Hapke1984 - Macroscopic Roughness

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ICARUS 5 9 , 4 1 - - 5 9 (1984)

Bidirectional Reflectance Spectroscopy

3. Correction for Macroscopic Roughness

Department of Geology and Planetary Science, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15260
Received August 2, 1982; revised March 13, 1984

A mathematically rigorous formalism is derived by which an arbitrary photometric function for

the bidirectional reflectance of a smooth surface may be corrected to include effects of general
macroscopic roughness. The correction involves only one arbitrary parameter, the mean slope
angle 0, and is applicable to surfaces of any albedo. Using physically reasonable assumptions and
mathematical approximations the correction expressions are evaluated analytically to second order
in 0. The correction is applied to the bidirectional reflectance function of B. Hapke (1981, J.
Geophys. Res. 86, 3039-3054), Expressions for both the differential and integral brightnesses are
obtained. Photometric profiles on hypothetical smooth and rough planets of low and high albedo
are shown to illustrate the effects of macroscopic roughness. The theory is applied to observations
of Mercury and predicts the integral phase function, the apparent polar darkening, and the lack of
limb brightness surge on the planet. The roughness-corrected bidirectional reflectance function is
sufficiently simple that it can be conveniently evaluated on a programmable hand-held calculator.

I. INTRODUCTION 1960; Hapke, 1963, 1981) imply that, when

single scattering dominates, the brightness
In an earlier paper (Hapke, 1981) expres- should be independent of latitude and
sions were derived which describe the bidi- highly peaked at the illuminated limb.
rectional reflectance from a macroscopi- These predictions are contrary to observa-
cally smooth, particulate surface, and tions (Hapke, 1966, 1977). Previously it had
which also relate the single scattering al- been assumed that these discrepancies are
bedo of a surface particle to the absorption due to roughness and could be removed if
coefficient of the material. The reflectance this factor could be taken into account
function takes account of multiple scatter- properly.
ing and interparticle shadowing. In a com- There have been relatively few attempts
panion to that paper (Hapke and Wells, in the literature to treat the effects of mac-
1981) it was demonstrated by comparison roscopic roughness on planetary photomet-
of predictions from this function with ric functions, and most of these have dealt
results of laboratory experiments and astro- with specific topographic shapes. Van Dig-
nomical observations that the function can gelen (1959) and Hameen-Anttila (1967)
be used to measure quantitiatively the spec- considered the effects of cup-shaped de-
tral absorption coefficient of a powder and pressions. Hapke (1966) used a model for
predict the brightness profiles on planetary the Moon in which the surface is taken to
surfaces. be covered with cylindrical troughs whose
The only major discrepancies between axes are parallel to meridians of longitude.
observations and this theory occur near the The latter treatment is unsatisfactory in
poles and illuminated limb of a low albedo several respects. First, the geometry is
planet. Rigorous solutions of the radiative highly artificial. Second, only single scat-
transfer equation for macroscopically tering is taken into account. Third, in com-
smooth, dark surfaces (Chandrasekhar, mon with most models which treat specific
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shapes, the reflectance has several different 11. COORDINATE SYSTEMS

forms, depending on the angles involved, In general, any bidirectional reflectance
and is c u m b e r s o m e to use. expression is a function of three indepen-
Cook (1981 ) has developed a lunar photo- dent angular variables. Frequently these
metric function which includes roughness are taken to be the zenith angle of the inci-
effects. While his function has the advan- dent ray i, the zenith angle of the exit ray e,
tage of being mathematically simple, it is and the azimuth angle ~, which is the angle
based on an empirical psuedo-Lambertian between the projections onto the surface of
formalism, rather than the radiative trans- the incident and exit rays. In planetary
fer equation. L u m m e and Bowell (1981a,b) problems the phase angle g is often used
have recently published a rough-surfaced instead of the azimuth angle because when
scattering model. H o w e v e r , there appear to
analyzing the image of a planet, g is con-
be serious errors in their photometric func-
stant over the entire image.
tion (Hapke, 1982). Among the many diffi-
For many planetary applications it is con-
culties with their treatment are the follow-
venient to use luminance coordinates, in
ing: (1) The roughness is assumed to have
which the independent variables are the lu-
no effect on the multiply-scattered compo-
minance longitude A, luminance latitude L,
nent of light. This is physically impossible and phase angle g. In this coordinate sys-
and violates the principle of conservation of
tem the equator is the great circle on the
energy. (2) Their roughness correction
planet containing the subsolar and subob-
makes the reflectance approach zero at the server points; the central meridian contains
limb. Thus, low albedo bodies, such as the
the subobserver point; positive longitude is
Moon, should be strongly limb darkened, to the east; and the phase angle is positive
contrary to observations. While it may be
when the subsolar point is to the west of the
possible to fit some astronomical data to subobserver point.
their theory, the relations between the de- These coordinate systems are related by
duced photometric parameters and actual the following equations:
surface properties of the body are unclear
and are likely to be seriously in error. cos e = cos A cos L, (I)
There is a considerable body of literature cos i = cos(A + g) cos L, (2)
which discusses shadowing on a randomly
rough surface; e.g., Muhleman (1964), cos
Wagner (1967), Saunders (1967), and -- (cos g - cos i cos e)/sin i sin e, (3)
Hagfors (1968) and references cited therein.
where 0 -< • -< 7r.
Most of these papers deal with specularly
reflecting facets, usually in connection with
either analyses of sea glitter or the special
case of backscatter for radar applications. 111. ASSUMPTIONS AND APPROACH
None of the references with which I am fa- The following assumptions are made:
miliar adequately treat the major problems (I) All relevant objects are large com-
of effective surface tilt nor the correlation pared to the wavelength of light so that geo-
between the illumination and viewing metrical optics is applicable.
shadows at small azimuth angles. (2) The mean slope 0 is assumed to be
It is the purpose of this paper to derive an reasonably small. Scarps and overhangs
expression which can be used to correct with slopes greater than ~-/2 constitute a
any general bidirectional reflectance func- negligible part of the surface. Although the
tion of a smooth surface for effects of general roughness correction will be de-
roughness of arbitrary topology. rived for an arbitrary slope distribution, the

