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How to use this book...........

Sub-topic 1 Set oPerations 2

Summary, revision and assessment............... 11

Sub-topic 1 Indices t6
Summary, revision and assessment .

Sub-topic 1 Basic Processes 29

Summary, revision and assessment '...'

Sub-topic 1 Transpose of a matrix......... 47

Sub-topic 2 Multiplication of matrices...... 50
Sub-topic 3 The inverse of a matrix 56
Summary, revision and assessment .......'.....'.. 64

Sub-topic 1 Application of ratio and proportion 69

Sub-topic 2 Areaand volume of similar figures......... 75
Summary, revision and assessment "'..'....'...... 82

Sub-topic 1 Distance-time graphs...'..... ............'...""";' 87

Sub-topic 2 Velocity-time graphs'.'... 98
Summary, revision and assessment....'.........' 108

Sub-topic 1 Investments............... 113

Summary, revision and assessment............... 119

Sub-topic 1 Bearings and scale drawings.... 1.22

Summary, revision and assessment ....... 130

Sub-topic L The symmetry of solids'..'.. L34

Summary, revision and assessment.......'.'..... t43
How to use this
Sub-topic 1 Functions on a calculator... 148 Welcome to the Prog
Sub-topic 2 Basic components of a computer.. 154 This series is baser
1sB Ministry of Educatio
167 knowledge, skills anr
Summary, revision and assessment . "......"....... 766 in Mathematics Gradr
success in this subjer
This page wiI1hel1
Study and exarln skills 185 The book is dividr
covered in your Matl
Glossary 186 On the first page c

Social and csnms


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The lr,lric
, i ,riirr wi I help _
\-ou to revise key
iearning points in
the topic quickly.

: :'i i:ii('!xltr e:tcl:ci:i:,.

help you revise the _
topic's work and
check your
l: '. ! 3.1,5tltre l tt

i -,1'reiscs help you

prepare for tests
and exams.

Set operations Carry out oPerations on sets.

Apply higher oPerations on sets.

List the element(s) for each set. Give your answers in the notation: A = {"'}'
a) the seven daYs of the week
b) the first five Prime numbers
c) three different types of sport that are played with a racket or a bat

d) three different types of sport that are not played with a racket or a bat
e) five Zambian towns that start with a K
Speak to two classmates and list the months in which the three of you
celebrate your birthdaYs.
We can count all the elements in a finite set, but not all the elements in an
infinite set. Look at your set of prime numbers in question 1b). The set of
even prime numbers ancl the set of uneven prime numbers are both subsets
of the set of prime numbers. Are the following subsets finite or infinite?
Explain each answer.
a) even prime numbers
b) uneven prime numbers

Topic 1 Sets
SUB-T0P|G 1 Set operations Carry o

We often group objects to help us manage different aspects of our lives. For
example, we stack plates in a cupboard, pack books on a shelf, hang shirts on
coathangers in a cupboard and keep money in a wallet. For example, you would
not pack your shoes on a shelf with the breakfast bowls or put your money in the
grocery cupboard. These groups are like sets.
There are four ways to represent a set:
. List the elements in a set
Example: N = {1, 2,3, 4, 5, 6,7, B,9l , A finite set has a countable
. Describe the elements in a set number of elements.
Example: N = {the set of natural numbers (N) Example: the days of the week
smaller than 10) An infinite set has no limits or >,: s::
boundaries - you cannot count
. Use set builder notation the number of elements in an
Examples: 4 = {.r: x is a whole number infinite set.
between 1 and 9| Example: integers
5=(x:1(xS9,;reN) L-= i1. 2. 3, ...)
. Represent the set in diagrams:
' = {.... -3,-2, -1,0, 1,2,3,...}
> Venn diagram ::_c -

,. N is the symbol for all natural numbers,

Zisthe symbolfor all integers.

> number line

- - -^- ,l

234 = := lL_,r
-: ':: .

Set notation
The diagram explains the notation we use to rnrrite sets. Oa

Sets are written inside curly brackets.

Capital letters are

used to name sets. A-L ,', x y zl a^

Lower case letters are used i Commas separate

for the elements'n u r"'
":l__ i___ "'1-"i:5
"rL'piii*. tliiior" elements have not been l"t"d i

2 Topic 1 Sets
Carry out oPerations on sets of
the union' intersection and complement
Operations on sets include finding
*u:rH::l"ii, when working with sets are
,.,r, and terms and symbols we use
summarised in the table'

Oog e {mammals}
element (€) ilnetement belongs to a set' a€{a,b,c}
does not belong chicLe" fi {mammals}
not element (() ffilement aG{b,c,d}
Set n is suUset of set B i{ tnre.n) C {humans}
subset (C)
ia, bi c ta, b, c, d)
each element of A is also an
element of B.
iactl set is a subset of itself'
Set A is not a subset of set
B O,rOs A {mammals}
not a subset @
if at least one element in A is (
{p, q, 4 {a, b, c,

not an element of B' ii, o, C tr.!*.91

tcr,rc-xens with teethi = t )
an emPtY set if it
emptyiet @ or {}) A
contains no elements' i"or.tuf to*nq,nlZ"!'") :9
toral number of elements lf A = {p, q, r, s},
n-umner of elements then n(A) = 4
in a set (re) A=BandB=A
equalsets (=) Sets n anO B are equal if all
elements of A are also t5, 3, 1) = {3, 1, 5}
elements of B. fl-he order of
elements does not m4!9r')
6 4 -- 1a, b, c, d) and
equivalent sets (=) rw-o sets are equivalent if
B = t1 , 2,3, 4\,
they contain the same
number of elements'
Two sets are not equal if one {", O, "} + {a, b, c, d}
[ot equal sets (+)
set contains an element the
other set does not contain'
ThG set contains allthe
universal (U) set (E)
i" ir," universal set of vowels
(entiretY) elements in a certain context' E
in English.
The intersection between two ta-a, {b, o, 1,2) ={1,2}
o, c) n d} = {b}
intersection ([t) ti, i, si n i-1,
sets gives the elements that
are members of both sets'
ra. u tu, d) = {a, b, c' d}
union (U) ilunionof two sets contains "l
,ittl"'" elements (members) of it,z,s\ n {-1,0,1,2}
= {-1 , 0, 1,2,3}
tt attttre numbers in a
-omplement (A') Tr'eEomPtement of a set
unir"rSat Set = {1 ,2,3, 4, 5, 6}
contains'all the elements of
and A -- 11,2,3), then
its universal set that are not
A' = {4,5,6}
elements of set A.

Sub-toPic 1 Set operations

ReviseyourknowledgeofsetsasyouworkthroughActivityl.Refertothetable 1 Gire the un
on page 3 if necessarY' a) A={10'.
fu) -{ = {a, b,
c) A={x:x
1 Describe each set in words' d) -t = {mul
a) A = {2,3, 5,7,71, !3,171 iarger th
b) M = {80, 800, 8 000, 80 000} and sma
c) A = {i, a,n, u, a, r, Y} e)-
2 Represent even numbers between 100 and
150 in set builder notation' Ao
3 List the elements of each set' 2 Three frien'
a) B = {0 < x < 30, r e Prime numbers} a market. X
3' 4' "'}
b) List the set p = {x: ) = l3p, where ! = 1' 2' rr-ants to br
following set'
4 Use set builder notation to describe the bu1'bread i

P = {3, 4, 5, 6,7 ,8} iriends bul

5 Suggest a universal set for each set' irith their'
A = {girls in Your class} 3 Give the i,r
B = {4, 9,76, ZSI a) A={0,.
6 = llusaka, Ndola, Livingstone' Chinsalil b) A={0,
P = {a11children inZambial andC=
i Find the number (n) of elements in eachb)
4 A = {multil
a) {1,2,3, 4, 5, 6, ;l {letters of the alphabet} 6, = {mu1ti]
c) ix, gO < x < 100; x is a Prime number] f = {multi
letter Pi
ai imontfts of the year beginninq wlth thefalse i1 g = {r: x > 1'l?
a) Gir-e A
7 Which statements are true and which are
d)0€B b) Find B
a)1ets b)n(B)=1 c)1000G8 c) Give A
sets are equal and which sets are equivalent?
8 Which
A={a,b,c,d,e} B={1' Z'3'i'51 C={;'?' I1'| 3 41
1, T'
5 Give the c
5 Look at ti
D = {b, e, a, c, d} E = iletters t}: a) Give tl
"f "1n1":^"li .^.
been iisted in each set'
- List any three elements that have not b) List (G
;i A ='{t,2,3, ... 10} b) A = {a' b' c' "'}

Numerical problems involving sets tnswers

1a) AUB
Inthissection,youwillrevisetheoperationsonsets:union,intersectionand b) AUB
complement.YouwillthenlookatusingVenndiagramsandidentifyingthe c) A={2
number of elements in a set' AUB
of sets
Union, intersection and Gomplement d) A={3
AunionoftwoormolesetsContainsalltheelements(members)ofthesets.The e) A={O
intersectionbetweentwosetsgivestheelementsthatarememhersofbothsets.All A' To f,nd .{UB
of set A are the complement (A') of set
the elements that are not elements

4 ToPic 1 Sets
..::. , " ,. ., : '

1 Give the union (U) of the sets'

a) A = .7O,20,30, 40) and B = {5, 15, 25,35' 45}
b) A = {a, b, c}, B = {x, Y, zl and g = l.7,21
c) A = lx: x eN, -t is a prime number smaller than 20) and B - 11'
2' 3' 4' 5' 6l
of 4
d) A = {multiples of 3 iarger than 1 and smaller than 20}, B = {multiples
and smaller than 20)
Ao -J -l
2 Three friends who share accommodation go to
a market. Kasuba wants to buy eggs, Mumbi
wants to buy milk and eggs, Alinani wants to
buy bread and milk. What should the three
friends buy to ensure that everyone is happy
with their Purchases? ExPlain'
3 Give the intersection (O) of the sets'
a) A = lO, \,2,3, 5, 6) and B - l.3, -2, -7, O,l' 21
b) A = 1O,1,2,3, 5), B = {- 3, -2, -1, O,7l
and C = {0, 1, 2,3, 4, 5I
4 A = {multiples of 3 larger than 1 and smaller than 40}'
B = {multiples of 4 larger than 1 and smaller than

C = {multiples of 8 larger than 1 and smaller than 40}

a) GiveAnB.
b) FindBnC.
c) GiveAnBnC
5 Give the complement of set A if E = {0, !, 2, 3,5, 6i and A = 10, 1, Zl.
6 Look at the Venn diagram. G
a) Give the complement of each set (C, G and P)' 957
b) List (G n P)'. z

1 a) A U B = {5, 10, 15, 20,25,30,35,40,45}
b) A U B U C - {a,b, C, x,Y, z, l, 2}
c) A = 12,3, 5,7,l!,73,77, lgl and B - {!,2,3, 4' 5' 6l
A u B - l.1,2,3, 4, 5, 6,7,11,13,77,19}
d) A = 13, 6, g, 12, 15,18), B = 14, 8, !2, 16) and 6 = i10]
A U B U C = {3, 4, 6,8, 9, 10, 72, 75,16, 18}
e) A = 1O,1,2,3i, B = 1-3, -2, -1) and C = {1, 2,3, 4' 5}
A U B U C = l-3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5l

Sub-topic 1 Set operations 5

Yenn diagran
2 Mumbi = {milk, eggs} and Alinani = {bread, milk}
Kasuba = {eggs}, { \-ann diagram sh
They should buy eggs, milk and bread so that they will all have the items :t -ts- 1\e can use
they wanted. If tn= unil ersal set
3 a) AnB={0, 1,2} fugana so tfrat lo
b) AnBnC={0, 1} :<--
4 A= {3, 6, 9, 12, L5, lB, 21, 24, 27,30, 33, 36, 39}, 1:r anample, the 1'
B = {4, B, 72, 1,6,20,24, 28,32,36} and C = {8, 16,24,32} :-:rersal set and tl
a) AflB={12,24]1 i = 1.2.3,4.5,6,
b) Bn6={16,24,32} -t= f.-+,6,8)
c) Ar^tBnC={24} 3= 1.2.3,5,6,71
5 E_A={3,5,6} --
g- 2 <l

6 E = {2,3, 5, 6,7,8,91
C = {2, 5, 6, gl, G = {2, 3, 5, 7}and P = 12, 3, 6, 8l
ilumber of el
a) C'=E-C=13,7,81 ii€ !\Tite the numl
G'=E-G={6,8,9} q -\, = 5. There are
P'=E-P=15,7,91 dc'&e number ol
b) (GnP)'=E-(GnP) ':-:,cn of ttre sets. .

- 12,3, 5, 6,7,8, 9) - {2, 3}

- {5, 6,7,8,91
I tn a class of 2
Remember to refer to the table on page 3 when answering the questions in the both Chemis
activity that follows. 2 -{ group of gi
Iike cola (C),
Find the nun
1 If E = {whole numbers from 1 to 15}, A = {even numbers between 1 and 15}, 3 In a group of
g = {multiples of 3 betr,veen 1 and 15} and C = {6, 7,9, 10}, list the sets A and every da1'. Hc
biq.cle on th
B and list the elements in each solution.
a) AoB b) Anc trcwers
c) BnC d) AnBnc
2 Represent sets A, B and C from question 1 on a Venn diagram'
I \umber of lt
\rrmber of le
3 114 = {x: 9 < x <15, x is awhole numberi and B = 16, 8, 70, 12l,find the
\rrmber of le
b) AUB The number
a) AnB
in each solution. both Chemis
4 Refer to the Venn diagram. List the elements
a)P r1{-4=10)
The Venn di;
b)Q rsho study C
Sote: Unlike
d) PUQ
right shons fi
e) QnR
and Phrsics a
f) (P u Q)'

Topic I Sets
Venn diagrams
A Venn diagram shows all the possible logical relations between finite collections
of sets. We can use Venn diagrams to solve problems and explain solutions clearly.
If the universal set has not been defined clearly, it often helps to draw a Venn
diagram so that you can see what which elements are included in the universal
For example, the Venn diagram shows the E
universal set and three sets: 7'
E = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7,8, 9, 10} C
B = {1, 2,3, 5, 6,7)
Number of elements in sets
We write the number of elements in a set as n (A). If A = {a, b, c, d, e}, then
iz(A) = 5. There are five elements in set A. When sets intersect, you cannot just
add the number of elements in both sets to find the number of elements in a
union of the sets. The following example illustrates this.

W 1 In
a class of 25 learners, 14 study Chemistry, 15 study Physics and 4 study
both Chemistry and Physics. Illustrate this information on a Venn diagram.
2 A group of girls were asked about their favourite drink. Six girls said they
like cola (C), 7 like apple juice (A) and 3 liked both cola and apple juice.
Find the number of girls who took part in the survey.
3 In a group of 10 learners, 4 walk to school and 3 go to school by bicycle
every day. How many learners walk to school on some days and go by
bicycle on the other days? Use a Venn diagram to represent the situation.

1 Number of learners who study Chemistry: 14
Number of learners who study Physics: 15
Number of learners who study both Chemistry and Physics: 4
The number of learners who study Chemistry includes those who study
both Chemistry and Physics. Therefore, l0learners study Chemistry only
(74 - 4 = 10) and 11 learners study Physics only (15 - 4 = 11).
The Venn diagram represent the number of learners
who study Chemistry and Physics
Note: Unlike the above Venn diagrams, the one on the
right shows tl:re number of leamers who take Chemistry
and Physics and not the actual elements in a set.

Sub-topic 1 Set operations 7

Snading Ven
2 Dtaw two circles - one for cola and one for apple juice. E ---"il
5 A
The number of girls who like both drinks is shown in
the first diagram. The six girls who like cola include t4l
the three who like both types of drink. Therefore, three
girls like cola only (6 - 3 = 3). The seven girls who like -----' - .-'..
Q,,'' ;.:.'
apple juice include those who like both drlnks. | "a:\\\t) A \

Therefore, four girls like only apple juice (7 - 3 = 1). 'r-..-_-)(- - -_--..-/
The second diagram shows how many girls took part it't
3 W represents walk and B going to school by bicircle. Let x represent the
nuntber of learners who sometimes walk and at other times go to school \ILS\r-ers
by bicycle.

Three learners sometimes walk to school and at other times go by bicycle.

1 In a class of 30 learners,77 play football, 15 learners play vol1eyball,

12 learners play rugby, 9 learners play volleyball only and 3 learners play
rugby only. A11 learnets play at least one of the three sports.
Use a Venn diagram to flnd the number of learners rvho plav only volleyball
and rugby.
2 At a shop 40 people were asked which soap(s) they prefer - C1ean, Great
or Perfect.
'fheir responses show:
9 prefer Clean only
7 prefer Great only and 8 prefer Perfect only
7 prefer both Clean and Great '-l:
5 prefer both Great and Perfect
. ,,4: -
8 prefer Clean and Perfect.
If all those interviewed prefer at least one of the three types of soap, find the ::::1:trrlStiC5: )'
number of people who prefer:
a) all three types of soap
-9) ly.g-tvp': 9|:-9uq: " "--,-

I Topic 1 Sets
Shading Venn diagrams
We can use shading to show where elements are situated on a Venn diagram.

Use,,Syrntols:,!0 describe the shaded area in each diagram.


1, 'A1, 2 AO.B

Describe the shaded area in each diagram in the same way such areas are described
in Worked example 3.

choose three of the careers listed below that interest you (you may change your
choice later).
1 Pick the four characteristics from the list below that you think are most
important for a person who wants to be successful in each career you chose.
Illustrate your group's decision on a Venn diagram.
2 which three characteristics listed are not important for each career you
characteristics: sense of humour, good mathematical skills, hardworking, honest,
friendly, good listening skills, good presentation skills, intelligent, problem-solver,
practical, good driver, good at working with people
careers: taxi driver, dress maker, teacher, personal assistant (PA), cupboard maker,
accountant, police officer, lawyer

Sub-topic 1 Set operations I

Apply higher operations on sets I
In the next activity, you have use everything you have learnt in this topic about
operations on sets (including union, intersection and complement) to answer the
questions. Su m mary
t' 'l, ,i,
. Sperations o
1 Of 35 learners, f O *"i. ,"r,.0 fo, UfV and AIDS, 10 were tested for - - -.:- -,-,.' .

tuberculosis (TB) and 7 were tested for both HIV and AIDS and TB. How many
learners were not tested for either infection? ta -t
2 There are 797 delegates at an International Trade Fair; 85 delegates speak --::-all-.I ::
Icibemba, 74 speak cinyanja and 15 speak both Icibemba and cinyania.
a) How many delegates speak Icibemba but not Cinyania?
b) How many delegates speak Cinyania but not lcibemba?
3 A survey of 150 people revealed tinat 127 people watch the early evening TV Revision ex
news broadcast, 64 watched the noon news broadcast and 47 watched both
news broadcasts. How many did not watch either news broadcast?
4 A survey of 720 college students produced these results:
40 students read a business iournal, 48 read a local "-,'&&.
paper, 70 read the campus paper, 25 read a business
journal and a local paper, 28 tead a local paper and the
campus journal, 2l read the campus iournai and a
business journal and 1B read ail three papers.
a) How many students do not read any of the papers?
b) How many students read a business iournal and local paper. but not the
campus paper?
5 Of 20 students who ate at a restaurant, T4 ordered salad, 10 ordered cake and
4 ordered both cake and salad. Hor,v many students did not order either cake
or salad?
6 At a school, 100 learners were asked which spolt they play' The results showed
"1 -r
that 50 play football, 48 play basketball, 54 play tennis, 24 play football and
basketball, 22 play basketball and tennis, 25 play football and tennis and 74 :
play all three sports.
:: \ _ Br
a) How many learners play tennis only? :_ ::i:ibe tht
b) How many learners play football and tennis, but not basketball? .l
c) How many learners do not play football, basketbali or tennis?
7 At a school, 600 learners wele asked to choose their favourite colour(s) - red
or blue. The results showed that 42A chose red, 352 chose blue and 20 did not
choose red or blue.
a) How many learners chose both colours?
tl) How many learners chose red, but not blue?
8 Of 300 people who were tested for HIV and AIDS, 282 tested negative and the
rest tested positive. Use a formula to find how many people tested positive for

10 Topic 1 Sets
.l* |l:
t! .

Summary, revision and assessment

:l$ l5:,:

Operations on sets
A union of two or more sets contains all the elements (members) of the sets.
The intersection between two sets gives the elements that are members of
both sets.
All the elements that are not elements of set A are the complement (A') of set A.
To find A', remove all elements in A from all elements in the universal set.

Revision exercises
1 The Venn diagram shows sets A, B and C.
Find each number (n) of elements (not all the
elements in the sets). 7g
a) n(,A) b) n(B) 13
c) tz(C) d) tz(An B)
e) tz(A n C) f) n(c)'
g) n@ n C)' h) n(AnBnC)
Z If A= ld,b, c, d, e) and B = {3, e, i, o, u}, which statements are true and which
are false? Explain.
a) A=B b) AcB
c) A=B d) aeAandaeB
e) An3={a,e} f) A U B = {a, b, c, d, e, i, o, u}
3 List the members of the foliowing sets on the
Venn diagram.
Af B
a)A b)B h

c) AoB d) AUB i

e) A' f) (A n B)' h .k
g) (A U B)' h) A'n B
4 Describe the shaded area in each diagram using set notation.
a)A B b) A. B

Topic 1 Summary, revision and assessment 11

Summary, revision and assessment continued

5 In the Venn diagram, A = {learners who take Art}, B = {learners who take Assessme
Biology) and C = {learners who take Chemistry}. Find the number of learners I . .-- -t . :-, a :1 ,-::
who take the following subjects or combination of subjects.
__: -r. - -- -.__- - --).
a) Art A_B - _- - r ^
b) Biology \\
c) both Biology and Chemistry 17
d) only Art
',. 3 r,
e) both Art and Biology, but not Chemistry \i__ _ /- '\- )/

f) only two of the three subjects t

11 l
6 Answer the questions for sets A and B. \
a) If tz(A) = 9, n(B) = 5 and iz(A O B) = 3, find rr(A U B).
b) If rt(A U B) = 20, n(A) = 12 and n(B) = 10, find rr(A n B).
c) tr(A U B) = 40, n(A n B) = 8, n(B) = 24, flnd n(A).
7 Make four copies of each diagram and use shading to show the following
a) AnB
b) (AuB)
C) B'
d) (AnB)

lurce arl
Diagrarur 1
1 Diaaram 2 .
the nurr
Draw a Venn diagram to show the follolving sets:
- iorm an a,
lrank ali t:
tr = {multiples of 3 larger than 1 and smailer than 30}
, :--c \-enn dia,
B = {prime numbers larger than 4 and smailer than 30} , 1'=_+
i -. \ a i :
[ = {multiples of 5 larger than 29 and smaller than 50} -1o.,r ing.
FindAnBnC. , ,lfBt
Illustrate the following sets on a Venn diagram:
: ;tt-\'B,
A = {multiples of 4 that are also multiples of 6 between 0 and 50} -
. ;;lr.\ B
S = {multiples of 12 between 0 and 50}
-,lsr\ er the r;,
Explain why the statement below is true. : .r \r-frt ,

A=B l ui-\,8 =
: llt-\-B =

12 Topic 1 Summary, revision and assessment continued

Assessment exercises
1 Find the number of eiements (n) in the intersections
and unions.
a) n(AnBnC) b) tz(A u B)
c) n[(A u B) n C] d) n[(A n B) u CI
e) n[(A U C)'n B] f) n[(A U B)' n C]
S) n[(AUBUC)']
2 Which statements are true and which are false?
a) If A = B, then set A is a subset of B.
b) If M = {months of the year} and | = {January, June, July}, then M C L.
3 out of 100 learners at a pafiy the following number chose each type of drink:
.,' 49 mixed fruit juice (F), 56
cola (C), 49 apple juice (A)
o 16 mixed fruit juice only, 2O cola only, 1g apple juice only
* 18 both mixed fruit fuice and apple iuice, zl both cola and apple juice,
23 both mixed fruit iuice and cola
All learners drank at least one drink.
a) use x for the number of learners who drank all three types of drink. Make a
copy of the Venn diagram and complete it. Where
necessary/ express your answers in terms of x. j
rvi r\:
,' t'"t
: ,i.-:

b) Give the following in terms of x:

': ,
. -:r' I .\
i ;

' the
number of learners who drank apple juice and i
. ..,
.,., i

'J,.--''''--.i" l
cola only I,i:
.u the number of learners ..'.'"..,...,.A
who drank mixed fruit .-..-. .,..-]

juice and cola only

* the number of learners who drank mixed fruit
iuice and apple juice only
c) Form an equation in x and solve it to find the number of learners who
drank all three types of drink.
The Venn diagram shows sets A, B and C. ElA
If t't (A) = 24, find the value of x. Then find the
.B l

following. . 10 ,

a) tz(B) b) ru(c)
c) ru(A n B) d) t't(A U B)
e) ru[(A n B) u C]
Answer the questions for sets A and B.
a) n(A) = 30, n(B) = 25, n(A n B) = 3, find rz(A U B).
b) tz(A U B) = 28, n(A) = 15, n(A n B) = 10, find n(B).
c) tz(A U B) = 20, n(A) = 12, n(A n B) = B, find 1t (B),.

Topic 1 Summary, revision and assessment continued 13

Revision and assessment (continued)

A group of Zambian students were asked about which neighbouring countries,

Malawi, Zimbabwe and Botswana they had visited. The folowing information
was obtained:
80 had visited Malawi, 70 had visited Botswana, 55 had visited Zimbabwe
35 had visited both Malawi and Botswana, 30 had visited both Malawi and
Zimbabwe, 30 had visited both Zimbabwe and Botswana
10 had visited all three countries
20 had not visited any of the three countries.
Find the number of students who took part in the survey.
7 Make four copies of each diagram and use shading to show the regions.
a) AoBUC b) (AUB)' c) (AUB) nC d) (AnB)'uC

of a group of tourists returning from Zambia, 200 n ere asked which places lr;< 11
they had visited. of these tourists, 148 had been to Kafue National park ' :k rliih '
(KNP), 116 had been to victoria Falls (vF), 96 had been to Mundawanga (M), -: lletiaai,\'
82 had been to KNP and VF,77 had been to . - ple fr,*-.:rt
VF and MW 56 had been to KNp and MW, ,i'e in tht i
and 44 had been to all the three places I the hith :,
a) How many tourists visited only Victoria a rhe tir e.itr
b) How many of the 200 tourists did not
visit Kafue National Park, Victoria Falls
or Mundawanga?
Describe each shaded area (a to e).

o t,.' ::

(d) l''a

14 Topic 1 Summary, revision and assessment continued

lndex notation

Indices Apply laws of indices

Simplify positive, negative and zero indices
Simplify fractional indices
Solve equations involving indices

In Grade 8, you worked with index notation. Use this activity to check your
1 Write each number as a product of its prime factors.
a)8 b) 2s c) 49
2 Write each product as a power. See the diagram on page 16 to refresh your
memory about powers.
a) ZxZx2x2 b) 3x3x3 c) 6x 6x6x6x6
d) 11 x 11 x 11 e) 5x5x5x5x5x 5 f) 7 x7 x7 x7
3 work with a partner. Look at the diagram below that shows how to estimate
theoretically the number of ancestors a person has. (Your ancestors are the
people from whom you are descended.) How many ancestors could Inonge
have in the following number of generations?
a) the fifth generation before Inonge
b) the twelfth generation before Inonge

lnonge 1

First 2=2
Mother (M) Father (F) (parents)

Second 4= 22
M M (grandparents)

Third 8= 23

Topic 2 Index notatio" 15

lndices ,u,.,p
F ly th e le
- ' ,- :i

The diagram shows two examples of a power.

- :-l :

i .- " -.. .- index or exponent


tx' t power {2't

Def inition
A power ls a short cut for writing the repeated
multiplication of a number or a product: power (of a number): the number
raised to an index or exponent
a'' = a x a >< a x ... for m factors, where m > O.
index (or exponent): the number
Example: a5=axaxaxaxa of times a real number is
Compare the above with repeated addition multiplied by itself
tna = a + a + a+ ... for m terms. base: the number that is raised to
an index
Examples: indices: plural of index
.24=2xZxZx2 I Dt., rdir-i{ a
. 42 = 4 x 4 Raising to the second power is called squaring (+2 is + squared).
. 43 = 4x 4x 4 Raisingto the thirdpoweris called as cubing (43 is 4 cubed).
a;hf ;:',': t"".'".' ,

I Write the following as powers.

a) 5x5 b) 5x5x5x5 c) axctxaxaxa
d) Zx2x2 e) 72x72x12 f) 3x3xbxbxbxb
2 Give the index (exponent) of each power.
a) c2 bD ao c) 14
d) 93 q22 | 4-t =

3 Give the base of each power. =

a) a3 b) b' c) 32 R.aising a p
d) 154 e) xY 093 .r /. tl

4 Write each expression in expanded form. -a: ,1-i = ,4-

Examples: 23 = 2 x 2 x Zand 3 x 2 = 2 + 2 + 2 - ,l

a) a4 b) c' c) 2s
d) 101 e) 3(ab) f) 3x+y6 _.-
- ,, : l-i

16 Topic 2 Index notation

Apply the laws of indices
In Grade B, you learnt about the laws of indices. Remember, when simplifying
problems, we do certain operations before others. you can use the acronym
BODMAS to remind you of the order of operations: brackets, of, division,
multiplication, addition and subtraction. The same order of operations also
applies to working with indices.
There are additional rules (Iaws) for working with indices that are derived
(worked out) from the definition. In this section, you will use these laws to solve

Laws of indices
The laws of indices are derived from the definition of a power and they give short
cuts for working with indices where the indices are positive, natural numbers.
Iaw 1: Multiplying powers that have the same base
il x an = a x a x ... (for m factors) x a x ax ... (for n factors)
= a x a x ... (for m + n factots)
= qlll+n
Ttrerefore, if the bases are the same, add the indices.
Example: 2s x 23 = (2 x 2 x 2 x Z x 2) x (2 x 2 x 2)
- o5+3

l-aw 2: Dividing a power by another power that has the same base
a x a x...(tgr mtactors)
il + An = 4
a, = a x a x...(for nfactors)
= a x a x ... (for m - n factots)
= glTl-n
Therefore, if the bases are the same, subtract the indices.
Examole: 2s + -23 _
*-*^-.r^"._ 2]
= 23

r^aw 3: Raising a power to an index (also sometimes called double indices)

(d)" = (a*) , (a*) ...(for n factors)
Example: (o')= = 1a21 x 1a21 x 1a21

. =(axa)x(axa)x(axa)
--u ^2"3
Therefore, when a power is raised to an index, multiply the indices.

Sub-topic I Indices t7
Law 4: Raising a product of factors to an index
(axb)m=amxbm eq
Example: iE@
153=13x5;3 ffiind
= (3 x 5) x (3 x 5) x (3 x 5) (Apply the commutative property.) frrrrrt larl
=3x3x3x5x5x5 *hrr:
=33x53 lhitro
Therefore, when raising a product of factors to an index, the result is the same as hrypens il
raising each factor separately to the index. t=J rhen d
t<+ rhen d
Use the laws of indices above to simpli$z the following.
7 5a6 x Zaa .tu ,x+1
u wh€r
3 (xo)s 4 (3x)3
tte indc
Answers &re appS
L 5a6 x Zaa = loa6+ a
- 1golo
^x +l
2 ""r-t = gx+l-('t-1) - ox+l-x+1 - o2
3 (x4)s = x4xs - x2o
4 (3x)3 = 33 , x3 = 27x3 rilse 1p6 291

il < n, YYel
ql a,a
1 Simplify. t - axaxa
a) 2x22 b) 2s x2s c) 32 x22
d) 5a2 x 2a3 e) q2-x * ox+1 f) 6,*2 * 62-a
g) 5zm-zn * 52n-zm h) 2-' x2'-2 x 4 i) 2x3bax-2bz
2 Simplify. iulS,wers m(
a) m3 +m2 b) m2+ma c) (xy)s + xy
d\ m6 + (m2 x m3) e) pxp'*pn f) a'tS , o;x+Z
r-= 4-
3 Simplify each expression. I rrrrmher rais
a) (m2)2 b) (a3)4 o (2\2
d) (xzy')' e) (mz)3 0 163
4 Simplify.
a) (4x)3 b) (2'*1><3')2 c) (ab)3 reciprocal of
d) (vwz)= + tPw3 e) f)
(9a2)2 (atb3)3
--m[rte, ] is
5 write each of the following in index form as a product of prime factors. Foduct of a
a) 104 b) 2rz* c) 493 trample 2 x
d) 25x+1 e) 813 0 35s
6 Write with a single exponent (index): (((102)3)4)s Ecirn wfite

18 Topic 2Index notation

Simplify expressions with positive, negative and
zero indices
The deflnition of indices on page 16 applies when the index is a positive number.
The second law for indices, dividing a power by a power that has the same base,
applies when ffi ) fl, in other words, when the index of the numerator is greater
than the index of the denominator and both have the same base.
What happens in the following cases?
. m = n, when the index is 0
. m < n, when the index is negative

We will use the second law to investigate an index that is 0 and an index that is
Remember, when you divide a power by another power that has the same base,
subtract the index of the denominator from the index of the numerator, where
the indices are positive whole numbers and m > n: a* + an = am-n.
How do we apply the law when nt = fi a;trd m < n?
When nt = ltr we get
ffi = t (according to the property of numbers).
Applying the second taw, -*
ffi = am = ao.
But these two answers mean the same thing.
Therefore, ao = l, which means that any value raised to the power of 0 equals 1.

