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ALPS_ Physics – 2320

Syllabus Topic: Capacitor, Dynamics of a particle

* Mark questions are more than one option correct type.

---------------------------------------------------------------------- DAY-1 ------------------------------------------------------------
1. Separation between the plates of a parallel plate capacitor is 5 mm. This capacitor, having air as the
dielectric medium between the plates, is charged to a potential difference 25V using a battery. The battery
is then disconnected and a dielectric slab of thickness 3 mm and dielectric constant K = 10 is placed
between the plates, as shown. Potential difference between the plates after the dielectric slab has been
introduced is:  

(A) 18.5 V (B) 13.5 V (C) 11.5 V (D) 6.5 V

2. A circuit element is placed in a closed box. At time t = 0, a constant current generator supplying a current
of I amp is connected across the box. Potential difference across the box varies according to graph shown in
the figure. The element in the box is:  

(A) A resistance of 2 ohm (B) A battery of e.m.f 6V

(C) An inductance of 2H (D) A capacitance of 0.5F

VMC | Physics 1 ALPS-2320


3. The motorized drum turns clockwise at constant speed causing the vertical cable to have a constant
downward velocity 5 m/s. The pulley connecting the 81 kg block is not fixed, if the tension in the cable is T
(in newton) then at the instant shown is. (neglect the diameter and mass of the small pulleys) 

(A) 5 (B) 4 (C) 6 (D) None of these

4. The wedge is moved towards right with acceleration a, which is slowly increased from zero. The tension in
the string just when the small block of mass m breaks contact with the surface of wedge is (Assume all
surfaces smooth, the string inextensible and neglect rotational effect’s.) 

(A) mg sin  (B) mg cos ec (C) mg tan  (D) mg cot 

*5. Figure shows top view of a horizontal surface. Two blocks each of mass m are placed on the surface and
connected with a string. The firction coefficient is  for each block. A horizontal force F is applied on one
of the block as shown in the figure. F is maximum so that there is no sliding at any contact. 
(A) If   30 F  & T  mg
(B) If  45 2mg &T mg
(C) If   60 F  2mg & T  mg
(D) If  60 F  3mg &T  mg

VMC | Physics 2 ALPS-2320


*6. In the circuit shown, C1  C2  2 F . Capacitor C1 is charged to 50 volt and C2 is charged to 20 volt.
After charging they are connected as shown. When S 1, S2, and S3 are closed: 

(A) 70 C of charge will pass through S1

(B) 100 C of charge will pass through S1
(C) 70 C of charge will pass through S 3
(D) 40 C of charge will pass through S 3

*7. A parallel plate capacitor has a dielectric slab in it. The slab just fills the space inside the capacitor. The
capacitor is charged by a battery and then battery is disconnected. Now the slab is started to pull out slowly
at t = 0. If at time t, the capacitance of the capacitor is C and potential difference between the plates of a
capacitor is V then which of the following graphs is/are correct:  

(A) (B)

(C) (D)

VMC | Physics 3 ALPS-2320


Paragraph for Q. 8 - 9
Two blocks A and B of masses m and 2m are initially at rest. Length of block B is L and the block A is placed at
the right end corner of block B and the friction coefficient between them is   1/ 2 . At t = 0 a constant force
F begins to act on block B towards right. Just when the block A leaves B, wind begins to blow along
y- direction which exerts a constant force on A. Assume the size of block A is small compared to B and
neglect any rotational effects and toppling of block B. (Given h = 1/2 m, L = 1 m and g = 10 m/s 2)

8. Find ratio of the displacements of block A along x and y directions S x / S y after the time block A leaves

the surface of B till the time it reaches ground.  

1 1 8
(A) (B) (C) 4 (D)
2 4 5

9. The magnitude of relative acceleration of A with respect to B (in m/s 2) just after the block A leaves B is
(assume wind does not effects motion of B)  
29 g 9 5 3 5
(A) 10g (B) (C) (D) g
4 4 4

VMC | Physics 4 ALPS-2320


10. In the circuit shown in figure, the capacitor is initially uncharged. At t = 0, the switch is closed at position
(1) and remain closed for long time. Then at t = t’, switch is shifted to position (2).  