resulting expressions are greatly simplified No other assumptions about the geome-
if powers of 6 greater than 2 can be ignored. try of the roughness are made. The present
(3) Multiple scattering of light from one treatment attempts to keep the morphology
macroscopic surface facet to another is ne- as general as possible.
glected. This assumption is consistent with The general procedure of the derivation
the second. For example, it is straightfor- will be as follows. First, expressions which
ward to show that the light scattered from are mathematically rigorous will be derived
the insides of a hollow spherical cup of and the parameters necessary for their eval-
maximum slope &,, covered by a Lambert uation defined. Since the effects are maxi-
surface of normal albedo AN, onto the cen- mum at grazing illumination and viewing,
tral facet at the bottom when the cup is illu- these expressions will be evaluated exactly
minated vertically by light of intensity J is under these conditions. To obtain useful
(J/4)AN sin2&. Thus, the ratio of once- approximations the equations will also be
scattered to incident illumination is second evaluated for vertical viewing and illumina-
order in slope and can be ignored if the tion. The resulting expressions will be con-
slopes and/or the albedo are small. nected by analytic extrapolation to give a
(4) It is assumed that the surface is made solution for intermediate angles.
up of facets tilted at a variety of angles
which have no preferred direction in azi-
muth but can be described by a Gaussian
distribution in zenith angle. The assump- The actual surface of the planet can be
tion of azimuth independence will certainly imagined to consist of an assemblage of
be true on the average for surfaces covered smooth, unresolved facets of area Af of a
by craters, boulders, hills, and similar fea- particulate material, where Af is large com-
tures, and it also appears to be true for the pared with the cross-sectional areas of the
surface of the ocean (Cox and Munk, 1954). particles but small compared with the area
Thus, it is probably a reasonable approxi- viewed by the detector. The normals to the
mation for most of the bodies in the solar facets are tilted at various angles 8 with re-
system. Its validity may be questioned for spect to the local vertical and in directions 5
morphologies like folded mountain ranges relative to the azimuth of the source of illu-
or fields of parallel sand dunes. However, it mination.
must be remembered that in planetary ap- Let a(6) be the function which describes
plications the scales of roughness involved the distribution of tilts. In general, it would
range from greater than a few soil particle be a function of both 0 and 5 but, by as-
diameters to just below the resolution of the sumption 4, a is independent of 5. Let the
observing instrument, that is, typically of slope distribution function be normalized so
the order of a millimeter to several kilome- that
ters. Because effects of material strength
and soil cohesiveness are size dependent,
the largest slopes, which dominate the re-
flectance, will occur at the small end of this and characterized by a mean slope angle 6
size range. Departures from the horizontal defined by
induced by such erosive agents as micro-
cratering, eolian gusting, and fluvial action tan 6 = (2/7r) I,“’ tan &z(O) de. (3
are likely to be reasonably isotropic in azi-
muth on the dominating small scales, even Let the facets consist of a material
though not necessarily on the less impor- which, if it covered a perfectly smooth
tant larger scales. planet, would reflect an amount of light

l(i,e,g) = Jrs(i,e,g)AcoD z (6)

when illuminated by collimated light of in-
tensity J and observed from a distance D by
a detector whose acceptance solid angle is
A60; that is, rs is the bidirectional reflec-
tance function of the surface material in
macroscopically smooth form. Then the
power emitted into unit solid angle per unit
surface area would be
Flo. 1. Schematic diagram of the intersection of the
Ys = Jrs cos e. (7) surface and a vertical plane containing the detector.
Shown are the actual surface consisting of a multitude
The amount of light reaching the detector of unresolved facets A~-, the nominal surface A, and the
from the area on the surface of the planet effective tilted surface A'. A cut by a vertical plane
within Aco with nominal values of i, e, and g containing the source would be similar.
actually comes from many facets tilted at a
variety of angles and can be written source. To account for both of these effects
I seek to write the bidirectional reflectance
l(i,e,g) function rR of the rough surface as the prod-
uct of a shadowing function S and the bidi-
= J fli.~)rs(i,,et,g) cos erdAt(O,~), (8)
rectional reflectance rs of a smooth surface
where the subscript t on i, e, and A denotes of area A ' tilted at effective angles i' and e',
values appropriate to an incremental sur- but with the same phase angle g. That is, I
face of area dA,(O,~) = Afa(O)dOd~ tilted at wish to write the reflectance in the form
angles (0,~), and the symbol (i,v) indicates rR(i,e,g) = r s ( i ' , e ' , g ) S ( i , e , g ) . (10)
that the integration is to be taken only over
those surface facets which are both illumi- Then from (9) the intensity coming from A
nated and visible. can be written as
The light l ( i , e , g ) reaching the detector is i(i,e,g)
interpreted as if it came from a smooth.
= A ' J r s ( i ' , e ' , g ) cos e ' S ( i , e , g ) , (ll)
horizontal surface of area A = DZA¢o sec e,
where A >> Af and D is the slant range, and where A' and A are related by (see Fig. I)
having an effective bidirectional reflectance
A' cos e' = A cos e. (12)
function rR(i,e,g); that is,
Rewriting and combining Eqs. (8), (10),
l(i,e,g) and (1 1) gives
= AJrR(i,e,g) cos e = JrRAcoD 2. (9)
AYn(i,e,g) = A'Ys(i',e',g)S(i,e,g) (13)
The objective of this paper is to derive a
= ~ Ys(it,er,g)dA~,
correction to rs to obtain re.
Macroscopic roughness has two impor-
tant effects: one is that unresolved shadows
are cast on one part of the surface by an- Y~(i,e,g) = JrR(i,e,g) cos e,
other part. The second is that, as the sur-
Y s ( i ' , e ' , g ) =- J r s ( i ' , e ' , g ) cos e',
face is viewed and illuminated at increasing
angles, the facets which are tilted away Ys(it,et,g) = Jrs(i,,et,g) cos et.
from the observer or source tend to be hid- Let
den or in shadow, so that the surfaces
/-~o = COS i. (14)
which are visible and illuminated tend to be
tilted preferentially toward the detector or /~ = COS c, (15)

/z6 = cos i', (16) because, in principle, once ~ , tx' and S are
found, they can be inserted back into (10) to
p.' = cos e'. (17)
give rR. Thus, the problem of scattering
The other angles are related by from a rough surface is reduced to evaluat-
ing Eqs. (21)-(23). Note that this derivation
/z0t = cos it = cos i cos 0
does not assume that ~ - /x0 a n d / x ' - p+
+ sinisin0cos~, (18) are small, only that Ys is mathematically
/xt = COS et = COS e COS 0 well behaved so that expansion in a Taylor
+ sinesin0cos(g-~). (19) series at any point is possible.
In general, there will be two types of
Note that g is the same for all surface facets shadows. Some of the facets will not con-
within the viewed area. tribute to the surface brightness because
To find/x~,/x', and S expand the Ys func- they are tilted by an angle of more than 7r/2
tions on both sides of the second equality in to the direction to the source or detector;
Eq. (13) in Taylor series about /x0 and /z, such facets will be said to be in a "tilt
and use (12) to obtain s h a d o w . " Some facets will not contribute
because other parts of the surface block ei-
A/x [ 0Ysl ther the view of the detector or the light
- ~,
- s Ys(~o,~.g) + -or,6
- ,~,,. ( / z ; - #o)
from the source; these facets will be said to
Ys + .. = lie in a "projected s h a d o w . " Following
,,, ] L, Saunders (19671 it is assumed that any facet
not in a tilt shadow has the same statistical
r{rs(.o,..g)+ 0 rs IN. (.0,- .o) probability of lying in a projected shadow,
independent of the slope or azimuth angle
+ -Oix--~ ~,.,,, (txt - Ix) + " ' ' 1 dA, of its tilt.
Let p be the probability that a facet is not
0Ys in a projected shadow. Then in Eq, (20)
= Ys(ht°'/x'g) fti,v)dAt + ~ fci.~)
Ys(/z0, ,~, ,g) can be multiplied by p if at the
OYs ( same time the boundaries of the integration
(l'Z°' -- tx°)dAt + -~g J(i,v) are replaced by the tilt shadow boundaries.
(txt-- tx)dA, + • • ". (20) This has the effect of multiplying both the
numerators and denominators in (22) and
Since/Zo and/z are independent variables (23) by p, which thus cancels in these equa-
and Ys is an arbitrary function of/z0 and/x, tions. Therefore, writing out the expres-
(20) will be satisfied if the coefficients of Ys sions for/z0,,/x,, and dA, explicitly, (22) and
and its partial derivatives are separately (23) become
equal on both sides of the equality. This
gives cos i f , ilt) cos Oa(O)dOd~

