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Journal of South American Earth Sciences 104 (2020) 102753

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Structural evolution and U/Pb zircon age of the Xambioá gneiss dome,
contributions to the Araguaia fold belt tectonic history
Rogério Alves Bordalo a, *, Ticiano José Saraiva dos Santos a, Elton L. Dantas b
Geosciences Institute, State University of Campinas, UNICAMP, 13083-970, Campinas, SP, Brazil
University of Brasilia, UnB, 13083-970, Brasília, DF, Brazil


Keywords: The Araguaia belt in central Brazil is an important key to re-access ancient geological settings, as it records the
Araguaia belt Gondwana agglutination and the final stages of an oceanic basin closure. Small basement inliers occur along
Structural geology transversal position in the Araguaia belt and could compose the extension of Amazonian craton. The structural
U–Pb Geochronology
analysis of the Xambioá gneiss dome region shows that three main deformational events were responsible for the
actual scenario. The first deformational event was a NW-SE non-coaxial compression event (Dn), which led to the
formation of ductile structures, such as open and slightly open folds (Fn), from a previous Sn-1 structures, axial
plane foliation and spaced foliation (Sn), in the mantling metasedimentary sequence, and the mylonitic foliation
(Sn) in dome rocks. This event was associated with a thrust system developed under regional greenschist to local
upper amphibolite facies. The second deformational event Dn+1 was characterized by refolding with Sn
transposition, followed by asymmetric Fn+1 folds and transposed foliation (Sn+1), and local stretching patterns
forming boudins and Ln+1 lineations. The third deformational event Dn+2 is represented by WNW-ESE sinistral
transcurrent faults (Sn+2) which sectioned the Dn structures and formed shear zones of different scales. U–Pb
zircon ages in gneiss and in a migmatite of the Xambioá dome indicate Mesoarchean (~2.93 Ga) crystallization
ages. U–Pb zircon provenance ages from metasedimentary rocks bordering the Xambioá dome show significant
contribution of Archean to Neoproterozoic sources. The consistent loss of Pb in the dome rocks evidences
tectono-metamorphic events presumably connected to the lithosphere ocean closure and continental collision
responsible for the Araguaia Belt edification during Neoproterozoic-Cambrian period.

1. Introduction Structural geology studies of gneiss domes also demonstrate that

magmatic events and their relationship with deformational events are
In the last twenty years structural geology studies of gneiss domes common in the geological history of orogens, and it is possible to trace
have been important for the knowledge of Precambrian orogens. Several old deformation events in environments where successions of
models were proposed for the genesis and structural evolution of these compressional and extensional events acted significantly (Lee et al.,
domes (Eskola, 1948; Teyssier and Whitney, 2002; Lee et al., 2004; 2004; Sarkarinejad and Alizadeh, 2009). The geochronological studies
Whitney et al., 2004; Yin, 2004), including kinematic models associated in gneiss domes show that there are marked differences in the timing of
with fault-related domes and magmatic, non related-fault domes. The magmatism, exhumation, and deformational events during the orogen
most intriguing aspect of such considerations about gneiss domes is the evolution (Quigley et al., 2008; Sarkarinejad and Alizadeh, 2009). One
relationship between their structural pattern and the surrounding rocks. important aspect is the time of doming development related to orogenic
In most cases, the surrounding rocks register important information to process.
establish these models (Lee et al., 2004; Vanderhaeghe, 2004). The The Brazilian shield consists of Archean and Paleoproterozoic
origin of domes and their significance in orogeny can be evaluated by cratonic cores surrounded by Panafrican-Brasiliano mobile belts of
determining the thermal-mechanical relationship between doming, P-T Neoproterozoic to Cambrian age (Brito Neves and Cordani, 1991;
paths, and melting, and by documenting the structural relationship Almeida et al., 2000; Tohver et al., 2012), which show lithologic and
among domes, subdomes, and mantling rocks (Whitney et al., 2004). structural similarities with mobile belts of the African continent

* Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (R.A. Bordalo), (T.J.S. Santos), (E.L. Dantas).
Received 26 August 2019; Received in revised form 28 June 2020; Accepted 11 July 2020
Available online 27 August 2020
0895-9811/© 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
R.A. Bordalo et al. Journal of South American Earth Sciences 104 (2020) 102753

(Goodwin, 1991; Black and Liégeois, 1993). The tectonic history of the 2008).
Tocantins Province (Almeida et al., 1976), in Brazil’s Central region is The Xambioá gneiss dome comprises a heterogeneous assemblage of
linked to the formation of the Neoproterozoic Araguaia, Brasília and Archean gneisses exposed as an anticlinal structure within the north
Paraguay mobile belts, due to the collage between the Amazonian, São portion of the Araguaia Belt, and is overlain by a thick supracrustal
Francisco-Congo and West Africa cratons during the amalgamation of metasedimentary sequence (Fig. 1B). The aim of this paper is to present
the Western Gondwana supercontinent (Herz et al., 1989, Moura and structural data on the Xambioá Gneiss dome and mantling metasedi­
Gaudette, 1993; Fuck et al., 2008) (Fig. 1A). The Araguaia belt in this mentary sequence as input for considerations about the tectonic struc­
context has important dynamic records of this event, printed in different ture, geometric arrangement, and kinematics deformation during the
tectonic fabrics, metamorphic assemblages and isotopic ages (Hasui Brasiliano orogeny. Additionally, U–Pb zircon geochronological data
et al., 1975; Herz et al., 1989; Moura and Gaudette, 1993; Paixão et al., define the protolith crystallization age of the Xambioá dome gneisses,

Fig. 1. Geological map of the Araguaia Belt adapted from (a) Santos et al. (2015) and (b) Pinheiro et al. (2011). Geochronological data from (2) Alves (2006), (3)
Moura and Gaudette (1999), (4) Arcanjo (2002), (5) Moura and Sousa (2002), (6) Souza and Moura (1995), (7) Chaves (2003), (8) Chaves et al. (2008), (9) Gorayeb
et al. (2000), (11) Macambira and Lafon (1995), (12) Almeida et al. (2011), (13) Machado et al. (1991), (14) Marangoanha et al. (2019) (Reference number is the
same Fig. 2).

R.A. Bordalo et al. Journal of South American Earth Sciences 104 (2020) 102753

Fig. 2. Isotopic data of Araguaia belt. (1) Arcanjo et al. (2013); (2) Moura and Gaudette (1993); (3) Moura and Sousa (2002); (4) Hasui et al. (1977); (5) Macambira
et al. (1983); (6) Alves (2006); (7) Gorayeb et al. (2013); (8) Osborne (2001) (9) Paixão et al. (2008); (10) Gorayeb et al. (2004); (11) Lafon et al. (1990) (12) Moura
and Gaudette (1999); (13) Gorayeb et al. (2001); (14) Marangoanha et al. (2019); (15) Dall’Agnol et al. (1988); (16) Cordani and Sato (1999).