Column I Column II
As the capacitor charges from t = 0 to t
(A) (P) Current in the circuit falls exponentially
= t’
(B) As the capacitor discharge i.e. for t > t’ (Q) Current in the circuit grows
Maximum current in the circuit depends
(C) (R) R, C
Time to achieve 50% charging of the
(D) (S) R
capacitor depends on
(A) [A  Q ; B  P ; C  R ; D  S]
(B) [A  P ; B  Q ; C  R ; D  S]
(C) [A  R ; B  P ; C  Q ; D  S]
(D) [A  P ; B  P ; C  S ; D  R]

VMC | Physics 5 ALPS-2320


---------------------------------------------------------------------- DAY-2 ------------------------------------------------------------

11. A block of mass m is connected to a spring (spring constant k). Initially the block is at rest and the spring is
in its natural length. Now the system is released in uniform gravitational field as shown and a variable force
F is applied on the upper end of the spring such that the downward acceleration of the block is given as
a  g t , where t is time elapsed and  1m / s3 , the velocity of the point of appliecation of the force in
terms of t is: 

m t2 m t2 m t2 m
(A)  gt  (B)  gt  (C)  gt  (D)  gt  t 2
k 2 k 2 k 2 k

12. Two blocks of masses 8 kg and 6 kg are connected with a string & placed on a rough horizontal surface.
Surface itself is accelerating up with constant acceleration 2m / s 2 . Two forces 60 N each are acting on the
two blocks as shown. Friction coefficient for 8kg is 0.5 & that for 6 kg is 0.6. Tension in the string is :
( g 10 m / s 2 )  

(A) 60 N (B) 12 N (C) 43.2 N (D) 16.8 N

13. Find the capacitance between the inner & outer curved conductor surface as shown in figure 

(A) 6.86 PF (B) 1.86 PF (C) 3.26 PF (D) 12.63 PF

VMC | Physics 6 ALPS-2320


14. A condenser of 2F capacity is charged steadily from 0 to 5 coulomb, which of the following graphs
correctly represents the variation of potential difference across its plates with respect to charge on the
condenser: 

(A) (B)

(C) (D)

*15. In the figure shown, A & B are free to move. All the surfaces are smooth. ( (0    90)  

(A) The acceleration of A will be more than g sin 

(B) The acceleration of A will be less than g sin 
(C) Normal force on A due to B will be more than mg cos 
(D) Normal force A due to B will be less than mg cos 

*16. We have a combination as shown in following figure. Choose the correct options : 

(A) Total charge in this series combination is 600C

(B) The potential difference between the plates of C1 is 30V
(C) The potential difference between the plates of C2 is 20V
(D) The potential difference between the plates of C3 is 40V

VMC | Physics 7 ALPS-2320


Paragraph for Q. 17 - 19
The plate of area A of a plane parallel capacitor can slide along a horizontal insulator thread without friction. The
mass of the left-side plate is m and its electric charge is Q, the mass of the right plate is 2m and its electric charge is
0 A
–2Q. Initially plates are fixed and the distance between plates is very small i.e. 3d and C =

17. Potential difference across plates of capacitor is:  

3Q 9Q 6Q 3Q
(A) (B) (C) (D)
2C 2C C C

18. Energy of electric field between the plates is:  

27 Q 2 9 Q2 27 Q 2 81Q 2
(A) (B) (C) (D)
4C 8C 8C 8C

19. At a given moment plates are unfixed. What is relative velocity of plates when their distance is reduced to d
:  
3 3Q 3 3Q 2 3Q 3 2Q
(A) (B) (C) (D)
Cm 2 Cm 3 mC 3 Cm

20. A gun which fires small balls each of mass 20 gm is firing 20 balls per second on the smooth horizontal
table surface ABCD. If the collision is perfectly elastic and balls are striking at the centre of table with a
speed 5m/sec at an angle of 60° with the vertical just before collision, then force exerted by one of the leg
on ground is (in N) (assume total total mass of weight of the table is 0.2 kg and g = 10 m/s2) 

VMC | Physics 8 ALPS-2320


Answer key : ALPS_ Physics – 2320

Topic: Capacitor, Dynamics of a particle

Day 1

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


Day 2

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20


VMC | Physics 9 ALPS-2320


ALPS_ Physics – 2320

Syllabus Topic: Capacitor, Dynamics of a particle

* Mark questions are more than one option correct type.

---------------------------------------------------------------------- DAY-3 ------------------------------------------------------------
21. Block A of mass m is placed on a plank B. A light support S is fixed on plank B and is attached with the
block A with a spring of spring constant K. Consider that initially spring is in its natural length. If the plank
B is given an acceleration a, then maximum compression in the spring is . Find the value of x. (All
the surfaces are smooth)  

ma 2ma ma 4ma
(A) (B) (C) (D)
2k k k k

*22. Two blocks A and B of equal mass m are connected through a massless string and arranged as shown in
figure. The wedge is fixed on horizontal surface. Friction is absent everywhere. When the system is
released from rest. 

mg mg
(A) Tension in string is (B) Tension in string is
3 2
g 3
(C) Acceleration of A is (D) Acceleration of A is g
2 4

VMC | Physics 10 ALPS-2320


Paragraph for Q. 23 - Q25

Three identical uniform blocks of mass m each and length L are placed on a smooth fixed horizontal surface as
shown. There is friction between A and B (Friction cofficient  ) while there is no friction between A and C.
At the instant shown, that is at t = 0 ; the block A has horizontal velocity of magnitude u towards right whereas
speed of B and C is zero. At the instant block A has covered a distance L relative to block B velocity of all blocks
are same.