S = (l£t/~A) f( i,v) dAt, (21) ¢

+ sin i J(tilt} sin 0 cos ~a(O)dOd~
/~0 = (24)
f(t,tl a( O)dOd~
I~o' = f<i.v~ IzotdAt / f , i,v) dAt, (22)
cos e f(til~lcos Oa(O)dOd~:

/Z ' = f~i,v) l'ztdAt /f~ i,v) dA,. (23) + sin e f , iit) sin 0 cos(~
- T')a(O)dOdl;
Similar expressions for higher powers of Iz~ ~'= , (25)

and ~ ' can be found, but are not necessary /(tilt) a( O)dOd~

where (tilt) denotes the b o u n d a r y of the tilt of view is completely filled by surfaces
shadow region. which are visible and totally illuminated.
L e t AT be the total rough area included Thus,
within the nominal area A, whether visible
S(/~0,tx,0) = (tx'°/tz(cos 0))F,, = 1,
and illuminated or not,
AT = .~f,ll(0,Od A , . p,0 = p~'('t~ = 0). (27)
Also, A is just the projection of all facets Hence,
onto the horizontal plane
F,,(e) = /z(cos 0)//x '°. (28)
A ;~,~oo cos OdA,, Because of the assumption of azimuthal
s y m m e t r y of the surface morphology, F,,(e)
Because of azimuthal s y m m e t r y must be independent of q~, and also F;(i)
must have the same functional dependence
A / A T = f~.'2 on i as I%(e) does on e; thus,

cos Oa(O)dO
/f ) a(O)dO =- (cos 0).
Fi(i) = /x0(cos O)/tx~'~~, (29)

Thus, expression (21) for S can be written

/z[~° = /z[ffq~ = 0). (30)
S(t~o,l~,*) = (Ix'/tx)(AT/A) (Ji,,,, d A , / A T )
Let the quantities A,, and A; be defined by
A,,/Ar = I - F,,.
= (~'#x(cos O))F~.v,
where A,,/AT is the fraction of the facets in
where the visibility shadows, and
Fiv(/X°'/x'~P) = )6.,)dAffAi Ai/A-r - 1 - Fi

is the fraction of the facets in the illumina-

is the probability that a facet will be both
tion shadows. These include both the tilt
illuminated and visible.
and projected shadows. When xp = O, all of
the illumination shadows are hidden in the
I. The C a s e W h e n i <- e visibility shadows; the visibility and illumi-
It is convenient to consider separately nation shadows are perfectly correlated, so
the situations when i -< e and i ~ e. Define that
the quantities Fi(i) and F,,(e), respectively,
as the fraction of the facets which are illu- f= I
minated and the fraction which are visible. and
Because of azimuthal s y m m e t r y F,, and F,
Fir = F,, = I - A,./AT.
are independent of q~. L e t . / ' b e the fraction
of the illumination shadow which overlaps As q~ increases, a fraction 1 - f of" the
the visibility shadow. illumination shadows will be exposed.
When i -< e the illumination shadow is When ,Is = 7r, f = O, and the two types of
always smaller than the visibility shadow shadows are completely uncorrelated, so
and m a y be regarded as partially hidden by that
it. When q~ = 0 and i < e, the illumination
Fi, = 1 - A,JA-F - AflAT + (A./AT)(AflAj-)
shadow is c o m p l e t e l y hidden, so that
Fiv(/z0,/z,O) - F,,. But when ~P - O, no -- (I - A,./AT)(I - AflAT)
shadows are visible and the d e t e c t o r ' s field = F,,F;,

where the t e r m A e A i / A 2 corrects for the e x p o s e d will increase a p p r o x i m a t e l y lin-

a m o u n t of r a n d o m overlap. The last equa- early with ~ and be completely e x p o s e d at
tion states that when the two shadows are qt = ~r; hence this c o m p o n e n t o f f will de-
c o m p l e t e l y uncorrelated the probability crease a p p r o x i m a t e l y as ~/Tr. H o w e v e r ,
that a facet will be both illuminated and vis- for e and i near rr/2 the projected shadows
ible is the p r o d u c t of the separate probabili- are cast by objects of width - d onto sur-
ties. faces a distance - d a w a y , so that these
When ~ < 7r, A i in the last expression for shadows are nearly completely e x p o s e d
Fly must be replaced by (1 - f ) A i / ( A T - when • > 1 radian. Since for large angles
f A i ) , where this t e r m accounts for the facts the s h a d o w consists roughly equally of tilt
that only a portion 1 - f o f the illumination and projected c o m p o n e n t s the fraction ex-
shadow is r a n d o m l y e x p o s e d , and only an p o s e d at q; = 1 is a p p r o x i m a t e l y (½) × (1/Tr)
area AT - f A i is available to be occupied by + (½) × 1 ~ ~-. Thus the fraction hidden may
this uncorrelated part of the illumination be a p p r o x i m a t e d by a function which de-
shadow. Thus, the general expression for creases rapidly f r o m a value of 1 at q~ = 0,
the probability that a facet will be both illu- to a value of about 1 - - ~ = ~ a t ~ = I and
minated and visible is then a p p r o a c h e s 0 as hu a p p r o a c h e s n-. A
simple function with the required proper-
Fiv = [l - A~/AT]
ties is
I1 - (1 - f ) A i / ( A T - f A i ) ]
= [1 - Ae/AT][1 - Ai/AT]/[1 - f A i / A T ] f ( ~ ) = e x p [ - 2 tan(q~/2)]. (32)
= Ffl~,/(l - f + fF;). Returning to IX~ and IX', only the tilt
Combining this result with with (26), (28), shadows affect these quantities. The
and (29) gives b o u n d a r y of the tilt illumination shadow is
given by (18) with i, = n'/2, or
S ( i , e , q t) = (ix'/ix'°)(ix0/ix~°)(cos 0)
cos ~ = - c o t 0 cot i. (33)
[1 - f + f(IX0/IX~°)(cos 0)3-'. (31)
This equation has no solution when 0 -< 0 <
Thus far, the derivation has been rigor- 7r/2 - i, but ~ lies b e t w e e n n-/2 and 37r/2
ous. In the r e m a i n d e r of this subsection ap- when zr/2 - i -< 0 -< n'/2. Similarly, the
proximate, analytic expressions for IX6, b o u n d a r y of the tilt visibility shadow is
Ix', and S which are suitable for practical given by (19) with et = 7r/2:
calculations will be developed. This will be
done by evaluating equations (24) and (25) cos(~ - qt) = - c o t 0 cot e, (34)
exactly for i and e near zr/2 and near 0; the which has no solution when 0 - 0 < rr/2 -
solutions thus obtained will be connected e, but ~ lies b e t w e e n n-/2 + ~ and 3n'/2 +
by analytic extrapolation to furnish expres- when n-/2 - e -< 0 -< n-/2.
sions for intermediate angles. Equations (24) and (25) are readily evalu-
First a suitable expression for f , the frac- ated at i = e = 0 and 7r/2. F o r vertical illumi-
tion of the illumination shadow hidden in nation and viewing the integrals o v e r cos
the visibility shadow, will be found. It will and cos(~ - ~ ) vanish, and
be a s s u m e d that f is a function of q~ only
and is independent of i and e, which will be i = e = 0: IX~ = IX' = ( c o s 0 ) . (35)
a good a p p r o x i m a t i o n at grazing illumina- I f the tilt shadows are represented in a polar
tion and viewing. The surface can be con- diagram with 0 and ~, respectively, as the
sidered as being m a d e up of p r o t u b e r a n c e s radial and angular variables, then when i =
and depressions of m e a n width d and mean e = 7r/2 the tilt shadow boundaries are the
height tan Od/2. As xF increases from zero straight radial lines ~ = ~ - 7r/2 and ~ = ~-/
the fraction of the tilt illumination shadows 2, while the limits on 0 are 0 to ~-/2. H e n c e ,

