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Sex education program in schools

Gamification in education
Blended learning
Learning styles of students
Psychological needs of students
Career counselling for high school students
Student discipline in large classes
Flipped classroom
Special education for children with special needs
Video games on language learning
Academic integrity
Personalized approach in education
Postpartum depression and child development
Divorces and child’s psychological development
Financial aid for college students
Social networking sites among students
Grade retention among students with learning disabilities
Student-led planning / learner autonomy
Teacher education for the youth
Digital education
Multiple intelligences
Student-teacher interaction
Gender language in movies/ stories
Bilingual education in developing countries
English as a Lingua Franca
Leadership in education
Relationship between language and identity
Language disorders
Language acquisition
Audio-visual translation
Colloquial language
Mindfulness in education
Creativity in education
Critical thinking in education
Problem solving in education
21st century skills in education
Teacher education in the 21st century
Disciplinary policies
Social media exposure
Standardized testing
School reform
Curriculum in education
Educational policies
Flipped classroom

1. Development of English as a Lingua Franca in language education in Vietnam:

Perpectives of textbook writers
2. Whose English is preferred in teaching job adverts in Vietnam? A study of English
native-speakerism and non-native speakerism in teacher recruiment
3. The development of intercultural competences in the English textbooks in Vietnam
4. The socio-affective dimensions of identity tensions among pre-service teachers in
5. Development of speaking skills in a debate course in second language education
6. The importance of growth mindset in self-regulated second language learning
7. How do textbook writers develop 21st century skills (critical thinking/ creativity/
problem solving)? A study of Global Success/ … textbook series
8. Moral values in English language locally developed textbooks in Vietnam
9. Research skills development among undergraduate students in Vietnam: A case study in
language teacher education
10. Qualities of a good research supervisor: A case study in language education
11. Internationalization in teacher education programs in Vietnam: Pre-service teachers’
perspectives and experiences
12. Online peer feedback and feedforward in the development of argumentative writing skills
13. Attrition rates among students in a study program: What and how?
14. Lexical density and readability: A case study of English textbooks in
15. Speaking skills in locally-developed English textbooks in Vietnam: What and how?
16. Approaches to grammar teaching in English textbooks in Vietnam
17. …

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