When ffi 1fl, we get that m - fi 1O, for example:

at = axaxaxaxa *J, = 4
1\ 21 1,., = Axcl a"
(according to the definition)

and applying the second law we get:

=a-2 New word
These answers means the same thing, therefore, reciprocal: the numbef by which
u--z- 1 a number is multiplied to give a
a" productof 1(example: 3x ];t)
So, a number raised to a negative power is the
reciprocal of the number raised to its positive equivalent.

Multiplicative inverse
The reciprocal of a number is the number's multiplicative inverse.
For exampl", ] ir the multiplicative inverse of 2.
The product of a number and its multiplicative inverse is 1.
For exampl e: 2 x L, = 1. (1 is the multiplicative unit.)
So, we can write
I as Z-r.
The multiplicative inverse of x is x-11 so that .r x x-l = a0 = 1.

Sub-topic 1 Indices 19
$lrpffify ex
Simplify a4 + a-7. ffie r=---r- A:::: lt
2 Rewrite each number as an expression with a positive index. ImEE:r= - r :l='{ad'
a) a-r b) 5-z e 2-s d) ZS-, lHnt :e=- l_ ::i; It

Answers U. 1trltl }fi-li r.if

7 aa+a-7=aa+L Er.--::: :he t

a' 4
-: J _
la -1
=A'xA' i.m g;i ,:::Le L
= all flmq -;"a{-rtafi
or,a*+a/= a'-4-L t?
"j =
- aa-(-t) m a{L
2 a) s-r- 1
a b) s-'= + c) 2-3 =
F d) 25*1 = 5-z
5" lmglHs the follc
1 Simplify. ,hcrs
a) ca+co b) a2 + a-2 c) p-3 ; p-+ lT,
d) 7 +yo e) r-s;7-6 f) aba + a(b)-a
2 Simplify each expression. =iF
a) 30x32 b) 4Oo x 2-z c) 32x30x3-2 = ii5-*
d) 100x10+10 x 10 x 10-1 e)
il l1o + l2-1
100 = i4-
3 Rewrite each expression with a positive index. (Example: o-= *4
= #) -:
a) s-z b) 2-z .T E]
Fractions with negative indices
'r-1 ..
we know that a-m = fi; for example, z-3 = I8' t_-
: ':
+ =
Let's investigate the meaning ?-:
"t h
. -
If we apply the second law of indices and the fact that ao l, we can write:
= 4
1 ao _ -o-Gmt -m
A-fr - -m -'l =U . 5 'r'lgaa-:
Another way of interpreting this:
t 3f'-1
-- ,3j
= (Division by a fraction is the same as multiplying by its reciprocal.)
h i
_m - ^i;-
=1x T
-u = *j==.:_==
.: -t+
Therefore, 7 =,5
1 1
Examples: = 23 and
,] =_a

20 Topic 2Index notation

Simplify expressions that contain fractional indices
',\ e know what it means when the powers of indices are integers (when they are
:ositive or negative numbers and when an index is 0).
',\'e need to f,nd what it means when an index is a fraction. In other words, what

-s the meaning of the following powers: oi, oi o, oi7

\ccording to the third law of indices, when we raise a power to a power:
1ail1t - ot.
fo get ,i
onthe left side of the equation, we need to take the 4th root on both
sides of the equation:
t, of ^
ai - flat
,n all these applications, the base (in this case a) is limited to positive values, a > 0.

Simplify the following without using a calculator. Answers must have positive
z -2 3o+1
193 2 8t 3 -t-
,{,nswers ?
? ?
183 g3
= (23)'-
t l--i
= V8'

= l/64
= v1l -4
2 J-() +-t
2 83 JT
= 8-"1 2
= (2-3)' --14
2 _?
o-2 _1
- -l

+l-mZ*Z la-O
=VJ ,1
= (3-4)q
= 3-1

Sub-topic 1 Indices 21

1 Write the following as powers with positive indices.

a)1C D ^/71, c) J'J
d)W e)il= f) i/8'
2 Rewrite each expression with positive indices.
a) * b) -2-t c) /1\-2
d)-? 9725-

f) 7-z
3 Simplify and leave your answers with positive indices.
r .1
2l-1 \ 161+tL
a) i,*i*;r b) Q-t + 3 1)2 c) (ror + 32 i)'

r\ 7\'t14xr2
O) €l, 2" r B"'2 50't-2 x 5x2O4 x
[i r ,2'rl r z, f )
o\ x2*x4
ol h) 'i' i) abz * ctzb
xt ab

Solve equations involving indices

There are two types of equation that include indices: .:JLjr& €15
o equations with an unknown index, such as 3-, = 81
o equations with an unknown base, such as x5 = 32.
Unknown index (or exponent)
when the index is the unknown value, solve the equation by writing both sides
as a power of the same base. (Make the base on both sides of the equality sign
the same.)
3'= 34; therefore x = 4

Solve for x in each CASE.

7 2'*1 = 64 2 5* t=125
1 2'*r=64 Write 64 as a product of its prime factors in index form.
or+l o6
Z =L Left side equals right side, bases are the same, so indices
x+7=6 are the same.
2 5'-1 = 125


22 Topic 2 index notarion

Unknown base
',t-hen the base is the unknown value, try to make the index the
same on both
of the equation.
r'ou could use the following technique to raise the side with the unknown base to
'n appropriate power.
_ 2o
11 51
r.). = 132;s (1i'5=x)
1 51
x = (2t)s (21". =2)

1 3
7 5x2 =45 2 6x-, -762=O

5x2 =45
2 6xz *162=0 3 (3x)xfi=81
I 3

(3x)(xz) =
x2 =9 6x-z -- 162 3a
1 3
3 Jr'l
(x')2 = 92 x-1 = 27 ^-7 - ,
x=81 (x-2)-3 = 27-j (xz): - 13:;
, x=32
x = (3r) .;

x=3-z -o
x= 1

1 Solve the following equations for t.

a) 2'=8 b) 9'= 27 c) 22r+6-16-x
d) (3)(5.-') =75 e) 2*-1 = * f) 32'= #
g) (9)(3-) - 1= 0 h) *187 = 27 i) (4X5" * 1) = 100
2 Solve the following equations for x.
al -))
8x,=2g blxi=gn c) x-5 = (16 5)(93)
d) 5(x+ l)I = l0 e) (x2 +l)2 =2 t) (zx)(Ji) = t0
3 Solve for x: (|1xz - 4r +z

Sub-topic 1 Indices 23
Solve problems that involve applying rules of indices I
We use exponential equations to solve exponential growth problems. (The growth
of a population is an example of an exponential growth problem.) Exponential
growth is described as growth that becomes increasingll, faster. For example, a
rabbit population that breed unhindered will grow from two rabbits to 2" rabbits
within r generations, ifeach pair of rabbits has only one pair of rabbits as

unhindered: without being




m _. it{
,6if:;x;xr"i :*ri;::

Use your knowledge of indices and solving equations to do the following activity.

1 The number of ancestors, I in the nth generation

before you is given by v = 2/
Write down how many ancestors you have in each generation before you.
a) the seventh generation
b) the tenth generation
2 Aboy worked out how many ancestors he had in certain generations before
him. Calculate the generation in which he l'rad the following number of
a) z{ Oo6 ancestors

b) 16 384 ancestors

24 I'opic 2 Index notation

3 In an election a politician
received 5e votes. How many people
voted for him?

A planet has a diameter of 9a km. Give the diameter as a number without

an index.

J The volume of a cube is given by V = s3, where s is the side

length of the cube.
a) Calculate the volume of a cube with a side length of 5 cm.
b) Calculate the side length of a cube with a volume of 343 cm3
A certain bacterium grows by making three cells from every one cell. The
number of cells in a generation is given by / = 3'.

a) Write down the number of cells in the 9th generation.
b) How many cells will there be in the 11th generation?
c) Which generation gave 531 441 cells?
d) Which generation gives (3s)(36) cells? How many cells are there?

Sub-topic 1 Indices 25
SummarY, revision and assessment
.,* , i .^ AYF
where rl is a positive r'vhole nurnber
Deflnition: ;111 = 1t x a x 0 x ... for n factors,
rvhole numbeLs, ill and rl'
The laws of indices aPPIY for positive

Laws of indices

'- 23 x2a -27 =128

1 *str When multiplying indicesthathave =23+42
j'iles' x rtz = * = o7
= /, tfr" ,u*" [rr", iOO tf,e in 115

When dividing with rndices that $ g3 -z = 31 = 3

- t7
have the same base' subtract the 3' =
- 11
= lttt i;;';ith" dlnominator from the tX = t'u -3 = tt3
index of the numerator'
3 (a"')" When ratsing a power to anindex' tS')'
indices. t';'f]t
-= Lt
,,", ','
multiply the
ntso LatteO double indices' = 729
or. (33)2

(2 x 7)"' =Zrir*,
= ztli x 7nt
4 (a x b)"' When raising a product tc a power'
\- t1'' xl't'' the factors of the product can be also
raised to the power separately' { ? )"' = l,

is 0; a negatirze nunrber or a fraction: ")"",::::ssn'lent

The meaning of ri"where tire index
= I rnultiPlicative inverse' i
a" tThis can alro he secn ar the

= tt" (These are fractions with negative indices..i

t ,t,f tt
tTtn = \ (l

Solving equations that involve indiees

In an equation, the left side equals the right
side (=1'
make the bases on both sides the
ln equations where the index is the uninown,
same and compare the indices on
the right with those on the left'
the unknol{n po\,ver to the power that
will make the index 1 ancl then do the
same on the other side'
with fractional indices'
You can use roots to solve many equations

26 Topic 2 Summary, revision and assessmenl

Revision exercises
1 Rewrite each expression with a positive index.
a) 4a-1 b) ,*a Q 6-z
2 Use the laws of indices to simplify each expression.
a) \p') ' 1

b) (a2b12 c) rt * y-'
d) yo* r' e) a3ra2+a f) f+P"P
S) @y)-7 + (.xy)8x (xy,)z h) W 1) f#P
Write the following in the form'\[a- , where m and n are,, positive integers.
u) 31 b) 5', c) 8i.,
d) 6' e) l-t f) 3 ''
Write the following in the form av where y is a whole number or a fraction.
ai; 1,17 b) {7 C) VF
q +la o* o#
5 Simplify.
a) v8 b) tlzT c)w
d) 1/64 e) tF f) JA * lld
6 Solve the following equations.
a) 2'=2 b) 32'= 34 c) Zx+t-22
d) 32, +3 - 3r e) 5x=1 f) 3**z=27

Assessment exercises
1 Simplify.
. ,l
b) 24"!P . 15xv3
Cl --Lx
a" b' 4x'Y 5x"Y'
d.t lZlb_
' 5n'b' * IOa3b3 q ,-d ^. 45xtv r9x3v2
t) Btf "1oFf
2 Simplify.

ilw Dil* c) {rpoo

il 1m6 e) v5Tz OJF
3 Solve the following equations.
aS 22'= 64 b) 34 = 3aa

^\ ,rlx_f _ 1
LtL-g d) 52* = 125-L

e) 5xg2x+2- 135x3'*1 f) 5'x6=150

1 If x = -1 and / = 2, calculate the value of: $y')' - t8(3)xr * yzt

Topic 2 Summary, revision and assessment 27



Basic processes
5.ts+r*c eryn
!rr*l aS aC
rgrch a

d alspbrai
L Simplify each problem as far as possible. {r
a) 2 tennis balls + 1 football ball + 5 footballs + 3 tennis balls
b) 7 football balls + 6 tennis balls - 4 football balls
c) 9p + l2p - 3p + 1,4p
d) 2a+3a+4p-2p an erprc:
e) 6m+2n-4m-3n+8m -rcuse i
f\ 25 + 1,3a - 1.1a - LO + 3a2 .8iiilit h,a
2 Explain to a partner how you simplified the problems in question 1. 4-t - Ltb +
i.liait_r st
{irr${iry an (
q> Eh tErms (s
n erpressio
ulihe term:
qlg*es -

medlsgroup I
re sup{ifs an

hFryerh er
| 5rr.&r
Q &+31'
!$rd 7r<a w

fryr Zsah
28 Topic 3 Algebra
B-TOPIC 1 Basic processes

- gebra is the part of mathematics in which letters are used to leplesent numbers
,:.d quantities.
\n algebraic expression is a mathematical phrase that can contain numbers,
'..rators (such as addition, subtraction, multiplication and division) and at least
:-.e variable (such as a, b, x arrd Y)'

: -.-arnples of algebraic expressions:

15 x lZx variable: symbol for a number or
4x for a few different numbers

S i m pl ifying exPresslons
:implify an expression means to make it as simple as possible. we simplify
.-..-;...,,io., because it is easier to substitute numbers for variables into
-',.:rression after it has been simplified.
ar-nple: 4a + Zab + 4ab - 2a - Zab + ab canbe simplified to
2a + Sab

.-,i starter activitY shows that

-r can simPlifY an exPression that
rrtains like terms (such as ab in
r above examPle)' You cannot
,:rplify an exPression that onlY
. rtains unlike terms (such as the
',,:ressions 2a + 3b or 3 bananas
J 2 apples).
usually group like terms

ril we simPlifY an exPression. like terms: the same variables (letters)

unlike terms: different variables

1 Simplify each expression as far as possible'

a) 5x + 8l b) 3m-Zm
c) 4x+3Y d) 5a+3b-2a+4b
2 Mary and Zisa went to a shop to buy pens
and crayons. MarY bought 5 Pens and
7 crayons. Zisa bought 8 pens and 9 crayons'
How many Pens and crayons did theY
buy altogether?

Sub-topic 1 Basic Processes 29


1 a) 5x+8x=13x
b) 3m - 2m=m
c) You cannot add 4x and 3y because they are unlike terms.
d) (54 * 2a) + (3b + a$ = 3a + 7b
2 Let p represent pens, and c represent crayons.
Mary: 5p + 7c
Zisa: Bp + 9c
Total number of pens and crayons
= (5p + 8p) + (7c + 9c)
= 73p + 76c
The two girls bought 13 pens and 16 crayons in total. "*!. N

Simplify each expression.

a) 3p+2q+5p b) 2x +5x+3y+4y
c) 3l-8r-3j d) /-k+41-5k
e) 7m-3n-5m+6n f) 7d-6e+72e-l)d
g) 4b+17a-4a-77b h) 3pq + zpq - 5pq
i) xy + 4xy + 3xz j) 2rrut + 4jk - lmn
Sombo bought 4 oranges trom the fruit
market, and Monde bought 3 oranges
and 5 bananas. Sombo gave her
brother 2 oranges, Monde gave his
sister 1 orange andZ bananas. Write
down an expression for how many
oranges and bananas Sombo and
Monde have left in total.

Expanding expressions
When an expression contains brackets, you have to expand the expression beforr
you can simplify it.
Examples of expressions that contain brackets:
3(a) 2(.a + b)
5xQ - ay) (a+b)(c+d)
1b expand an expression means to multiply everything in front of a pair of
brackets with everything inside the brackets. When you have expanded an
expression, it will not contain any brackets and it will be easier to simplify it.

30 Topic 3 Algebra
1 Expand each exPression.
a) x(y + z) b) xy(x - f)
c) 2(2y - 5.r) + 3(Y - x) d) (;rr + 1Xx - 3)
e) (x - 2)Z
2 Nzala and Lukundo need to carry boxes of books into a
classroom. There are two types of box: one containing x books
and one containing y books. Each man can carly one box of each
kind on each trip. After Nzala has made B trips and Lukundo has x
made 11 trips, find the following (in terms of 'r and y):
a) the number of book each man has taken into the classroom
b) the total number of books that have been taken into the classroom.
1 Multiply the term outside the brackets by each term inside the brackets'
a) x(y + z)
=xy+xz xly + z)
b) xy(x - f)
= xy(x) - xy(f)
= xzy - xy3
c) Z(zy - 5r) + 3(Y - x)
-4y lOx+3Y-3x
= (4y + 3y) + (-10l - 3x) Group like terms.
d) Multiply each term in the first bracket by each term in the second
=x(x-3)+1(x-3) (x + lXr - 3)
e) (x - 2)2
2 a) Each man carries two boxes on each trip, i.e. x + y books'
Nzala carried: 8x + 8y = 8(r + y) books
Lukundo carried: 77x + 77y = 11(x + y) books
b) Total number of books taken into the classroom:
B.t+ 1lx + 8Y + 17Y
= l9x + 79y
= t9(x + y)

Sub-topic 1 Basic Processes 31

.i:;r;..i i,-1, _,,;i:,:,,1 ':l. ,.- , "
1 Expand
a) 2(p + "u.rr.rfr.ira".
7) b) 3(x - y) c) si(k - 1) d) z(32 + 4)
e) m(9 - m) f) 2r(5r + 3) g) -3ct(3 - o) h) xy(8 + y)
i) pq(-qz - 3p') | 2n(8m - 4n)
2 Tezabought a box with 12 pens and 4 pencils. He gave 4 pens and 1 pencil
away. on each of the next three days, he again bought a box with 12 pens
and 4 pencils and gave away 4 pens and 1 pencil from each box. How man\-
pens and pencils did he keep in total?

In the next activity, yot will need to expand each expression and then simplify 1-

1 Expand and simplify.

a) 2(k + 3) + 3(k + 2) b) 5(r+s) +(r-s) c) (m-4)- 3(ta+3)
d) 4(t+2)- (y-8) e) z(z-2)-z(z-4) f) ab(a + b) - ob(a - b)
2 Expand and simplify.
a) (a + 7)(a + 7) b) (k - 2)
Z)(k + c) (3[+ z)(f + 71

d) 12n - 3;(5n - 3t e) (l - zk)(si - sk) f) (6x - 3y)(x - 5y)

S) (e-2)(e+7)-e(e+7) h) (3b + 5)(3b - s) - 2b(7b - 3)

ll *:-:
Factorising algebraic expressions
Factorising an algebraic expression means finding the factors of the expression.
As you know, when you multiply two or more numbers, the answer is called t:..
product. The numbers you multiply to find a product are called the factors of tht
30 is the product of 2, 3 and 5
2, 3 and 5 are factors of 30.
Inx(.r +2)=x2+2:
x and (x + 2) are algebraic factors of x2 + 2.

i.t:' expand.irig . :.
Factorising is the opposite of expanding:
. When expanding an expression, you remove the brackets 'x(x
.,... -r ir"T-3 ng t
. When factorising an expression, you find the factors. + 1)' - x2+2t
Sometimes, you use brackets to write the factors of an ''',&cto.isirrg.....'"'

32 Topic 3 Algebra
Factorising the expression a + ab means finding algebraic numbers that will give
a + ab as the product when you multiply them with each other.
a+ ab = a(l +b), arrd so the factors of a+ ab are aandl +b.
For example,
Methods we generally use to factorise algebraic expressions include:
r finding common factors
r grouping terms
. finding factors of quadratic expressions
. finding the difference of two squares.

Finding common factors

When factorising, we look for numbers or letters that are common to the terms in
an expression.
A factor is a number that divides into another number exactly without leaving
a remainder. For example, 3 is a factor of 6, but it is not a factor of 7.
A common factor is a number that divides exactly into (two or more) numbers.
To find the common factors of tr,vo numbers, we write down all the factors of both
numbers and then look for the factors that are common to both numbers.
In algebra, common factors often include variables.

@Factorise using common factors.

l2p+4 2 r+4P 3 9xy-3x-3x2
t 2p+4=2(p+2) The factor 2 is common to both terms.
2 r+4fr=r(1+4r)
3 9xy- 3x - 3xz = 3x(3y- I -x)

factorise each expression.
l3z+9 2 k-ik
3 3-L2e 4 xy-xz
5 72f +8r 6 75nz - 25n
7 24e2 + 6ea 8 pqr+qP
9 6-1,22-l8y lO 64x- 56xy - 48x2
11 7b + Tbzc - b3c3 '12 u* + u3tP - utF

Grouping terms
$ometimes we can group expressions that have a few terms so that each group
ontains a common factor. To do this, start by rearranging the terms if necessary
fo that you can place terms with common factors in groups.

Sub-topic 1 Basic processes 33

Factorise using the grouping of terms.
I ax+bx+ay+by 2 h2 +hp - ah- ap 3 ac-bx+bc-ax
7 ax+bx+ay+by
= ax+bx + ay+by Group terms in pairs.
2 h2+hp-ah-ap
= (h + p)(h - ct)
3 ac-bx+bc-ax
=aC-ax+bc-bx Rearrange the terms.

Factorise using the grouping of terms.

I pr+ps+qr+qs 2 5j +ii +5k+ik
3 am+an+bm+bn
5 6x+xy-6u-tLy
7 2x+xy-6-3y
4 rs- rf +3s-3f
6 ab+2a+2b+4
8 ft-fg+k2 -gk
9 3urP-4uv-9v+72 1O oz+5a-Zz-70
1l k2+ks-9k-9s 12 6-3p-4q+Zpq

Factors of quadratic expressions

A quadratic expression is in the form
axz + bx + c, where a, b and c are numbers
and a + 0. One or more of the terms is quadratic: an expression in the form
squared. For example,Zxz + 5x - 9 and ax2+br+c
i2 - 4ik + 3k2 arc quadratic expressions.
To factorise a quadratic expression, follow these steps:
Step 1 Form a product and a sum. The product is given by a x c and the sum is i
Step 2 Find two numbers with a product that is equal to a x c and a sum that is
equal to b. a'-
Step 3 Split b into a sum of two parts to change the number of terms in the
original quadratic expression from three to four.
Step 4 Pair the terms and find a common factor.
Step 5 Factorise using grouping.

34 Topic 3 Algebra
I x2+3x+2 2 2x2+x-6
I x2+3x+2
ax2+bx+c coefficients: a = 1, b = 3 and c = 2
Step 1 x
Product: a c = 7 x 2 = 2; sum: b = 3
Step 2 Two numbers with a product of 2 and a sum of 3: 1 and 2
Step3 Split3: 1+2
Step4 x2+3x+2= x2+x + 2x+2
Step 5 xz + 3x., r,
2 2x2+x-6
axz+bx-6 coefficientsi a = 2, b = 7 and C = -6
Step 1 Product: a x c = -72; sum: b = I
Step 2 Two numbers with a product of -72 and a sum of 1: 4 and -3
Step3 2x2+x-6=2x2 -3x+ 4x-6
Step 4 2xz + x* 6 = x(2x- 3) + 2(2x - 3)
Step 5 x(2x - 3) + 2(2x- 3) = (2x - 3)(x + 2)

Factorise each expression.

a)x2+6x+5 b)x2+8x+7 c)x2+6x+8 d)ZO+9x+x2
e)x2-8l+16 f)x2+x-Z g)2+x-xz h)30-x-x2
a) Zkz - 4k-6 b) 3m2 -Zm- S c) Sh2 + 76h+3 d) 9x2 +3x-2
e) 6- 5f-4f2 D 5f+ 13r+6 g) 6n2 +ttn+3 h) 2s2+ 7s-30
Each quadratic expression has two factors that are the same. Factorise the
quadratic expressions.
a) a2+Zab+bz b) i2 - 8jk + t6k2
c) f -6rs+9s2 q 2q? - 2oxy + 4x2

The difference of two squares

- he expression a2 - b2 is called a difference of two squares. It is the difference
retween the square of a and the square of b. All expressions of this form have
-actors of the form (a + b) and (a - b).
rJu can use the difference of two squares to simplify numerical expressions.

Sub-topic I Basic processes 35

The worked examples n'ill help you understand how the difference of two squares

Simplify by using the difference of two squares.

1 g2-62 2 1002 - 902

7 82-62 =(8+6)(8-6) 2 7OO2 _902 = (100 + 90X100 _ e0)
=,14 x.2 =190x10
=28 =1900

The difference of two squares in algebraic expressions

! i*:"
Now you can apply r,t,hat you have learnl. to algebraic expressions. Start by
working through the worked examples.

Factorise algebraic expressions using the difference of two squares.

1p'-4' Z ctz-g
3 2x2*so 4 7Bm2 - TZnz

I p'-42=(p+Z)(p-Z) 2 Rewrite a2 - g as ,t2 - 32
3 Simplify: 2x2 - 50 = Z(xz - 25)
Rewrite 2(x2 - 25) as Z1x2
- Sz1. t
4 This expression does not seem to have factors of the form (a + b) and
(a - b) , but 1 8 is a common factor to both l\mz and, 7 Zrt2 .

1,8m2 - 72n2 = 79(rttz - 4ri1

= r8lm2 _ (zn)21
= 78(m + Zn')Qn - Zn)

1 F'actorise completely.
5, -r ty,alge
a) o'- 5" b) p'-q' c) x2-32 d) e-f --
e) f2-to f)
7oo - nP g) 36-y2 h) x2-+o
i) - 20
5x2 I
a-36p2 k1 4az - 9b2 l) (1 +12-i2 J.:i: :-: subtri
2 Simplify each expression.
a1 tz2 - 22 b) 182 - 82 c1 242 - t12 d) 1052 - 52

36 Topic 3 Algebra
- 16vz
Slmptrry4ttz4u.8v .

4 Factorise az - bz.Given that az - b2 =P and P = 56 when a - b =4, find the


The worked examples that follow show you how to expand more expressions with
:rvo terms.
ir:"l,rt *4 i.ii /'Ir^r,r-p' llr!t:

1 Expand: (2x - 3)2

2 Expand and simplify: (x - 3)2 + (2 - x)z

1 Follow the steps:
Stepl (2x)2=412
Step 2 2(2x) x (-3)) = -72x
Step3 (-3)2=9
Answer: 4x2 - 12x + 9 =4x2-l2x+ 9
2 (x-3)2+(Z-x)2
= x2 + 2(-3x) + 9 + 4 + 2(-2x) + x2
= (xz + x2S + 1-6x - 4x) + Q + a) Group like terms in brackets.

1 Expand each expression.

a) (x + 7)2 b) (k-Dz c) (3p + 1)2
d) (2s - 3t)Z e) (2a * 4b)2 f) (5 + ab)z
2 Expand and simplify.
a) (3+i)2+(2-i)2 b) (r+3)z+(r-3)2 c) (m+n)2 +(m+n)2
d) (z-7)2+(1-z)2 e) (k+q2-(k-qz f) (3f+ s)2-Gf-92

Simplify algebraic fractions

rs vou know, algebraic fractions contain variables. In this section, you will use
'ddition,subtraction, multiplication and division to simplify algebraic fractions.

Add and subtract with algebraic fractions

the same principles you used to simplify algebraic expressions when you have
- -, add and subtract with algebraic fractions.

Sub-topic 1 Basic processes 37

Remember: l[
. When the denominators are the same,
denominator: number under the line in a
add the numerators. fraction
. When the denominators differ, find the numerator: number above the tine in a
lowest common multiple (LCM) of the fraction
denominators. Convert all fractions so
that they have the same LCM. Simplify the numerators. You can find the LCN{
by multiplying the terms.

Lowest common multiple

The lowest common multiple (LCM) of two or more numbers is the smallest
(lowest in value) number in the list of multiples of the numbers. The LCM is
divisible exactly by each term without leaving a remainder. You can use the LCNl
to find the best denominator for all the fractions in an expression when you nee.
to simplify it using addition and subtraction.
To find the LCM of 3 and 4, list multiples of both numbers:
multiples of 3: 3, 6,9, , 75, 78, 27, , 27, 30, 33, | ..
multiples of 4: 4,8, , 76,20, ,28,32, , 40, 44, 18, ..
common multiples of 3 and 4: t t
LCM of 3 and 1: 12
To find the LCM of 3a and 4b, use the LCM of coefficients 3 and 4 (which is 12)
and the product of a and b (which is ab'1.
LCM of 3ct and 4b:72ab

Simplify each expression. Start by finding the LCM of the denominators.

| \+.2
n Ju

u .r(t
The LCM of a and 3a is 3a.
* = 1
, rheLCMof a,bandabisab.
= AO
t. + u. - u.

Check: t=q
abb and b2

38 Topic 3 Algebra
Find LCM of each set of numbers.
a) 40 and 50 6;S p and p2
c) 4a, 5a2 and 2 d) Spq,3p and 4q2
) Simplify each expression.
il !4-4
yy- D* *5,2rn
Simplify as far as possible before you find
q P-+
r(1 q" d) ?4
-;' the LCM of the denominators!

a1 La2-
mm b) i_7 c\2+i-*,
Express;] 'r-31 as a single fraction.

7a\ L+Z
The denominators are the same, so add the numerators.
_ l+2

2+ 4 -
c)'yty =3 Trcat 2 as the fraction f .

ty2y The LCM of 7, y and 2y is 2y.
_ 4y+5

The LCM of (x - 2) and (x - 3) is (x - 2)(x - 3).

3 I _3(x-3)+10-2t
- 1x-2nx- j1
_ 3x-9+x-2 Multipty:
- (x-2)(x-3) . 3 by the term (x - 3)
. the term (x - 2) by 31
4x -11
x-2 r
- (x-Z)(x-3) . (x-2)by(x-3). 1-3-

Sub-topic 1 Basic prccesses 39

1 Simplify.
a) ';. i b)
T_, k- k2k
c) 4'3 d) i-i
or*i tl x+2 , x+l .r-5
s) 1- 6 h) 'T
a^ a
"l.. 5m+4 4-3
i) ""3* a - m+5
ttt +-:!
i) 3c'( ^'
,, - ,')
2 Write each expression as a single fraction in its lowest terms.

,."\7 +
.r+5 x+3
2-m 2+m
o) *
2 *3
fu-* f) 2e+5 s-3 s) x*5 2t-3 h)' r-s /+s
i) s-p*fr i) 2v+1-*#
3 Simplify.
-zv -3
a) 'yT*ii
2 ^. ..'

-,2 1., .)
4- a) "....r---) \-
-, Simplifv 1"'"
-,2 .,,
b) Find the value of x, if 7;;;;
= -1.
ln* -:€ alg€

Multiply algebraic fractions

The steps we use to multiply fractions are similar to those we use to simplify
fractions. Work through the examples to refresh your memory.

c 3Y
-4 ^
5 4x2v 6ab3
I 1"24
.l 5 -,1 ^15 Tr"h " 8xv

1 The numeratot and the denominator do not share like terms'
So, multiply the telms in the numerator and the terms in the denominatol:
a 2a Zaz
5t5= 15
2 The numerator and the denominator have common fractions. Simplify the rhi[[. ift tf,T

fractions first by dividing by common terms and then multiplying.

3v 2v
lzv 'zy v'

40 Topic 3 Algebra
3 The numerator and the denominator contain common numerical and
algebraic terms. You can divide with like terms.
4x2yx 6ab1
tzab Divide with common factors.
+rz/ 6lbz2
= wb'W
- ..7dh2
^V Then divide with numerical factors.

= 'b'

ii mplify the fol lowing.

I i* i'
t"i - 6x
a' 75b'

toQ 9l_b2. 15xv 6abz -8v 5r3 1.Oxz

", 3o'^* 42ob 6
7126 ^ \ob
/ l "l,ox
i;z x ux
s *l2mn ,:y:,,
r0 tsmn ^., 6*2,,

Divide algebraic fractions

- o divide with fractions, invert the fraction after iHergr ,"*llc'ils
.re division sign (the divisor) and multiply.
invert: turn upside down
,,ramples: divisor: term that follows the
a+)=4x2=8 division sign

- rink of cutting 4 apples cut into halves. you will have g halves.
- rink of dividing half an apple into four pieces. Each piece will be
fi of an apple.
L . d- I - -L - I

t )a+ i, 3.t
3y' = 6y'
1 7ab
+ (1a+ G,- i,) l2ab -3ab1.3\ab
\r 3,). \s s )'

1 la+ 1--z-4 a

=r*a Invert the divisor. Replace + with x.