i = e = 7r/2: H o w e v e r , these integrals could be evalu-

p.[~ = p.' - (1 + cos ~){sin 0}/(rr - ~I/), ated at a n y i, e, and xI* if the c u r v e d s h a d o w
(36) b o u n d a r i e s could be a p p r o x i m a t e d in the di-
a g r a m by a p p r o p r i a t e s e g m e n t s o f straight
where radial lines o f constant/~ and circles o f con-
(sin 0) = sin Oa(O) dO. stant 0. This a p p r o a c h is carried out as fol-
W h e n ~ = 0 Eq. (36) s h o w s that the effec- T h e effect o f the illumination s h a d o w
tive surface is tilted t o w a r d the source and alone on/x~ m a y be a s c e r t a i n e d by setting e
d e t e c t o r by an a m o u n t sin-J(2(sin 0)/rr). = 0 and using (33) as the (tilt) b o u n d a r y in
F o r intermediate values o f i and e the in- (24). The integration o v e r ~ in the three in-
tegrals are m u c h m o r e c o m p l i c a t e d b e c a u s e tegrals in the n u m e r a t o r and d e n o m i n a t o r
the s h a d o w b o u n d a r i e s (33) and (34) are o f (24) m a y then be carried out exactly to
o v e r l a p p i n g c u r v e s in the 0 - ( diagram. give, r e s p e c t i v e l y .

/'rr2 ,

cos Oa(O)dOd~ =
. o
2rr cos Oa(O)dO

t~ 2sin 1(1 - cot20 c o t 2 i ) 1/2 COS Oa(O)dO. (37a)

- _ J

f, tilt)
sin 0 cos ~a(O)dOd~ =
- /7 - ¢
(1 - cot:O cot2i) ~'~ sin Oa(O)dO, (37b)

£1ilta(O)dOd~ JiTz'a(O)dO+ l~'] sin-I(l-coteOcot2i)';2a(O,dO, (37c)

w h e r e the value o f the sin ~ is to be taken b e t w e e n rr/2 and rr. N o w , the f a c t o r (1 - cot20
cot2/) ~/2 has the following properties: it rises with infinite slope f r o m the value z e r o at 0 =
rr/2 - i to the value unity at 0 = rr/2, where it has a slope o f zero. Thus, as a beginning
a p p r o x i m a t i o n this f a c t o r m a y be replaced by a unit step function at 0 = ~r/2 - i. (This
a p p r o x i m a t i o n will be c o r r e c t e d for below.) T h e n (37) b e c o m e s

cos Oa(O)dOd~ ~ [- 27r cos Oa(O)dO + ~r cos Oa(O)dO, (38a)

till) • rr/2 i

sin 0 cos ~a(O)dOd~ = 2 sin Oa(O)dO, (38b)

tiltl - - ?

a(O)dOd~ ~ 2rra(O)dO+ 7ra(O)dO. (38c)

tilt) 0 ,2 i

Similarly, the effect o f the visibility s h a d o w alone on/,~'~ m a y be ascertained by setting i

= 0 and using (34) in (24) to obtain

f,,,u cos Oa(O)dOd~ = f]'-~' cos Oa(O)dO

+ 2 sin 1(1 -- cot10 cot2e) ~I: COS Oa(O)dO, (39a)

. I
sin 0 cos ~a(O)dOd~ =
2 c o s ~(1 - cot20 cot2e) 1/2 sin Oa(O)dO, (39b)

Jltih a(O)dOd~ = f7~ 2rra(O)dO+ . .2 ,.2 sin I(1 - cot20 cot2e)l'2a(O)dO, (39c)

which, upon approximating (1 - cot20 cot2e) v2 by a unit step function at 0 = 7r/2 - e,


tilt )
(~,2-~ 27r cos Oa(O)dO + (~/2
COS Oa(O)dOd~ --~
d0 d 7r/2- e
rr cos Oa(O)dO, (40a)

fJ( sin 0 cos ~a(O)dOd~ ~-

2 cos • sin Oa(O)dO,
d 7r,~2-e

L, -- fd 2a,O),O + f;L ,40c,

These approximations are equivalent to 37r/2 + q / a n d the circles 0 = 7r/2 - e and 7#

replacing the curved illumination shadow 2. These squared shadows are illustrated in
boundary in the 0 - g diagram by a square- Fig. 2. At grazing illumination and viewing
cornered shadow bounded by the radial these approximations b e c o m e exact. With
lines g = 7r/2 and 3~'/2 and the circles 0 = the simplified boundaries of the squared-
rr/2 - i and rr/2, and replacing the visibility shadow approximation the three integrals
shadow by a square-cornered shadow in Eq. (24) may be evaluated for the case
bounded by the radial lines ~ = 7#2 + qz and when neither i, e, nor ",It are zero to give

f( (~r/2 e
cos Oa(O)dOd~ ~- 27r cos Oa(O)dO + (,~/2 cos Oa(O)dO
tilt) dO d zr/2 e

