalysts Jakarta
Audit type: Activity: 1st Surveillance ISO
9K,14K & 2nd
Surveillance ISO 45K.
Lead Auditor Name: Erwin Yogi Y Date of Activity:
Multiple Audit Criteria: Location(s) Karawang
List of standards covered: affected
ISO 9001:2015 Accreditation(s)
ISO 14001:2015
ISO 45001:2018

Eligibility Analysis: collecting site information to evaluate remote audit capability (risk analysis) is
no matter what percentage of remote audit is proposed

Section 1: Completed by Lead Auditor/competent personnel.

Reason for conducting Travel not reasonable

remote audit using ICT Unavoidable schedule changes
# of sites/ difficult logistics
Records, data, evidence available at any site
Minor scope extension
Proven track record of conformity at location
Low risk (per risk analysis)
Planned activity not completed in allocated time and extending on-site audit
not best solution
Follow-up assessment not easily achievable in short period of time
Lead Auditor/ Audit team familiar with organization’s MS and audit at HQ
was already conducted
Unmanned locations used by certified organization only when necessary (i.e.
warehouse/storage, power stations, control stations, wells, testing points,
fully automatic process-controlled stations)
Investigation of complaints about an Intertek certified organization
Witness audit
Other ✘ Please explain: Covid-19 Pandemic

Review of eligibility Does client have a history of nonconformity at location?

Did Every audit in past certification cycle result in issuance of at least 5 minor
NCs or 2 Major NCs? Y N ✘
Specific for audits that include MDSAP:
List the # and grade of prior findings from prior two audits:
 (Activity #): ___(#) grade 1-3 / (#) grade 4-5

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Document #: F108 Release Date: 24-March-2020 Page 2 of 6

 (Activity #): ___(#) grade 1-3 / (#) grade 4-5

 Are there non-conformities that require an on-site visit to verify
implementation of corrective actions? Y ☐ N ☐
Were there any previous audit nonconformities that could not be cleared
due to lack of evidence to demonstrate effective verification of actions
taken? Y N
Were there any cases of Corrective actions not implemented as described in
the corrective action plan? Y N
Were there any repetitive nonconformities even if different root causes
identified? Y N
Is this an initial assessment of a new facility, scope or significant change?
Y N ✘
Has no on-site assessment taken place for a full certification cycle and the
certificate expired? Y N ✘
Is the assessment for IATF 16949 or another scheme that does not allow
remote audits? Y N ✘
Are there ethical or impartiality concerns with the parties being assessed
remotely, i.e: documentation, physical areas or other evidence are not
openly shown or shared, organization’s representative trying to influence
the audit trail, or avoiding personnel who should be relevant for conducting
Y N ✘

Did the client not allow or accommodate the remote assessment activity, i.e.
availability of records electronically, lack of infrastructure to support use of
ICT (see questionnaire answers) Y N ✘
The client informed that they cannot provide a representative that can
communicate in the same language as the auditor Y N ✘
Witness audit: Validation of Auditor’s good performance
Confirm witness is for maintenance of qualification
Final Eligibility decision Yes, client is eligible for remote audit using ICT
(positive eligibility requires a
“no” answer for all No, client is not eligible for remote audit using ICT
questions or waiver from
PM, Technical Manager or
Cert Authority or MDSAP
certification authority for
MDSAP audits)
Decision approved by: Name: Title: Date:

Waiver if required: Name: Title: Date:

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Document #: F108 Release Date: 24-March-2020 Page 3 of 6

Section 2: Facility information/ connectivity/ access (can be completed by client, or by Lead auditor
planning with the site representative)


(to be completed by Intertek)
Size of facility: Sq m / Sq Ft 15.000 m2 Low/Med/High
Single building.
Is the facility a single building or multiple buildings? If
multiple buildings, please indicate # of buildings and
distance from main building.
Describe activities performed at each building
Are there any areas of the facility that lack mobile phone Y N ✘ Low/Med/High
signal or where use of mobile phones is forbidden? Y/N
If yes please explain.