Sub-topic 1 Basic processes 41

n t'x
6y"- 3y""9t
3*^ 15* Invert the divisor and multiply.
3y" 3x
stsl 'gf Simplifz by dividing by numerical
= rt* 3r and algebraic factors. cf-T si
=10 q-
7ab 35abz 7ab 27a3 gItr
- -
iA=EF-iP^3srP fu+
- ;S ..
7ab 27d
^ zsiF Divide with algebraic factors. inGrp
br err
L7a -.
2vs Divide with numerical factors. .5-
17 ,ztsb
5b r(b-
n (1". ?,) - (1, - i,)= (*#). (*#) simprify the brackets.
a &cryan
-72^a_LZ btu
=17 k,Somr
t (ry.Y)*Y 3kb
=',a@#@ * 5 Simplify the brackets.
_ l9ab ,3kb hgmr
155 Qfe 35r
-rtgcb lqlryhtt
-6 Irrgk fa

- * gthed
Simplify. truflc d2

z txl+|x d
lo*f,a ydgehn
m2m nB = 4 hEr're;
T=P = f f,
93- - 12o 4D r-I{r *
za 4a2 " i+fi2 Errhil
17 zzo3-. !?ry
6xy* 3Zx.y.
8 !ry 45a!2"
(3 *'* ?*').(t*-
2a 2a1 . 32a
9 I
\s * T/= 30 to ?*) Ihdiridir
IEp.e *

42 Topic 3 Algebra
t1 Summary, revision and assessment

\Ve can only simplify an expression that contains like terms.
Example: 6p - 72p + 8p = 2p A11 the terms contain p and so they are like telms.
we cannot simplify an expression that contains unlike terms only.
Example: 6m + 4n 6m and 4n are unlike terms.
Expand an expression by removing brackets. Multiply every term outside the
brackets by every term inside the brackets.
Example: a(5 - 2a) + a(Sa - 4) = loa - 2a2 + Saz - 4a
Simplify expressions by grouping like terms.
f,*u-pi.t toa-Zaz + Saz - ls=(IOa-4a) + (-Zaz + 5a2)
Factorising is the opposite of expanding: expandiag
> When expanding an expression, you remove
the brackets
> When factorising an expression, you find the
x(x + 1) = x2+2x
factors. Sometimes, you use brackets to write &ctorisios
the factors of an exPression.
Factorise algebraic expressions by:
> finding common factors
Example: 35r+ 30P = 5t(7 - 6t)
> grouping like terms (see example above)
, finding factors of quadratic expressions
Example: 3az - lOa* g = (34 - \(a - 21
> finding the difference of two squares
Examples: 42-32=(4+ 3X4-3)=7 x7=7
az - 2s = (a +5)(a - 5); a =-5 or a = 5

Simplify algebraic fractions:

> You can use addition and subtraction when the denominators are the same.
Example: k-l-*=u#=h
> When multiplying, you can divide by common factors'
Example: '# " 1=:
> When dividing, invert the fraction after the division sign and then multiply'
, 2 4d ..5t _!
Example: )Z t', = *.* i, = *

Topic 3 Summary, revision and assessment 43

Revision and assessment continued

n, Tosimplify fractions, start by finding the LCM of the denominators. Then

convert all the fractions so that they have the same denominator.

Revision exercises
1 Simplify the following by grouping like terms.
a) l7p+3q+p
b) 5a+2b+a-Zb
2 Expand and simplify each expression.
$ p@+p)
b) ab(Za - b)
c) (x - y')2
d) 3(-t't) - a(2 - n)
e) (3rz + Zb)(a + 5)
t) (3y - 1.)2
3 Factorise completely.
a) 4y-72
b) a2-ab
c) ab -Zb + 3ab
d1 a2 - 762
4 Factorjse each expression.
a) p2+7p+lO
b) b'-5b+4
c) 72-y-y2
d) 3x2 - 8l - 16
e) 15-4x-3x2
f) 4x2 + 74x + 70
5 Express each expression as a single fraction in its simplest terms.

"l ,!u*k
b) r+_T
c).t) i=*;t
o) v2+v-12

44 Topic 3 Summary, revision and assessment

Assessment exercises
1 Simplify the following by grouping like terms.
a) 7p+2q+3p b) 7mn + Zxy + 3xy
c) 7a + 4b + 5a - 3b d) 2m-3.r-4x-m
2 Expand and simplify each expression.
a) p(2 - p) b) xy(x - y)
c) (Zx - 3y)' d) 27tf'-n
e) -3(-tz) * 3(1 - te) t\ (2a + 3b)(a + 7)
s) (s[+ 3)(:2f - 6) - (7f + 2) h) (y-3)2-(y+312
3 Factorise completely.
a) 5y- 10 b) h2-gh
c) ar-Zr+3ar d) f -4'
e) 127 - xz f) Zxz-8
4 If A = b2 - wrlte A as a product of two factors.
Considering that 2 304 = 64 x 36, find the positive values of b and c for which
5 Factorise the following.
a) ry-6-2y+3r b) xy-f-ry+rx
6 Factorise each expression.
a) m2+7m+lO b) h2-5h+4
o P-t-zo di) 72-y-f
e) 2xz +.r-3 f) 3xz - 8.x - 16
g) 15-4x-3xz h) 7xz +13x+6
, "t (?r- Ll " Go * f,a) q lp,.jp

8 Express each expression as a single fraction in its simplest terms.

a) 1+1
nn b)'; -;
c) 1+?.* d) +-+r-
e) x-.)
l-L ot-rk
, x2+x-12 12+x-72
8' 7J, n) i7-4--3

Topic 3 Summary, revision and assessment 45

:: nti

Transpose of a matrix Find a transpos* of a ma"trix

Multiplicatiein of rnatrices lVlultiply n-ratriees {up to 3 x 3 matriees)

ealculate the deterrninant of a 2 x 2 ma.trix

The inverse of a ,'natrix Find the lnverse r:f a 2 x 2 matrix

Sol've system* of iinear equations iru two varial:les
Use nnatrices to solve real-iife problems

Last year, you studied a few properties of matlices. Use this activitv to refresh
your knowledge of matrices. Work in pairs.
1 .A CD shop sold 75 raP CDs
and 89 classical CDs in
October; 98 rap CDS and
81 classical CDs in November
and 134 rap and 102 classical
CDs in December. RePresent
the iriforrnation in matrix
fornt and label the rows and
columns apProPri ateiY.
2 Girze the order of each lnatrix.

[+ tl
b) l:l7 l 1ry.9:.;;*ffi"4ffi8r3{."
t: 2 4l
lz s il
[3 s ql
d) l1rt 10 rJl
7 1.rl
3 h4ultiply matrix A = lr ibv matrixg=[43i]"

46 Topic 4 \,{atrices
Transpose of a matrix

Revise matrices
Before learning what is meant by the transpose of a New word
matrix, revise matrices by working through the
explanation below. matrices: plural of matrix
Matrices are used to store or display information.
Look at the standings of football teams in a league.

Team A 5 4 0 1 12
Team B 5 3 '1
1 10
Team C 5 3 0 2 I
Team D 5 2 2 1 8

lVe can present this information in a matrix as shown

fs 4 0 t tz1
ls 31r rol
l.; 3 o 2 s I

Ls z z r sl
r A matrix is an array of numbers that are arranged in rows
and columns.

[] t ] n"t two
For example, the matrix 3 rows and three columns.
f q1
The matrix I r I ttur three rows and one column.
Each member of an array is called an element or an entry.
. Order of a matrix: The number of rows followed by the number of columns
gives the order of a matrix.
l't 1

f i ] fras two rows and one column. Itis a2 x 1 matrix. (Read x as by.)

li i] n^ two rows and two columns. ltis aZ x 2 matrix.

It ] ?1has two rows and three columns. It is a2 x 3 matrix.
. A row matrix has only one row.
Example: [s +]
. A column matrix has only one column.
r"u-pr.' [!]
Sub-topic 1 Transpose of a matrix 47
A square matrix has the same number of rows as columns.
e tranS
t,t .'l 12 5 71

All square matrices have a leading diagonal and a trailing diagonal:

The leading diagonal runs from top left to bottom right (4, 7 , and 2, 1 and
the examples).
The trailing diagonal runs from bottom left to top right (1, 5 and 6, 1 and
the examples.
A scalar is a quantity that has size only. When
you multiply a matrix by a scalar, you multiply scalar: a quantity that has
every element in the matrix by the scalar. magnitude (size) only
rra=ff f],,r,.r, zt =z *lsn |)=lz:t- ;x:] = [,f,1]
r Matrices are equal if their corresponding elements are equal.
Example: o =
[; 1] ""0, = l; [], tn.r.rore A and B are equal matrices.

p = e.
['J -Xr)u"oa= [? $]. ri"o the values of x andyforwhich
P= e, which *"u.,, f '; l,I= $ I ,"a corresponding elements are equa-
therefore 3x = \2 and, -4y ='10. Therefore x = 4 and y = -2i.

1 Write down the order of each matrix.

a)A=[3-2] b) *=[t ;]
ft z1
c)C=l: sl
Ls zl
d) ,=12; i]
Itl [r + ol
e) E=lel f) r ol
Lo o rl
2 Which matrices in question 1 are column matrices, row matrices and squart
3 Give the trailing diagonal of matrix F.
4 Give the leading diagonal of (a) matrix B and (b) matrix F.

5 If matrix B above equals a = [rt ? ], o"o the values of x and y.

48 Topic 4 Matrices
Find a transpose of a matrix
'. ltse the symbol Ar to show the transpose
a matrix A. To flnd the transpose
(Ar) of
The first row of A becomes the
.-,,.- matrix A, interchange
(swap) the rows
first column of Ar.
lcolumns The second row of A becomes
It 1.,r I' the second column of Ar'
rrnple:TransPosematLtxIz 9 t The order of A is 2 x 3 and the
lo 21 order of Ar is 3 x 2.
.Lrnswerisi4 nl
:: . ::;:,. . :t. ..:: :. :r
: itt:rr:ar1:ir.r.:.: .a ?' '. .

1 Give the order of each matrix'

a) A=[3 -Z)
la sl
b) B=17 tl
lt z)
cr C=|3 5 |

L+ : l
16 + :l
at D=li s rl
et E=Jjl
It 4 ul
f) F=18 1 9l
L0 6 r l
Find the transpose of each matrix in
question 1.
Fr of the matrices 1n
3 write down the order of Al, Br, C', Dt' Er and
question 1'
-l Find the transpose of each matrix'
to z\
u) lt :l
')[l[a ) 2
t) I+ o

d) Ll? ?)

Sub-toPic 1 TransPose of a matrlx 49

SUB-T0PI0 2 Multiplication of matrices
You can multiply one matrix by another matrix if the number of columns in th.
first matrix is the same as the number of rows in the second matrix. You can th.
multiply the elements of each row in the first rnatrix with each elernent in eacl-,
column in the second matrix.

Multiply matrices of order up to 2 by 2

The example shows how to multiply matrices of order 2 by 2.

rrA=[i i)ana}= Il ] ], n"o the product AB,

rlxl'+t x,z ] I c,r'*,'r 6Y+cz)
ou = [z i)l-, l)= Inrre'+crx
lbxtv+dxx bx ) +tl',]=| bt + rlx 1', -tD\

The order of the matrix that is obtained when two matrices are multiplied is
determined as follows:
2 by Zntatrix; for example, l+
s l[.r sl lzt 6oi
x gives a 2 x ls s lL.s sl=[ss 8el
xZ by givesa3x2matrix; for example, rt=[i3 i:l
ti i1t2 et Lro nl
x1 by givesa2xZmatrix; for example, lz5 ]r, sl -ti- [+.s zs1
18 101
x3 by givesalxlmatrix; for example, [2 , ,,I 1l='=
(Z x
Calculation: (3 x + (5 x6)=53
7') + 3)

Work with a partner.

': 1;,1 n't€
1 mA=L: f]""0t=[1 is l.t"'^'-
nna the followinp
a) AB b) BA
c) the order of AB d) the order of BA

50 Topic 4 Matrices
2 If M = L; ] and N = [s -z), frnd the following.
a) MN
b) NM
c) the order of MN
d) the order of NM
3 What do you notice about AB and BA in question 1, and NM and MN in
question 2? Discuss
rwr:1 : -r.t]l*.
4 Find the product: ;]
[s i)li
New word
commutative: changing the order of the
numbers in an operation does not change
the answer (for example, 2 x 3 = 3 x.2)

The identity matrix

The identity matrix is also called the unit matrix. The elements in the leading
diagonal in an identity matrix are all l-. All other elements are 0.

If you multiply a matrix by the identity mattix, the matrix does not change. This
is the same as when you multiply a number by 1.

@1 Multiply each matrix by an identity matrix. Show all your calculations.

t1 4 31
') A=[:
11 ', i)
2 Multiply the two matrices.
ls -z1lt ol
a)17 Ir ol[E -21
+llo rl Lo rllz s)
The zero (0) matrix
A11 the elements in a zeto matrix are equal to 0.
Examptes:l! 3]r"oL3]
I{hen you multiply a matrix by the zero matrix, the answer is a zero matrix.

Sub-topic 2 Multiplication of matrices 51

Multiply each matrix by a zero matrix. Show all your calculations.
ls at
r n=li ,o=[J ]rl
;l lq r, rl
Multiply matrices of order O by 3
We multiply 3 by 3 matrices in the same way as Zby 2 matrices.

3 glanclN=ls
12 o sl lr sl
lt s 8l
r nno the lollowing
Lo s 2)I
2 matrix products. I,^fi t- ete the
l2 s 3 sll I .J
I MN=l+ a t, ll i i rl l

lt s sllo i zl
[2, t * 3 x 5 + 5 x 6 2x3 +3 x 2 + 5 x 5 2x5+3xl+5r21
=l 4*1+6x5+9x6 4x3+6x2+9x5 .lx5+6x1+9x2 |

"l+ 5 x.5 + B x 6 7 x 3 + 5 x 2 + B x 5 7x.5+5r1+Br2l
f+t 37 ztl
=l as 6q 11
lso 7t sol I l:;ljj$&r$'&*11*$}
i:aiaililllrii,i:t1iia'raalililir*aliiiiii;;&liiilai:X l :I
MN + NM; this shows that matrix
Ir .3 sll2 3 s'l multiplication is not commutative
2 NM=ls .z ill + o ql
Lo s zllt s sl *
".lf; {
f I ^ 2 *.1 x f + 5 x 7 1x 3 + 3 x 6+ 5 x 5 1x5+3y9+5xBl :

=l 5r2+2xl+7x7 5x3+2x6+1x5 5x5+2"9+1r81

L6x 2 + 5 y 1+ 2 x7 6 x 3 + 5 x6+ 2 x 5 6x5+5r9+2r81
[+q 4o 7rl
=lzs 32 srl
+o I sB sr I

Multiply each pair of matrices.

lt+ sil;l 2 r+ 4[z) 3 r+
4 [.s -rll ;l
t-a I
r lt-1 -4 | ,l],1, 6l

I tzl.
-/lnlt-2 +l 8
-'. lL-, -3r ,rc;l? il
52 'I'opic 4 Matrices
[.s z)l t 4 3llz lz 7l[0
::ll z 21+l
2 2
lz rllz 6
11 t2 lt 3 )12 0

[: zll o 4
t4 -3 zll-t +l [ -r -+ lt 2 rl
lz zllz 0 -2 rs ll -z ol 15
l-z -o lL 1 zl
2 r lt.s I z1l s
oll-: -zz
t6 z)lzl 17 2
li 1, 1 sl

'illit il

z)l z t2 1

t9 20 2t
2 +ll s 10 1l 0
5 3

it tl

Calculate the determinant of a 2 by 2 matrix

- he determinant of a 2 by 2 matrix is a number. Find this number by subtracting
-re product of the elements of the trailing diagonal from the product of the
.lements of the leading diagonal.
.i .\ = I i 'rl, the determinant of A, which we write as tAt or det. A is given by:
r =l:

Find the determinants of each matrix.

It c1
1L; il
f't -'tl
2l"n ;l
t l: lla"t.=4x4-zx6=Z
, li -n'
I o.t. =2x4 - (4 x -z) = \g

:-nd the determinant of each matrix

s .sl 10 15 .l
s zl 2 )
.) lt 5

11 4 L4 tl Ii 15
62 4 zl lz )
z tl [-+ a [-: rl 1

+ :l t_
l-s )
.) l-s -.))rl
oz1 Ir :l le z1
r :] 11
t: z) 12
l+ 0ol

Sub-topic 2 Multiplication of matrices 53

Use a determinant to find an unknown value
We can use the determinant of a matrix to find an unknown value in the matrl].


11" n.
The value of the determinant of the matrix Ik-;1 Find the possible
t _z Kl
values of k.

,. [t-t :'l
uet. [ _2 k l= tz
This means:
.'. k = -Z or k = 3
Therefore, the possible values of k are -2 or 3.

You may work in pairs. t. r r

1 The determinant of matrix
li _', ] is tS. Fin d the possible values of k.
2 Findthe value of the determinan, In l, 3k if k takes the following values.
a) k=7
b) k=-2
c) k=4.5
d) k=0
3 Find the value(s) of k for which 3l has the given value.
-u,rr, IO; kl
c) -10

The adjoint of a 2 by 2 matrix

The adjoint of matrix A (indicated by adi. A) is the matrix that is formed by:
o interchanging (swapping) the elements of the leading diagonal
. changing th_e signs of the elements of the trailing diagonal.
rrA=li jltn*,adi A=[j- :)

54 Topic 4 Matrices
f c
-r'rl give adi. A.
UA=I i l,

I t ol
adt.A=lla il

1 Write down the adioint of each matdx.

d. [s
l-1. !l
t') l-s -21
l-+ -z l-.)
d) l-s -i I
l-s 3 _el
lro -z f) fo
L-s 1 L4 0l

2 Matrices A, B and C are given below.

o=[ ',] r'
u=[, -j
. =l': i
Find the following.
a) adi. A b) adi. B c) adj. C

3 Refer to matrices A, B and C in question? and find the following.

a) lAl b) rBl
c) lCl d) ladi. Al
e) ladj. Bl f) ladj. Cl
4 Write down the adjoint of each matrix.
. [o z
a) lr 3 b)l 31 2)

la z
e 71
l+o -s sl
t-.r -21 -4 -21
l-s al -s 3l
t-g -r I h)
10 -21
s) L-s -sl -s 1l
5 Find the determinant of each matrix in question 4.
5 Give the transpose of each matrix in question 4.

Sub-topic 2 Multiplication of matrices 55

The inverse of a matrix
If the product of two numbers x and equals 1, in other
. x is the l words, x/ = 1:
inverse of 1,
. ), is the inverse of l.
Example:7 =7,so7 istheinverseof ,1 , and) istheinverseof 7.
In the same way, if the product of two 2 x,z matrices
A and B gives the identitr
unit matrix, in other words. AB= l= I I n then the one I

,L other
the _., matrix. t matrix is the inverse
o ; l,
The inverse of any matrix A (wr itten as A 1.)
is given by the formula:
a '= a.-t.a x adi' A'

r rrn=if
LT Jllrno*=l_r,
I ; show that A is the inverse of B, and B is
the inverse of A.

2 fi A =12 i ] o"o the inverse of A.

1 If A is the inverse of B, and B is the inverse of A, we have to show that
rhererore, o* =
i? i li i t]
12"3+5x(-1r 2xl-St+5x21
L1x3+3x1-1) 1x(-5)+3r21
Ir ol
LU 1 I

Also, BA : -sllz sl
= -1 zllt:]
_ 13"2+(-5)x I 3x5+r-5r xJ
| -lx2+2xl -[x5+Z"S

t ol
o rl
AB = BA = I, hence A is the inverse of B and B
is the inverse of A.
2Det.A=4xS-3x6=Z and aO;.a=f_s"
f I

11 1
= 6a13- x adj. A
rls -31
2l -6
l.) -rl I
I-3 -;t
Iopic 4 Matrices
1 Find the inverse of each matrix.

"i [.' 'r]

o)l; -f
q l': '^

u) [-f ?]
"r [-i i]
o [-3 -l]
Show that the matrix A is the inverse of matrix B, and matrix B is the
inverse of matrix A. In other words, show that O, = [3 ? ],

,) A=[1 ]l""or=[-0, -i]

D A=l?, -i]l
.)A=[3 f]""0,=[-J 'r]
d) A=[_" f;6]u"ar=13 3l
s rra=lrn !l""au=ll fl ], n"o the following:
a) A-'
b) g-t
c) Xrq-t
d) gg-t
4 IrM= l; tl^"o*= [t l] n"athe rollowing:
a) MM{
b) MM-1N
c) NrN-t
d) NN-ltvl
5 What do you notice about your results to questions a@) and (d)?

Sub-topic 3 The inverse of a matrix 57

A singular matrix
A matrix is singular if its determinant is 0 (zero). A singular matrix does not har'= InIf',ffi|(
an inverse.
',ilirlrL,tllllr,iiill""- - "

", :*

1 Show that the-at.ix Irao ! ] ir " singular matrix.

tlillkunrnffi, "l' :1.: -

2 Find the values of p forwhich the matrix o =Lo ;' ] is sirrguta..


lirllfltilir' I
I /- )l ,. r

1 lrb Zl=4x5-2 x 10=0

The determinant (det.) of the matrix is 0 (zero) and so it is a singular
iifi1lffilttL nr.r,,. r' :.
matrix. lillllllli"rruu,'' =
2 If the matrix is singular, det. A = 0
, lo-2- 3l 'rfillllllllliillLill :

det. A = l's x
il=tp-Z)p-3 5
ffim U,-''l,Ie
(P-s)(p+3)=6 lllltLr" :


"'P=5or-3p are, therefore, 5 or

The possible values of -3.

l'. i 1L...;,
. .'', .rillriill :....":* - a
': ,; -, , ,,ir1;t', ;,', a

1 Show that the;;;g -uiril", ur" singutar matrices.

lro -2
a). L-s 1 ihm*!!t
o) [i
r{llllllflrl ,
tn :*_-

o l-'. ;]
[( o I

P is a 2 by 2 matrix,
Ij o l. Work in pairs to answer the questions. llffiumnr
a) Find the inverse matrix P-1.
b) Find the matrix product PP-1. r$hilm:
Calculate the value of k for which each matrix is a singular matrix.
u) [.s-t
L B 4l ,, l; i]
ct. lo el
Ls k I
d) [5n T]

58 Topic 4 Matrices
solving systems of linear equations in two
:','e variables
- useful application of matrices is solving systems of linear equations.
we will
..:rit the process to equations in two variables.
Write equations in matrix form
- rok at the two equations.
write the above equations in matrix fo.m,
? I ]li _lt1
e can
f - I rrI

,..matrix multiplication we know

that on the left side, ,r]l:l=11r..=ll
l't rl lx I It
,reletO=li j l,X =li lanO u=i,i l, *eca, representtheserof linear

: -,uations by AX = |.

Find the solution to a system of linear equations is-to flnd,the values of x and y thatmake the equations true, therefore

_ se matrices to solve the system of linear equations below:

ZX*Y= /
can start with AX = B and as we know that A-1A
= I, multiply both sides
A-IAX = A-1B, so that
X = A-1B, where A-1 is the inverse matrix of A.
:ollow the steps to solve the equations:
step 1 Forthematrix o=l', l], a,roaet.e= lf ll =u_ 1 =5.
\tep 2 Find adi. O = f_', ; l
Step 3 Find the inverse of the matrix A, using the formula:
1 xadi.A
da-i-=d"t.A ..

= 5l-r -rl
z I

Sub-topic 3 The inverse of a matrix 59

Step4 FindX=A-1 'B
1[3 -1 lt 7
t; .5 | -t z llt1
I [3' 7 + (-l) x rl
= 5l -r x7+2 x rl
5l ls
l2 lf det. A equals 0 there is no solution to the
/l-13 system of equations.
. x=2 and l=3

1 Solve the followin g for x and y using inverse matrices.

Ia -z]l x1 rs I
u) ls s ll vl= rl o) [3 i ]ti I =|','u)
2 Solve the following systems of linear equations uslng inverse matrices.
a) 2x+ 3Jr=5 b) 2x-l=5
x+2Y=3 x+2Y=4
c) 5.r+3y=4 d).r+Ly=3
3x+2Y=), 2x+Y=-1
e) 3x-2y=8 f) 4x- 5)r=-3
2x+3Y=1 3x+2Y=-g

Gramer's rule
Cramer's rule is a short method of flnding the value of a variable in a system of
linear equations. You have to work with determinants if you want to use Cram.-
rule. So make sure that you know how to find the determinant of a matrix.
Using Cramer's rule to solve systems of Iinear equations
Worked example 10 below shows how to use Cramer'S rule to solve for x and l',.
the system of equations from Worked example 9.

..,':,1:,;t1,1,',f+.,;,:11.,1.;-,:1,, r_1,,

Solve the system of equations:

ltli iiiiil:rill;1llil:lx1
You can only use Cramer's rule ti
,Jll*rurE , -ratni
the determinant D is not equal tc -

60 Topic 4 N{atrices
step 1 write down the coefficient matrix, ll 1], the variable
*"tri" l; ]
and the matrix of the .o"rtu"tt
I17, l.
lz 1l
Step 2 Find the determinant (D) of the coefficient matrix, I 1 sl.
D=6-1=5 1l
Step 3 Replace the x-column in the coefficient matrix with the constants: [/1 3l
Indicate it with M,.
Step 4 Find the determinant (D,) of tfris matrix [1, 1]
D,=21 -11 =10
Step 5 Calculate the value of x as follows:
D" lo
^- D - s -"'

complete the calculation to f,nd the value of y for the system of linear
equations in Worked example 10. Use Cramer's rule'
Solve the following systems of linear equations using cramer's rule.
a) p + 5q=12 b) 3m+2n=lO
3P-2q=4 m+2n=4
c) x-y=g d) 3x +2y=12
4x+Y=42 2x-3Y=7
e) 3m-4n=tg f) 3x-Y=15
2m-5n=19 4x+2Y=lQ
g) 5x +7y=44 h) 72v + 5z=-9
x+3Y=Lz 5v+z=-7
i) 8a+b=20 i) x+ 4Y=42
lla+4b=77 2x+5Y=!/
k) 5x +3y=7 l) 6m+3n=9
4x+Y=7 4m+5n=3
why can you only use cramer's rule if the determinant of the coefficient
matrix is not equal to 0 (zero)?

Apply matrices to solve real-life problems

\ny information that can be arranged in rows and columns can be represented in
natrix form. The matrix can then be used to solve real-life problems. The first step
-s to translate the problem into a set of
linear equations'

Sub-topic 3 The inverse of a matrix 61


Crafty Hands makes two types of printed scarf as souvenirs, A with animal
prints and F with flower prints. It takes five minutes on a silk screen printer a: -

seven minutes on a second machine to make type A scarves. It takes four
minutes on a silk screen printer ancl flve minutes on a second machine to m.'r,
type F scarves. Crafty Hands can use the silk screen pdntel for three hours an:
the seconcl machine for hours. How many of each type of scarf should
Crafty Hands make to use the machines most effectively?
We organise the information in a table.

Silk screen 5 tr 180
Second printer 7 4 300

In order to find the number of each types of scarf to make, we let the number
type A scarf be x and the number of type F scarf be y.
Therefore, the total amount of time used on the silk screen printer is given bt
The total amount of time used on the second printer is given by:
To solve the two equatlons simultaneously, we can use Crarner's rule.
Step 1 Write the matrices in the form AX = B:
l.s 51, xl rl8ul
lt + lly l_ 1300 |

t< 5l
Step 2 Nowfinddet. A, r, = l;';l=20-3s =-1s.
Step 3 Replace the first column in A with B and find:
n 18" sl=lzo- I soo=-7Bt)
u, -- |I .l(,o -l r

Tl 7tt0
Step4 Calculate: ,='r.,'= _ii =SZ I
Repeat steps 3 to 4 to calculate the value of y.
_ls lsol
17 .l(X) I

=600 l260 _
= -660

= -660

Therefore, Crafty Hands should make 52 animal print scarves and 44 flower
print scarves.

62 Topic 4 Matrices
A shop sells plates and cutlery at K360 for a box that contains four place
settings (and no serving sets). They also have boxes at KB80 that each
contains eight place settings plus a serving set. Let the cost of one place
setting be Kx and the cost of a serving set be Ky.

place setting: the plates, and

cup and saucer for one Person
for a formal meal

a) Draw up two equations - one to describe each cost.

It) Use matrices (and Cramer's rule) to calculate the cost of a place setting and
of a serving set.
) Chanda spends K29.OO on four cool drinks and two bottles of water' Malita
buys three cool drinks and flve bottles of water and spends K34.00. Let the
cost of a cool drink be I(x and the cost of water beKy.
a) Use the above information and write a system of equations for the numbel
of items bought and the total cost for each person.
b) Write the system in matrix form (AX = B)'
c) Use Cramel's rule (or use inverse matrices) to calculate the cost of a cool
drink and a bottle of water.
Nosiku has K20 000 to invest. A friend tells her to invest in stocks for which
she can expect an annual retuln of 72o/o and in a money market fund where
the expected annual return is 4(h. She wants an overall average return of 9o/ct.
Let the amount to invest in stocks be x and the amount to invest in the
money market fund be y.
a) Summarise the information in a table.
b) Write an equation to represent the total
amount invested.
c) Write an equation to represent the percentage
of the invested amounts as an annual return.
d) Use matrices (Cramer's rule) to calculate what
amount she should invest in each fund.
A company makes products A, B and C. Unit costs for the products:
. Materials for A cost K50 per unit and K400 to produce
. Materials for B cost I(80 per unit and K600 to produce
r Materials for C cost K70 per unit and K550 to produce.
Number of products produced in two months:
A: 28 units, B: 30 units and C: 34 units.
a) Display the costs of these products in a 3 by 2 mattix C.
b) Display the number of units of each product in a 1 by 3 matrix (N).
c) Find the matrix product NC and state what it represents.

Sub-topic 3 The inverse of a matrix 63

Summary, revision and assessment

Summary ffif,ig,rnE,trOn e)
The transpose of a matrix
To find the transPose of a matrix:
" interchange the rows and columns of matrix A to create its transposed
matrix (Ar)
note that if the order of matrix A was m x n, the order of Ar is n x m.

Multiply with matrices

When multiplying with matrices:
u" the number of columns of the first matrix and the number of rows of the
second matrix must be the same
matrix multiplication is not commutative
the order of the product of at a x b matrix with a b x c matrixis a x c.
the elements of the leading diagonal of a unit or identity matrix are 1 and al'
the other elements of the matrix equal 0
all the elements of a zero matrix are 0
find the determinant by subtracting the product of the elements of the trailir
diagonal from the product of the elements of the leading diagonal
form the adjoint of a matrix by interchanging the elements of the leading
diagonal and changing the signs of the trailing diagonal.

Use the inverse of a matrix

When working with the inverse of a matrix:
,, write the inverse of any matrix A as A-1, which is given by: A-1 = *fo , adi
' only square matrices have inverses
the determinant of a singular matrix is 0 (zero)
square matrices that have a zero determinant do not have inverses
solve systems of linear equations in two variables using:
> inverse determinants
>> Cramer's rule (which means you can solve for one variable at a time withc--
having to solve the whole system of equations).

64 Topic 4 Summary, revision and assessrnent

Revision exercises
1 Give the order of each matrix Izl
a) [: tl b) zrsl ') lsl
f21 z s sl
t7 ) ") s z sl ,[: ii1
2 Transpose each matrix in question 1.

3 Solve the following equations for x and y.

Igx o Irz ol Is ''1.,1
)y I
I5 ol

a)ls zy -ls
rol L.z 2l l=l L 8 zl
Find the p oduct of the two matrices.

,11;ltzl ,[i 2e?lL1

slfz 5


s rr v = [r'o f I ""0 * = [i3 1] ], o"o the rorr owing:

,ll u) MN b) NM c) M2 d) N2
o f linear equations if
Explain why matrices cannot be used to solve a system
the determinant of the coefflcients equals 0'
-ng 7 Find the nverse of each matrix
u)ls 1
')[; l]
8 The following matrices are singular. Find t -, values
.)li ll
of x for
the each
o [-:
1l b) -"'
l; *;'
4 xl
v-? I,I
.)l 5

xl o [?
'j. A Use a matrix method to solve the following simultaneous
a) p+5q=72 b) 3m+Zn=10 c) 4x + 3), = -13

3P-Zq=2 m+2n=4 -10x-2Y=5

10 A street vendor had the following items in his display tray:
, 22 boxes of matches
. 72 packets of potato chiPs
cut . B0 packets of chewing gum
a) Display the above information
are ZO Ngwee for a tox of matches, 50 Ngwee
for a packet of potato chips
and 30 Ngwee for a packet of chewing gum'
c) Find the matrix product MP and state what it represents'

Topic 4 Summary, revision and assessment 65

Revision and assessment (continued)

11 Musonda invested K4 000.00. He invests part of the money in a savings

account and the rest of the money in a fixed deposit account. The savings
account gives 6.57o interest per year. The fixed deposit yields 8.07o after on.
year. The interest earned after one year on the two investments together ls
a) Represent the situation using a system of linear equations.
b) Write a matrix equation to represent the situation.
c) Solve the equation to find how much Musonda invested in each type o-
t2 Musonda would like to increase the interest he receives in one year to a
minimum of K310. The interest rates for the two accounts remain the sani.
Adapt the calculations in question 11 to find how much he should invest -:
each type of account so that he receives the desired amount of interest.
13 The bank tells Musonda that the interest rate on the savings account has
changed to 7 .Oo/o. Musonda makes a change in the investment and he still
earns a total of KZ97.5O in interest. Calculate how much he has now inves:=:
in each account.