J~/2-i ~ cos Oa(O)dO, (41a)

f(tilt) sin 0 cos ~a(O)dOd~ = (,~n

d 1r/2 e
2 cos • sin Oa(O)dO
+ (7r/2
(1 - cos qt) sin Oa(O)dO, (41b)
d n-/2 - i

f( a(O)dOdg ~- ( ~/2 ~ 2rra(O)dO + (zr/2 7ra(O)dO - - - 7ra(O)dO. (41c)

tilt) d0 d 7r/2-e 77" d rc/2-i

The first term in (41b) is the same as identical with the last term in (38a)
(40b). The second term corrects for the weighted by the integral of d~. Equation
fraction of the illumination shadow visible (41c) is similarly related to (40c) and (38c).
and is identical with (38b), weighted by the The approximation may be improved by
integral of cos ~d~ o v e r the portion of the 0 replacing the integrals in (41), which appear
- ~ diagram not covered by tilt shadows. in (38) and (40) and result from the squared-
The first two terms in (41a) are the same as shadow boundaries, by their more exact
(40a). The last term corrects for the fraction counterparts in (37) and (39), respectively,
of the illumination shadow sticking out which describe the curved shadows. This
from behind the visibility shadow, and is gives

¢r/2 e
f.i). cos Oa(O)dOdg -~ I
27r cos Oa(O)dO
+ 2 sin-)(1 - cot20 cot2e) v2 cos Oa(O)dO
J ~r/2- e
XI/' (~'/2
-- 2 sin-l(l - cot20 cot2i) 1/2 cos Oa(O)dO, (42a)
"IT d ¢r/2 i

sin 0 c o s ~a(O)dOd~ "=-

~f,'2 2 c o s xP(I - cot20 cot2e) 1,2 sin Oa(O)dO


a(O)dOd~ ]'~,'2~'2zra(O)dO +
• o • '2 c
2 sin l(1 - cot20 cot2e)l]Za(O)dO

-- 2 sin I(1 - cot20 cotZi)J/2a(O)dO, (42c)

7T f~,2
'2 ¢

w h e r e the v a l u e o f sin ](1 - c o t 2 0 cot2e) ~/2 is to be t a k e n b e t w e e n 7r/2 a n d ~-, b u t the v a l u e

o f sin-J(1 - cot20 c o t 2 i ) 1/2 m u s t be t a k e n b e t w e e n 0 a n d 7r/2.
E q u a t i o n (42) is e v a l u a t e d a n a l y t i c a l l y as f o l l o w s . Define the a v e r a g e v a l u e o f a n y
f u n c t i o n F(O) as (F(O)) = f~/2 F(O)a(O)dO. W h e n i a n d e a r e c l o s e to 7r/2 the i n t e g r a l s in
(42) m a y b e e x p a n d e d in T a y l o r s e r i e s in cot e a n d cot i to give

Ji cos 0 aCO)dOd~ = ~'(cos 0) + 2(cot 0 cos 0)col e - -*77"- (zr(cos 0 ) - 2(cot 0 cos 0)cot i)

l 2 (cotOcosO) e) +( 2 (cotOcosO) i) I
=Tr(cos0) 2-(1 cot --- 1 cot
~r (cos 0) ~r zr (cos 0)
rr(cos 0) 2 - exp ( 2 (cot 0 c o s 0 ) e)
7r (cos 0) cot

q~ exp ( 2 (cot 0 cos 0) i)l (43a)

- ~ zr <cos O) cot ,

,m, sin 0 cos ~a(O)dOd+ + 2 cos qs (sin 1 ( c ° t 2 0 sin 0) cot2e ]

0) - 3+

+ (1 - cos qs) [ (sin 0) - ~I ( c o t 2 0 sin 0) cot-' i

cos 1 (cot 0 cos 0) cot2e)
= 2(sin 0) qt (I 2 (sin 0)
Xp(l l ~cot0cos0) i)]
+ sin2 5- 2 (sin 0) c°t2

2(+,. + J+o++ ( 0 +o+ + cot2e/

2(sin 0)
qs (cot 0 cos 0) )]
+ sin 2 ~- exp ( cot2i (43b)
2(sin 0)

a(O)dOd~ = zr + 2(cot 0) cot e - - - (~- - 2(cot 0) cot i)

= ~v [ 2 - (1 - 2 (COt 0) cot e I - - -*,

( 2
' 77 77" , 77

~ rr 2 - exp
(cot 0) cot e t *- - - e x p (+
- - {cot 0) c o t i /] .

In o r d e r t o p r o c e e d f u r t h e r it is n e c e s s a r y o f a(O) u s e d . T w o d i s t r i b u t i o n f u n c t i o n s ,
to c h o o s e a s l o p e d i s t r i b u t i o n f u n c t i o n a(O). Gaussian and exponential, which have been
S i n c e (43) c o n t a i n s o n l y a v e r a g e s o f t r i g o - w i d e l y u s e d in p l a n e t a r y applications
n o m e t r i c f u n c t i o n s w e i g h t e d b y a(O) the ( S a u n d e r s , 1967; H a g f o r s , 1968) w e r e in-
e q u a t i o n s a r e i n s e n s i t i v e to the e x a c t f o r m v e s t i g a t e d . T h e n u m e r i c a l d i f f e r e n c e s be-

where A and B are constants. In general, if

-vr ~t , al(O)dO is the one-dimensional distribution,
then the corresponding two-dimensional,
azimuth-independent slope distribution
function is
"n" 'rr
- 2 aj(O) sin OdOd~
(Hagfors, 1968). Thus a(O) is taken as
a(O) = A exp[-tan20/
B tanZO]sec20 sin 0. (44)

Assumption (2), that the mean slope 0 is

not too large, will now be used for the first
time. Using the slope distribution function
(44) and applying (4) and (5) it is found that,
to second order in 0,
FIG. 2. Schematic diagram showing the square-cor-
nered approximation to the tilt s h a d o w s in (0, ~) space A = 2/rr tan20,
for the case w h e n i -< e. The projected s h a d o w s are
a s s u m e d to be r a n d o m l y distributed over the part of B=TT,
(0,~) space not in tilt s h a d o w s . See text for definitions
of the terms "tilt" and " p r o j e c t e d " s h a d o w s . (cot 0) = cot 0,
(sin 0) = (~'/2)(cos 0) tan 0,

tween the two turned out to be quite minor; (cot 0 cos 0) = cot 0(cos 0)
hence, the Gaussian was chosen. = (2/7r) cot20(sin 0),
Let al(O)dO be the function describing the and
distribution of slopes on any vertical cut
with arbitrary azimuth through the surface. (cos 0) = (1 + 7r tanZ0) -V2. (45)
Then a~(O) is assumed to be of the form
Inserting these results into (43) and the re-
a)(O)dO = A exp[-tan20/B tan20]d(tan 0), suiting expressions into (24) gives