23. The speed of block A when it just looses contact with B is:  
u u u 2u
(A) (B) (C) (D)
2 3 4 3

24. The magnitude of total work done by friction on system of three blocks is:  
1 1 2 1
(A)  mu 2 (B)  mu 2 (C)  mu 2 (D) mu 2
3 4 3 3

25. The value of  is:  

3 u2 1 u2 u2 2 u2
(A)  (B)  (C)  (D) 
2 gL 2 gL gL 3 gL

26. Match the columns for the capacitance of systems in column-I to their respective values of capacitance in
column-II 
Column I Column II

40c 2
(A) (P)

4 0 ac
(B) (Q)

VMC | Physics 11 ALPS-2320


(C) (R)
loge (d / R)

(D) (S)
loge (d / R)
Capacitance CAB
per unit length
(A) [A  Q ; B  P ; C  R ; D  S]
(B) [A  P ; B  Q ; C  R ; D  S]
(C) [A  R ; B  P ; C  Q ; D  S]
(D) [A  S ; B  P ; C  R ; D  Q]

27. Initially system is in equilibrium such that extension in each spring is same and spring constant of each
spring is k  100 N / m . Acceleration of block just after Ist and IIIrd spring are bumt simultaneously is
(in m / s 2 ) . Value of n is ( g 10 m / s 2 )  

28. In the figure shown, the emf E for which charge on 2F capacitor is 4 C is ....... 17 volt. 

VMC | Physics 12 ALPS-2320


29. A cylinder of radius R is rotating about its horizontal axis with constant  . A block mass m is kept
on the inner surface of the cylinder. Block is moving in vertical circular motion without slipping, co-
efficient of friction between block and surface of cylinder is  . If minimum value of  for complete

2 6
vertical circular motion of block is then find ‘x’. 

30. In figure C1 = 2F C2 = 6F & C3 = 3.5 F . If break down voltages of the individual capacitors are
V1 = 100 V, V2 = 50V & V3 = 400 V. Maximum voltage can be placed across points a & b is ---- 
volt.  

VMC | Physics 13 ALPS-2320


---------------------------------------------------------------------- DAY-4 ------------------------------------------------------------

*31. In given arrangement, 10 kg and 20 kg blocks are kept at rest on two fixed inclined planes. All strings and
pulleys are ideal, value(s) of m for which system remain in equilibrium are : ( g = 10 m/s 2) 

(A) m = 6 kg (B) m = 13 kg (C) m = 9 kg (D) m = 12 kg

*32. In the figure if i  2e –2t amp and initially the capacitor was discharged. The correct alternatives are:  
R = 10  100 F
a b
(A) Maximum charge on the capacitor will be 1C
(B) Potential difference across capacitor at time t  loge 2 will be 7500 V
(C) Potential difference between points a and b ( Vab ) at time t = 0 is 20 V
(D) Potential difference between a and b i.e. Va  Vb after long time will be zero

Paragraph for Q. 33 - 35
A smooth wedge of mass M is pulled towards left with an acceleration a  g cot  on a horizontal surface and a
block of mass m is released w.r.t. wedge. Then answer the following :

33. Time taken by the block to reach the ground is :  

2 sin  2 2 v
(A) (B) (C) (D)
g g sin  g cos  g sin 

34. Normal reaction between the wedge and block is:  

(A) mg cos  (B) mg sec  (C) mg cot  (D) Zero

35. Normal reaction offered by ground to the wedge is:  

(A) Mg (B) ( M  m) g cot 
(C) mg sin 2   Mg (D) ( M  m) g

VMC | Physics 14 ALPS-2320


Paragraph for Q. 36 - Q37

Between the plates of parallel plate capacitor a dielectric plate is introduced just to fill the space between the plates.
The capacitor is charged and later disconnected from the battery. The dielectric plate is slowly drawn out of the
capacitor parallel to the plates.  

  A
36. The variation of capacitance with x can be best represented by :  C0  0   
 d 

(A) (B)

(C) (D)

37. The plot of variation of potential difference across the plates and x is best represented by : 

(A) (B)

(C) (D)

VMC | Physics 15 ALPS-2320


38. Initially both blocks are at rest on a horizontal surface and string is just tight. At t = 0, two constant
horizontal forces F1 and F2 start acting on blocks as shown. f1 and f 2 are friction forces acting on 10 kg
and 20 kg block (co-efficient of friction between blocks and ground are 0.5). Values of F1 and F2 are given

in coloum-I. Then match magnitudes of f1 , f 2 and direction of f 1 with corresponding values of

F1 and F2 given in column-I [g = 10 /s2] 

Column I Column II
P F2 120 N , F1  40 N 1 f 2 100 N , f1  20 N
Q F2 160 N , F1  40 N 2 f 2  20 N , f1  50 N
R F2  60 N , F1  90 N 3 f 2  70 N , f1  50 N
S F2  20 N , F1  90 N 4 f 2  80 N , f1  50 N
Codes :
(A) 1 1 2 2 (B) 1 1 3 4
(C) 2 3 4 1 (D) 2 1 4 3

39. A small body is projected with a velocity of 20.5 ms 1 along rough horizontal surface. The coefficient of
friction ( ) between the body and surface changes with time t (in s) as the body moves along the surface.
Find the velocity at the end of 4s in m/s.  