Assessment exercises
1 Transpose each matrix.
lz .sl [-s rl
') [i [r'
u) lr :l 3] c) l-s 3l d) ?)
2 Find the determinant of each matrix in question 1.
3 Find the adjoint of each matrix in question 1.
4 Find the inverse of each matrix in question 1.
I : r I ft r I
s tf P =| _; ,1, lano a = Li ft], nna the lollowins.
a)PQ b)QP c)P2 d)d
t3 1 71 f 4 2 11
6If A= lz s 6land g=12 6 B lfindthefoltowing.
L+ 6 7) l:3 sl
a) AB b) BA c) A2 d) 82

7 rrM =lo a' i] ""0 * = [3 ! ], ,r" the equation vN = [rf -6r] to ,otr,.
8 Solve the following equations for x and y.
u)I4 3 I lo 3l l2r*v +l [: +]
2x-v)-l+ 3j zl=lz zl
9 Use Cramer's e to
rul solve the following equation for x and y.
lz :l[xl Is
l: -tll yl-lt

66 Topic 4 Summary, revision and assessment

Mrs Phiri buys
10 Mrs Manda buys 4 kg oranges and 6 kg tomatoes and
I(a and the cost of a
c pays K7g.0o. Let the iost of a kilogram of oranges be
( kilogram of tomatoes be K7'
a) Use the
about the
amounts of
oranges and
tomatoes the
e. women bought
tn and the total
each sPent to
write a sYstem of
>ted b) Write the system
in matrix form
(AX = B).
of a
c) use cramer,s rule (or use inverse matrices) to calculate the cost
kilogram of oranges and a kilogram of tomatoes'
Tunisia national
11 On 29 August tg8g,lhe Chipolopolo boys played the
cup qualifiers. Twelve days
football team in the final round of the world
the following
before this encounter, the zambia Daily Mail published
information about the standings of the two teams:
. iiliiifjiiiii j,,,r

Zambia I 5


In the encounter, Zambia lost 1-0 to Tunisia'

no points to
a) If FIFA awards two points for a win, one point for a draw and
a team that loses, write down the given order
in a column matrix P

showing this allocation of points by FIFA'

lor p. b)Drawupasimilartabletotheoneshownaboveshowingthestandingof
the two teams after the match Zambra lost to Tunisia'
and Lost' to
c) Draw up a Zby 3 matrix M with the headings Won' Drawn'
show the information you have worked out for question
two teams at this stage'

Topic 4 Summary, revision and assessment 67


Similarity and

Application of ratio and Calculate the scale on a map.
proportion Calculate length and area using a given scale an:
calculate a given scale using length and area.

Area and volume of similar Calculate areas and volumes of similar figures.
figures Apply ratio and proportion to solve problems of
similarity and congruency.

Below is a chequered flag shown in two different sizes. work in prairs.

ryaUi 3:e th(

1 Measure the tu'o flags (in cm) and complete a copy of tire table.

Large flag

Why can we say that the two pictures are similar?

Give reasons for your answer.
Which statements are true and which are false?
a) A1l rectangles are similar.
b) A11 squares are similar.
c) All circles are simiiar.

68 lbpic 5 Similaritv ancl congruencl'

-Toplc I Application of ratio and
-ast year you learnt that similar figures have
--re same shape, but they do not have to be the
:ame size. If two shapes or objects are similar,
:re angles in the one shape equal the
-:rresponding angles in the second shape.
The sides of similar shapes are in proportion.
lhis means that the ratio of their sides is
:lnstant. For example, the two diagrams of the
:nequered flag on page 68 are similar. The ratio
, r the sides of the small flag to the

: rrresponding sides of the large flag is

t or
: : 5. This ratio can also be called a scale.

Calculate the scale on a map

t- map is a picture that is similar to the area on the ground that it represents. To
:rake maps meaningful, ffi?p makers incorporate a scale. The scale tells us the
r-stance a unit length on the map represents on the ground. The scale can be
.ir-en either as a number scale or as a bar scale on a map.
-\ number scale is expressed in the form a: b where a and b are numbers,
, - r example, a number scale of 1 : 10 000 means 1 unit on the map must be

:ultiplied by 10 000 units to get the real distance on the ground. In this way,
- nm represents 10 000 mm or 1 cm represents 10 000 cm on the ground.
on rhe man
-r t ratio (orr(spunorngo;r#,."
- -di..;t'nt"
iS CaIled the repreSentatiVe fraCtiOn (RF)
r scale factor) of the map. As a ratio compares quantities in the same units,
, :u must make sure that the units of the numerator and the denominator
--:e same.
.\ bar scale compares lengths measured in different units. If you double the
--nensions of a map, you must also double the dimensions on line segments
, - its bar scale. Convert a bar scale into a number scale before vou can find the
,'-:le factor.
:.low are two examples of bar scales,

km km
l---..w$r-l 0lreF5t-]
50 100 150
' lrn represents'l 0 km, therefore 1 crn represents 50 km, there{ore I

-: scale is 1 : 'l 000 CI00. the scale is 1 :

, Iji$_Oi9__ _

Sub-topic 1 Appiication of ratio and proportio" 69

1 cm on the
The scale on the map below is 1 : 10 000 000. This means that
represents 100 km (100 000 cm is 1 km) on the ground' Use the measurement = l(X) (XX) c
is 1: 1O
of the bar scale on the map to answer the questions'
m thn


3 cmc
lD ftom L

wp of 7an
nqgrre the di:
Eb L sr*ale tO
i5 about 6l

the dstar
gires a repr

1 What length in centimetres on the map represents 200 km on the

t:trEur that i5
2 Whatdistance in kilometres on the ground does 3 cm on the map rd m ther
represent? of a map
New word
If Ndola in the Copperbelt is about 600 km lheal lm$
from Lusaka as the crow flies, what is the as the crow flies: shortesl rtnal brea<
distance between them on the maP? distance between two
-rn-al dista
70 Topic 5 Similarity and congruency
t 1 1 km - 100 000 cm; therefore, 2OO km = 20 000 000 cm
The scale is 1: 10 000 000
distance on the map i ?. 2
AEa,rA oilhryouird- = 10 000 000 ' [= 261 6'96' 6619

distance on the In?p = m#am x distance on the ground

= :10 000 ^^^ "x 20
^l^ 000 - 000 000
Therefore, 200 km on the ground is representedby 2 cm on the map.
, distqnle lrr IlrS nlap _ I

' distance on the ground - l0 000 000

Therefore, distance on the ground = x distance on the map
= 30 000 000 cm
= 300 km
Therefore, 3 cm on the map represents 300 km on the ground.
illalawi 3 From the above, we can deduce that 100 km is represented by 1 cm. Ndola
is 600 km from Lusaka. Therefore, on the map the distance is about 6 cm.

1 Use the mapof Zambia on page 70. All distances are measured as the crow flies.
a) Measure the distance between Kitwe and Lusaka in centimetres.
b) Use the scale to give the approximate distance between Lusaka and Kitwe
in kilometres.
2 Kasama is about 660 km from Lusaka. How many centimetres will this be on
the map?
3 Measure the distance on the map between Livingstone in Southern province
and Zambezi in North-Western province and use the scale to find the
difference between the two towns in kilometres.
4 A map gives a representative fraction of 20h0. Calculate the following
-^A) lengths:
a) a stream that is 90.5 cm long on the map in kilometres
b) a road on the map that represents 7 km on the ground in centimetres
5 The scale of a map is 1: 50 000. Calculate the following lengths in kilometres.
a) the actual length of a fleld measuring 4 cm on the map
:ast b) the actual breadth of a field measuring 2 cm on the map
: aces c) the actual distance between two landmarks that are 3 cm apart on
the map.

Sub-topic 1 Application of ratio and proportio" 71

6 Look at the bar scales below and answer the questions that follow.

BkmC Dkm
0 40 B0 120 0 500 1 00c

a) Change each bar scale to a number scale.

b) Give the representative fraction for each scale.

calculate length and area using a given scale

You can use a number scale to calculate
lengths and areas. For exampler lnany
people build miniatures (such as doll,s
houses, furniture and cars) as a hobhv.

number scale: a scale expressed in the ,form a.. b

where a and D are numbers

Katele wants to build a kitchen cupboard for a doll,s house. The diagram
shows a kitchen cupboard. The doll's house cupboard is built to a scale of 1
1 Write down the following measurements
for the miniature cupboard:
a) the side panel b) the drawer front 10:-
c) the door d) the top
2 Calculate the area of the top of the real 72 cm
cupboard. 60 _*
3 Calculate the area of the top of the
miniature cupboard"
1 a) height'.72 = 1 : 72 or slqe#llsl = 1
/2 t2
therefore, side panei height = *
t7, 72 = 6 cm
width: 48 = 1 ..72 or:tqS!4".I =
therefore, side panel wiclth =
,4g = 4 cm
b) front drawer width = lu 48 = 4 cm
front drawer height = 1u
" 19 = | .-

72 lirpic 5 Sirnilarity and congrueno,

c) door height = #, " 60 = 5 cm

doorwidth = b,"48=4cm
d) top width and length = b. " 48 = 4 cm
2 Areaof the top of the real cupboard: 48 cm x 48 cm = 2 304 cmz
3 Area of the top of the miniature cupboard: 4 cm x 4 cm = 16 cm2

A map has representative fraction of 20fo0 . Find the following'

a) the actual length of a field that is 4 cm long on the map, in metres (m)
b) the actual breadth of a field that is 2 cm wide on the map, in metres (m)
c) the area of the fleld on the map, in square centimetres (cmz)
d) the area of the field on the ground, in square metres (m2)
Musa built a model train to a scale of 7 : 25. Complete a copy of the table
below using his scale.

Length of engine

Height of train
Diameter of wheels

The rnodel train's track

is set on one rail of the
track for a ft"tll size
train. Compare the size
of tl're bolt that ties the
rail down with the size
of the model train.

Sub-topic 1 Application of ratio and proportio" 73

TP 32 Ar'
Look at the plan of the house in the diagram below. The measurements

drawing are the actual measurements of the house'

10 m i - ate the
ilS r,l - 3s and c

: - :;e eng"1


b) The width of a door in the actual house is 90 cm. what will the width
a door be on the drawing?
If 10 m on the actual l-rouse is represented by 10 cm on tire drawing, wh;.
the scale?
T'he triangles in each Pair are similar" Give the ratio of the correspondit-lg
in the two triangles and then f,ncl the value of k. Use the symbol lli for str
c uI \p 3
s/ \
4 12

74 Topic 5 Similarity and congruency

$iJB-ToPlc 2
Area and volume of similar
f igures
:1 the

calculate the areas and volumes of similar

shapes and obiects
\e will flrst work with similar 2D shapes and then with similar 3D obiects

Calculate length and area using scale

,\'e know that the sides of similar shapes are
n proportion. This means that they are in A
.l-Le same ratio. For example, if the ratio is ,! ,

hen all the sides of the second shape are

-rouble the length of the sides of the hrst
,r-L the diagram:
. The side lengths of shape B are doubie the
- sides side lengths of shaPe A. C
nilar. . The side lengths of shape D are double D
the side iengths of shaPe C.

shapes' The
1n this example, we investigate the ratio between the areas of the
rvith shapes E to H.

1 Find the measurements of shapes A to H'

2 Write down the names of the Sroups of shapes that are similar'
3 what conclusion can you make about the ratio of the areas of similar shapes?

Sub-topic 2 Area and volume of similar figures 75


A 2 2 1:2 4 1:4
B 4 4 16
C 2 1 1:2 2 1:4
D 4 2 8
E 1 1 1:3 1 1:9
F 3 !) I
G 2 1 1:3 Z 1:9
H o J 1B
2 Similar shapes: A and B; C and D; E and F; G and H
3 The ratio between the areas of two similar shapes is the square of the rati:
between the sides of the two shapes,
If the ratio between the sides is 1 ; 3 o. j , th" ratio between the areas of r:
shanes is /1 12.
\.1 /

In general, if the ratio between the sides gl.tryo similar shapes is or (tt : b), th.
ratio between the areas of the shapes ir (
So if the sides are increased by a
,o )'.
factor of 2, the area will be increased by a'fabtor of 22 = 4.

1 The plan for Phiri's house is drawn 12cm

toascaleof 1:100.
a) Write down the ratio of the floor
areas of the plan of the house to
the floor areas of the real house.
b) Calculate the area of the floor plan
5cm 5cm
in square centimetres (cm2). Lounge E! Kitchen
c) Use the ratio to write down the
area of the real house.
: ,e,-"
2 A church group is given a building they can convert into a rneeting hall. T
building is 8 m wide and 15 m long.
a) Calculate the area of the floor space of the building.
b) The group deciile to extend the building and to double its length and ir
width. By what factor will the floor space increase?
c) What will tl-re new floor area of the converted buiiciiug be?

76 -fopic
5 Similarity and congruencl,
1 r,::rr ':l

3 A school has a building that is 27 m long and 9 m wide. They decide to

convert the building into smaller rooms and to use it as a hostel for students.
They divide the building along the length and along the width by 3.
a) Give the ratio of the side length of a smaller room to the side length of the
original building. 27m
b) Calculate the area of the floor
of the original building. I
c) Give the ratio: area of a smaller 9m
room : area of the building.
d) Use the ratio to calculate the
floor area of the smaller rooms.

Calculate length, area and volume using scale

.n the same way that 2D shapes are similar, 3D objects are similar if their sides are
.n proportion. This means that corresponding sides are in the same ratio. The next
,rorked example gives you the opportunity to investigate these relationships.

Look at the drawings of F

two rectangular prisms
5 cm
rcuboids) and compare the D
measurements of the sides, G
the areas of the faces and the
r-olumes of the two solids. A l-5 cm B

1 Compare the following ratios of the sides of the two solids:

AB : PQ; BG : QV and GF : UV. What is your conclusion?
2 Calculate the areas of the faces: ABCD; PQRS; BCFG; QRUV; ABGH and
3 Find the ratios
ffi; ffffi #ffi ,"0 . what is your conclusion?
4 Calculate the volume of the two solids in cubic centimetres (crnr).
5 Find the ratio of the two volumes.
6 Compare the ratios of the sides, the areas of the faces and the volumes?
What is your conclusion?

1 AB : PQ= 15 : 6= 5 : Z;BG: QV= 10 : 4= 5:2; GF :tJV = 5 :2
The ratios of the sides are constant (f ); therefore, lhe sides are in proportion.
2 ABCD = 15 x 5 = 75 cm2 l,eRS = 72cm2
BCFG = 50 cm2 QRUV = B cm2
ABGH = 150 cm2 PQVW = 24 cmz

Sub-topic 2 Area and volurne of similar figures 77

2 ABCD 75 zS. uQEq 50 25 ^^s ABGH 150
- +' QRW - 8 - 4 .rru
25 idT
" pQRS - 12 Pa\.W - U - 4
The ratio of the areas of the faces is the square of the ratio of the sides (f
\z CD
4 Volume (large solid) = length x breadth xleight .-lr.0, c
? fu e'€tt
= /5U CITI-
Volume (smatt solid) = 6 cm x 4 cm x 2 cm= 48 cm3
5 rrurriLr- 7l! =*
4g - g =2s
Ratioof thetwovolumes= - g =3:- 22 =/E\3
-\2) *am u al
6 The corresponding sides are _in^ the same ratio (i ), ,n" ratio of the surface, ttr€
areas are in the same ratio (
Z)' u"athe volum!-s'are in the same.atio (i F amd
From the above worked example, we can deduce the following. Erert
If two solids are similar: flfL--rii.rlte
r their corresponding sides are in the same ratio Cuimitate
o the ratio of their surface areas is equal to (ratio of corresponding sides)2 Tfu rm,.*rrt
o the ratio of their volumes is equal to (ratio of corresponding sides)3. dfue rrq ir
t=ti q.tld

fu -fi,e r
Itfue dom
1 Mate is a brick maker. He wants to make a set of miniature bricks for his u- rn-c
Look at the diagram of the similar bricks. M:tp r
75 mm

110 mm lL mm
a) Calculate the ratio between the corresponding sides of the bricks. rmrT tmU
b) Give the value of the length (a) and the height (b) of the miniature 8.tu
c) Write down the ratio between the volumes. re u-ort
d) Convert the measurements of the standard size brick to centimetres ( ltltwr*}es
and calculate its volume cubic centimetres (crr'). Egdes.
e) Use the ratio between the volumes to find the volume of a miniature
f) Calculate the volume of clay Mate will need to make 1 000 miniature
bricks for his son. €En8
The two cylinders A and B in the diagram are similar. Use the information 0f (xx
the diagram to find the following. 'SSSt
a) the ratio of the radii of the sir{r-rr, A

two bases 1 Ie equ

b) the ratio of the two curved 18 cm II in$€s
surface areas !2
c) the volume of cylinder B if I I
A has a volume of 627 crrl3. {dtr5p d *}

78 Topic 5 Similarity and congruency

i:::::rtt:t':i:;:ll:ilti,,,t ,,,.:,,',,,:,..l.:,,,::::,:"t]L,,r:|i

Nosiku's advertising company was asked to make a huge model cola can to
place on the roof of a cola distribution centre. They used a scale of 1 : 100.
)' A normal cola can has a volume of 335 mI, a height of 1.2 cm and a diameter
r of 6.6 cm. Calculate the following dimensions of the model can.
a) the height b) the diameter c) the volume.
A chocolate manufacturer makes chocolates in the shape of a triangular prism
(see diagram). The chocolates are packed in a
box that is also a triangular prism. In the +
3.6 cm
diagram, the prism is lying on one of its sides. E I
Bp The one triangular face (the base) faces ; I
5) '
forwards and the other triangular face is +

at the back. 4cm

a) Calculate the area of a triangular face (the base).
b) Calculate the volume of the prism (V = area of base x length).
c) The manufacturer wants to make a box that is similar to, but bigger than
the one in the diagram. The ratio of the sides of the bigger box to the sides
of the smaller box must be 1.5.
Give the measurements of the bigger box'
ftew word
d) Write down the ratio between the volumes prism: an object with two end
rson. of the two prisms. faces that are similar and equal,
and side faces that are rectangles
e) Find the volume of the larger prism.

> Gongruent shapes

Shapes are congruent if they are similar and they have the same size. This means
that not only must their corresponding angles be equal, but their corresponding
sides must be the same length.
When we work with congruent triangles, we use certain conditions to show
that the triangles are indeed congruent. You learnt about these conditions in

previous grades.
Gongruent triangles

Triangles are congruent (=) if:
h o.t . the sides of one triangle are equal to the corresponding sides of the other
triangle (SSS)
e any two sides and the angle between these sides (the included angle) of one
triangle are equal to two sides and the included angle of the other triangle (SAS)
. any two angles and one side of one triangle are equal to two angles and the
corresponding side of the other triangle (AAS)
r the hypotenuse and a side of a right-angled triangle are equal to the hypotenuse
[,., and a side of the other triangle (RHS).

Sub-topic 2 Area andvolume of similar figures 79

The following diagrams illustrate these conditions.
. Side, side, side (SSS)
Therefore, AABC = ARPQ.

, \., l,
Side, angle, side (SAS)
In AABC and APQR: -

nSC = nPQ
Therefore, AABC = ARPQ.
Angle, angle, corresponding
side (AAS)
nee = nQp
Therefore, AABC = ARPQ.
Right angle, hypotenuse,

side (RHS)
Therefore, AABC = ARPQ.

Use the information in the diagram where AB = AD and BC = CD to prove tha:
a0c = aOc.
AB=AD (Given)
BC=CD (Given)
AC is a common side
Therefore, AABC = AADC (SSS)
Hence, agC = aDC

80 Topic 5 Similarity and congruency

+-: 3".13,.*',..'' T-1:. 1'']
]-.::"'" ' -
AB = DC ABC = DCE. Prove that AABE =
1 In the diagram, ""J

(for example,
The pairs of triangles below are
congruent. State the property
SSS or AAS) according to
which each pair is congruent'
a) AABD and ABCD b) AABC andADEF

c) AABC and ADEF

d) AABC and ADEF

o\-'' .r^-* A#D

A* /@-'-
,,, \,
\\ =L--r--\-1
A congregation collected money for
a stained glass window for their
regular hexagon (arl sides have the
The window is in the shape of i glass panels'
up of six congruent
length). Show that the window is made

figures 81
Sub-topic 2 Area and volume of similar
Summary, revision and assessment

Application of ratio and proportion
Calculate the scale on a map:
> A number scale is expressed in the form a : b where a and b are numbers.
> A number scale of 1 : 10 000 means 1 unit on the map has to be multiplie:
by 10 000 units to get the real distance on the ground.
(RF) (or scale factor) of a map.
>> A bar scale compares lengths measured in different units. If the dimensior,,
a map are doubled, the line segments of its bar scale must also be doublei
>> A bar scale must be converted into a number scale before you can find a
scale factor.
, Calculate length and area using a given scale and calculate a scale using gir-e:-
length and area:
> You can use a number scale to create similar shapes.
> You can use a number scale and similar shapes to calculate lengths.

Area and volume of similar figures

,. If two solids are similar:
> their corresponding sides are in the same ratio
> the ratio of their surface areas is equal to (ratio of corresponding sides)2
> the ratio of their volumes is equal to (ratio of corresponding sides)3
, Use ratio and proportion to solve similarity and congruency problems.
Use the fact that if two shapes or objects are similar, their sides are in the
ratio (a : b), then their areas are in the ratio (a : b)2, and their volumes are in
the ratio (a : b)3.
Triangles are congruent if:
> the sides of one triangle are equal to the corresponding sides of the other
triangle (SSS)
) any two sides and the angle between them (included angle) of one triangl.
are equal to two sides and the included angle of the other triangle (SAS)
> any two angles and a side of one triangle are equal to two angles and a
corresponding side of the other triangle (AAS)
> the hypotenuse and a side of a right-angled triangle are equal to the
hypotenuse and a side of the other triangle (RHS).

82 Topic 5 Summary, revision and assessment

Revision exercises
1 On a map of Africa that includes the
capital cities of the different countries,
the bar scale is 1 cm equals 400 km and
the number scale is 1 : 51 400 000'
a) Luanda in Angola and Lusaka are
about 30 mm aPart on the maP'
Calculate the approximate distance
between them as the crow flies'
b) On the maP, the straight distance
between Lusaka and Nairobi (Kenya)
is about 58 mm. Calculate the
aPProximate distance between the
two cities in kilometres'
c) Windhoek (Namibia) is
approximatelY 7 234 km from
Lusaka as the crow flies. Calculate
the distance between them on the map'
2 Which of the following cones are similar?

A boy is 140 cm tall. The ratio of his height on a photograph to
is 1 : 20. Find the following in centimetres'
his real height

a) the height of the boy on the photograph

b) the actual height of his little sister who is 3.5 cm tall on the photograph
c) the height on the photograph of a tree that is 2.2 m tall in real life
4 The diagram shows a cylinder with a height
of 30 cm and water to a dePth of 6 cm'
a) Calculate the ratio of the depth of the water
to the height of the cYlinder.
b) Calculate the ratio of the volume of water to
the caPacitY of the cYlinder.

Topic 5 Summary, revision and assessment 83

Revision and assessment (continued)

5 In the diagram, K is a kite ttrat is tied

to the ground at G by a rope ClK.
The rope just passes over a verticai
pole PR of height 4.2 m. Given that
the kite is ll metres vertically above E,
GE=12.6mandGP=7crn, s:-
calculate the value of /r.
1,2.6 m
Assessment exercises
1 Which two cylinders are similar?

In the cliagram. the diarneter of cone .t is

,1, ot thc cliameter ol tone B. ,

that the cones are similar, ans\^/er the following questiorrs.

a) If the diameter of cone A is 5 cm, find
the diameter of cone B.
b) If the radius of cone A is 12 crn, what is
the radius of cone B?
c) If the surface area of cone B is 200 cm2,
flnd the area of cone A.
d) If the volume of cone A is 1 000 cm:r,
flnd the volurne of cone B.
KOOL drink is sold as a powder in large and smal1 bo.res as shown belor
boxes are similar.
a) F'ind the ratio of corresponcling sides of the trvo boxes.
b) Calculate the ratio of the surface areas of the two boxes.
c) Calculate the ratio of the volumes of thc
tr,r,o boxes.
d) If the volume of the large box is i 728 crn3
find the volume of the smallbox.
e) If the total surface area of the small bo,r.
is 488 cm2, find the surface area of the
large box.
!2 cm

84 Topic 5 Summary, revision and assessment

The diagram shows an aeroplane and a model of the aeroplane. The ratio,
Iength of aeroplane to length of the model is 80 : 1.


Model aeroplane .z'-:- --r-#-


a) Calculate the length of the model aeroplane in metres, given that the
length of the aeroplane is 32 m.
b) Calculate the ratio of the surface area of the aeroplane to the surface area
of the model aeroplane.
c) Calculate the volume of space in the model aeroplane if the volume of the
aeroplane is 640 m3.
Which pairs of triangles are congruent?

Below is the diagram of a gate. The outer shape of the gate, ABCD, is a
rectangle. Prove that AABC and ADCB are congruent and that AAED and
ABEC are also congruent.

Topic 5 Summary, revision and assessment 85

Travel graphs

Distance-time graphs Compute average speed, disiance and time.

Velocity-time graphs Compute average speed, distance and time. ,llltrlll

Determ ne acceleration and retardation/decel

i e' = - :r
tiuti t,,,
Draw travel graphs.
Calculate the distance under a velocity-time gr:- " lillillriit i..

Relate area under a graph to distance travellec lll lll fl I r11 I

ll 1lr,


ll lfl]ilr L

1 On the triangle alongside, D refers to distance, S refers

to speed and T refers to time. How do you think you
can use this information? Work with a partner.
2 An object covers 800 m (metres) in 32 s (seconds).
a) What is the speed of the object in m/s (metres illffi,Cn* p t
per second)? l

b) Change the speed of the object to km/h (kilometres per hour).

3 Discuss the distance-time graph with your partner. In what way could
graph be useful for a traveller?
d Distance-time graph for an aeroplane flight #
1 200



^E 750

3 4so

86 Topic 6 Travel graphs

-TOPIC 1 Distance-time graPhs
. travel graPh is a line graPh
-rat gives a Picture of how an
bject moves. The movement
-an be on foot, on a bicYcle,
rv car/ bus, train, aeroPlane,
on. E
'nd so
You can show how the o
:istance (or disPlacement)
:nanges over time on a o
listance-time graPh, and
:ow the sPeed (or velocitY)
-langes over time on a
,':eed-time (or velocitY- Time (min.)
,.me) graPh.
we will
you must know how to draw as well as interpret a distance-time graph'
calculate speed, distance or time if the other
two quantities are
-ist revise how to

Compute average speed, distance and time

, he relationship between distance, time and speed is given by the formulae below'
the triangle to helP You find:
. speed, cover S so that s = ?, sPeed = t#
r tirle, cover T so that T = B; time = ffi
" distance, coverD sothatD =S x! distance= speed x time
r the above formulae, the speed is constant
(it does not change)'
. The units you use in the formulae must be the same on both sides of the equal
second 1m/s), the distance must
sign. For example, if the speed is in metres per
be in metres and the time in seconds'
. per hour (km/h) or
Units can be in kilometres (km), hours (h), kilometres
metres (m), seconds (s) or metres per second 1m/s)'
you could change units from, for example, kilometres per minute
(km/min') or
metres per second (m/s) to kilometres per hour
speed as follows:
. if the speed is not constant, you can calculate the avelage
averase speed = 'e{:fjffffi:#ff"d'

Sub-toPic 1 Distance-time graPhs 87

. The gradient between any two points on a line is always given by Irffir
change in vertical distance change in )u-values
change in horizor-ital clistance
"t change in x-values ^rtruilXl-':( tII
r The gradient of a line on a displacement-time graph represents the speed
velocity of the movement.
, ., - ,"-4,: ,.,, .,.
'. i
;. ,. , . '
The graph below
shows the motion $
of car A, cyclist B *
and jogger C.
Work in pairs.

B and ,ogger C


Which one of the three, A, B or C, covered the greatest distance?

Explain your answer.
2 Which one took the longest time to cover the distance?
3 Which one had the highest speed?
4 In which cases (A, B or C) were vectors involved?

90 Topic 6 Travel graphs

1 They all covered the same distance (the graphs all end at the same height
on the vertical axis).
2 The jogger took the longest time to iog the distance,
3 The car had the highest speed as it drove the distance in the shortest time.
4 Vectors are not involved as no information about directions was given.

:f distances and times are given, you can calculate the speed of an object.

The graph below describes a return journey Mate took by car to make deliveries.

Distance-time graph for deliveries


09:00 11;00
Time (h)

1 How far did Mate go before he started his return iourney?

2 How far from his starting point did he make the frrst stop?
3 At what time did he arrive at his first stop?
4 For how long did he stop at the first stop?
5 At what time did he start his return fourney?
6 At what time did he arrive back at the starting place?

Sub-topic 1 Distance-time graphs 91

7 How many stops did he make on the iourney?
8 What was the average speed of the car between points A and B?
9 What is the gradient of the line between A and B?
1O What was the average speed of the car when Mate passed point c?
11 What is the gradient of the line between B and D?
12 Compare your answers for questions 8 and 9, and for questions 10 and
What do you notice?
13 At what average speed did Mate drive back to the starting point? Rounc
your answer to the nearest whole number.

1 140 km
2 He stopped when he was 60 km from the starting point.
3 09:30
4 He stopped for 30 minutes (half an hour).
5 He started the return journey at 11:30.
6 He was back bY 13:00.
7 There were two stops (no distance was covered between those times).
8 Averagerr".o=
30 min.
- = ]20 km/h
- - 1, . .-.'L= changs
^ (;radrent
9 ;r rn l,-Ye!u5!
change in x-values

= 60\m - 126
distance covered
1O Average speed = time taken
140 km - 60 km
= lh
80g =8okm/h
change in ),-values
11 Gradient = change inl-values

140 km- 60 km
PI = go km/h
L2 The gradient represents the average speed.
13 Average speed = *ffi#tr*
_ ua@
- 1.5h
= 93.3 km/h = 93 km/h

92 Topic 6 Travel graPhs

1 The graph below shows the distance a cyclist rode in a certain time.
tre louiney lasted S frours. The cyclist's trip starts at the origin (0).
Distance-time graph of a cycling trip

o 1 3 4 t

a) what distance did the cyclist ride after each length of time?
1) th
ii) 2h
iil 2; h
iv) s] h
b) How long did the cyclist take to cycle each distance?
i) 5km
ii) 50 km
iii) 10km
iv) 60 km
c) What is the cyclist's speed for each distance?
i) from the start to A
ii) from A to B
iii) from B to C
iv) from D to E
d) Explain what happen between C and D'
e) Did the cyclist cycle back to where his ride started? Explain your answer'

Sub-topic 1 Distance-time graPhs 93

A long-distance athlete starts running at home on a practice run as
represented in the graph.

^E 10
o f)

0B:00 10:00 11:00 12:00
Time (h)

a) What distance did the athlete run

in total?
b) Briefly describe the athlete's run
from the start to point G.
c) How many tintes and for how long,
did the athlete stop running on his
practice run?
d) At what speed did the athlete run for
each distance?
i) from where he started to A
ii) from B to C
iii) from D to E
iv) from E, to G
e) What was the athlete's average speed
over the whole distance:
i) including rest tirnes
ii) excluding rest times?


94 Topic 6 1iavel tl

of the *uy' p":hll::1:,T:::"
tyres had a puncture. Monde walked the rest
Monde had to stop once to inflate the tyre'

0-l- '10:00
08:00 09:00 1
'l :00
Time (h)

a) At what time did Monde reach Mate's house?

fii gow far is it from his house to Mate's house?
c) How long did Monde stay at Mate's house after
fixing the Puncture?
d) How far from Mate's house did he inflate the wheel
on his return journeY?
e) For how long did he stop to inflate the tyre?
f) Calculate the speed during each part of the journey'
i) from Monde's house until his bike had
the Puncture Fai*l'i *rr a
ii) while Monde walked to Mate's house l;ie ,;r":i* tyre
iii) from Mate's house to where Monde stopped to
inflate the tYre
rg on the last leg of Monde's iourney, from E to F (his house)

Sub-topic 1 Distance-time graPhs 95

Drawing distance-time graPhs E
We always show the independent variable (time) ou the horizontal axis anu
other variable (in this case distance or displacernent) on the vertical axis.

1 2 3
150 300 450

1 in the table scalars or vectors?

Are the values
2 How far away from Lusaka was the aeroplane
after four hours?
3 What was the aeroplane's average speed in

1 The values are taken as scalars as no directions are given'
2 The aeroplane flew 150 km every hour: 150 km x 4 = 600 km
3 Speed= @n*ffi;.o, a = = 3Q{r\tn = TP = 150km/h
4 Time taken d Distance-time graph for an aeroplane fllg-
distance (km) 1 200
= speed (km/h)
900 km 1 050
= 1so km/h
=6h 900

5 As time is the
independent value,
^ 750
plot it on the E ooo
horizontal axis and E
the distance (in 3 4so
kilometres) on the
vertical axis. (AlwaYS 3oo

plot the independent r so

value on the
horizontal axis.)