/.to = X/I + 7r tan20 cos i + sin i tan 0
cot20 cot2e) W cot20 cot2i)
COS qr e xp ( 7r- / + sin22 - e xp ( ~ -/
2 - exp(- - c2o t 0 c o t e
) *- - - e x p (-2- c o t 0 c o t i
"B" 7T
This expression is in the desired form and is exact for conditions of grazing and normal
illumination and viewing•
Identical arguments give:

X/1 + 7r tan20
[cos e + s i n e t a n 0
exp ( c°tZ°-c°t2e)~./ - s i n 2 ~ exp ( c°t20--trc°t2 i// I

2 - exp(- -2 cot 0 cot e ) *- -- exp (-2 -

7T 77" 77"
cot 0 cot i ) • (47)

If desired, r o u g h n e s s e x p r e s s i o n s correct to about ~'/2 - 0, /z/I ~ /~0{cos 0} and /z'

higher o r d e r in 0 m a y be found using (24), /z{cos 0). H o w e v e r , when i or e are larger
(25), (43), and (44), but probably would not than about ~'/2 - 0, the effective surface is
be justified b e c a u s e o f assumption (3). tilted t o w a r d the source and d e t e c t o r by
E q u a t i o n s (46) and (47) describe the ef- - O . T h e effective tilt a p p r o a c h e s zero as
fective tilt o f the surface. Although they ap- a p p r o a c h e s 7r.
pear c o m p l i c a t e d , their b e h a v i o r is rela- Finally, the factors #~0 and /z '° in S can
tively simple. W h e n i and e are smaller than be evaluated

exp ( c°t20 c°t2i)

'0 __ [ 77
cos i + sin i tan O
/-to - V1 + 7r tan20
"~- exp
( - - - 2c o t ()coti
) (48)

cot20 cot2e )
1 exp 7r
#,0= X/I + ~-tan20
cos e + sin e tan O
2 - exp
(2- cot 0 c o t e
)I , (491
T h e n from (31),

J ]'
S =
(/~'/#'°)(/~0//~[~°) V'I + ~-tan2O I 1 -f+ V I + 7r tan:0 (#°l/z[(~)

2. T h e C a s e W h e n i >- e
Similar reasoning for the situation when i > e leads to the following expressions:

/-to = X/I + ~- tan20 [ cos i + sin i tan 0

exp ( cot20 cot2i) _ sin2_5_ exp

77" _
- . . i)
. cot . O cot *77" exp 2 0co, e) j
l [ 7i" ' 77"

/z' = V I + ~-tan2 o [ c o s e + sinetan O

cos • exp ( c°t:O c°t:i~ " ~ q~ c°t2 °t2e)l

2 - exp ( - ~. . . . . . . ~ -~--- ~
/ (51)

S ( i , e, ~ ) = (/z'//~'°)(/z0/~[~ °) '
%/1 + 7r tan20 I I -f+ s
X/1 + 7r tan20 (PJkt'°) 1' (52)

w h e r e f(~),/-to °, a n d / z ' ° are the same as for n o w to be interpreted as the fraction o f the
the i -< e case and are given, respectively, visibility s h a d o w hidden in the illumination
by (32), (48), and (49), e x c e p t that f ( q O is shadow.

V. A P P L I C A T I O N S TO D I F F E R E N T I A L mated by
Bo ~ e x p ( - w 2 / 2 ) ; (55)
The equations derived in the preceding
section can be used to correct any arbitrary H(x) = (! + 2x)/[l + 2x(1 - w)1/2]; (56)
bidirectional reflectance of a smooth sur- w is the average single-scattering albedo;
face for effects of macroscopic roughness. P ( g ) is the average single-particle scatter-
In the first paper in this series (Hapke, ing function normalized so that
1981) a comprehensive photometric func-
tion for a smooth particulate surface was
derived from the equation of radiative
f; P ( g ) sin g d g = l;

transfer. The reflectance includes effects of and h is a backscatter parameter related to

non-isotropic scattering, multiple-scatter- the porosity of the soil. The parameter h is
ing, porosity, and blocking and shadowing discussed in detail in Hapke (1963, 1981); it
by individual particles on a microscopic is essentially equal to the ratio of the mean
scale. The function is size of the openings between soil particles
w to the extinction mean free path. It is dou-
rs(i,e,~) = [/x0/(/x0 + /x)]
ble-valued and approaches zero as the po-
{[1 + B ( g ) ] P ( g ) - 1 + H(/x0)H(~)}, (53) rosity approaches either zero or one, with a
maximum for intermediate porosities. Typi-
where B ( g ) is the backscatter function de- cal values are h - 0.2-0.6.
scribing the opposition effect
Inserting Eq. (53) into the results of Sec-
B(g,h) = Bo{l - (tan]gl/2h) tion IV gives the following photometric
[3 - e x p ( - h cot[gl)] function for a rough-surfaced planetary re-
golith for the case when g -> 0. The function
[1 - exp(h cotlg])]}, (54)
when g < 0 can be obtained from the g -> 0
when Ig] -< ~-/2, and B(g) = 0 when [g] function by simultaneously changing the
> ¢r/2, Bo is a semiempirical factor approxi- signs of A and g.

1. W h e n i <-- e (or A <-- - g / 2 )

W /-I- 0
rk(i,e,g) = 47r IZop + , {[1 + B ( g ) ] P ( g ) - l + H(/z~)H(/z')}

/z '/Zo
/x'°/z~ ° ~/1 + 7r tan20 [1 - f + f(tzo/tZ~ ° t l + 7r tan20)]
where 0 is the mean slope angle, defined by (5), and/z~'),/z',/x6 °, p~,0 and f are defined,
respectively, by (46)-(49) and (32).

2. W h e n i >- e (or A >- - g / 2 )


w t.to
rR(i,e,g) = ~ /x~ + /x' {[1 + B ( g ) ] P ( g ) - 1 + H ( / ~ ) H ( t z ' ) }

~,0/,~0 V I + 7rtan20 [I - f + f(iz/ix '° ~/1 + 7rtan20)]

where 0,/z6,/z',/~60, ~,o, and f are defined, 3. R e c i p r o c i t y

respectively, by (5), (50), (51), (48), (49), Equations (57) and (58) satisfy the
and (32). Helmholtz reciprocity conditions

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Longitude (degree) Latitude (degree)

FIG. 3. Effects of macroscopic roughness on the brightness profiles of a low alhedo (it’ = 0.25)planet
at three phase angles 8. For clarity the surface is assumed to he covered with isotropically scattering
particles and the opposition effect is neglected. Solid lines. reflectance ~1’~ relative to a Lamhert
surface for 6 = 25”; dashed lines, 6 = 0’. (A) Profiles along the luminance equator. (B) Profiles along
the central meridian of the iilumindted part of the disk.