while detrital zircon establishes the provenance ages of the surrounding (Costa, 1980), which comprises the oldest rocks of the Araguaia belt,
metasedimentary rocks, in order to define the tectonic evolution and the which are exposed as windows in the cores of domal structures. It con­
influence of the Brasiliano orogeny deformation in the building of the sists of banded gneisses and migmatites with associated granites,
Araguaia belt from the Neoproterozoic to the Cambrian. granodiorites, and trondhjemites; small enclaves of feldspathic biotite
schist, mica quartzite, and amphibolite are common (Costa, 1980). The
2. Geological setting granitoids are reddish or gray, fine to coarse-grained. Both gneisses and
granitoids show penetrative foliation and the development of secondary
The Araguaia belt (Fig. 1B), which is approximately 1200 km long sericite, epidote, chlorite, and clay minerals. The granitoids generally
and less than 150 km wide, represents a collisional orogen of the mega predominate in the cores of the windows while the gneisses are more
lithotectonic unit called Tocantins Province (Almeida et al., 1976), frequent at their borders.
which is related to the advanced stages of continental collision (Moura The metasedimentary sequences of the Araguaia Belt belong the
and Gaudette, 1993). It displays various units comprising metamorphic Estrondo and Tocantins Groups (Hasui et al., 1977) (Fig. 1). The
and magmatic rocks that have recorded events of crustal thickening Estrondo Group is a narrow and submeridian range in the belt inner
within the context of cratonic convergence (Herz et al., 1989; Moura and zone, covered by Phanerozoic rocks of the Parnaíba Basin to the east.
Gaudette, 1993). The frontal tectonics was the predominant collisional Two formations constitute the Estrondo Group: Morro do Campo (MCF)
mechanism that conditioned the belt in the NS direction (Fig. 1B) and Xambioá (XF) formations (Souza and Moreton, 2001). The basal
(Campanha and Brito Neves, 2004). Ultramafic rocks that thrust over MCF is composed of micaceous quartzite (with magnetite and kyanite),
metasedimentary rocks in its outer zone may represent oceanic crustal biotite schist, quartz mica schists, graphitic schists and oligomictic
fragments (Paixão et al., 2008). The belt is in thrust contact with the metaconglomerates (Hasui et al., 1977). The quartzite intercalated with
Amazonian craton in its western limit; is covered by Phanerozoic units of biotite-muscovite-quartz schists shows granolepidoblastic texture
the Parnaíba basin and Bananal basin, respectively in the northeastern formed of quartz and lamellar biotite aggregates, which are oriented,
and southeastern limits, and is crosscut by the Transbrasiliano linea­ deformed and partly replaced by muscovite and chlorite. On the edges of
ment, bringing the belt in contact is with granulitic rocks of Porto the Xambioá dome lenticularly interbedded, decimeter-to meter-thick
Nacional complex in its southeastern limit (Fig. 1B) (Gorayeb et al., conglomerates occur, formed by white quartz pebbles up to 2 cm in
2013). There is an abrupt change of structural and metamorphic pattern diameter. A sub-horizontal detachment surface occurs in the contact
in the outer zone of the belt, where sedimentary and anchimetamorphic with the Colmeia Complex (Souza and Moreton, 2001).
rocks prevail, while in the inner zone metamorphism reaches the The Xambioá formation consists of biotite-muscovite schists with
amphibolite facies (Fonseca et al., 2004). interbedded calc-schists, marbles, metagraywackes and various schists
Basement rocks have been individualized in the Colmeia Complex containing garnet, graphite, staurolite, kyanite and fibrolite (Hasui