96 'lirpic 6 'Iiavel graPhs

of 60 km/h
1 Kabila left home by car at 09:00 and travelled at an average
for one hour to attend a meeting. After one and a half hours, he returned
home at an average sPeed of 50 km/h'
b) How long did it take him to get home after the meeting?
c) Draw a travel graph to represent the situation'
d) How far did he travel in total?
2 Mrs chewe drove by car from her town to Lusaka, which is 80 km away. She
left home at 08:00 and drove at an avelage speed of 30 km/h' After driving
one hour, she increased her speed to an average of 50 km/h
and drove
a) Calculate Mrs Chewe's average speed on her journey to Lusaka'
c) Use the graph to flnd out at what time Mrs Chewe arrived home'
3 Basiku took a bus to a destination 2OO km from home'
The bus left at 10:00. It stopped after 80 km at 11:15
for 15 minutes. Then the bus drove for another hour at
an average speed of 70 km/h and then stopped again
for 15 minutes. The bus completed the rest of the
journey in 30 minutes.
a) At what average speed did the bus drive for the
first 80 km?
b) At what time did the bus start the journey again
after the first stoP?
c) How far was the bus from the starting point when
it stopPed the second time?
d) At what average speed did the bus cover the last part of the journey?
d) Use the graph to fln<l at what time Basiku arrived at her destination'
4 The flying dirtun.. between Lusaka and Johannesburg (South Africa) is
1 211 km. Johannesburg is due south of Lusaka. The flying time is t hour
and 50 minutes.
a) Find the displacement of an aeroplane on flight from:

ii)Johannesburg to Lusaka.
b) Calculate the average velocity of


an aeroplane on a flight between '"

Johannesburg and Lusaka.
c) Draw a displacement-time graph to represent the situation'
d) Are the values you worked with in this problem vector ot scalar

Sub-topic 1 Distance-time graPhs 97

suB-ToPlc 2 Velocity-time graphs
the qu:-- -
velocity-time graphs are similar to distance-time graphs, except that
section, r-t -
on the vertical axis is speed (a scalar) or velocity (a vector)' In this
will start by learning about calculations of velocity and acceleration.

Determine acceleration and deceleration

As you know, average sPeed =
in eve'
If the speed is constant, it means that the same distance is travelled

travels. The rate at which the velocity changes is called acceleration'
It is a \ r
is -'
quantity. If the change in the velocity is an increase, then the
direction to the
the same direction as trre movement. If it is in the opposite
movement and the object is slowing down, it is called deceleration
acceleration) or retardation.
We use the equation below to calculate the average
acceleration of an obiect over an interval of time: acceleration: the -=r
averageacceleration, a =
qultt##@ =# at which an objec:: trav
velocity changes
where { initial velocity at the start (fl) of the
is tfre deceleration: n e!;{ rritr

acceleration (or
interval andfi is the f,nal velocity at the end of the slowing down)
time interval (f)'

five seconds " r

The velocity of an obiect at the beginning of a time interval of
zo mls and at the end of the interval it was 70 m/s. calculate the acceleratic''

Let the velocity at the start (f6) of the time interval be { and at the end (f'
the velocity is [ . fhe average acceleration is:
vs- r!
- -sl--nll;
- lgLfl: 50-A/s I0lr,4
=- = = 5s = - [s = l0 m/s/s = l0 m/s2.
and so on)'
The units of aiceleration (velocity/time) are: m/sz (or km/h/s,

1 A car accelerates from 0 km/h to 100 km/h rn 7 '9 seconds'

a) Convert the speed of 100 km/h to metres per second (m/s)'
b) Calculate the acceleration of the car in m/s2'

98 Topic 6 Travel graPhs


accelerates to 2 km/min. for 10 minutes' After that
it continues at the new
speed for two hours.
a) Calculate the distance the train
travelled during the flrst 15 minutes'
b) What is the velocity after the train
c) How far does the train travel in two
hours at the final velocitY?
3 An aeroplane needs to reach a velocity
of 2BO km/h for take-off.
(m/s) (round
a) convert the velocity needed for take-off to metres per second
off to the nearest whole number)'
how many
b) If the aeroplane accelerates from 0 m/s at a rate of 2 mlsz '
seconds would it need to reach take-off velocity?
c) If the aeroplane accelerates from rest at \ mls2 ' how many
seconds would

it take to reach take-off velocitY?

Draw travel graphs and determine the distance

under such graphs
is speed or
working with velocity-time graphs, the dependent variable
-,'e1ocity, which is labelled on the vertical axis. The independent variable is time,
a velocity-time graph to f,nd
,,,-hich is labelled on the horizontal axis. we can use
:ifferent quantities.
-,le can find:
. the velocity if the time taken is known
. the time taken if the velocity is known
. the acceleration if the velocity anO the time taken are known
. the displacement if the velocity and the time taken are known'

1 A motorbike drove in a straight line' It started
with a velocity of 0 m/s and passed a lookout point
10 seconds later at a velocity of 20 m/s'
a) If the rate of acceleration was constant over the
time interval, calculate the acceleration in m/s2'
b) Draw up a table and record the size of the
velocity at each of the ten seconds the
motorbike moved.

Sub-toPic 2 Velocity-time graPhs 99

c) Use the valuesin the table and draw a graph to represent the situatiou t The
d) Find the gradient of the line and compare it with your answer in s'ad
question 1(c).
e) Read off the velocity on your graph after four and a half seconds.
f) Use you graph to find after how many seconds the velocity was 13 m r
Answers for number 1" =
I a) Acceleration, tr = !s- ls
- 20mls-0m/s
10s Drarr
_ 20 mls drarr'
= 2 mls2 Sfft
b, c) ffi61ffi o 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 I 1C
:le p
ffio Z 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 2C
Velocity-time graph of a motorbike in motion

l^-.:i at


E il {-i-
=o B

o 2a-


ir -{i
iiflr C i

h mdtl
o Ca-le-u
O t-.eior

100 Topic 6 Travel graphs

--on. d) The gradient is constant (a straight line). Start by calculating
gradient between 2 s and 7 s.
m = cttange in corresponding x-valttes

r/s. - l4rrrls-2mls
/ S- I S

= !2rr'l;
= Z mls2 (or m/s/s)
e) Start at point A on the graPh, t = +l s'
Draw a vertical line to the graph and from the point of intersection,
draw a horizontal line to the vertical axis and
read off the velocity at point B (the value is 9)' The acceleration is
f) Start on the vertical axis at point B (13 m/s)' Draw positive, therefore the
a horizontal line to intersect the graph and from object is accelerating
1o i the point of intersection draw a vertical line to in the direction in
which it is moving.
20 the time axis. Read off the value at point D: 6 | s'

2 Look at the graph that describes the velocity of an obiect as time passes.

Velocity-time graph of an object in motion

10 12
Time (s)

a) What happened between the following points?

i) AandB ii) BandC
iii) C and D iv) D and E

b) Did the motion end at Point E?

c) Calculate the acceleration between points A and B'
d) Calculate the acceleration between points C and D'

Sub-topic 2 Velocity-time graphs 101

Answers for number 2

2 a) i) The object accelerated and its velocity increased from 0 m/s to 5

as time passed.
ii) The oblect's velocity was constant and no acceleration took plac.
iii) The obiect was subject to negative acceleration or retardation
(deceleration). This means that the velocity decreased and the c:-
moved slower.
iv) The object's velocity was constant again and no acceleration toc,
b) The object had velocity at point E, so the motion did not end; this ,,
only the end of the observation process.
c) a= 5+-Bm/s*Om/s-Sry/s
r;-rr) -ls -ls =Zmlsl

d) a= o,Tj'-,[I" = -*rT" =2 mls2

The fastest human runner on record is Usain

Bolt. During a 100-m sprint, his average speed
between 60 m and 80 m of the distance was
a) Convert his speed to rnetres per second (m/s).
b) Calculate his acceleration (m/s2) if he reached
a speed of 44.72 km/h speed after 5.6 s.
A cheetah is capable of running in short bursts
of high-powered sprinting. It accelerates very
quickly, but cannot run at those speeds for long
periods of time. Look at the graph that describes
a cheetah's acceleration. The velocity values
have been rounded off to whole numbers.

102 Topic 6 Travel

a) After how many seconds did the cheetah reach its top speed?
b) Calculate the cheetah's acceleration in the first three seconds.

Velocity-time graph of a cheetah running



=o tt

Time (s)

The graph shows the velocity

Velocity-time graph of a motion
of an obiect against time.
a) What was the velocity of
the object after five
b) What was the acceleration
of the object over the first
five seconds?
c) Give the acceleration over
each time interval.
i) BtoC
ii) CtoD
iii) D to E
d) What was the velocity of

w the object after each

length of time?
i) 25s
ii) 30 s

Sub-topic 2 Velocity-time graphs 103

Relate the area under a velocity-time graph to
distance travelled
You already know about the relationships between velocity, displacement at- -
time (or speed, distance and time) and between velocity, time and acceleratr.
We can also connect displacement or distance to a velocity*time graph. \
will find that the area under a velocity-time graph represents the distance ar-.
object moved.
The graph shows an object with constant velocity. Between points A and ,
the velocity of the object is constant at 15 m/s.

Velocity-time graph of constant motion


.,,) , : ['\

Time (s) =\
'l'he size of a velocity is the same as speed
= dj?Htiil# =\
From this we also know;
o distance covered = speed x time
Using the information on the graph:
r distance = 15 m/s x 25 s = 375 m
,i :-
The concept of similarity
In this section, you will learn about the area under a curve. we use the conc. :'-
sirnilar figures to calculate the meaning of this area. :--
The shaded area on the above graph covers three units on the vertical ari: ll s-
five units on the horizontal axis. The area is 15 square graph units. Eachver. :-
unit on the graph represents 5 m/s and each horizontal unit on the graph 5.:
represents 5 s. So, the shaded rectangle, which is 3 by 5, represents a larger s :jl::-
rectangle, which is 15 by 25. We use a similar rectangle (which fits on the gr.,
tcl represent the large rectangle. To flnd the correct area, multiply the units L- .-r lil
correct factor (which we can deduce because the rectangles are similar).
fhe above example shows that the area under the velocity-time graph gi-,, ) ," l
distance travelled in the part of the motion at which we are looking.

104 Topic 6 liavel graprrs

Look at the velocity-time graph from Worked
example 6 again'
Velocity-iime graph of an object in motion


I -l

Time (s)

pair of points'
L Calculate the area under the graph between each
a)BandC b)AandB c)CandD
d) DandE e) AandE
travelled in the relevant part of the motion'
1 a) Area = vertical distance x horizontal distance
= 48 square units
b) Area = ?r€& of triangle
= 1.
" base x height

= 7.-
= 16 square units
c) Area = atea of a rectangle + area of triangle
= 12 square units
d) Area = (2O - LZ) x 4
= 32 square units
e) Area = 48 + 16 + 1.2 + 32 = 108 square units
unit (time) is in
the vertical unit (veiocity) is in m/s and the horizontal
(m/s x s = m). The distance is 108 m'

Sub-topic 2 Velocity-time graphs 105

The graph on the right is from Activity 6 Velocity-time graph of a cheeta.
question 2 about the motion of a cheetah. 29


a) Calculate the area under the curve from
b) Use the area under the curve to give the
distance the cheetah covered during the Time (s)

relevant part of the motion.

The graph from Activity 6 question 3 is Velocity-time graph of a n-:
given on the right. ,;l
a) Calculate the area under the graph from ,.
AtoE. ].

b) Use the area under the graph to give the tr ,r+

distance the object covered during the o
o ,o ].
reievant motion.

]5 20
Time [s)

The velocity-time graph on

the right shows the motion Velocity-time graph of a motion
of an object.
a) Use the graph to find the
velocity of the obiect at
f=5s. a
b) After how many seconcls
did the obfect have a o
velocitlz of 120 rn/s? (.)

c) Calculate the
acceleration over each
time interval.
i) 0sto6s 46
ii) 6sto10s Time (s)
iii) 10 s to 12 s
d) Find the distance covered betlryeen four seconds ancl ten seconcls.
e) calculate the totar distance covered by the moving object.

106 Topic 6 Travel graphs

4 The graph shows the time r/elocitY-time graph of speed of two cars
it takes two cars to reach a
speed of 27 .8 rrrls from a 27.8
position of rest. 25
a) Calculate the speed of
27.8 mls as kilometres
per hour (km/h). o
b) Car A takes 3.65 s to E

reach a speed of 27 .B mls. i15

Calculate car A's average ()
c) Calculate the distance
car A covers from the
start until it reaches a
speed of 27.8 mls.
d) Car B takes 4.3 s to reach Time (s)
a speed of 27.8 mls.
Calculate car B's average acceleration.
\r e) Calculate the distance car B covers from the start until it reaches the speed
of 27.8 mls.

Nosiku left home on her bicycle to visit her

friend. She accelerated uniformly fot 1,2 seconds
until she reached a speed of 72 mls. She rode at
this constant speed for another 16 seconds.
Then she had to brake sharply for a child who
ran into the road. Her bicycle came to rest
25 seconds after she braked.
a) Draw a velocity-time graph of Nosiku's
b) Calculate her acceleration when she left
c) Calculate the deceleration at which she came to a stop.
d) Calculate the total distance she covered until she came to a stop'
Work in small groups. How could information in this topic be useful for the
people below? ExPlain.
. A long-distance athlete
. Someone who draws up bus timetables
. Someone in a nature conservation who is studying cheetahs

Sub-topic 2 Velocity-time graphs 107

Summary, revision and assessment

Distance-time graphs
The relationships between speed, distance and time:
"r--- _ distance
> soeed p
time or S = T
> time - distance
speedor T = ?5
> distance = speed x time orD =SxT
In the above formulae, speed is constant (it does not change).
Units that can be used for distance-time calculations include kilometres (kr:-
hours (h), kilometres per hour (km/h) and metres (m), seconds (s) and metr;
per second (m/s).
Scalars are values that have size but not direction.
Vectors are quantities that have size and direction.
The gradient of a line on a distance-time graph gives the speed of the objec-
When drawing distance-time graphs or velocity-time graphs (or any graph
always plot the independent variable (time) on the horizontal axis.

Velocity-time graphs
The gradient of a line on a velocity-time graph represents acceleration.
Accelerationisgiven by d = tn'nttii}:t'o(,irv ='#,where vi istheveloc.: -
the start, { is the initial time, fi is the final velocity and fris the time at the = *
Acceleration is a vector quantity.
Negative acceleration means deceleration or retardation (slowing down).
The area under a velocity-time graph represents the distance covered durins -_:,
* We use the concept of similarity to compare the area under a curve with a s-::
shape that has the correct measurements.

Revision exercises
1 Use the relationship between speed, time and distance to complete a cop\' _

the table.

108 Topic 6 Summary, revision and assessment

complete a copy of the table below using the relationship between
acceleration, velocity and time. (Round off answers to one decimal place')

A car travels along a straight road for 600 m. It travels at a constant velocity
for the whole iourney, which takes 120 s.
a) Sketch the displacement-time graph for the iourney'
b) What was the velocity of the car in metres per second (m/s)?
c) What was the velocity of the car in kilometres per hour (km/h)?
The Comrades Marathon is IPIPIRIAL
the oldest ultramarathon in
the worid. It takes Place
annually between Durban and
Pietermarit zbug (South Africa)'
It is run over a distance of 90 km.
The best time for men so far
- city at
was set in 2008 bY the Russian
,re end. Leonid Shvetsov. It was 5 hours
24 minutes and 47 seconds.
a) Change the distance for the marathon to metres and the winning time
-,19 the to seconds.
b) Give the average speed of the best time in metres per second lmis).
, similat c) Convert the winning time to hours acculate to three decimal places.
d) Write the winner's speed in kilometres per hour (km/h)'
The flying distance between Lusaka and cairo in Egypt is 5 036 km. cairo
lies at 39. 15'E and Lusaka at28'15' E. The flying time is 6 hours and
30 minutes.
a) calculate the difference in longitude between Lusaka and cairo.
b) write down the displacement of an aeroplane that flies from Lusaka
to Cairo.
c) Calculate the average velocity of an aeroplane that flies from Lusaka
to Cairo.
d) Draw a displacement-time graph to represent the situation'
e) Write down the displacement of a plane that flies from Cairo to Lusaka'

'Iopic 6 Summary, revision and assessment 109

Revision and assessment (continued)

6 The velocitV-time graph shows an obiect's motion over a time period of

Velocity-time graph of an object's motion

a) Read off the velocity of the obiect at 4 s.

b) After how many seconds was the velocity 12 lrrls?
c) Calculate the acceleratlon from f = 0 s to f = 4 s.
d) What is the acceleration over the interval 7 s to 10 s?
e) Find the acceleration over the interval 4 s to 7 s.
f) Use the area under the graph to calculate the total distance the oblect
covered in the ten seconds that the motion lt'as observed'

Assessment exercises
1 a) Find the distance covered at 59 km/h for one and a half hours.
b) Find the time taken to cover 26 km at 52 km/h.
c) Find the speed if 368 km is covered in 8 hours.
2 An object is dropped from a bridge over a river that is '12 m above the n';r:.
The initial velocity was 0 m/s and the acceleration is approximately 9'8 r
a) How iong did it take the obiect to reach the water if the relationship
between the time, the displacement (s) and the acceleration (9.8) is g1- .
by the following formula?
. tr;i\
t= V s.t
b) Find the velocity of the obiect as it hits the water using v = 9.8 r.

110 'fopic 6 Summary, revision ancl assessment

6 hours 9 minutes and24 seconds'
to seconds'
a) Convert the distance to metres and the winning time
second 1m/s).
d) Give the winner's speed in kilometres per hour
two sets of
4 Below is the velocity-time graph for a scooter that moved between
traffic lights on a straight road'
v Velocity-time graPh of a scooter

^o 10

10 12
Time (s)

a) Calculate the scooter's acceleration over each time interval'

i) 0sto7s
ii) 7sto16s
iii) 16 s to 20 s
b) What was the velocity of the scooter at 10 s?
c) Calculate the distance between the two traffic lights'

Topic 6 Summary, revislon and assessment 111

Social and commercial DIC 1


lnvestments Carry out calculations that involve shares, divic=-

and investment bonds

: J ations
Work in groups of four.
1 Find out n hich different investments are offered by banks. Make notes
about the advantages and disadvantages of each type of investment. Dt-
which type of investment is the most profitable.
2 Use the commercial pages of newspapers to find companies that are lisi=.
on the stock exchange. Let each member of your group choose one or L'
companies and track the changes in those companies' share prices o\ieI -
period of at least one week. Discuss in 1'our group what these changes r:
the share prices mean.

Working with your group, make a list of the places where you can find
share prices (two such places are shown in the photographs on this pas.
What do you think the difference is between a bull market and a bear

112 'ftrpic 7 Social ancl cornmcrcial arithmctic

B-TOP|C 1 lnvestments

Every country needs a healthy, working economy. This is essential for lob creation
rnd for a society to work properly. A country needs food security (the steady
production of food), good health setvices, infrastructure (such as roads and
lends lailways) ancl education. People can make sound investments in a healthy
economy that generates money. Examples of investments include capital, shares
and investment boncls. In this topic, the focus is on shares and investment bonds.

Calculations that involve shares

The economy is usually linked to formal businesses or companies. Informal
businesses also play an important role in an economy, but in this topic, the focus

on formal businesses. When a company needs cash so that it can expand, it can
issue shares in the company. This means the company divides some of its capital
-'ted into parts (shares), which it then offers for sale. The company is listed on the stock
, two exchange where shares (also called stock), are traded. When people buy shares in a
:ia company, they own a share of the company. They are called shareholders' The
'in directors of a company decide what amount of the plofit the company makes will
be given to the shareholders. This is usually done once a year. These payments are
called dividends' i:rr.:rll .rrr;,:,ii'ir1ii:

;;;il' ; .il;,;;; ""mmerciar

or corporation
dividends: ihe part of a company's profit that
is paid to shareholders on a regular basis
shares: parts of the capital a company offers
for sale in the form of shares
shareholders: the people who have bought
shares of a comPanY
stock exchange: the financial market of a
country where shares are traded

The Lusaka Stock Exchange (LuSE) is the

main stock exchange in Zambia. lt was
::. I i ",!,:,-t: founded in 1993. lt is situated in Lusaka.
ir-::'l:$i;i I l'l l'r'

1ie). The number of shares a company can make available to shareholders is

determined by the amount of share capital the company has and the division of
the share capital into shares of a Ilxed amount. For example, if a company has
K1 000 000 and it issues 4 000 000 shares, the nominal value of one share will be

Sub-topic 1 lnvestmeilts 113

K0.25 (usr.rally given as 25 Ngwee)''fhis
market value
price has nothing to do with the
tf ,tr" shares. 'rhe market value is the price or
prospective shareholders pay
for the shares
q;:rf ..rirtfi,:.'l
sell shares'
it-r".rutu" at which shareholders can

at K2 s00 per share' The

1 Mr chona bought 500 shares of a company
nomiual value of a share was K1
a) What did he PaY for the 500
the shares?
b) What is the total nominal value of Exchange (l-uSE) listing .

z Thetable below shows part of the Lusaka Stock

one daY. Answer the questions'

Volume Value
name Exch Curr Close Change 95 494
ZambiaNational LuSE ZMK
O'28 +0'00
Commercial Bank
Plc (Zanaco)

a) What do the last six columns
that day?
ui uo* many shares were traded on that were traded on that day?
c) What was the value of the shares

250 000
1 a) Cost of shares: 500 x I(2 596 = K1
K500 000
b) Total nominal value: 500 x K1 000 =
the company traded'
Column 3 shows the currency in
price for one share'
Column 4 shows the closing
the shares that were traded on
Column 7 shows the total value of
that day.
b) 95 494 shares
7 38'32 Ngwee
O'ZB x 95 491= 26
c) Value = closing price x volume =

A person buys and sells goods and assets

is a
for others is called a broker' A stockbroker stockbroker: Person who bu'' ''
regulated professional broker
who buys and
sells shares and bonds for otr=
monev by
,"ils shurei and boncls' Brokers earn brokerage fee: the fee charga:- -
on the stockbroker for buYing and se
charging a brokerage fee or commission
shares and bonds
snurJs ancl bonds they bulr ancl sell for others'

114 l'opic 7 Social anrl commercial arlthmetic

1 Mrs Chimbala bought 5 500 First Quantum
Ltd shares at a price of US$18'52' A stockbroker
to pay a
bought the shares for her and she had
purchase price'
brolierage fee of 1.5olo of the total
a) Calculate the purchase price of the shares'
U) Wt at did she pay the stockbroker? - U$ ciollar hlits
(a) to (0
aparticular day. Calcuiate the values of
rounded off to two decimal Places'

24 900

ffi;it*,*tors ot fusE =MK x/?-' ;0 00 i

sao ooo o'
';H'r#,.*o,"ipr" r-,sr-:zy(l 7y - -tq! -r- ;) -',, ?i-'?

#'#;i;;i;'Cii;'= izlf - i-12-ol;so li rygn' .t---:rtt- -l


on the previous day?

What was the price of the following
Zambian Breweries Plc
a) Lafarge cement ZambiaP\c b)
Malikabuys200sharesinacompanyatKl00each.TheCompanygrowsand to
shares rises and people are prepared
so do its profits. The demand foittre
pay K140 for a share'
u)'Wttu, did Malika pay for her 200 sh-ares? the amount that
each. calculate
b) Malika decides to'seit her shares at K140
she gets for her shares'
made on her shares'
c) Calculate the proflt (or capital gain) that Malika
d) Calculate her profit as a percentage' shares in his companv and
i#1ffi'':#;fi;. "e
wants to seil 45o/o orthe
keeps the rest of the shares'
so he issues 100 000 shares' He
a) Give a reason why Isake probably *ul:t.t:
;i ffi ;;;;";;; *'ii make availab" ro'
.i ffi;;;;;;v will"ur"
he raise if the price
each' Bv what
;i ffi'ffi'r"lrr i;" vatue of the sharei hasiisen to K56'00
percentage has the share price increased?
of IsakJs company worth after four
ffi;',, *.;;;;-
Sub-toPic 1 Investments 115
Galculations that involve dividends Ir :* attons
People w,ho invest in shares (or stocks) hope to share in the proflt of a conlr:
This happens when:
. they selI shares at a proli L

. a diviclend is paid out (for example, once a year) while they own the shar'
The directors of a company decicle what poltion of the annuai profit n'ill bt
distributed to shareholders. The divldencl per share is then calculated as fol-
Dividend per share = #HH@.,,.,,ii*#'i*o*

in his company. The company made a profit

Isake owns 55o/o of the shares
K2 560 000. An amount of K1 400 000 was paid out as dividends to the
shareholders who had bought 100 000 shares.
1 Calculate the amount paid out as dividend on one share.
2 What amount was paid out in dividends to the shareholders?
Kl .+00 (.lUU r/1 a
1 Dividend per share = #*19n.,#-t4rn,.Hffih = roilr)o = t\'l'l
2 Amount paid = 45o,h of 100 000 x K1'l = 4.5 000 x K14 = K630 000

'fhe directors of a company decide to pay a total dividend of I(978 000 ,

1 250 000 shares.

a) Caiculate the dividend per share.
b) Le1,2 holds 15 000 shares in the company. Hon,much is paid out in
dividends to her?
Calculate the dividend per share in each case.
a) A total dividend of K2 135 000 is paid on 2 000 000 shares.
b) A total dividend of I(2 850 000 is paid on 250 000 shares.
A1 investor uses the follorving formula to calculate hls annual dividentl
",t#k '
Annual dividencl yield = -#.u l-qq,,
Tina bought 2 500 shares at K5.85 per share. She received a clividencl oi
per share after a few months.
a) Calculate the total amoLlnt she paid for her shares.
b) Calculate the dividend she received on her shares.
c) Show that the dividend yield is LO.L)t\t"
cl) Tina's stockbroker charges a brokerage fee of 1.zl%r on transactions.
Catculate the antount she had to palz tl-ie stockbroker'

116 lbpic 7 Social and comnrercial arithmL'ti(

calculations that involve investment bonds
the lender. You invest (loan)
:,rany. .\n investment bond is like a loan, where you are
the money
to the public and raises
::e s, bank can supply. The municipality then turns
investors. They make a promise to pay you back
in full with regular payments
interest. These institutions may sell these bonds
to raise money for building a
governments are often called tressuries'
:of Someonelendsmoneytotheissuerofthebond)alsoinfluencestheyield(the
years will pay
For example, a bond that iS held for 10
amount a bond produces),
is the date by which the lender has promised
to repay the bond' This type
receive on maturity of the bond)'
advance what the amount is that they will
would be
then your investment
example, you could buy 10 units at K1O0 and
a cottpon. The investment was called a
K1 000. The interest rate is sometimes called
the interest Iate was attached
the bond (the face value) and a coupon that showed
to the certificate.

after 10 years. The interest is paid to him every six
1 Calculate the interest payable per year'
2 How much interest will Milimo receive after six months? p,a.: per annum
3 What amount will he receive on maturity of the bond? (per year)
4 How much interest will he receive in total if the interest
rate remains the same?
1 Interest: Bolo of K100 000 = K8 000
2 After six months he receives K4 000 in interest'
as interest was paid every
3 He receives only the original amount (K100 000)
six months.
4 Total interest: 10 x K8 000 = K80 000

Sub-topic 1 Investments 111

A municipality needs K15 000 000 to finance the
building of a football stadium. fhey sell bc-rnds
payable in five year's time at an interest rate of h--Tar1
6oh p.a.
a) How many units do they need to seii if a unit S":"=s
sel1s for K500?
b) How much interest will thefz pay in one year?
c) Calculate the total amount of interest paid after five years.
d) Mwila bought 10 bond units as an inr.,estment. What amount did \1
e) lVhat amount ltill Mwila get as interest over the five years?
Katele takes up an investment bond with a bank. The interest rate is 5
the interest amount per year (which is paid in two payrnents) is K1 00t 4 -= US
a) How much interest does Katele receive every six months?
b) What was the value of Katele's bond with the bank?
Nabila takes a government bond lrrorth K10 500 for 15 years. 'lhe inter.
is 6(Xt. Calculate the interest she earns in one vear.
Nabila decided to deposit the interest
she received as calculatecl in questior-r 3
in a savings account at a rate of 7.5o/o compound interest interes: =

compound interest per annurn. She

not used but added to the c:::
for the next compounding p:- ::
managed to continue this for four years"
a) Caiculate the growth of the first arnount Nabila deposited after four ' -
b) Cialculate the amount for the second year's deposit after three years.
c) Calculate the amount for the third year's cleposit after two years.
d) By how much did the last amount she deposited grow in the fourth ' .
e) Find the amount in her savings account after four years (to the near.
A companv issued a bond of I(2 750 000 at a rate of 4.Soh to rnatrlre aft-
1 2 years.
a) What is the interest paid over the full period?
b) If the bond is paid back after seven years, what is the fuil amount oi
face value and the interest to that date?
6 In order to start an aviation company, a
governrnent needed K3 billion but the aviation: the activity or b-: -
Commercial Bank could only ar.vard a bond of of operating and flying a': '-
K2 billion at an interest rate of 12%t p.a. If the
Ilank of Zanbia was ready to pay the deflcit
at 4t)/o, how much would the government have
had to pay to the Comrnercial Bank and the
Bank of Zambia in total?

118 Topic 7 Social and commorcial arithmc.tic

Summary, revision and assessment

need to raise cash'
. Companies often issue shares in the company when they
for sale in the form of
Companies offer some of the growth in the
: \lwila ,Companiesarelistedonthestockexchangewhereshares(orstock)aretraded.
share of the comPanY.

::ieSt rate called dividends.
total dividend amount
> Dividend Per share = number of shares issued

. An investment bond is similar to a loan, where the person who holds the bond
is the lender.
needs a lot of money.
from thousands of investors'
regular payments that include interest'

Revision exercises
1 Calculate the cost of buying the following'
is charged
at K0'84 each
b) 1 250 Copperbelt Energy Corporation Plc shares
per share.
a; Catculate the total amount she paid for the shares'
b) How much was her annual dividend?
she make?

Ibpic 7 Summary, revision and assessment 119

Revision and assessment (continued)

3 At the beginning of June 2072, the turnover of a company increased br

to K153 000 000. The dividend rose from K0.14 to K0.19 per share.
a) Calculate the company's turnover before the increase in turnover.
b) Calculate the percentage increase in the dividend per share.
4 ln 2009, a company issued 250 000 bonds at K25 each and 100 000 bor::, r
K50 each for maturity after 15 years at 5.5%o interest p.a.
a) How much cash could the company generate if it sold all the bonds.
b) How much interest would the company pay if all the bonds were sol:
when they were issued and all the bonds were repaid on the maturit.,' :--:u
5 Suzyo bought 25 bonds at K25 each when the company mentioned in
question 4 issued bonds in 2009.
a) How much interest did she receive on her 25 bonds in 2OO9?
b) In 2010, Suzyo bought another 15 bonds at K50 each. How much in:=
did she receive on these 15 shares annually?
c) What was the total amount of the interest Suzyo received on her bor:
investment after 15 years?

Assessment exercises
Njungu bought 7 500 shares for K12.50 each at a brokerage fee of 7.7oh frorr
company. After a year, the company paid a dividend of K0.63 per share.
1 a) Calculate the cost of the shares without the brokerage fee.
b) What was the amount of the brokerage fee?
c) Calculate the amount the company paid Njungu as an annual divide:.:
2 The value of the shares that Njungu bought increased. When the marke. '
per share was K28.23, he sold his 7 500 shares.
a) If the dividend per share was K1.21 r,l,hen Njungu sold his shares, wh,
the total dividend he received when he sold all his shares?
b) What would Njungu have received for his shares if he had sold thent ,-
K23.23 per share?
c) How much proflt did he make when he sold his shares atKZB.23 eac:
3 Njungu decided to invest his proflt in investment bonds that were issue: '
the municipality at K150 each.
a) How many bonds could Njungu buy with the profit he made from tl:=
of his shares?
b) If the interest rate paid on the investment bonds was 60/o, what amou:'
interest did Njungu receive as interest anually?
c) The period to maturity of the bonds was seven years. How much mo:-,.
did Njungu receive in total when the bonds matured? Include interes. _:
the total.