rR(i,e,g)Icos i = rR(e,i,g)/cOs c. for 6 = 25”. The results are shown in Figs. 3

and 4, along with smooth-surface bright-
Interchanging i and e in (57) divided by cos i
ness profiles for comparison. For simplicity
gives the brightness of the reciprocal point
these figures were calculated assuming iso-
(58) divided by cos e.
tropic scatterers (P(g) = I) and no opposi-
tion effect (11 = 0).
4. E,rumplrs Figures 3A and 4A show reflectance ver-
To illustrate the effects of roughness, sus longitude along the equator for several
Eqs. (57) and (58) were used to calculate phase angles. Note that the bright limb
reflectance profiles 7rrK (:l,L,g). relative to surge, which is predicted by rigorous solu-
a Lambert surface, on a low albedo (11’ = tions to the radiative transfer equation to
0.25;) and a high albedo (H, = 0.95) planet occur on low albedo planets, is removed by

A 06T.-_

T.._T7 _.._7___ , _-~-_~l .,

w 0.95

05 -10”

0 ,o 20 30 40 50 60 70 60 90
Longitude (degree) Latitude (degree)

FIG. 4. Effects of macroscopic roughness on the brightnesb profilrz of a high nlbedo (\I’ - O.Vi)
planet at three phase angles R, For clarity the surface is assumed to he covered with isotropically
xattering particles and the opposition effect i\ neglected. Solid lines. reflectance 7rrK relative to ;L
Lamhert surface for 4 = 2S”; dashed lines, ti = 0”. (A) Profiles along the luminance equator. (H) Profile\
along the central meridian of the illuminated part of the disk.

the roughness correction. Note also that at f

small phase angles the roughness may have l(g) = Jri.v~ Y(i,e,g) dA
opposite effects on limb and terminator = (,~.,2, e (~/2 Jr(A,L,g)
brightness, depending on the albedo. The J A = -zr/2 J L = -7r/2

brightnesses are reduced if the albedo is cos eR 2 cos L d L d A

low, but are increased if the albedo is high
= 4 J R 2 ( -e'2 f~/: r ( A , L , g )
and multiple scattering is important. This JA= zr/2 dL=O

behavior occurs because near the limb or cos A cos2LdLdA, (59)

terminator only areas tilted preferentially
toward the o b s e r v e r or source, respec- where the last equation follows from the
tively, contribute to the brightness, and fact that any bidirectional reflectance func-
the reflectance is similar to that of a smooth tion r must be symmetric with respect to
surface closer to the center of the crescent, the northern and southern hemispheres and
but suitably modified by S. These effects reciprocal with respect to the A = - g / 2 me-
are not predicted by photometric functions ridian.
which do not take effective tilt into ac- Equation (59) may be written in the form
count. l(g) = JRZap(w, O)qb(g, w, 0), (60)
Figures 3B and 4B give the brightness
versus latitude along the central meridian of where
the illuminated crescent. The effect of Ap(w, O) = I(O)/JR 2 (61a)
roughness is to cause the brightness to gen-
erally decrease with latitude. This result is is the physical or geometric aibedo, defined
in contrast to calculations made on the ba- as the ratio of the brightness at zero phase
sis of rigorous solutions of the radiative to the brightness (J/rc) (rrR 2) of a Lambert
transfer equation for smooth, low albedo disk of the same radius illuminated and
planets, which predict that the reflectance is viewed normally, and
proportional to/~0/(/x0 + /~), and thus is in- ~b(g, w, 0) = I(g)/l(0) (61b)
dependent of latitude (Eqs. (1) and (2)).
H o w e v e r , in the rough-surface, low albedo is the integral photometric function of the
case the manner in which the brightness de- body. The integral phase function of a uni-
creases with latitude depends on the phase form planet is a symmetric function of g:
angle. At small phase angles the brightness ~b(-g) = qb(g).
is nearly independent of latitude, as ob- In H a p k e (1981) the reflectance of a mac-
served for the Moon by Minnaert (1961). As roscopically smooth, particulate surface,
g increases the polar darkening becomes Eq. (53), was inserted into Eqs. (59)-(61) to
more pronounced. give
The theory is compared with observa- Ap(w,0) = (w/8)[(1 + Bo)P(O) - 1]
tions of a real planet in Figs. 5A and B, + (ro/2)(l + ro/3), (62)
which shows brightness profiles on the sur-
face of Mercury, as observed by Mariner 10. and
The fit is seen to be quite good for a mean
slope angle of 20 ° . 4,(g, w, o) = ~
I{8 [(1 + B(g)P(g) - I]


+ ~ - ( 1 - ro)
} {1 - sin(Igl/2)
The integral brightness of a uniform
spherical planet of radius R at phase angle g tan(Igl/2) ln(cot(Igl/4)} + ~ ro2
is found by integrating the intensity per unit
area o v e r the portion of the body which is sin[g] + (Tr - I g l ) c o s Igl] (63)
both illuminated and visible: 77" J
B I r , I i

06 A ' I I ' I
• ," , Mercury
04 ., * • 0.20 °

05 * e, ** • 0: 2 0 °

.04 O3 oe



.0"2 e,, ~%e



0 , , I , , 1 , ,
-90 ° -60" 30 ° 0 ° oo 30 ° 60 ° 90 °

LongJ1ude a Letitude L

II ~ = 20


C_ 1




3o 6 0' 9'0 "
120 150
PHASE ANGLE, g, d e g

F]~. 5. C o m p a r i s o n o f the t h e o r e t i c a l p h o t o m e t r i c f u n c t i o n with o b s e r v a t i o n s of M e r c u r y . L i n e s are

t h e o r e t i c a l b r i g h t n e s s e s c a l c u l a t e d f r o m the e q u a t i o n s g i v e n in S e c t i o n s V and VI with the f o l l o w i n g
p a r a m e t e r s : w = 0.25, h = 0.40, 0 = 20 °, and P(g) = 1 + 0.579P~ + 0.367P2, w h e r e P; a n d P2 are the
first a n d s e c o n d L e g e n d r e p o l y n o m i a l s , r e s p e c t i v e l y . (A) B r i g h t n e s s v e r s u s l o n g i t u d e a l o n g the lumi-
n a n c e e q u a t o r at g = 77 °. D o t s are d a t a of M a r i n e r 10. (B) B r i g h t n e s s v e r s u s latitude a l o n g the A =
- 5 0 ° m e r i d i a n o f l u m i n a n c e l o n g i t u d e at ~,, = 77 °. Dots are data of M a r i n e r 10. (C) I n t e g r a l p h a s e
f u n c t i o n in m a g n i t u d e s n o r m a l i z e d to o b s e r v a t i o n s at ,~, = 10°. Dots are d a t a of D a n j o n (1949).

where ~-- • ~ ' ' r iO o

~ ~-~~~--~-~- ~-~2o~
r0 = [1 - (1 - w)ll2]l[1 + (1 -- w ) 1/2] (64)
is the bihemispherical reflectance of a semi-
infinite m e d i u m of isotropic scatterers with
single-scattering albedo w. In deriving (62) 0.6

and (63) t e r m s of order r~/24 were ignored.