40. A leaky parallel plate capacitor is filled completely with a material having dielectric constant K = 5 and
electric conductivity  = 7.4 10 –12  –1m –1 . If the charge on the plate at the instant t = 0 is q = 8.85
C , then the leakage current at the instant t = 12 sec is………  10 –1 A . 

VMC | Physics 16 ALPS-2320


---------------------------------------------------------------------- DAY-5 ------------------------------------------------------------

*41. The system shown is in limiting equilibrium. The coefficient of friction for all contact surfaces is . 

(A) tan  
 100 
(B) Tension in the string   g sin   N
 3 
(C) Net frictional force on 80 kg block is (80 g sin ) N
(D) Force exerted by 20 kg block on 80 kg block is (20 g cos )

Paragraph for Q. 42 – Q. 44
Two particles are moving in different circles in same plane with different angular velocities as shown in figure.
At t = 0, initial positions of particles A and B are shown by dots on the respective circles. Initial distance between
particles in 1m. Particle A move anticlockwise in the first circle whereas B moves clockwise in the second circle.
 
Angle described (rotated) by A and B in time ‘t’ are  A   t  and B  (t ) respectively. Hence  is in radian
2 
and t is in second. Radius of each circle is shown in diagram.

42. Find the magnitude of acceleration of A at t = 1 sec.  

2 2 2
(A) m/s (B) (C) (D) None of these
3 7 4
43. At time t = 1sec, the magnitude of acceleration of A with respect to B is:  
2 m 2 m 2 m 2 m
(A) 65 (B) 7 (C) 15 (D) 7
4 sec2 2 sec 2 3 sec 2 4 sec 2

VMC | Physics 17 ALPS-2320


44. At time t = 2 second, the angular velocity of the particle A with respect to the particle B is:  
3 2 5
(A) 5rad / sec (B) rad / sec (C) rad / sec (D) rad / sec
2 3 6
45. Match the following :
Three blocks of m1, m2 and M are arranged as shown in figure. All the surfaces are frictionless and string
is inextensible. Pulleys are light. A constant force F is applied on blocks of mass m1 . Pulleys and string are
light. Part of the string connecting both pulleys is vertical and part of the strings connecting pulleys with
masses m1 and m2 are horizontal.  

Column I Column II
P Acceleration of mass m1 1
Q Acceleration of mass m2 2
m1  m2
R Acceleration of mass M 3 Zero
m2 F
S Tension in the string 4
m1  m2
Codes :
(A) 2 2 3 4 (B) 2 1 3 4
(C) 2 2 4 1 (D) 2 1 3 1

46. If in the system shown the initial acceleration of wedge of mass 5M is , then value of x is. (pulley are
ideal and the chords are inextensible and there is no frictional any where) 

VMC | Physics 18 ALPS-2320


47. In the situation shown coefficient of friction between A and B is 0.5 and between B and C is 0.3. Friction
acting between B and C is x Newton then is:  

48. In the figure acceleration of bodies A, B and C are shown with directions. Values b and c are w.r.t ground.
Whereas a is acceleration of block A w.r.t. wedge C. Acceleration of block A w.r.t ground is  m / s2 .
Find  . (Use b = c = 1 m / s 2 ,   60 )  

49. Two identical capacitors are connected as shown and having initial charge Q0. Separation between plates of
each capacitor is d0. Suddenly the left plate of upper capacitor and right plate of lower capacitor start
moving with speed v towards left while other plate of each capacitor remains fixed.
(given = 10 amp). The value of current (in amp) in the circuit is……….  4 ampere. 
2d 0

50. An isolated parallel plate capacitor is maintained at a certain potential difference. When a 3 mm thick slab
is introduced between the plates, in order to maintain the same potential difference the distance between the
plates is increased by 2.4 mm. Find the dielectric constant of slab. 

VMC | Physics 19 ALPS-2320


Answer key : ALPS_ Physics – 2320

Topic: Capacitor, Dynamics of a particle

Day 3

21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

B BD B A D A 6 2 8 4

Day 4

31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40

Day 5
41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50

ABC C A D A 2 5 3 5 5

VMC | Physics 20 ALPS-2320

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