120 Topic 7 Summary, revision and assessment

SUB-T0PIG 1 Bearings and scale drawings
Bearing refers to the direction of a movement. We use three methods to sh
. compass bearings (such as N 42" E and S 53" E)
. coordinates that can be used by a GPS (such as 15.3306" S, 28.4525" E fc-
Lusaka International Airport)
. bearings that describe direction in terms of an angle measured from nor.:
In this topic, you will Iearn about bearings that . ,rl ,i,,:,-Iljri:tNi$l;ti!lt!t;i,.
are given as angles measured from north
...).)::i" . , : ,:; y :,i! ,*
Draw and measure angles ',
ln order to learn about bearings, you \-'-t -
| : t '
must be abre to draw and measure angtes
S{I;S,S :,ir/ti;-:-
accurately. -, -- -. iY-.. -

1 Draw an angle of 63".

2 Measure the size of each angle indicated with an arc.
a)A b)

1 Refer to the series of drawings below.
Step 1 Draw a line OP.
Step 2 Place a protractor on the line OP with its centre at O.
Step 3 Make a mark N on the paper next to 63' on the protractor.
Step 4 Remove the protractor and draw a line from O through N.

122 Topic 8 Bearings

2a) Place the centre of the
protractor at B and read
off the angle on the
inner scaie of the
cBA = 56'

b) The angle is greater lhan Z7O" ' There are

two ways of finding its size:
. Place the centre of the /dqq
protractor at A that
side AC lies on the edge
of the protractor and '-k*.
side AB is covered bY the
\i{Xy' ,'I ii
protractor. Read off the
angle on the inner scale.
It is 109". Add 180" to
this reading to flnd the size of the angle' It is 289"'
size of the angle, 289..
Subtract this value from 360" to get the required

i.-::j.r I .:.,.-... :11,r.., ::,:'tlt.r",1

., , -' .:. j ll ir:':f :
'I ., :-. ';rl

1 Draw each angle.

a) 52"
b) 120"
c) ZZZ'
d) 351'
2 Give the size of each angle'
| ,.
.... I *,:.: 90 _t t0
u)- -,rt
xu .,.
.' l
u -t,i)
f, \{la ....
':$ .i., -
')t . r---'
,7i! , ..
-t\ ,...-'..-...
"ir/iS ''l

ri5 r

Sub-topic 1 Bearings and scale rlralvings 123

7a' .::..



3 Measure the size of angles a to h.

Bearings and scale drawings

You can give a bearing as an angle on its own or you can combine a bearing
a distance.

Three-figure bearings
A bearing is an angle that is measured clockwise
from north. It is given as three figures, for example
72' is written as O7Z" and we say: zero seven two
degrees. All decimai figures are rounded off. For
example, if an angle is 224.6' , the bearing is 225"
and if the angle is 46.2' , the bearing is 046". A
The bearing of a point.A from a point B is the ii'M-:,

direction you would go from B to get to A.

Therefore, you must draw the north line at B. The
angle between this line and the line that ioins B I'l;, I,rra; ii'rtl ii"i$,.rr;
with A in a clockwise direction is the bearing. ii:e ilrectlci: ';:i
ti, ii'r:ri: il.

124 Topic 8 Bearings

I,.: ;. '.1,"'1",,..
*l= -'.-*.-ii:';'s. tl';'','' "'
r, .,*. '
elePhant that is walking at
Make a drawing to illustrate the direction of an
a bearing of 112".


i:iri'.,.:-: :: .1. ..:' r,:,-'i:: i..l;

.::: :::'.: tr:::-:.i::;:..j,;trt.r:i

1 Katembeisstandingontopofahill.shecanseefourvillagesbelow.Themap
each village. Give the bearings in a copy
of the table'
r*ll';li t3r';:-l€:ll:-i:i'i::-i"l ;:'l:'ri:.1'l:'rl : ::l
' .11,:rf 'fr:r:'-;r1:-

Big town MY town

My town
Our town
Big town
Your town
Our town

spotted a large shoal of

At Lake Bangweulu, the fi.shermen in two boats have
the instructions'
fish. Make a coPY of the map and then complete

I Musa's boat


N i
+ i
Mwale's boat

is 255" and the bearing of

The bearing of the shoal of fish from Musa's boat

\L the fish from Mwale's boat is 036''


\ a) Draw the bearings for both boats on your map'

-I-B b) Mark the position of the shoal of fish on the map'

Sub-topic 1 Bearings ancl scale drawings 125

A taxi pulls up ata taxi rank and eight people got out. fne clrawing shc:
direction in which each person walked. Work out each person's bearing, .

your answers in on a copy of the table. (Katebe's bearing has been comp-.

as an example.)

\t/,/ Katebe 1 80" - 62" 118

\-/ / 162'>-'-
feza lsa7 \r Chanda
Five aeroplanes take off from an airport and fly according to the comp&s:
directions as shown in the table. Calculate each aeroplane's three-figure
bearing and flIl it in on a copy of the table.

1 N34'W
2 N52"E
4 S81'W
tr N74"W

Bearings of obiects relative to one another

The bearing of a point A from a point B is the direction lzou have to travel tc
from A to B.

The drawing shows the relative positions of

Mumbwa in Central Province and Kataba
in Western Province.
1 Find the bearing of Kataba from
2 Find the bearing of Mumbwa from

126 Topic 8 Bearings

rr,vs the Answers
:. Fill L Clockwise angle from the north line at Mumbwa: 240'
-- rleted 2 Clockwise angle from the north line at Kataba: 060"

Give the bearings of P from Q, and of Q from P in each diagram'

a)N b)N

Make a copy of the Points on the grid below on 1 cm graph paper (or draw
your own grid with lines that are 1 cm apart). Then answer the questions.

rB !c


.o get

a) Measure the angles to find the bearings from A of B, C, D, E, F and G'

b) Find the bearings from B of A, C, D, E, F and G'
c) Find the bearings from D of E, F, C and G'
Draw points M and N on the same horizontal line on a clean page. Then
'rmbwa draw the points A, B, C and D according to the instructions below.
a) A is on a bearing of 051'from M and on a bearing 020' from N'
b) B is on a bearin g of 097" from M and on a bearing 125" from N'
c) C is on a bearing of 119'from M and on a bearing 135" from N'
d) D is on a bearing of 322'from M and on a bearing 295" from N'

Sub-topic 1 Bearings ancl scale dran'ings 127

Bearings and scales
When we combine bearings and distance, we usually need to make a scale
drawing. The bearing is given by the angle and the distance according to a s:.
for example 1 cm equals 1 km.

Two fishermen leave their

village and row north on Lake
Kariba for 8 km and then
change direction and sail 9 km
on a bearing of 075".
1 Make a scale drawing using
a scale of 1 cm to 2 km.
2 Use your drawing to find how far the boat is from the starting point.

1 The diagram is drawn to a scale
1 cm = 2km.
2 AC is approximately 6.7 cm.
According to the scale, the distance
is approximately 13.4 km.


1 The drawing shows the position

of three towns.
a) Make a scale drawing that shows
the positions of the three towns
(A, B and C).
b) Give the bearing of B from C.
c) Find the bearing of C from A.
d) Useyour drawing to find the
approximate distance from

128 lopic 8 Bearings

2 A boat leaves its mooring and sails 6 km on
scale, a bearing of 155' and then it changes direction
and sails for 10 km on a bearing of 225" '
Make a scale drawing of the situation, using the
a) How far is the boat from its starting point
when it gets to Point C?
b) What should the bearing of the boat be when
it returns to Point A? i22s

10 km

The drawing on the

grid shows the Position
of three camPing sites.
1 cm on the grid
represents 1 km.
a) How far north of camP
A is camp B?
b) How far west of camP
C is camp A?
c) Measure the bearing of
camp B from camP A.
d) Measure the distance
between camP A and
camp C. '1 cm
='1 km
e) Use the scale to write
the actual distance
between camp A and camP C.
A herd of buffalo travel due south for 6 km and then changes direction to
a bearing of 270" and then continues for another B km'
a) Make a rough drawing to represent the situation'
b) Make a scale drawing of l

the situation.
c) Measure the distance the
\. animals are from the Point at
which they started walking.
d) Use caiculations to r:ireck Your

Sub-topic 1 Bearings ancl scale drawings 129

Summary, revision and assessment

A bearing refers to the direction of movement.
A bearing is a three-flgure angle such as 036' measured from north in a
clockwise direction.
The bearing of point A from point B is the direction you would go from E
to A. Therefore, you must draw the north line at B. The angle between th ,
and the line that joins B with A in a clockwise direction is the bearing.
Relative bearings refer to the bearing of A from B, and then the bearing o
trom A.

Bearings and scale

In a scale drawing, we can combine bearings nith distance.
You can measure distances on a scale drawing using the scale to the
You can use the information on a scale drawing to calculate distances.
Revision exercises
1 Find the bearing of M from Q, and P from M on each diagram.
a)Nb) N

c) d)

130 Topic 8 Summary, revision and assessment

2 Write down each direction as a three-figure

b) East
c) S34'E , ,

d)w i
e) NW
f) S 55'W ';-;
I r .''*- - -'
M from Qis 205"' what is the beari"g tl?froitrM? "
3 The bearing of
is the bearin'geiQ fr-gfu M?'' ''-;' t " ' '
4 The bearing ot V irom Q i, OSZ'. Wtrai
5DrawthepointsAandB'theo"t"tt*utlyabovetheotheronl'leanpiece'"' to the
O and P on the paper according
of paper. Mark the points M' Q'
information given below'
A and 023' from B'
a) M is on a bearing 095' from
318' from B'
b) Q is on a bearin gZeS'from A and 098' from B'
c) O is on a bearinl ISO' from A and from B'
ai p i, on a bearinf ros' from A and 223"

Assessment exercises
L Find the following on the diagram'
a) the bearing of M from Q
b) the bearing of Q from P
c) the bearing of Q from M
d) the bearing of M from P
e) the bearing of P from M
f) the bearing of P from Q
2 Thebearing of P from Q is 336''
What is the bearing of Q from P?
is the bearing of Q from P?
3 The bearing of P frlm Qis 125"' What
paper according to the
of paper. Mark the;;; R Q' R and S on the
information given below'
from B'
a) P is on a bearing 084' from A and.015' from B'
fri q rt on a bearin"g 289" from A ar'd 088' from B'
.) ri, on a bearin5.- Uf from A and
343' from B'
ai s is on a bearin[ zos" from A and

assessment 131
Topic 8 Summary, revision and
5 Use the map below. Find the bearing of:
a) Lusaka ftomZambezi
b) Zambezi from Solwezi
c) Kasama from Lundazi
d) Ndola from Katete
e) Katete from Ndola
f) Lundazi from Kasama.

132 Topic 8 Summary, revision and assessment

H,,* Symmetry

The symmetrY of solids Determine the order of rotational symmetry

Determine the sYmmetrY of solids
Determine Plane sYmmetrY

Work with a Partner.






2. List five shapes or objects that show symmetry'

Topic 9 Symmetr,v 133

SUB-T0P|0 1 The symmetry of solids

Before we look at the symmetry of solids, we need to make sure we know rr':-,- :,

meant by the symmetry of a flat shape (two-dimensional).

Types of symmetry
There are four types of symmetfy: translation, reflection, glide reflection an:
. Translation: To translate a shape or an object, move it in a straight lins r', -
rotating or reflecting it, or changing it in any other way. We describe a
translation by giving the direction and distance a shape or an obiect is rr-- ,-

Reflection: To reflect a shape or obiect about a line is like placing a mirro: .:

the line and seeing the shape reflected in the mirror. The line about which- ,
shape or an object is reflected is called a line of symmetry. You can make "
reflection by folding a piece of paper, tracing a shape onto the fold, cuttir:.
out and unfolding the paper.
Triangle A is reflected in the mirror line
(shown by the dotted line) to give the
image, triangle B. You can fold the heart
along the dotted line so that the two
halves fit exacly on one another. 'i

\A i Bi


134 Topic 9 Symmetry

a reflection with a
glide reflection' we combine
Glide reflection:'lb create a
in more than one steP' The diagram shows how
n'hat is triangle A was coPied' reflected
and then translated to give
triangle B. Triangie C is a
translated coPY of triangle


an object, we turn it through an angle about a

noved. Rotation: To rotate a shape or
the cenffe of the rotation'
fixed point. The point is called
original shape'
is called an image of the
Each position after a rotation

centre of
rotation \

-ror on
-,ich a
r{e a
::ing it Look at the diagrams below'
Use the last
diagram to helP
you answer
centre questions 1' and2'

shape A be rotated so that

the image will f,t
1a) Through what angle should
onto the original shaPe again? fit onto the
a full rotation will the image
b) How many times during
original shaPe A?

Sub-topic 1 The symmetry

of solicls 135
2 a) Through what angle should shape B be rotated so that the image fits
onto the original shape again?
b) How many times during a full rotation will the image fit onto the
original shape B?

1 a) 180'clockwise or anticlockwise
b) once
2 a) 90'clockwise or anticlockwise
b) four times

Look at the drawings below. In each case, describe what happened to shape .-.
create the other shapes. For example, was A translated, rotated or reflected, c: u
a combination of more than one process used to create the new shape?

3 C=B

136 Topic 9 Symmetry

Determine the order of rotational symmetry
A shape or an obiect has rotational symmetry
the rolated image looks like the original shape or i't tt t"l"*rl*' tl r'fl]

object. The order of rotational symmetry is the

coincide: identical, synchronise,
number of times the image coincides with the correspond, match
original shape or obiect within a full turn of 360"'
For examPle:
. Shape A has rotational symmetry of order 2 (or two-fold symmetly)' The image
The rotational symmetry
fits onto the original shape twice in one full rotation'
of order 2 is also called point symmetry'
. (or four-fold symmetry)'
Shape B has rotational symmetry of order 4
. The letter P has rotational symmetry of order 1'"
:.' OI WOS
Notice that you could also reflect shape A about a
horizontal line through the
centre to achieve the same symmetry'

the right'
Tfr" frU.ft A, B, C u.rd O ut. not part of the square on rA
Each one refers to one vertex of the square'
1 Find the order of rotation of a square if its centre of rotation
is the point P where the diagonals would intersect' cl
2 Draw i .opy of the square as it would look after a reflection
in a line drawn through P, parallel to BC'
is in its original
1 After four consecutive turns, each through 90', the square
is 4'
position again. Therefore, the order of rotational symmetry '-',--'B'
a **--'.B ;e"-:-'' -A ie '---Dl rti-

: p ii i ti F ll , P'", : P' .


are .'
2 Thepositions of A and B are interchanged, and so
ig ,'j-- o1
the iositions of C and D. I ,,,i, ,
, I

iI .P, l


Sub-topic 1 The symmetry of solids 137

1 Which shapes below have reflection symmetry,which have rotational
symmetry, and which have both types of symmetry? Give the order of . : _ _-'-,
rotational symmetry for shapes that have rotational symmetry.

Make a copy of the diagram on tracing

paper or paper you can see through.
a) Draw all the lines of symmetry on the
copy of the drawing.
b) Rotate the copy around its centre
point and find the order of rotation
by counting the number of times the
image falls on the original shaPe.

l,e:e rm ine
3 Look at the two sets of diagrams.
- ,: :]'-
-:l -' : -l

a) In at least which two ways can diagram A be changed into drawing B

b) In at least which two ways can diagram c be changed into diagram L

Determine the order of rotational symmetry
through which the rectangle has been rotated
through the three Points.
a)o b)P C)Q

138 Topic 9 Symmetry

describe each one.
This means that all its sides are the
6 Each shape below is a regular polygon'
same length and all its angles are

:',,,':.\ ,iBl
,1 "
1..\ {8.'
f ':,' "" \.. .: ,1',rr,t,,,' ,,,.,1,f
l.i....r'::'l\ 1.'': ... ..r. I

.1 C \ \D L'i
**&-,.*;;ry" l;;*.;-';;llej

Fentagon Hexagon

for each shape if it is rotated

a) Find the order of rotational symmetry
through the Point at its centre' (Remember' a
b) Make a copy of and draw its lines of symmetry'
,trup" is r#ected about its line of symmetry, )
-orrrpt.t. a copy of the table for the three shapes'

Determine the symmetry of solids

a pyramid or a sphere'
A solid is a 3D-obiect such as a cube'
that is formed by the .x-axis and the
the z-axis, is perpendicutaitoit e plane
(seethediagrambelow).ThediagramshowstwopositionsofaCube,onewiththe cube at
the other with a vertex (corner) of the
centre of the cube at the origin and
the origin'

Sub-topic 1 The symmet4' of solids 139

Rotational symmetry
If a 2D-shape has rotational symmetry, it will have a
centre of rotation, but a 3D-object will have an axis
of rotation.
We will compare the rotational symmetry of a
regular polygon and a regular polyhedron.

;;;;;;;;;;;;;", ro-.;;;; ; ;; ;,, ,; ;;;". the same ,ensth and a,r ansres the san : . .
" "'"""o
regular polyhedron: a closed 3D-object with all its edges the same length; therefore all its fa:::
are congruent, regular polygons; there are only five regular solids (the platonic solids)

You already know that a square has rotational symmetry

of order 4. Using the cube on the right, flnd the number
of axes of symmetry of a cube. I :;e rnn ine

There are 13 axes of symrnetry;
. Three axes of symmetry
go through the midpoint
of the two parallel faces;
for example, ABCD
and EFGH.
. Four axes of symmetry are drawn diagonally from a vertex to the opposit€
vertex on the parallel face.

: .',, €r5
Four axes of symmetry are drawn diagonally from the midpoint of an ed.*.
the midpoint of the opposite edge on the parallel face. ---7
. :-,/

140 Topic 9 Symmetry

from the
. Two axes of symmeffy are drawn
miOpoint of ind edge to the
midpoint of the
edge OiagonallY across from


of rotation in each oblect.

Investigate the number of axes D
H 2


Determine Plane symmetry the

you have seen that a 2D-shape can have a
line of symmetry along which
is a flat 2D-shape'
a line of symmetry' A plane of symmetry

The cube in the diagram

.c has side lengths of
2 cm' Planes 1' 2 and 3
divide the cube into two
sYmmetrical Parts in
three different waYS' symmetry'
which the cube also has reflectional
There are six other Planes about
Find these Planes'

the diagonals of the cube'
The other six planes through
-ige to


Sub-topic 1 I'he symrnetry

of solids 141
1 Howmanyplanesofreflectionalsymmetryarethereineachshapein
Activity 3?
2 How many planes of symmetry are there for each
obiect? : -'["']lmary
a) b) --3 0rder c

: 1'

Make a copy of each obiect and draw the planes of symmetry for each

4 Investigate how many planes of symmetry each obiect has.

a) a cuboid (rectangular Prism) b) a cuboid with two opposite
with no square faces square faces

sym r

5 Make a copy of the diagrarn on the right'

a) Draw in all the possible planes of reflectional - 3'r' lS lOn (
symmetry for the object.
b) Does the obiect have rotational symmetr,v, and,
if so, give the axis of rotatlonal symmetry'
6 On the right is the diagram of a cone'
a) How many axes of rotational symmetry does
a cone have?
b) Describe the position of the axis of rotational
c) How many planes of reflection symmetry does
a cone have?

142 Topic 9 SymmetrY

Summary, revision and assessment

The order of rotational sYmmetry
A shape has rotational symmetry if the rotated image looks like the original
The order or rotational symmetry is the number of times the image of a shape
coincides with the original shape within a full turn of 360'.
A shape has reflectional symmetry if it can be folded in half over the line of
A shape or object has point symmetry if it is unchanged by a rotation through
an angle of 180'.

The symmetry of solids

A 2D-shape may have a centre of rotation, but a 3D-obiect would have an axis
of rotation.
The order of rotational symmetry for a 3D-oblect is the number of times it can
be rotated thlough an angle not greater than 360', so that the image looks the
same as the original obiect before the rotation.

Plane symmetry
A 2D-shape may have a line of symmetry, but a 3D-obiect would have a plane
of symmetry along which you could see a reflection of the obiect.
An object can have more than one plane of symmetry'

Revision exercises
1 Make a copy of each letter below.

a) Draw all the possible lines of symmetry for each letter.

b) How many possible lines of symmetry are there for each letter?
c) Find a possible centre of rotation for each letter.
d) Give the order of rotation for each letter that has an order of lotation.

Topic 9 Summary, revision and assessment 143

Revision and assessment (continued)

2 Use the shapes to help you complete a copy of the table.

pentagon hexagon
octac: -

:.::' F
Pentagon :
Hexagon =


Give the order of rotational symmetry for each shape.

a= b\

4 Make a copy of each shape in question 3 and draw all its possible lines -
reflectional symmetry.
5 Make a copy of each diagram. Draw all the possible planes of reflection"
symmetry for each object.

Does each object in question 5 have rotational symmetry? If so, indica:.

axis of rotational symmetry.

144 Topic 9 Summary, revision aird assessment

7 Use the diagrams to complete a copy of the table below.

Tetrahedron (four faces are

equilateral triangles)
Pentagonal prism (the base is
a regular pentagon)
Square pyramid (the base is
a square)

Assessment exercises
1 The word WHAT is set in two different ways (horizontally and vertically).

a) Which Ietters in the word have a line of symmetry?

b) Which way in which the word is set (horizontally or vertically) has a line
of symrnetry?
c) Which letters in the word have rotational symrnetry?
d) Give the order of rotational symmetrv for the ietter(s) you identified in
answer to question 1c).

Topic 9 Summary, revlsion and assesstlen, 145

Revision and assessment (continued)

2 Make a coPY of each shaPe'

or>'r='y7 F
a) Investigate whlch shapes have rotational symmetry and give the ordt'
rotational symmetry if applicable'
b)' Investigate which of the shapes (if any) have a line of reflectional
,1r*-.try and insert the lines on your copy of the shape'
Make a coPY of the object below'

a) Draw all the possible planes of reflectional symmetry for the
of rota'
Uj Oo., the obiect have iotational symmetrl'? If so' draw its axis
Look at the diagram below.

a) How many planes of reflectional symmetry does the obiect have?

tnvestigate whether the obiect has any axes of rotation.
If so, how r-n
axes of rotation does it have?
Make a copy of the diagrarn and show the position of
each plane
reflectional symmetry and the axes of rotational symmetry'
oi a
146 rbpic 9 Summary, revision and assesstnent
ComPuter and

Demonstrate the use of different

Functions on a calculator functions on a calculator

Describe the components

of a computer
Basic comPonents of a comPuter
Describe various methods of
Jer of Algorithms imPlementing an algorithm

algorithm Outline Problem-solving stages

Methods of implementing an

Use a calculator to find each
b) J1[1
a) ZxZxZxZxZxZxZ
c) J7ts 7

rdentirv the computer parts

X";}i[X1l:lor the main parts or a computer.
in the PhotograPh'


computer software and hardware'

b) Discuss the difference between

T'opic 1o computer and calculator 147

SUB-T0P|C 1 Functions on a catculator

Demonstrate the use of different functions on

a calculator
Nonadays a calculator is a necessary tool to make calculations easier to perf
A scientiflc calculator has higher mathematlcs functions for those who stucl,
algebra, trigonometry, and other branches of advanced mathernatics. There ., -
several brands of scientific calculators on the market. Make sure you studr- t:'-
instruction manual of your calculator so that you can use it properly.

Turning a calculator on and off r ,, ar5

You should know how to turn a calculator r:n and off. On some scientific
calculators there is a separate on/off keyu,hile youuse SHIFT andffi$ tall cl.
turn other calculators on and off. Many calculators will shut off automatica-.
when they are not used for a certain period of time. This saves battery po\\'r,
Most buttons have been programmecl for rnore than one calculation. 'fhe
seconri calcrrlation is activated by pushing a button (usually SHIFT ). The first
calculation is usually marked on the button and the second calculation is pr,. .

immediateiv above it. For example, r,vh91 you press ffit, you will get the sir.
[unction olan angle. ll you press SHIFT I*i]T arrO then thc value, you willgvr
angle for the sin value you enterecl.

SHIFT :]l.: il
Using the shift key with ano:- =
gives an exponential
Sw**.r**1 key does not necessarily gt, = ""
same function on all calcula.-':

i:,,:],l,,.,,r,,:::.t, I
You will lea--
to use the - -
cos and ta-
functions c - l
calculator , -ri
you learn a:: .

148 'Iopic l0 Conputer ancl calcul:rtor

Galculating fractions
convert fractions to decimal
- -..^:-'I: .'..'

': iorm. 1 Using a scientiflc calculator'

=1.? -rI
--Jv 2 Write as a decimal fraction:
,-. are
3 Calculate the answers' 150-90
c) 4s:1S
d. s28 b) -
,he 1s0 90
lso -t4z
I""'i..:' again and enter
the whole number;
L |...,l anO , then p'"" the
Press 'sHlFT
nt *-"^"': down to
the numerator"and enter
move to the position of u""9"lh::'-
-Lear) to enter the denominator; lrl].s--:"-rr;
denominator position and .::,a8a1n
er. l..iandentetZ1intheSameway;press,.'..,i,then.SHIFT,then..,]:,]
the numerator and
enter,nt'ult n'st the integ ";:"othen
and "'-ut1
denominator.Thenpressft"t:''Answer:34dtc' indicates ffi'which
To get a mixed
look for the shift iey that
giveszll . .a r.+ 4)nttt)-.t-(l+1
+(z+ z,-227
1+ s) = t*
you could also do itthisway: (3 + 3 ')- !'+ then press the
2J u, udecimal number' enlet 27 * 5a i':"i and
2 To write number (on some
key to toggle U"*t"" a
common faction and a decimal
. ialtt:isl calculators n tt M;''nt
u"'*"' is 0'5' which we know is correct'
(150 142) ='#' ut a decimal:
.-other 3 a) Do the foiioffi: 528 + .
:ive the b)Entertheexpressionjustasitit;;ecatlulatorwillkeeptheorderof
iators. Answer: 133
division flrst'
calculation' utta Oo
and 45 - 15 as the
enter 150 - 90 as the numerator
c) You tu"
"J it',' "'O
Answer: 2
:e sin,
:r when
t yi".t;i'r:tJ;" to nnd
TilX':, 3 e7 + t 63s c) z.! + 3.42 x 7 01

;=*-.? 3t o '21
d) 4l -3? into a o"t'I"'r?itott
2 Use a-calculator to change,euthof'uition
., -4
al /g b) lzo
.'u, --^r fraction
r-^^+i^n inln
into common fraction'
a con
3 "^*--' each decimal
Use a calculator to- change c) o'375
a) 0.36 n) o't"
Sub-topic 1 Functions on
a calculatot 149
Working with exponents Icrkin
On a scientiflc calculator there is usually a key marke,l E* and the keys !! .'::
ffi or ffi. ffr" last three sholv the same function: a number raisecl to an..'
power. On some calculators, there is also a key marked @ fo, finding the ;- -

of a number.

Use a calculator to find the answers.
1152 2 53 327
1 Steps: enter 15, p."r, fif,]fi, pr.r, ; answer:225
2 Steps: enter 5, pr"rt !fi, press: ; answer: 125
3 Steps: enter 2, press !fi, press ffi 7, press.. ; answer: 128

On some calculators, there is also a key rnarked fip anct on others, it is mar.::
ffi. notn keys have the same function: they invert a number. For example , 3
key sequence is fifi , the answer will be 0.5 or ]. In other words :, ,
rlllli$ih er
key gives the reciprocal of the input value.

Use a calculator to find the answers.

a) 762 b) 272 c) 7822
d) Z2l2 e) 5002
Calculate the answers.
a) 43 b) 73 c) 10:l
d) 15'r e) 4.53
Calculate the ansr,vers.
a) 2"' b) 2" c) 36
d) 5s e) (2.1)a
Calculate the answers.
a) 742
" 72 b) 252 + Zo2 c) 73 + 53
Calculate the volume of a cylinder using the formula Y = tfh for the
following values of r and h.
a) r=5crn,/r=7cm b) r=5cm,h=15cm c) r=3cm,h=6cm
Calculate the area xz of a square with the following side lengths for x.
a) 15 cm b) 5m c) 7cm
7 Write down the value of each number.
a) 25-1 b7 4-t o 2-1
8 Write the answers for question 7 as decimal numbers.

150 Topic 10 Computer and calculator

with square' cube roots and other roots
finding the square' For
inversing the process of
,Wot Finding a square root means the number you have to
root of lS2 = ZZ5' So'
lny example, the square
T;t ;";;;;*u& "o'.'"some calculators or ffi on other cube by itself to give key
will "''
give you the square it a number' In the same way' the
calculators 'oot a number'
;ffi"$,*&;; ffiw,g1"" v3"'l: :-"0" root or
,*uU number that tells you
{m ,tn. ffiroo t of 243.ifr. on
for example
roor. in" root v243 is of the fifth order'
order ofil,e
root to flnd is called the
strff ano ffi'
most calculators, use

Calculate the answers'

:rarked z ?,EA
":le, if the 3 1lr4
Js, the
Answers and r'ead off the
1 Steps: p"" ffi' then enter the number' 'l',:l
answer: 13 key of ffi)' then enter
calculators jit is the shift
z ir"pr, pr.r, ffi
(on some "lertlatorS
and read off the answer:
the number, then f"":'::',.:,l.
" answer: 3
;;;"r:;",r r[tt|,'.. and read the

to two decimal places where
Round off each answer
1 Use Your calculator to find the answers'
nt JT++4
d .[4al
d) 'JTs
d J52
e) J2 s66
2 Calculate the answers'
b) 1E1r8
a) l.FD
d) llTT5
e) lEs

on a calculato' 151
Sub-topic 1 Functions
3 Find the anwers.
a) ?ElZ D +lTim
c) t/81 d) t[e.4481
g \la ox
4 Use a calculator to find the answers.
a) (.zJs + JS)2 b) ..nO x J4o
c) -3+fi4

5 If a = -1.2; b = 4.5; ofld c = -4, simplify the following.

f .
a)- la- O JF -4ac
cl. b'-Jh-c
z, ot -EA rsmc
'' ---:
ing I

Scientific notation on the calculator . '., - .:
When we work with very large or very small numbers, it is useful to use scien:--.
You worked with scientific notation in previous grades. Remember that n-e :':r
write numbers like 0.0000003695 as:
3.695 x m"...*-L = 3.695, = 3.695 x 10-7.
q.0lL{fi{ er5
We can write a large number like 5 800 000 as 5.8 x 1 000 000 = 5.8 x 106.

A scientific calculator has a key you can use to enter the exponent of the seco:-:
parlgf-the number, the power of 10. In this case, it is 106. It is either marked !@ _ : __-'
or Eml or in some similar way. In other words, using ffi will allow the nur-:--': MF- E
you enter to be registered as powers of 10.

Use a calculator to multiply 3.8 x 10s by 2.4 x 10-3

In this answer, we will assume that the calculator has the k.y W that you r.:
use to enter the powers of 10.
Key in numbers in sequence:
3.8 x 10s x 2.1x 7O-3
= 97 2OO
= 9.12 x lOa
There are also other key sequences you can use to find the correct answer.

152 Topic 10 Computer and calculator

1 Use a calculator to flnd the answers'
a) (1.25 x 107) x (3.15 x 106)
b) (2.75 x 10-e) x (1.6 x 10-a)
c) (a.33 x 101) + (2.65 x 105)
oi tr.zs x 1o-3) - (1.6 x 1o-4)
2 Calculate' ,e.g,ffi.
3 The mass of a Pin is 1'O7 x tO-4 kg'
a) Find the mass of a Pin in grams'
Remember, 1kg=1000g'
of pins?
b) How many pini are in one kilogram

Finding Prime factors of a number

On some calculators, there is a key
that gives the prime factors of a number'
combined with ffi'
For exampl e, 7 5 =3 52' On some
"" 's't't
-,{e can Find the prime factors of the following
2 7Zs
Use the following key sequence:
enter the number and then Press:t..:r..,,..l
The dispiay press SHIFT followed bY the FACT keY
will show 42'Therr
- ( sHIFT of W; ttt. display will show
the answers'
L 42=2x3x7
2 725=52x29

number in exPonential notation'

Write down the prime factors of each
Z 546
L 2250
u can g 3z4o 4 756
6 lZO
5 11 025
8 504
7 108

Sub-topic 1 Functions on a calculatot 153

SUB-T0PIG 2 Basic components of a computemr

Describe components of a computer

Almost everyone has seen a computer and knows that it is an electronic der',-.
people use to handle many tasks quickly. Examples of the tasks a computer .' ;,
include storing information and doing calculations very fast, referencing anr
cross-referencing information, flnding stored information and processing
information (data). Computers have also become devices for immediate con:. --
through email and the internet (online
services). We can do almost anything with the
help of computers. Scientists and researchers The first electronic computer':ih,6
are constantly flnding new applications for developed in 1946. lt was ca!i--l
computers in the fields of medicine, the ENIAC (Electronic ,;

lntegrator and Computer) anc

engineering, banking, education, agriculture took up 1 800 square feet anc
and so on. weighed 30 tons.
When you buy a computer, you buy a few
big pieces that take up space on a table or a
desk. These are called computer hardware. In fi:*"grl v;:*r*g
order to make a computer work when it is
hardware: the physical compor?r:
switched on/ you need software. Anything of a computer
you buy to use with your computer is either software: the programs that are orur
hardware or software. by a computer


Make a list of all the different, necessary physical parts of a basic desk i
computer. -m.*
Write down at least three instances in life, other than in the home, wher.
computers are used.