The first term in (63) describes primarily the
once-scattered light, and is proportional to
the integral p h a s e function of a sphere with
L o m m e l - S e e l i g e r surface elements. The 0.61 , I , I b I , I , I , L , L , l , l ,
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8
second t e r m arises f r o m the multiply-scat- W

tered light and is proportional to the inte-

gral phase function of a sphere with L a m - FIG. 6. The physical albedo correction factor C(w.O)
(Eq. 65) plotted against single-scattering albedo w for
bert surface elements. several values of mean slope 0.
W h e n Eqs. (57) and (58) for a m a c r o s c o p -
ically rough surface were inserted into the
rection is the same for both the singly- and
a b o v e equations, analytic expressions for
multiply-scattered c o m p o n e n t s of ~h and is
the physical albedo and integral phase func-
insensitive to w. H e n c e , for practical calcu-
tion could not be obtained. H e n c e , the inte-
lations K(g,O) can be taken as a function
gration was done numerically for values of
which is independent of w and multiplies
0 up to 60 °. The calculations showed that
both c o m p o n e n t s of ~b. It was found that for
the integral p h o t o m e t r i c function of a
g ~< 60 °, K could be represented to a good
rough-surfaced planet can be written in the
a p p r o x i m a t i o n by the empirical function
ap(w,O) = (w/8)[(1 + Bo)P(O)
= e x p { - 0 . 3 2 0 [ t a n 0 tan(g~2)] v2
- l] + C(w,O)(ro/2)(1 + r0/3), (65)
- 0.520 tan 0 tan(g/2)}, (68)
where 0 is in radians. F o r g ~> 60 ° , this
4J(g,w,O) = K(g,O)ch(g,w,O), (66) equation o v e r e s t i m a t e s K, which should be
found by interpolation using Table 1.
where 4J(g,w,O) is given by (63). The func-
tions C(w,O) and K(g,O) are the calculated 1

factors by which the physical albedo and

integral phase function of a smooth-sur-
faced planet must be corrected for effects
of m a c r o s c o p i c roughness. T h e y are dis- o

cussed below and shown in Figs. 6 and 7; K

is tabulated in Table 1.
It was found that, to within 1%, C in (65)
could be r e p r e s e n t e d by the empirical ex-
C(w,O) = 1 - (0.0480 + 0.004102)r0
o 30 so 90 12o 15o leo
- (0.330 - 0.004902)r2o, (67) g (degree)

where 0 is in radians. FIG. 7. The integral photometric function correction

factor K(g,OI(Eq. 66) versus phase angle g for several
The factor K(g, O) is controlled primarily
values of mean slope 0. This quantity is the ratio of the
by the shadowing function S(i,e,g). Thus, integral brightness of a planet with a rough surface to
within a small error, the phase function cor- that of one with a macroscopically smooth surface.


INTEGRAL PHASE FUNCTION ROUGHNESS The derivation of a planetary photomet-

CORRECTION FACTORS K(L,,O) ric function which was begun in Hapke
, (19811 is completed by equations (57), (58),
() - (65), and (66). These sets of equations de-
(}" l ()' 20<' 30' 40' 5() 60
scribe the scattering of light from a rough
0 1.00 I.(R) l .IX) 1.00 ).iX} IO0 I .(R) planetary regolith or undulating cloud top.
2 IAX) 0.997 0.991 0.984 0.974 0.961 0.94~
"~ 1.00 0,994 0.981 0.965 0.944 0.918 0.881
The model is based on radiative transfer
lO 1.00 0.991 0.970 0.943 (1.909 0.866 0.809 theory in a particulate medium and includes
20 I.(}0 0.988 0.957 0.914 0.861 0.797 0.718
30 1.00 (}.986 (1.947 0.892 (}.82~ 0744 0.644
effects of microscopic interparticle shad-
4(1 1.00 (}.984 (}.938 0.871 0.789 0.692 0:77 owing, multiple scattering, and macro-
~0 1.00 0.982 0.926 0.846 0.748 0.635 OS(}9
60 [.0(} 0.979 0.911 0.814 0698 IL~,70 0 4:~ scopic roughness. The differential photo-
70 1.00 0.974 0.891 0.772 0.6~7 0.499 0.~66 metric equations for smooth and rough
8(1 IAX} 0.968 0.864 0.719 0.566 0.42~ 0.296
90 lAX) 0.959 0,827 0.654 0.487 0.~46 0,2~1
surfaces and the integral smooth-surfaced
l(X) l.(X} 0.946 (L777 0.575 O40~ 0.27~ O.17s expressions are given in closed analytic
II(} IAX) 0.926 0.7(}8 0.484 0.320 0.208 0. I~0
12(1 I(8} (1.894 (1.617 0.386 (124~ 015~ 0.()9~ form. The roughness correction factors for
130 I.(X) 0.840 (}.50~ 0.290 0.17~ 0.107 0.(})'~ integral photometry are given by analytic
14(} I.(X) (}.747 0.374 0.201 0. 117 0.070 0.041
150 IAX} 0.590 0.244 O. 121 0069 0.04(} 0023 functions for small phase angles, and for
160 IAX} 0.366 0.127 0.060 1L032 0.018 0.O10 large phase angles may be obtained by in-
170 I.(X} 0.128 (L0~7 0.(}16 0.008~ 0.(X147 0.(X126
lNO IAX) 0 O 0 0 0 0
terpolation using tabulated values. These
equations should be useful in the interpreta-
tion of photometry of solar system objects
Inspection of Fig. 7 shows that, although when the scattering by an atmosphere is
macroscopic roughness causes an opposi- negligible o r , for planets with optically
tion effect, the brightness peak is quite thick atmospheres, when the scale heights
broad and cannot be separated from the rest of the gases and cloud particles are the
of the phase curve. At small phase angles same within the region of the atmosphere
the regions which are appreciably shad- which contributes significantly to the
owed tend to be close to the limb, where brightness.
their effects on l are minimized by the fac-
tor cos e in the integrand of (59). Over most ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
of the disk, as the Sun elevation angle 1 thank K a r e n Wells for assisting with the numerical
changes, decreases in the brightnesses of integrations of Section VI, Eddie Wells for helpful com-
those facets oriented away from the Sun are ments and discussions, and Jay Goguen for useful crit-
compensated by increases in the bright- icisms and suggestions. This work was partially sup-
ported by a grant from the Planetary Geology Program
nesses of other facets which are oriented
of the National Aeronautics and Space Administra-
more directly toward the Sun. The major tion. During 1982-1983 l was a National Research
effect on ~h occurs when ]A'J > ,-r/2 and the C o u n c i l - N a t i o n a l A c a d e m y of Sciences Fellow at the
heavily shadowed areas are nearer to the Space Science Division. N A S A A m e s Research Cen-
center of the disk. At very large phase an- ter; major revisions to this work were done during this
gles the brightness of a rough planet is only
a few percent of that of a body with a
smooth surface, thus accounting for the REFERENCES
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