Does the facility have Wi-Fi available in all areas? Y/ N Y ✘N Low/Med/High

If no, please indicate which areas/buildings lack Wi-Fi
Describe activities performed in those areas with weak
or no Wi-Fi signal
Are there any areas where the use of cameras is Y ✘N Low/Med/High
forbidden? Y/N.
If Yes, please explain reasons and describe areas where Slurry Room, Slurry
video access is not approved. Storage, RM Storage
Note: Cameras used in remote audit activities by
Intertek are for live view only, no recording is

Are all management system documents and records Y ✘N Low/Med/High

available remotely? Y/N

If all or some documents are hard copy, can they be Y ✘N Low/Med/High

made available electronically? (scan, photo, etc.)
Does facility have video conferencing equipment/ Y N Low/Med/High
software for remote interviews? Y/N IT Personnel
If Yes please indicate which personnel has access to use
this equipment. Dwi N

Does facility have available a smartphone with camera? Y ✘N Low/Med/High

Y/N If yes please indicate type and operating system and Cannon IXUS 285 HS
approximate battery life.
Battery Pack NB-11LH
3.6v= 800mAh 2.9Wh

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(+- 12 h)

Is facility willing to use smartphone camera live feed to Y ✘N Low/Med/High

show objective evidence needed by the auditor? Y/N

Section 3: Facility activities, risk analysis: (can be completed by client, or by Lead auditor during
planning with the site representative)

Please indicate for each activity at site Answer Risk (to be completed
by Intertek)
Manufacturing Y/N (if yes, describe type of Y ✘N Low/Med/High
manufacturing processes) Manufacture of
Catalysts Converter for
Noise Level: High. Medium Low Automotive
Do any areas require hearing protection? Y/ N
Office/Administrative Y/N Y ✘N Low/Med/High

Noise Level: High. Medium Low

Do any areas require hearing protection? Y/ N

Warehousing Y ✘N Low/Med/High
Noise Level: High. Medium Low
Do any areas require hearing protection? Y/ N

Testing Y/N Y ✘N Low/Med/High

Noise Level: High. Medium Low

Do any areas require hearing protection? Y/ N

Are there any processes/ activities conducted outside Y ✘N Low/Med/High

building/ external areas? Y/N. If Yes, please describe
SLP Warehouse Areas
Noise Level: High. Medium Low
Do any areas require hearing protection? Y/ N

Are there any processes/ activities conducted at your Y N ✘ Low/Med/High

customers’ premises, that Intertek needs to observe?
Y/N If Yes, please describe

Noise Level: High. Medium Low

Do any areas require hearing protection? Y/ N

Are you able to provide ahead of the audit (for planning Y ✘N Low/Med/High
purposes), a list of activities, areas, information and
personnel that will be involved in the remote

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Document #: F108 Release Date: 24-March-2020 Page 5 of 6

Please indicate the language(s) spoken by the personnel Bahasa Indonesia. Low/Med/High
that will be involved in the remote audit.
Please indicate the time zone where the facility being BBWI. Low/Med/High
audited remotely is located. If multiple locations, please
indicate time zone for each location.
Please list any areas that require PPE other than hearing Safety hat with Cusion, Low/Med/High
protection that can negatively influence real time safety shoes, safety
interviewing. Please indicate area and type of PPE. glasses, Mask for all
Manufacture Areas.
Use Ear Plug for
Coating Machine No.03

Filled By: …………………………..

Date: ……………………………….

Signature: …………………………………..

Section 4. Overall Risk Analysis (Completed by Lead auditor/competent personnel and approved by
reviewer/certification authority/competent personnel)
Approval is required for audits where remote technology is used to conduct 50% (or higher) of the on-site
audit time. Any remote auditing equal or less than 50% (for core programs) of the on-site audit time
doesn’t require approval, but the eligibility of conducting documentation review on-line still needs to be
determined by the Lead auditor.
Core programs considered above: QMS, EMS, OHSMS, 13485, food programs such FSSC/ISO22K and BRC
Follow scheme specific requirements for other programs – see details by program here


Low/Med/High Yes Justification to proceed shall include
(OK to proceed with remote actions for risk mitigation if audit is
ICT audit) proceeding in cases of high and medium
No Indicate reasons for not proceeding
(NOT OK to proceed with
remote ICT audit)
Percentage remote proposed
Percentage remote approved
Analysis completed by: Name Date
Approved by: Name Date
See approver definition in GOP108

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Document #: F108 Release Date: 24-March-2020 Page 6 of 6

Additional comments if applicable:

GT002-P / Rev. 4

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