Computer hardware
Computer hardware includes the central processing unit case, the monitor, tr.:
mouse and the keyboard.

Computer monitor
The computer monitor is the part of the system on
which text and images are displayed.
There are two main types of monitor:
o The older type is a cathode ray tube design (CRT).

ft' eath","rci* i'av t*** r:':

154 ropic 1o Computer and calculator

clesign, also called LCD
puter The second tYPe is a flat panel
monitor is shown
or LED. An examPle of a flat Panei
LELI for light-emitting cliodes'
I-CD stands for liquid-crystal
:t Can dl
ComPuter case
: -tnd the components
A computer case contains all
compttter case is
t -)ntact
that make a computer work' A
chassis or tower'
also known as a computer
sizes and designs'
Cases come in many different
is usuall-v
The size and sirape of a compttter
- -lter was shape of the
,s called determinetl by tire size and
largest component
,lerical motherboard, since it is the
and of most computers' The motherboard
: and cornponents
many of the impoltant electronic
;f',* system, such as ti're centralprovides
Llnit (CPU) and meurory' It aiso
Lreripilerali are -Dut
conilectol's for peripherals'
der.ices that are connectecl
to the coinputer'
the kevboard anC tnouse'
lrot purt of it, such as

:il"ffi I
l. :, t r::,1.


ere such as the CPLI

A computer case contains parts
(central processing unit)' the nrlcro-processor
brain of the cornputer, tile pLrwer :I r: :;::
The RAh'f
the RAM (random access memorY)'
needs to
,ior.t information that the computer
RAM information is
use wl-rile it is snritched on'
is switched off'
erased when a cornputer
openings that
The computer case has many
to other
can be used to connect a computer
clevices. These openings
are called ports' Ior
example, printers are usualll'
connected ttl
that are
.orop"r*ti via USB ports' Other devices the
the ports are
connected tu ao''p'ttrs via
keyboard, the mouse and speakers'
of a cornpruter 155
Sub-topic 2 Baslc colnponcllts
The keyboard
\'Ve use a keyboard to inPut text
into a computer. &r€ 1]1ot]-y
different types of keyboard (see the
photograph). In the basic desigtr ot
the most cotnrnon liel'board, the
keys are arrattgecl according itl the
(l\\, IRl Y l.'l'.oLti. i ltis r:,,t1'ltr (,]illL's 1t*: ai,r,{]? sis {.1t g:! s*str ii:l {s.q}.\5 3.{ *l,l t}r !*;1, : .,:&
is s$ $e l& *ffi 's$ $w ffi w ffi i& ffi $& ffii,,.= :,:EI
from the characters ol tlre hrst sir- ****
keys across titc top of tlir.l ke1,'boar<,1"
$XX$SX$S *& &t #i&S&& &S&, =..
.$*&S!r,X&,$ffi rmffi:SSiilxffi i*, ;;il
'I'he characters are not nraiie bY :l]st$: S3 *3 XB XS S$ *$ *S $i* &* s,$ sffii $* ;-r :"iEl s
the keys on a ke.vboarri (as ''rias the *s *s r:,1 ffi $&w$&s$s& *s frs K ffi &i,,, :jgt
case with typelvriter lic;'s), irltt
yoil llress a key, ii iiip'.lts :r
value that tire cornilt-lttt iranslai'-'l
intc a charact*r on the 3f r:.,'{'il.

The m*us*
'{'iie hanctireid dCviCC l}rJt r,iilu L..ic i,_} *:-,itit-;:it"l ,:iiCli i-s

calleC a trit{.-rll3e, ilecaus,'i1 [loiis,, i;;i]i: ilkt ,l riir-:ltst-'

'l'ircle arc sever:li 'irrl-rr:l lf ni{riise. S-}ire ;:rir: i;ir-iqiien inti.'
ti-}tr Confilufer;rl';1 uStl alt.riii,,: ti.i a':)L'ri-lr'll.-i rrl'!iir" i'iillt'l;i 2i-i:
;r'ilf 'uS: A,rii ,.rrfl;*.al l'r'n,'tt'1 ".
lntiuse is usgrj lu 1r...'1,r- rllrl :.r-; ir.-,;, !arLlii i11r,.]l-i{h
it-xt, finci a putsiiirtl lll ii:xi LI*ia!';ii.' i-rd s,-r cl

inside a cclnpl-iiei'i:ase, ti;i:ir:. ls I hard
clisii drive crri r.rhirj-t ilfoliliatii-r;l ii :1.i,'ler.j.
ilerma 1]L'il ilv" i.i r:en h oir,i mass n a-[r i 1.1]i
o, t a.!rr -a

of inforrnatit;r: such as ail ti.-it, ill:(rl{Iiii'r-is ilrl a

cLlflliliiter and lii thr: ciata file:'. :f
Almosi ai1 ct-rltlp'.1ic15 1iil1r,i3tr{3ir'. lle"u'l ;: =::--=-
drive for a CD or i: Il1,'L]. Tlif'"r l-iri""t's l,':i:i
also r,"-rite io a C|} oi i-iVil. That',rl'l:i
trar tsferring i rt form at icn r'rom lhl il{xl r) r-1te r )

to the disc,.

t5S r'bpic tri) Lloriir{rtcr auc', i,rir-:ulator

You can use CDs and
DVDs as external
storage units for your
flles' It is wise to nrake
or flash drives
;;*";t copies on Cl)shard drive'
flles and data on your
Flash drives are very handy lvhen-you
and transfer data'
f.o.r" to store, back-up
;;..y year they become cheaper and2014
,,or. rr-ror. information' ln Januarywere
p r:, (i, ,) ::: dri.r", of up to 512 gigabytes
[r ... a:l r& =-
14.*ww* GomPuter software
E:.}SWi". Ifyouuseacomputer'youhaveto.beabletocomrnunicatewiththecomputer' use to vou''fhe
coulcl not tomm"icate with u toi"""t' it u'oulc1O::t "o
If you
on a comptlter and use the
make it possible to, urlo
"rrt., tlrat.a,llo; us to do illan)/ things on computers
Nowadays, utl"u'-tt"o p;;;'"'
embroldety) are available'
(from typing to drawi"ng fnd
into number codes so that
Modernprogramminglanguag.,u,..o.p]icateclandmany.laYered.Computers a
i'-t"""iio'-ti tr-tuir-tu"t to tle written
need logicar programs such as
nrj instructions. This is whlz we have,to load
computer .u, .urry between a person and a
p"'S'o* that-can act,ls an interpretet input
a word-processing program tratrslates the
we can ;;;:;;; in the usual r^'ay and the thev are
computer. the codes'
can handle. Afier computing
into the codes that'tt. aOU
translated back to text
that we can read'

ancl briefly describe

the purpose of
of the computer below
Identify the parts
each Part.

&'|, a
Kiit S,!,
6til,li ggt.:t



Sub-toPic 2 Basic coillPorlents 'i
SUB.TOPIG Algorithms

In the previous section, you saw that a computer cannot work unless it is gir '
coded instructions. Most people do not understand the machine code that a r,: ! i\ ef
computer needs so that it can lun a plogram. Therefore plogrammers write t:--
instructions in a programming language such as Pascal or C. These instructlc:--
then changed into computer code or machine code.
Programmers have to know exactly what a computer is supposed to do.
Remember, a computer cannot do anything that it has not been programlrle'

do. It cannot think that there is a mistake and that it needs to correct sometl-
If a program is not clear and corfect, the computer will not do what you rt'atl '
do or it will not work at all.
An algorithm is a set of instructions (much
like a recipe) that is used to solve a particular algorithm: a set of oPerations :-,
problem in a step-by-step procedure. It describes produces a result
precisely what has to be done with input to get input: information thai is nee:--
to solve a problem
output and it stops after a time. This means that
output: the result of a calcula: - -
there has to be a result.
An algorithm is not the code that is fed into a computef. It is simply a list -
instructions that gives information about how to write computer code. The i
step in designing an algorithm is usually to make up a flow chart or pseudo c -
You will learn more about these concepts later in this topic.

01i;,ir={ l i

0110;;;; . Y


u I

u110011:,:-.m li

. rll

0118t0c: . r
I * ,escrit
il11100C- " ,-
n 1 10[[ 1:
0 1 10 101,
011011i: ' :
011uurL' .
;' mr

1.. ilr

tJj- ..:

158 Topic 10 Compr,rter and calculatot


Write an algorithm to calculate the total of the marks and the average mark
obtained in six subjects of which all are given out of a total of 300. rowch
The total of all the marks will be 6 x 300 = 1 800
1 Start. 2 Let the sum be 0.
3 Find the first mark. 4 Add first mark to sum.
5 Find the second mark. 6 Add second mark to sum.
7 Find the third mark. 8 Add third mark to sum.
9 Find the fourth mark. 10 Add fourth mark to sum.
11 Find the fifth mark. 12 Add fifth mark to sum.
13 Find the sixth mark. 14 Add sixth mark to sum.
15 Divide sum by 1 800. 16 Output the average.
17 Stop.
The problem with this version of the algorithm is that it is long because steps -.
repeated. We could make it shorter by changing it to the version below. We en--:'
the marks as the values and get a value after each addition time and add it to
sum. However, we want it to stop when atl the values have been added and sc ' :
include -1 as a last (seventh) value and use it to terminate the addition.
1 Start.
2 Let the sum be 0.
3 Find a value.
4 If the value equals -1, go to step 7.
5 Let sum = sum + value.
6 Go to step 3 to find the next value.
7 Divide sum by 1 800.
8 Output the average.
9 Stop.
Flow charts are a usefuI tool to use when trying to achieve the characteristics - - lr
algorithm. In the next sub-topic, you will learn about flow charts.

Work in gloups of four learners. Each group then divides into two teams (A anc :
Follow the instructions.
Team A uses the first algorithm in Worked example 6 to work out the total fc:

marks below. Team B uses the second method. See which team flnds the ansr''.:
quicker. Swap methods for number 2. Write down the steps.
I 149;203; 155; 764;96; 734
2 771,; 84; 744; 76; 790; 762

160 Topic 1o Computer and calculator

Methods of imPlementing
Flow charts and decision (rectangles)'
the steps in a process' It consists of boxes
A flow chart shows connected with
(rhombi), parallelograms and other shapes that are
,n"* ,n" order of theiteps in the (a box);
An action is written in a
parallelogram and a
,"p", is written in a or
diamond is used to write
a decision'
information that leads to o /ls\
box results in a i
Jo*.ti-.t a decision
The flow chart
step' =
f""p *.* to a previous E

Worked example 6' o

shows the algorithm in E
ioop tttt' tt'" computer that
The decision
::ePS ale to be done ffid. tum bY 1800
tt .r" i, a calculation that needs in a
,"p"u,.Ofy. The decision ioop
-; to the box)'
OJ.rrro.t box (a diamond-shaped
nd so we

Write a flow chart to determint
is a leaP
whether a Particular Year
vear or not.
Use this information:
The Year
divisible by 4'
number of a leap year is
ii u y"ut number is divisible by 4'
not bY 100, the Year is a Year'
divisible bY 4 and
;; y;"t number is
is not /ls it \
iv ioo, but not bY 4oo' the Year is
a leaP Year. If ayear
of an number .by 100i
a*tttUi" bY 4, bY 100 and bY 400' it is
a leaP Year.

,1 for the output: not


implementing an algorithm 161

Sub-topic 4 Methods of
1 Use the flow chart of Worked example 7 to determine whether the foilol --':
years are/were leap years.
a) 7964 b) 7970 c) 2014 d) 2020
e) 1600 f) 1700 g) 1800 h) 1900
2 Write a flow chart to determine whether a number is an odd number or ar
even number.
3 Use the flow chart in question 2 to test the numbers between 81 and 99. : - ,----
4 Write a flow chart to generate the multiples of 3 between 0 and 100.
5 Write a flow chart to instruct someone about how to cross a road (look rig: 11
then left, then right again and then cross the road if it is safe to do so). - :\ --
Write a flow chart to subtract 4 repeatedly, starting with 30, until the
difference is smaller than 0 (zero).

Pseudo code
A pseudo code is a program design language that is made up of statements tha:
are written in natural language. The design language describes the steps for thr
algorithm of a program exactly. No programming code appears in pseudo code - l - :t
' i.- i
It is only used to write down the logical steps in a process and to write code fc:
a program. ,j ):i -,.
r - -- l
Characteristics of pseudo code include:
i --
o A11 statements describe actions to be taken. i L-

r The focus is on the logic of the algorithm. -'.-.-i

. It is easy to use a statement to generate the programming code. ol

. Each step appears on a line and only one step is written on one line. ^)
. The steps are numbered and the statements in selections and repetitions tha, - -.::
depend on it are numbered subordinately (for example, 1.1). They can also
i : \.--l-
be indented.

Writing a simple algorithm in pseudo code

Structures to use when using pseudo code include: C utlinr
. These structures consist of simple steps that are carried out one after the oth.: :-- _. - ..
without loops or decisions. These steps are called sequences. --:latrr\ti
Example: To calculate the area of a rectangle:
" -:iISEd
1 Find the height of the rectangle. : : i::-
2 Find the width of the rectangle. ' .:fl ,,ft
3 Determine the area of the rectangle using the formula, height x width. - :-.:t
4 Display the answer (the area). . - kba,
r The decision structures occur when a question is asked and the next step
depends on the answer (true or false). In this case words (all capital letters),
such as I!, THEN, ELSE and ENDIF are used.

162 Topic 1o Computer and calculator

more cars than a certain quota:
Example: To determine who sold
1.1 Print good sales message'
2.1 Print usual sales message'

repeated for a number of steps.

i""'ilSJirructures are used when actions are
younger than 13 in a group:
E*u-pt", To find learners who are
1 WHILE age is smaller than 13 THEN
1.1 Print name

by 2 rePeatedlY until the

quotient; counter'
1 Write inputs: dividend; divisor;
2 Set divisor = 2
3 Set counter = 0
4 Get dividend'
divided by divisor'
5 Calculate quotient as dividend
6 WHILE quotient is greater than
by 2
6,.1 Sei dividend equal to dividend divided
6.2 Set counter = counter + 1
7.1 Print counter

Outline Problem-solving stages

it is useful to follow these steps:
When you have to solve a problem'
find a way to reach the
. Devise a plan. Take all factors
into considlration and
goal (arrive at the required result)'
in the previous step and make
e CarrY out the pru'' bo what you planned
work as it shourd have?
. ;::?-i'u:t-:i,1iil;," the success or your pran; did it

an algorithm 163
Sub-topic 4 Methods of implementing
When you plan to use a computer for a task such as calculating the average mar.', Erample
of a c1ass, the problem is how to get the computer to do the task. In this case, \-t..' " he erample
have to think carefully about all the steps that have to be followed. If you are 1tc . ,i)as the an\','
- | 7
a programmer, you will have to ask someone to write a program for you, but you - L- -a

will need to give clear instructions about what you want done. Writing a flow ] FOR\
chart for an algorithm can help you write clear instructions for the pfogfam. - 7_7

The flow chart or algorithm (or a pseudo code) is the solution to youl problel. 77

:_ \E\T
In each case, first explain clearly what has to be done.
1 Write a flow chart for the following problem.
a) Starting with 512, divide by 2 repeatedly until the quotient is 1.
b) Starting with l2O, divide by 15 repeatedly until the quotient is 1, give
further instructions.
Write a flow chart and a pseudo code for a program to find the mean of numbers.
1 a rl
3 Write a pseudo code for a proglam to find the area of a circle with radius 7.
l "\-r1:t
If p655li.l
4 Write a flow chart for a program to find the volume of a cylinder, given the l 11,:r till5 i
height and radius of base (V= nfb. u- 1

5 Write a flow chart for an algorithm to calculate any power of a variable x. LLrlllpaIa
6 Write a flow chart to f,nd the quotient of a dividend divided by a divisor, liepcat t1-
T - -t. -_ !
1' )l rN J
keeping in mind that the divisor may not be 0. I

at \\-ritc
Write a flow chart to calculate the surface area of a cylinder with height h ar:
radius of base r.
b) Run ri
C) Drr tll,
Pythagoras' theorem states that in a right-angled triangle, the square of the 1-,t-_
lr\]1. .i I
hypotenuse equals the sum of the squares of the right-angled sides. Let the lit -.
hypotenuse be c and the two right-angled sides be a andb. Write a flow .--5
chart to calculate the hypotenuse in a right-angled triangle if the other two ( rlTll
- _ _-_rn
sides are given. compl
di Chan:
Looking at a simple programming language and ir
BASIC is a simple computer language with the following characteristics: i) 1l
e Every line is numbered in multiples of 10, starting with 10. ii) 15
. The last line contains only the command END. el Chans
. Capital letters are used throughout. abi-r\-a
Ir \ \ llai

164 Topic 1o Computer and calculator

: marks Example
:5e/ you The example below shows a program that starts with 9, performs an operation and
- :Ie not uses the answer to perform the same operations. This is repeated 25 times.
- jt you 10 Z=9
t 20 FORN=1TO25
30 Z=Zl4 (Zl4meansZ+4)
40 Z=Z+3
70 END
Startwith the value for Zin line 10. The next line (line 20) is an instruction to the
computer to perform the loop 25 times. Line 30 gives Z a new value I of the
previous value and line 40 adds 3 to that value.

1 Write a flow chart for the program in the above example.

:us7. 2 If possible, run the program on a computer.
:1 the 3 Do this program manually on your calculator. You can use the key sequence:
9 - + 4 - +3 = andthen the answer is - + 4 - + 3 =25times.
Compare your answer with the computer's answer.
Repeat the computer program with the numbers Z = 7 and Z = -1-7.
Look at the flow chart. Let the loop repeat 25 times.
a) Write a program in BASIC for this flow chart.
::1t h and
b) Run the program as for question 2. LetX=30
c) Do the program manually on your calculator as
rf the before. Use the key sequence:
-:t the 30 - + 5 -- + 7 = andthen answer

:r two -+5-++7=...25times.
Compare your answer with the
computer's answer.
d) Change the input value X to the values below
and repeat the steps (b) and (c) above. PRINT n
i) 14.3
ii) 1s
e) Change the instruction X = X+ 5 to X = X + 9 and repeatall the
above steps.
f) What do you notice about the output?

Sub-topic 4 Methods of implementing an algorithm 165

Summary, revision and assessment

Summary Revis
Functions on a calculator Lse,,
- ia
. A calculator performs rote calculations quickly. .-
. A calculator is only as accurate as the user.
. You can work with fractions in the common or improper form. " - -- -
. You can work with fractions in decimal form. iL -

. You can switch between decimal fractions and common fractions. a.

r You can work out percentages. J -s.r.
r You can work out powers of numbers.
. You can work out square roots, cube roots and any other root of a number. ;r

r You can work out prime factors of a number. - i ''

o You can easily switch between scientific notation and the ordinary notation a-.
i '."---:
for numbers.
Basic components of a computer b .:
. A computer can be programmed to perform complicated tasks. c ..
. The most important part of a computer is the CPU (central processing unit). d .:
. The case also contains the power supply, the hard drive and a DVD/CD drive " tr.1
well as ports to connect external devices, such as a keyboard, mouse, speaker:
and printer.
o Monitors provide visual communication between users and computers.
o The keyboard and the mouse are the instruments with which a user provides
input to the computer.
o The monitor and the pdnter provide the output to the user.

. An algorithm provides a way to structure the commands for a program logica-
. An algorithm is not the program in code; it is only an explanation of what
should be done.

Methods of implementing an algorithm

. A flow chart is an aid to writing a well-structured algorithm and program.
. A flow chart breaks down the calculation or action into a sequence of simple
steps that can be used to plan the writing of the program.
. It is easy to switch between scientific notation and ordinary number notation
. There are many computer languages and every computer language has its
own rules.

166 Topic 1o Summary, revision and assessment

Revision exercises
"'; ;ft
three decimal places where necessary'
.) -s* d) 1fr
^\ -z-) fractions common as
, ,r. i3* to write the following decimal
fractions. d) o.s6
a) 0.48 b) Z'4 .c)
the following'
S Ure your calculator to calculate d) r7z
b) 562 c) \I72
a) 162 h) (12.4)s
e) 133 ri su - .g) 'n
your calculator to calculate the following' + J5)
Use d)
;," Fu b) c) V125
5 Write the values in scientiflc notation'
a) 0.0000085
b) 129 000 000 ooo 000
c) 0.0002079
d) The sun is about 150 000 000 km from the earth'
about 0'00038 millimetres'
O..rrurr-t virus has a length of
6 ") pitttt of computer hardware'
Name the most important
7 ExPlain the term software' sa price of
a flow chart to calculate the
8 Write an algorithm and draw
goods that are reduced bY lto/o'
find the gradient
9 Write a flow chart for a program to
of3x+l=15. the 'x- and
10 Write flow chart for a program to flnd
y-intercePt of 3x + Y = 75 '
down the possible
11 Look at the flow chart and write
answers for questions in the
flow chart'

utput shaPe

assessment 167
Topic 1o Summary, revision and
Revision and assessment (continued)

Assessment exercises
1 Use your calculator to find the answers. Round off to three decimal ttgures
where necessary.
a) ,f-t-++ b) "fir96 c) WT-AS d) Jq
tz*__,6) 0 (2.,5 +."6)2 S) Z+ "64
,J5 h) '[6 * ,46
Z Write in scientific notation.
a) 317 000 b) 0'0000000046
c\ 949 865 000 d) 543'12
3 Write an algorithm and draw a flow chart to sort out squares from a collectic'
of shapes.
100 natural
4 write i pseudo code for a program to find the sum of the flrst
( Look at the flow chart. Write down the possible
answers for the questions in the flow chart'

less than

,,, rl-,:..
,,iL a. at,

/ls it\ tltr r .

a factor
.,11 11),r-.
- t:-iii-, -l
= .rL -
l: :,,-''.1 ., ..
lli r-I.. --

.t r: -

:i f-r-:.

168 Topic 10 Summary, revision and assessment

Topic 1 Sets 8 A = D (A, B, C and D ale equir-aler-Lt
9 a) 14,5, 6) or any other three nultl'rc :
- :. Starter activity between 3 and 10
decimal figures
1 a) A = fSunday, MondaY, TuesdaY, b) {d, e, f} or any other three letters 1l-

Wednesday, ThursdaY, Ftida-v, the alphabet that have not beel.t

d) ,tr Saturday) Ii sted

* J4o b) A=12,3,5,7,11} Activity 2

"T0 c) [
= {tennis, table tennis, cricket} 1 a) Ang={6,12}
Other answers may also be correct.
b) A. C = {6, 10}
d) A = {football, rugb1,, volleyball}
c) BnC={6,9}
Other ansrvers may also be correct.
e) Nlany different sets are possible.
d) AnBnc={6}
.res from a collectic':' Belora,r is an example.
,\ = {Kitive, I(abwe, Kasatna,
- nrst 100 natural I(abornPo, Katabal
2 Ansners rvill dillcr.
3 a) Finite; there is only one even prinre
number (2).
b) Infinite; there is an il'rfinite numbel 3 a) A. B = 110, 12i
of prirne numbers. b) AuB={5,8,9, i0, I1, i2, 1J 1-
4 a) P={a,b,d,g}
Activity 1 b) Q={c,d,e,f,i,1}
1 a) A = lthe ftrst seven prime nutnbc'rsi c) R={c,f}
b) M = {the hrst foul posltive integers d) PU Q= {a,b, c, d, e, f, g, i, Ii
where 8 is multlPlied bY a Power e) Qaq={c,f}
of 101 f) (PUo ={i,k}
c) A = lthe letters that spell the n'ord
Activity 3
2 A = 1x: 100< 2.x < 150, r e 1\| 1x=1
3 a) B = {2, 3, 5, 7 , 1L, 73, 17 , 19, 23, 29\
b) D = ttl:1, 26, 39, 52, .""1
4 P=ix: 3<.x<8,xe N)
orP={x: 2<x<9;.rCNi
5 1 = {giris in your class}; E = {all the girls
in the schooi) or E = {all learners it-t
your class|
B = 14, 9, 16, 251; E = {the set of squares 16
of integersl a) Tu.o peoL',1e 11..
a factor f = {Lusaka, Ndola, Livingstone, all tirree tr;t:

Chinsaiii; E = iall towns and cities in
D = {all children in Zambia}; E = {the
population of Zambia) or E = {children
in AfricaI
a\ n=7 b) n=26
Activity 4
of soap.
bl 14 peoplc ir^.
onl\- t\rLl t\ :r.)
of soap.

c) n= 1 d) tt=O 1A 2 (A i llr
a) False b) False c) False d) True 3 (AtlB)UC 4 B l i-\.- t.

d) 10x10x10x10 Activity 6
Activity 5 e) ab+ab+ab I a) 1,28 t
1 19 learners were tested, and 16 were f) x+x+x+yxyxyxyxyxy 2 a) 212; thetwelfthl
not tested for HIV or for TB' b) Z'a; the fourteer
c) 5x5xJxzxz
2 a) 70 delegates b) 59 delegates h) 4x4x4xxxxxx 3 1 953 125 votes
3 12 people i) 2xxxZxxxZxx 4 6561km
4 5 a) 125 cm3 I
Activity 2 6 a) 19 683 cells I
La)23 b) 2to c) the tvvelfth geft
c) 32 x22 d) 10as d) 1.77 147 cells in
e) a3 f) 6n g) 5- h) 20
i) -3 x 2z xb6
2a)m b) (n-z c) (xy)z
a) l2O - (12 + 7 + 23 + 13 + 18 + 42) d) m' e) Po =! f) q3 Topic 3 Algebn
=12O-115=5students 3a)ma b) a72 c) 26 Starter activitY
b) rz(P n B n c') = 7 students d) xnt' e) m6 f) z" 1 a) 5 tennis balls +
No student ordered neither cake nor 4 a) 43xx3 It) Zzx+z x Jzx b) 3footballs+6t
salad. c) a3 xb3 d) vw3 c) 3ZP i

e) 92aa f) aebe e) LOm-n+8

5 a) 2xx5x b) 32x x 72x 2 You can onlY add c
c) 76 d) 52"'z
e) 312 f) 5sx75 Activity 1

6 10120
I a) 8P+Zq b) 7
d) sl-6k e) 2
Activity 3 g) 7a-7b h) 0
a) (F U B)' nT = 21. ra)d b) an c) PL=P i) Sxy+3xz il e
b) FUTnB'=15 +1,1 +2L=47 d)1 e)r f) b8 2 4oranges+3bena
c) (F U B U T)' = 100- (15 + 1l + 27 b)* 30=1
2a)32 c)
Activity 2
+ 8 + 14 + 1o + 16) = 1oo-95 = 5
7a\ x represents the number of learners d) 10o=1 e) 100=1 f) 12r = LZ I a) ZP+Z
who chose red and bltrc; x = 792 t")7 1
o+ c) slk - sl
e) 9m-mz
b) 160 learners
ActivitY 4
8 18 peoPle 5. g) -9a + 3a2
b)Z' c)
Topic 2 lndex notation
L a) a3,
d) z'
2a) o1
i) -pqa - 3fq
32 pens

Activity 3
t 12 Penc

Starter activity 7 a) 5k+12 b) |

L a) 2x2xZ
c) 7 x7
b) 5x5 d) ;4
")l D+ d) 3y+16 e):
(:)' qz

b)33 c)6s 3 a) 2tan-z b) 2 a) a2+8a+7
zilzn O 3fz + 5f+2
ai rrr e) s6 f) 7n
d) 7' e) 26 f) 2x 52 q siz - 15lk + 1Ol
3 a) 2s b) 2tz g) x3 h\ c' i) azbz
O 6x2-33xY+ll
Activity t Activity 5 g) -8e-Z
1a)52 b) 5n c) as
1 a) x=3 b) x=,, c) x=-1 Astivity 4
d) 23 e) o 32xba f) x=-Z
d) x=3 e) a=0 l3(z+3)
2a)Z b)0 c) 4
*=t i) x=1 3 3$-ae)
d)3 e)2 f) -1. g) x=-Z h)
5 4r(3r +2)
3a)a b)b c) 3
2 a) )(= 63 b) -=€)t c) x=? 7 6&(4 + ez)
d) 1s e)x f) 9
f) x=4
b) cxc d) x=15 e) x=9 9 6(1-Zz-3Y\
4 a) axaxaxa 3 x=-3oft=1 tl b(7 + 7bc - *C)
c) 2xZxZx2xZ

Activity 6 Activity 5
1 a) 128 b) 1. o24 t (P+q)(r+s) 2 (7 + k)(5 + ik)
2 a) 212; the twelfth generation 3 (m + tt)(.a + b) 4 (s-r)(r+3)
b) 2"; the fourteenth generation 5 (,r - u)(6 + y) 6 (b + 2')(a + 2)
3 1 953 125 votes 7 (2 + t)(x - 3) 8 (k-s)(f+k)
4 6561km 9 (3v - 4)(uv - 3) tO (z + 5)(a -Z)
5 a) 125 cm3 b) 7 cm 11 (k + s)(k - e) 72 (2 - p)(3 - 2q)
6 a) 19 683 cells b) 177 147 cells
Activity 6
c) the twelfth generation
d) 777 147 cells in the eleventh
1 a) (x+5)(x+1) b) (r+7)(x+7)
-20 c) (x + 1)(x + 2) d) (5 + x)(4 + x)
e) (x-a)(r-a) 0 (x+Z)(x-t)
\)r2 g) (1 + x)(2 - x) h) (5 - -t)(6 + .x)
Topic 3 Algebra 2 a) 2(k - 3)(k +1) b) (m + 1)(3tn - 5)
Starter activity c) (/r + 3)(5h + 1) d) (3;t + Z)(.3x- 1)
t a) 5 tennis balls + 6 footballs e) (2 + fl(3 - 4fl f) (r + 2)(5r + 3)
b) 3 footballs + 6 tennis balls I Qn + 3)(3n + 1)

c) 32p d) Stt + 2P h) (s + 6)(2s - s)

e) 10rir-n+8 f) 3cr2+2a+15 3 a) (a +b\@+b)=(a+b)z
2 Yor-r can only add or subtract like terms. b) 0-4k)(i-4k)=(j-4b2
c) 0'- 3s)2 d\ (5y -zx)2
Activity 1
1 a) 8p+2q b) 7x+7Y c) -8r Activity 7
d) 5l - 6k e) 2m + 3ir g) -3t1+ 6e 1a) (a*5)(a+5) b) (p-0(p+q1
g) 7o-7b h) 0 c) (x-3)(x-3) d) (3-r)(3+r)
=p i) Sxy + 3xz i') 4ik - Zmn e) f-a)(f+il 0 (10-nt)(to+nr)
2 4oranges+3bananas C) - /)(6 Y'!
(6 + h) (x - 7)(x + 7)
=1 i) 5(x - 2)(x + 2) ) (Z - 6il(Z + 6P\
Activity 2 k) (2a - 3b)( 2a + -tb)
1" = 1.2
1 a) Zp+Z b) 3x - 31t
l) (1+i-j')(7+i+it
c) slk - sl d) 322 + 4z 2 a) 74O b) 260
e) 9m-m2 f) LOP + 6r c) 380 d) 11 000
g) -9a + 3a2 h) 8xy + xy2 3 tr-Zv 474
il -pq\ - 3p1q il !6nm - Snz
2 32 pens + 12 pencils Activity 8
1 a) xz+Zx+l b) k2-4k+1
Activity 3 c) 9p2+6p+l d) 4s2-l1st+9P
1 a) 5k+12 b) 6r+4s c) -2m-7-) e) 4a2 - 76ab + l6b2
d) 3y + 16 e) 2z f) 2ab2 f) 15 + 70ob + a2b2
2 a\ a2+8a+7 b\ k2-4 2 a) Zi2+2i+1.3 b) 2P+18
< .!,
c) 3f2+5f+Z d) LOnz-21.n+9 c) Zmz + 4mn + 2n2
t] e) 512 - L5jk + lOkz d) 222-42+2
f) 6.12 -33xy + 15y2 e) 16k f) 1zfs
g\ -8e-2 h) -5bz + 6b - 25
Activity 9
Activity 4 1 a) LCM:200 b) ICM: pz
1 3(z+3) 2 k(t-i) c) LCM;ZOaZ d) LCM 60pq2
3 3(1 - 4e) 4 x(y-z)
5 4r(3r + 2) 6 5n(3n - 5) 2 a),v. 2-(6x - tt b) &n2 +15n2
/ 6e2{.4 + e21 8 qr(p + r) .
9 6(7-Zz-3y) 1O 8x(8 - 7y - 6x) c) '""!7q-,"''
+D(d .lD) 3
d) x-1
7L b(.7 + 7bc -bzc:t) 12 uvz(l + uz - v)

A 4-6
2 Column matrix: E; Row matrix: -l+ :\
ActivitY 10 Souale matrices: B and F
lrailing diagonal of F:0' l'
11)' ct 1# 3 0
t"l# b) 10
;' ;- M";* e leading diagonal: 6' 7
10 6i.
i) '-

2t, 11 Zlr.lL ]t) ilj oo",to F leading diagonal: 1' 1'

d); e)
c 13 6 \
? .. 17nt+1 5 x= L
or tllx h) !4-
) rl --i)-
o,6 |=, 1

i) 3-3cs
r-l ActivitY 2
)tt+i b) i,, +-ixi + :r a) lbY Z b) Zby Z c) 3bY2
2 a\ *j2y1t*u 1. It' ::
10l + 3u d) 2bY3 e) Zby I fl 3bY3 19 1r, r-
cl' O--++tt"l
nia;nil a) o-sxr.a Irl Dl
16 /l -

30-7b t)- l9c'+ 20 2 A'=l-rl tr- -

ls 7)
e) $-b)a--b) (2c;ir(c r)
It r l1
| -l
It 21 21 I :

. 10x-8 ht 6_.r,. Sr- \

,, Cr=lr s il l)r =
L: tl t-
8) [i - Srzr - 3r l-

,.1 _ pr
p -l
-? .. 3v2+fi'-5
ll --h +Z
Er=[4 9] F'r-= illo ?o :lrl ActivitY


rv - 3)
3 a) \yit ,,* o 7:
4 a) dJt b) ,=; 1r) -l
ActivitY 8
ActivitY 11 I A-
-t9 l-x] )')
'20 3 x-t
jl I at
- - 6t' Io rI h)i,ir cl
4\ "2t
4a) lz:i
[t, +
I10 -1 J
8T l-z -5I
9W c) lt ol
d) r I
' 1.+

10-4tiln ActivitY .._r Irs t\

ActivitY 9

ActivitY 12 r ar nn=lll iilo, B\=1.'i i'1 I iti :

1Z 2 2x
3mf c) 2bYZ d) ZbYZ tlt
42f s6a 69q l-n + I b) NM=l_l2l
2 a) i e -oi
, I5nr -o +r')'
- 1 -1 2 cf iuyZ d) 1by1 I at
c" ie do.t not equal BA' and NM does.- la
.Itre of dr -
lO lLm ,r", l'tN' multiplication
two "q""1
niatrices is not commutative' la
ToPic 4 Matrices fzz 311
+lzo 31 I
Starter activity 122 2e )
ActivitY 4 {r
[< t)
lr + 3l
I dr -
1 a) l; 1] ''b) L; i,il f-

1; ;l
Classical le ')
3by1 2a\\;; :-
2 a) ZbyZ b)
c) ZbY3 d) 3by3 -d

ts o z)
ActivitY 5
[o o Io o ol
3i20 1s ul 1
I zl,r
- lo oo ol .i
oio i ol
l:r,27 I
ActivitY 6 1 aa
ActivitY 1
r :cl 224
c) 3bY Z
1. a) lbYZ Q ZbYZ
d) 2bv3 d ZbYl f) 3by3

l-t -8 Is tzl
4_6 sl_r -1
luu rzo Activity 10

TI I 3
48 l [+
-l-t 12 1

r-l-z+ -6 I 16

l-tt {ul ol8 18

9 t, 22 1a)
l-J 1lll
2:a l
[o to) lt+ 20 I r+ I
10l; ill rllrz
2 1
t2 2
18 lo t4 c)

-13 I
( d)
-5 -:-3 ll
i, ttl [-r 0 [-lt, -sl
13 l; ; I 14 [-zs 82 15 -,0 -14 -2 i f)
[-,-7 ii .J 1
e) -1 L:5I +I I
l-z 2 [+
? 'il ol IrI I
t6 ltL ql t7 | -zo I l.' Ia t?
4 2ol , ") f i rll


z lrs rrr I
oll rll Ir0 1 0

3 ltr. hB rol
19 I .r; n.l 11 l 20 lQ
ill d)
l0 1 l
b) t- 7
39 64 11 + -l3 2
l+2 I
s a) l; l -1 ,l
Irrt s "t 3

Ir1 0rl
-l 2118 36 -l* .) [l llI d)
I; -1 ol In6 1 I

. ,l ActivitY 7
4 .) [l rlI b) l+4 1 I

63 ,[l ol
rll d)
lz2 rl

72 8 -ZZ 9 -14 5 MultiP lyirtn8 Ltrix

ng a1TN aIl
L2 -8 rit maatlrir
gives a unrit \ lullrltiliplttyirnga
ix. M
10 -2 11 -7 matrix by .u,a unrit mat
1T Ltr'ixrleeavvess the
l3x3 ActivitY 8 matrix unrclha
ran18 ed
1 i- )
I A__J
b)s ActivitY 11
2a)23 c)0 g)0
c) 23 d)9 1a)0 b)0
3 a) k=3or-Z b) k=3or-2
ll, .", I lr ol
2a)l-:,'i, l rl
c) k=-5 ork=2
3 a) k=-13 b) k=16
Activity 9 c) k=12 d) k=8ork=-4
Is _,tl t, ,l
'.] Ir zl
,l r a) ls el I
b) l;[r
c) ls -+l Activity 12
lo rl e) rol z) f)l Io rl 1 a) x =).a1lY='3
d) l:I -:l ls
I s :l [+
I Ui r=10andY=-|
2a)1.-r -:l
,t b) l-z nl
c) l-r
nl 2 al x=1andY=1 3
L -
b) x=2landy= 1
3 a) -1.3 b) 46 c) 22 c) x=ZandY=-Z
d);13 e) 46 f) ?2 d) x=-llandY=l
l:t -zl b) lo? -i c) I0 ol ;l
4a)11 ul l_i .l l_+
[: z1
el x=2a'ndY=-l
Is -/,l e) r.
1.1 L
o I f) x=-2 andY= 1

a) ls el [s

-:] It -+l
[-s lr z) ActivitY 13
h) ls 10 1 'v=3
L\ I

5a)-2 b) -7 c) -8 2 a) x= lTanaY=.-t .1715
d) 80 e) -19 f) -22 b) m=i urarr= I
8) zz h)0 c).rr=10andY=Z
Io Ir Ir, +l
6 a) lt
t- ll b) ls ;l c) lr ol d) r=sandY=fi
Is l-s -5 l-+ e) m=2andn=-'3
d) lz -5
e)l. f)1. ,il
f) x=4andY=-3
-5 -5
8) h)|. I B) x=6andY=2
l_1 -9 ill ,= l3and z=-to)

i) a=3 andb=-4 c) 8 cm2 d) 320 000 m2 CI slia
2 Scale: 1 cm : 25 cm (1 cm to 0.25 m) d)
I x= 6 andY =9 .i {s
k) x=2andY=-l
1 L)l!r-:)-
l) rn= { andn=-f
3 Division'bY 0 is not allowed' Length of
)o=o)\ Topic 6 Tr
Activity 14
1 a) 4x+ oY= 369 and 8x +/= 880 =B0cm Starler activ
b) x=K90and/=K160 Height of 1 )'. r --
2 a) 4x+2Y=29 and3't+5/=34 train
I ar S:r.:
l+ zll .*l lzQl Diameter of
b) lj lll rl=la+l K7.50 wheels b I Si'=.:
c) x = K5.50 and )'= Distance 6 x O.25
20 000 between =1.5m I Ihe ::,';
3a) l +)/
wheeis 'r
O.72x + O.O4y 0.09 x 20 000
3 a) 1 : 200 b) 0.45 cm \-
b) 20 000 c) 1 800 4 1:100
d) x = K12 500 and
Y = K7 500 5 a) k=]x10=s b) k= $"0=z A ctivity 1

I so 1oo d) =:il-
a al c=l so ooo I
O k=Xx12=tB c -l -.::-
l7o sso -l
Activity 3 I a -: :.
b) N = [28 30 34] I a -t--:
c) [6 180 47 90o] 1 ,"fu. b) 120 cm2 c) 120 mr
^) t2}m2 br -:l -l
2 a) b) 4x(8x15) -1 a ' \-
Topic 5 SimilaritY and c) 480 m2
s b) z43mz .) ; A:t vity
"i I
d) 27 mZ - :_.1,1
Starter activitY : :-i-.i-

ActivitY 4
1 a) 1:10 b) Length:23 mm
r:tivity 3
Height: 7.5 mm
c) 1:1000 .: i
d) I u9l.5 cm' e) 1.8975 cm3 iii
f) 1 897.5 cm3
2a) 2:3 b) 4:9 c) 184cm' 11

2 The ratios of conesponding sides is the 3a) 1 200 cm or 1.2 m ir,

same and all the angles are the same size b) 660 cm i
3 a-c) Discussion questions c) 335 000 000 cm3 or ml or 335 000 r
Activity 1 4a) 6 cm2 b) 60 cm3 l
c) Width: 1.5x4=6cm
1 a) 3cm
Length: 1.5 x 10 = 15 cm ra' ,
300 km on the ground
3 57 cm; 570 km Side length: 1.5 x 3.6 = 5.4 cm -,: )
2 6.6 cm -

km b) 70 cm on the maP d) 8:27 e) 202.5 cm3 : l.

4 a) 9.05
5 a) 2km b) 1km c) 1.5km Activity 5 -:-
6 a) A: 1 : 2 000 000 B: 1 :4 000 000 1 In AABE and ADCE:
C: 1 : 10 000 000 D: 1 : 50 000 000 ,-: :
49 = DC (given) - i
r) a:
-$r* u, np#,,r, asC = oeB (given) -a
. -a:
aflB = oEC (verticallY oPPosite
lo,frpoo *#i*

c: D' :4, :
Therefore, AABE = ADCE (AAS)
l-,: )
Activity 2 2 a) right angle, hypotenuse, side (RHS
1 a) 800m b) 400m b) side, angle, side (SAS)

c) side, side, side (SSS) d) i) 8 km/h ii) 10.67 km/h
d) angle, angle, corresPonding side iii) 8 km/h iv) 12 km/h
(AAS) e) i) 7 kml}l ii) 9.33 km/h
3 Discussion question 3a) 09:45 b) 14 km
c) He and Mate visited for one hour.
d) 8km e) 15 min.
Topic 6 Travel graphs f) i) }Okmlh ii) Z.Z9lrn/h
activity iii) 16 km/h iv) ZLk{l:lh
1 SxT=D, ? =sor I =r Activity 4
2 a) Speed = S m/s = 25 m/s 1 a) 60km b) t h L?min.
c) jomey
b) Speed =ffmls= 25i#P = eo km/h

3 The graph shows you how long a flight

o{ say 9O0 km, ndl take and how
many kilometres a flight of say, seven
hours, will be.

1a) 4kmih b) I h or 15 min.

c) 3km d) 120 km
2a) 150 km O; lnor 30 min.
2a) 40 km/h
3a) 1,.77 mls b)
b) 6.372 - 6.37 k{nl}r
4a) 9.89 m/s b) 35.604 = 35.6 km/h
I scalar 2 vector 3 vector
4 scalar .5 scalar 6 vector
7 vector

1a) i) 40km ii) 60km

iii) 60km iv) 70km
b) i) h or 15 min.
rime (h)

c) She arrived home at 13:30.

ii) t; h iii) I h or 30 min. 3a) 64krnlh b) 11:30
rg 2h c) 150 km d) 100 kmih
c) i) Zokmlh ii) 60 km/h e)
iii) 20 kmih ig 10 km/h
d) The cyclist stopped for 30 minutes -
he stayed in the same Place.
e) No, he stopped 70 km from where
he started his journeY.
2a) He ran L4 km from the starting
point and 14 km back to the
starting point; a total of 28 km.
He ran for 6 km, stopped and then
ran 8 km before stopPing, he then
turned back and ran 8 km, stoPPed
rime (h)
and then ran the last 6 km.
He stopped three times (15 min., She arrived at 13:15.
30 min. and 15 min.).

4a) i) 1211kmS Topic 7 Social and commercial Topic 8 Be
ii) 1 211 km N
660 km/h N arithmetic Starter activit
Stalter activity Soiwezi is north
1 Answers depend on the information northeast of I'a
Iearners have found. Activity 1

2 Answers will differ. 1 DraH'ang1r
3 Answers include the internet, 2a)80'b
newspapers, radio and television 3a)50'b
broadcasts and banks. e) 138' f
4 Discussion question
Activity 2
d) Vector Activity 1
1 a) $ro rgo b) $1s27.90
Activity 5 2 a) $+ZZ 851 = $472 85 N{,v tol n
7 a) 27.78m1s b) 3.52m1s2 b) 1 000 c) K8.73 C)ur town
2 a) 7.5 km b) 20 km/h; 50 km/h d) K276830 e) 746 Big tol r
c) 100 km f) K5 643 506.40 = K5 643.500 You r tor,. .-
3 a) 78 m/s (rounded off) 3 a) K8.98 b) K3.33
b) 39s c) 78s c) K3.70 d) K0.47 2a,b)
Activity 6 4 a) K20 000 b) K28 000
I a) 12.42 mls c) K8 000 d) 4Oo/ct
b) 2.22 s 5 a) Companies issue (sell) shares to
2 a) 3s b) 9.33 m/s2 raise capital for expansion.
3 a) 10 m/s b\ 2mlsz b) 55 000 shares c) K1 265 000
c) i) I m/s2 ii; I m/s'7
d) 143.5o/o e) K5 600 000
iii) -l m/s2 or O"."1"rrtion ot
I rnlsz Activity 2
d) i) 15 m/s ii) 10 m/s 1 a) K0.78 b) K11 700
Activity 7
2 a) Kl.O67s b) K11.40
3 a) K14 625.00 b) K1 47s.00
7 a) 126 b) 126 m
c) 10.090/o d) K2O4.75
2 a) 412.5 b) 472.50 m
3 a) 75 km/h b) 10 seconds Activity 3
c) 0 15 m/s2 ii) 7.5 mlsz 1 a) 30 000 units b) K9 000 000
iii) -45 m/s2 c) K45 000 000 d) K5 000
d) 570 m e) 780 m e) K1 500
4 a) 100.08 km/h b) 7.62 mls2 2 a) K500 b) K20 000
c) 50.735 m d) 6.47 mls2 3 K630.00
e) 59.77 m 4 a) Year l: K677.25 Year 2: K728.O4
5a) Year 3: K782.65 Year 4: K841.35
b) Year 2:K677.25 Year 3: K728.O4
Year 4: K782.65
c) Year 3: K677.25 Year 4: K728.O4
d) K98.04 - K98.00
Year 4:K50.79 e)
5 a) K1 485 000 b) K3 616 250
6 Commercial Bank interest: 240 000 000
Amount owed: K2 240 000 000 Activity 3
Bank of Zambia interest: 40 000 000 1 a) Ptc Q: -
b) 1 m/sz c) 0.48 m/sz
d) 414 m
Amount owed: K1 040 000 000 b) Ptc Q: r
Total owed: K3 280 000 000
2 Allow two degrees measurentent error.
-'rercial Topic 8 Bearings d, C) r,r

Starter activitY
Solwezi is northl,vest of Kitwe and north-
northeast of KasemPa.
Activity 1

1 Draw angles.
2 a) 80' b) 100' c) 40" d) 1u0'
3 a) 50" b) 90' c) 28:l' d) 180'
e) 138" f) 1 l0' c) 297" h) 73" b)

Activity 2

Mv town
Our tou'n
Big to\'vn
Your town
a) A of B: 108'; of C: 097"; of D: 173';
2 a,b)
of E: I 53"; of F: 124"; of G: 1 14'
b) B of A: 28U"; of C: 090'; of D: 196':
of E: 180'; of f: 135'; of G: 120'
c) D of E: 0,15"; of F: 051"; of C: 045";
of G: 07-1"

Activity 4
1 a) Scale drawing
Chanda b) B from C: 304' c) C from A: 040"
d) ApproximatelY 93 km
2 Scale dtawing
a) apProxirnatelY 13..3 km
-. 04
-, -15 b) approximatelY 20'
-:.0-l 3 a) CamP B is 3 krn north of camP A'
b) Camp A is 6 km west of camP C.
c) approximatelY .37"
- \.01) d) approximatelY 6'3 cm
e) 6.3 km
r 000
Activity 3
il 1 a) P to Q: 75' and Q to P: 255'
b) P to Q: 100" and Q to P: 280'

e) rotational symmetry of order 6
4 a) Rough drawing f) six lines of symmetry and rotational
Topic 10 Ct
symmetry of order 6 calculator
2a) flve lines of sYmmetrY Starter activitY
lr) 5
Diagram A can be reflected or rotated
1 a) 128
3a) -. ,)
through 1ZO" lo create diagram B' d);=\'
b) Scale drawing b) Diagram C be reflected through the 2a, b) Discltss:,
c) Distance is approximately 10 km' centre of the diagram or rotated
d) 10 Activity 1
through an angle of 12O" to create
diagram D.
1 a) 326.31:
4a)Z b)Z c)Z c) 26.0, 1)
Topic 9 SYmmetry .Jq
5 No lines of sYmmetrY ' b(,
Starter activitY 2 a) 7.{444.
1, 2 Discussion questions
b) 1.-1s
Activity 1 sar3
- i)
1 A was translated horizontally to create Activity 2
B, C and D.
1 a) 256
2 A was reflected horizontallY and
d) 48 8+1
translated to give B; translated to give
C, and reflected horizontallY and
b) Discussion questlon d) 3 3' 5
translated to give D.
Activity 3 3 a) 1021
Or, A was rotated through 180'to give
1 three axes of rotation d) 3 1l-i
B; translated to give C; rotated through
2 fotr. axes of rotation: one along each 4 a) 9 60-i
180o, and then translated to give D'
A was reflected vertically, then the edge where two rectangles meet and one 5 a) 5-19 -s
3 c)
reflection was translated to give B; through the centre of the triangular face 169.6-<

A was translated to give C and then A 3 one axis of rotation 6 a) 225 cm

was reflected vertically and translated Activity 4 /al; I

to give D. 1 rectangular Prism: 3 8 a) 0.0-{

4 A was rotated through 180" about the triangular Prism: 4 Activity 3
midpoint of the longest side to give B' square-based PYramid: 2
5 A was reflected about its longest side to b) two 7a)21
2 a) six
d) 3.8;
give B; translated to give C; reflected 3
about the longest side to give D;
reflected and translated downward to
give E; translated downward to give F;
and so on' 4a)
There are three Planes of sYmmetrY
d) 1s
d) 2.7
4 a) -15
Activity 2 b) There are five Planes of sYmmetrY'
5 a) -1.2
1 a) reflectional and rotational 5a) A plane of reflectional sYmmetrY c) 19.2 3

symmetry of order 3
b) reflectional sYmmetrY with a Activity 4
vertical tine through the centre and 1a) 3.93-5
rotational symmetry of order Z c) 3.08-1 '
c) a horizontal and a vertical line of b) An axis of rotational symmetry 2 7.01
symmetry and rotational sYmmetrY 6a) One axis of rotational symmetry 3 a) 1.0 '
of order 2 b) Perpendicular to the base through Activity 5
d) reflectional sYmmetrY about a the vertex
1 2x3rx5'
vertical line through the middle of c) An infinite number of Planes of
reflection sYmmetrY
3 2.r*l=xr
the shaPe

5 3zy!2x72 6 23x3x5
10 ComPuter and 7 22x33
g 2zylzxT
ulator ActivitY 7
arter activitY 1 Monitor 2 Tower case
1 a) 1.28 b) Z1 c) 27 3 Mouse 4 Speakers
5 Printer 6 Keyboard
il ? =3'L428s7t43
7 Camen
2a, b) Discussion questions
ActivitY I
vity 1
Wake uP; make Your bed; take
a bath;
b) 0.1.02770091.7
1 a) 326.344086 t clean Your teeth; get dressed;
d 26.0742 d) 5
breakfast; drink tea; wash the

2 a) 7.4444... = 7 '4
r) -1.
walk to school'
Find a mark; divide mark bY 50;
b) 1.45 c) 3.84 multiPlY answer bY 100; write down
3a\* b)A
.)g the Percentage'
2 ActivitY 10
2s6 b) 729 c) 33 \24 I a) 1.964 - + 4' Yes - 1'964+ 100 -
d) 48 841 e) 250 000 -
no leap Year
2a) 64 b) 343 c) 1 000 b) 1970-* i 4' no not a leaP Year
4' -
not a leaP Year
d) 3 375 e) 91.'1'25 i) zo:-4 + no
3a) 1024 b) 32768 c) 729 i) ZOZO-+ 4'Yes 2O2O + 100
- -
d) 31.25 e) 19'4481 no * leap Year
il a) s 604 b) 1 025 c) 468 e) 1600 - i 4' Yes * 1600 + 100 -
ra) 549.78 cm3 b) 1 178'10 cm3 yes - 1600 + 400 - Yes - leaP^Year
c) 169.65 cm3 9 1ZOO* ' + 4' Yes - 1700 + 100 -
6a) izs r^' b) 25 cm2 c) 49 cmz yes leaP Year

7a) l- b)l c)t g; iaOo * f 4 *Yes * 1800 + l-00 -

25'4 yes - leaP Year
8a) o.o+ b) 0.2s c) 0'5 tl) ioOO - I 4 -Yes * 1900 + 100 -
3 yes - leaP Year
7a)21 b) 38 c) 5.66
d) 3.87 e) 50
2a)9 b) 12 c) 3
d) 1s e) 3.56
3a)Z b) 6.45 c) 3

d) 2.1 e)4
4a)45 b) 20 c) o.37
5 a) -t.Z b) 1.02
c\ 19.23 d) 1.4s
1 'a) 3.9375 x 1013 b) 4.4 x 10-13
c) 3.083 x 10s d) 1.53 x 10-3
z 1.O4
3 a) 1'.07 x 10r b) 9.345 x 103

5 * odd; 84 *
81 - odd; 82 - even; 83
1 Zx32x53 2 2x3x7 x1'3
even; and so on, and 99 - odd
3 2sraJax5 4 2z yJ3 x7
7a) z -rl r -il 3a)
Topic 3: Revision exercises -s sl b) -4 sl
L a) l2p+3q 3 I 3 1r
b) 6a 7 Zt-1
-+ 4l
2 a) 4p+pz
c) -2 rl d) 5 3t
4 4l

b) Zazb-abz
8 a) r=2or-2
b) x = tJlO
c) x2-Zxy+y2
d) tz-S c) x=7or-5 c
e) 3az + l5a + Zab + L0 d) x=6orZ
f) 9y'- 6y + 1 9 a) x=2andy=2
3 $ aQ-3) b) x=3and.y=)
b) a(a-b) c) x=2andl=-10 b) 5 m/s
c) 4ab-2b
[22 tz 80] b) c) 18 kmrh
d) (.a - 4)(a + 4)
4 a) (P+5)(p+2)
1O a)
c) Ngwee 3 440
till 4a) 90 000 rn:
b) 4.62 m,s
b) (b - 4)(b - 7) 11 a) K297.50 c) 5.413 h
c) (3 - y)(4 + y) b) x=4000 andy=297.50 d) 16.63 km
d) (3x + 4)(x - 4) c) x = K1 500; y =KZ 5O0
5a) 11'
e) (3 + xXs - 3x) 12 x= K666.67 andy = K3 333.33 b) 5 036 km
t\ 2(2x + 5)(x + 1) 13 x= K2 7OO; y =K1.766.67 c) 774.77 = .
5a) ; 1

Topic 5: Revision exercises
b)0 1 a) 1200km
c). 2(3m - 7)
tm - 3)tm - 2)
b) 2 320 km
c) 3.09 cm
tv+4) 2 t;D: Z : 1
A: 3 : L;B'. 2: 1; C: 3 :
d) (l,. 1)
Pairs of similar cones: A and C,
Topic 4: Revision exercises and B and D
L a) rbyZ b) 1by3 3 a) 7cm b) 70cm c) 11cm
c) Zby 7 d) 3by1 4 a) 1:5 b) 1:5
e) Zby 3 f) 3by3
trt 5 7.56 m
e) 5 036 km
d l)l
c) lz sl
Topic 6: Revision exercises 6a) 10 mls
b) 5.5 s
Ir + a1 c) 2.5 mls:
ti z)
nl9 ?r) d) 0 m/sr
e) 1.33 m s:
15 km/h f) 98m
3a) Y=5
b) x=6 Topic 7: Revisior
[+.s 37 ss] 1 a) K8 170.10
4a) btls+
'lsz 43 orl b) K1 0s0
tffl ss ez) c) €9 000
218 36 I zts ztal 2 a) K8 710
5a) 180 104 b) | so ro+] Liya paid
169 L32
[:ro :uol b) K48s.7s
c) 110 1.36 | roo rso ] c) K5 678.15
15 m/min.
6 Division by 0 is not allowed. 3 a) K136 O0O
b) 35.719r,
4 a) K11 250 0

Displacement-time graph b) K9 281. ZsO
5 a) R34.38
b) R41.2s
c) R1 093.20

Topic 8: Revision exercises

1 a) M from Q: 2L1";P from M: 120"
o b) M from Q:29t"; P from M: 180"
c) M from Q: 323"; P from M:264'
d) M from Q:236'; P from M: 319'
a) N 30'E:030'
b) 5 m/s b) East:090"
c) 18 km/h c) S 34" F.;746'
a) 90 000 m; 19 487 s
d) W:270"
b) 4.62 mls e) NW:315"
c) 5.413 h f) S 55'W: 235"
d) 16.63 km/h 3 oz5"
a) 110 4 232"
b) 5 036 km E 11' North

c) 774.77 - 775 krnl}rB 1.7'


5 000

4 000

3 000
Topic 9: Revision exercises
2 000
1. a) Only T and H have lines of

e) 5 036 km SW 11'
a) 10 m/s
b) T has one line of symmetry.
b) 5.5 s H has two lines of symmetry.
c) 2.5 mlsz S and A have no lines of symmetry.
d) 0 m/s2 c) Only H has a centre of rotation in
e) 1.33 m/sz its centre.
O 98m d) Order of rotation for T and A: 0;
7: Revision exercises order of rotation for H and S: 2
a) K8 77O.2O
b) K1 Oso
c) €9 000
a) K8 710
Liya paid K8 710 for the shares.
tr) K485.75
c) K5 678.25
a) K136 000 000
b) 35.71o/o
a) K11 250 000

4a) Two lines of reflectional symmetry e) Z t97
f) 1s 62s
g) 6 s61
h) 293 762.s06 Every da
L--l---l a)4
b) 3.s76 As you kno
b) *o Urr., of reflectional symmetry. c)5 defending.
5a) Plane of reflectional symmetry d) 2.118 demonstrat
through A, B and C. a) 8.6 x 10-6 home nithr
b) 7.29 x l1ra
c) 2.079 x L0 a they practi:
d) 1.5 x 108 km To be suc
e) 3.8 x 10-a mm stand on th
tr) Plane of reflectional symmetry 6 Discussion question
think that t
through A, B and C; one through D, 7 Programs that make it possible for the
you do not
E and F is is perpendicular to the different parts of the computer to work
plane through A, B and C. Get the price - multiply the price by informatior
D,E+rt_"F 0.89 (89olo) - print new price whether vo
tI rTtr-"] to impror-e
lL't tfit ]
,lrE[]l Make sure'
In a footbal
6 a, b)Discusrion qr"r,iom to read the
questions r'
start answel
how to ansr
have left ou
When lvriti
. Do,vou h
inf,nite o What is t
Choose xr - substitute in equation don't rlri
Topic 10: Revision exercises * calculate )i1 - repeat for xrandy, . If you ha
1 a) -0.92 ca-tculate lYz- Yt) correct ar
b) 2.s33 - - - end.
\x2 x1)

- substitute in equation --
10 Let x = 0 harre add,
c) -5.371
d) L.272 calculate % - let / = O - substitute in Understand
equation - calculate xo - print (0; yo)
2il* + print (xo; 0) - end.

b\ z? 11 Discussion questions compare: de

ditferent br
c) -11ffi describe: giv
q# sentences
determine: fi
3 a) 256 display: shov
b) 3 136 formulate: w
c) 13 689 that explarr
d') 289

very day counts
you know, football players practise their skills by running, kicking the balt and
ing. They do not stand on the sideline, watch their coach or another player
strate moves, think that they understand what is going on and then go
me without kicking a ball. The best football players work on their frtness and
practise ball skills every day.
To be successful in Mathematics you have to practise your skills. You cannot
on the sideline. You cannot just watch your teacher explain something,
ink that you understand, close your books and walk away. Ask questions when
do not understand something. Listen to explanations. Apply new
rmation. Use the answers that are given in this Leamer's Book to check
ether you are on track or whether you need to ask for help. This will help you
improve your skills. Every day in class makes a difference.
sure tests and exams count
a football match, players have to handle each situation as it arises. They need
read the game and react appropriately. In a test or an exam, you need to read
ions very carefully and make sure you understand what to do before you
answering a question. Read questions again if necessary. If you do not know
to answer a question, move to the next question. Return to the questions you
left out if you have time left after the last question.
ihen writing tests and exams check the following:
Do you have to show your calculations? Marks are allocated for showing
calculations and not only for the answers.
what is the mark allocation for a question? If a question counts four marks,
don't write down only one number or one word.
If you have time, read your answers again and check them to see if they are
correct and complete. For example, if an answer gives a length, make sure you
have added the unit (mm, cm, m or km).
rstanding the following words can help you interpret and answer questions
pare: describe what is similar and identify: find, name and mention
dlfferent between two or more things illustrate: give an example of what you mean
give details and facts in full or explain it visually
sentences without giving reasons investigate: fd)ow a systemat)c way of
find out analysing a problem
: show select: choose
write down an idea or hypothesis sort: order information alphabetically,
that explains the idea clearly numerically, by date or importance

acceleration: the rate at which an obiect's numerator: number above the line in a
velocity changes, 98 fraction, 38
algorithm: a set of operations that produce output: the result of a calculation, 158
a result, 158 p.a.: per annum (peryear), 117
as the crow flies: shortest distance between place setting: the plates and cutlery for one
two places, 70 person for a formal meal, 63
aviation: the activity or business of power (of a number): the number raised to
operating and flying aictaft, 178 an index or exponent, -16
base: the number that is raised to an prism: an object with two end faces that are
index, -16 similar and equal, and sides that are
brokerage fee: the fee charged bY a rcctangles,79
stockbroker for buying and selling quadratic: an expression in the form
shares and bonds, 114 axz+bx+c,34
coincide: identical, synchronise, reciprocal: the number by which a number
correspond, match, L37 is multiplied to give a Product of 1
commutative: when changing the order of (examPle:3"!=17,19
the numbers in an operation'does not regular polygon: a closed 2D-shape with
change the answer (for examPle, all its sides the same length and all angles
2x3=3xZ),51 the same size, 740
corhpany: a structured commercial business regular polyhedron: a closed 3D-obiect
or corporation, 113 with all its edges the same length;
deceleration: negative acceleratioh (or therefore all its faces are congruent,
slowing d1)*"),;gS . 4
regular polygons; there are only five
denomin'dtor: number under the line in a regular solids (the platonic solids), 140
fraction, 38 " ' scalar: a quantity that has magnitude (size)
dividends: the part of a company's proflt only,48, 89
that is paid to shareholders on a regular sequence: a structure in computing where
basis, 113 statements are executed (carried out) one
divisor: term that follows the division after the other, 159
sign, 41 shareholders: the people who have bought
hardware: physical comPonents of a shares in a company, 1L3
computer, -154 shares: parts of the capital a company offers
index (or exponent): the number of for sale in the form of shares, 113
times a real number is multiplied by software: the programs that are used by a
itself, -16 computeq 154
indices: plural of index, 16 stockbroker: person who buys and sells
input: information that is needed to solve shares and bonds for others, 114
a problem, -158 stock exchange: the financial market of a
invert: turn upside down,41 country where shares are traded, ,13
like terms: the same variables (letters), 29 unhindered: without being stopped, 24
matrices: plural of matrix,47 unlike terms: different vaiables, 29
matrix: numbers arranged in rows and variable: symbol for a number or for a few
columns different numbers,29
number scale: a scale expressed in the form vector: a quantity that has both magnitude
a : b where a arrd b arc numberc, 72 (size) and direction, 89

186 Glossary

a. Available for use

with this book:

Progressin is a learner-centred
series {or Grades 8-12'
*ith a steP-by-step approach
%ru . drL
written by subject 'ptti"fi'it'
Each concePt is care{ully {.6
that ensures {utt 'ytltUuJto'erage'
own Pace.
individual learners can progress
at their
Features of the Learner's
in" U"ginning o{ each topic to stimulate
. A starter activity
int"r".t and test Prior knowledge
can be completed with
. and writte; activities that
minimal resources the concepts
assist understanding of
. High-quality illustrations to
by step how to work out
. Worked examples ,ho* I.",n.,s step
the solutions topic'
. Revision and assessment
exercises at the end of each

Features of the Teacher's
includes Learner's Book page
.;:;p, of the syllabus
,ef"iencet to show {ull ioverage
sof ut1311for the activities'
. Teaching guidelines and worked
and for ievision and assessment
. guidelines
Continuous assessment
. Graded tests and subject-specific
tools to assist with formal assessment'

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