R.A. Bordalo et al. Journal of South American Earth Sciences 104 (2020) 102753

et al., 1977). In the eastern part it is covered unconformably by rocks of Campo formation varying from 3.0 to 2.65 Ga in the Xambioá region
the Parnaíba Basin. To the west, the contact with the Tocantins group is (north segment of the Araguaia Belt) and 1.85 to 0.85 Ga in the Paraíso
tectonic. Based on petrographic and magnetometer signatures, Souza do Tocantins region (middle segment of the belt). These ages suggest
and Moreton (2001) propose a subdivision of the Xambioá formation different source areas for the two domains (Pinheiro et al., 2011). Two
into two lithologic associations: i) Xambioá formation 1, composed of population of Pb/Pb detrital zircon ages were evidenced by Moura et al.
mica schists, graphite schists, amphibolites, metarenites, ferruginous (2008): an Archean population with modal ages in the 2.8–2.9 Ga in­
quartzites, silexites and metarcoses, partially involving domal struc­ terval, obtained from quartzites in the Xambioá region (north segment of
tures, such as the Xambioá dome; and ii) Xambioá formation 2, con­ the Araguaia Belt), and another population with a mode in the
sisting predominantly of muscovite-biotite-quartz schist, locally 1000–1200 Ma interval in the Paraíso do Tocantins region (southern
feldspathic, presenting subordinate marbles, quartzites and polymictic segment of the Araguaia Belt). Neoproterozoic contribution has been
metaconglomerates. also recorded by detrital zircon ages in the Paraíso do Tocantins region
The Tocantins group is composed of the Pequizeiro and Couto (southern segment of the belt) (Moura et al., 2008). These data suggest
Magalhães formations. To the east the contact of the Pequizeiro for­ that the main source rocks for the metasedimentary sequence of the
mation with the Xambioá formation is tectonic. The Pequizeiro forma­ Araguaia Belt is not the Amazonian craton, but geological domains in
tion is composed predominantly of chlorite schists and chlorite-quartz the southeastern region, such as the São Francisco craton, Para­
schist with interbedded calc-shales, talc schists, talc-actinolite schist, napanema block, Goiás Massif and Goiás magmatic arc (Moura et al.,
serpentinite, metabasic rocks and phyllites (Hasui et al., 1977). The 2008).
chlorite-quartz schist, which occurs in the eastern belt domain close to Five samples from dikes crosscutting the mantle peridotites from the
the contact with the Xambioá formation, is light gray, foliated (anas­ Quatipuru Complex defined a Sm–Nd isochron age of 757 ± 49 Ma
tomosed and/or crenulated) and fine-grained, displaying a gran­ (Paixão et al., 2008). Such rocks are interpreted as correspondent to the
olepidoblastic texture (Souza and Moreton, 2001). The chlorite schist latest and most differentiated magmatic crystallization products in the
crops out in the western portion, near the contact with the Couto process of the oceanic lithosphere formation. Single zircon crystal dating
Magalhães formation and is gray-green, fine-graines, lepidoblastic, by the Pb/Pb method of the syn-to post-tectonic Santa Luzia granite and
foliated, showing well-marked crenulation. intrusive veins in the Estrondo Group shows ages ranging 470 to 622 Ma
The Couto Magalhães formation occurs throughout the western (Moura and Gaudette, 1993), concordant to ~549 ± 5 Ma (Alves, 2006)
portion, positioned tectonically over the Amazonian Craton (Souza and ages obtained for the Ramal do Lontra Granite. These ages are inter­
Moreton, 2001). The contact with the Pequizeiro formation is tectonic preted as resulting from syn-to post-tectonic magmatism associated with
by thrusting shear zones. It consists predominantly of phyllite, meta­ the Brasiliano event.
siltstone, and metaclaystones. Considerable lenses of polymictic con­
glomerates and metawackes appear in the western part. 3. Structural analysis
Proterozoic mafic-ultramafic bodies occur elongated in a sub­
meridian orientation and are up to few tens of kilometers long. The The Xambioá dome comprises granites with tonalitic, trondhjemitic
Quatipuru ophiolitic complex occur as interlayered bodies following the and granodioritic compositions and migmatites. This dome has a NW
metasedimentary sequence of the Araguaia Belt (Paixão et al., 2008). elongate orientation and is surrounded by Neoproterozoic metasedi­
Scapolite metagabbros and amphibolite of the Xambica gabbroic suite mentary sequences of the Estrondo Group, represented by Morro do
(Gorayeb et al., 2004) are also recognized as intrusive bodies in the Campo (MCF) and Xambioá (XF) formations (Fig. 3).
Tocantins Group. The Xambioá dome shows mylonitic foliation, gneissic banding,
Geochronological data for the Araguaia belt point to events varying migmatitic structures and shear bands with partially transposed folia­
from the Archean to the Phanerozoic, suggesting at least four episodes in tion overprinting of primary and preexisting structures. The mylonitic
its tectonic history (Fig. 2). The ancient ages are related to the basement fabric is the most expressive structure (Fig. 4 a-b); it overprints the
(the Colméia complex) and the younger ages to intrusive granitic plu­ gneiss bands and migmatitic structures, marking a weak preferred
tons. The gneiss domes in the Araguaia belt are exposed over the entire orientation of micas in the core of the dome, where sub-horizontal fo­
belt (Fig. 1), consisting of granites, gneisses and migmatites, which are liations are orients concordant with the WNW-ESE geometry of the
mostly mylonitized (Moura and Gaudette, 1999; Arcanjo et al., 2013). dome. The mylonitic foliation in the Xambioá dome is considered
Orthogneisses from the Colmeia complex (2.86 Ga) (Dall’Agnol et al., contemporaneous to the Sn structures identified in the mantling meta­
1987; Moura and Gaudette, 1999) and Cantão gneiss (1.85 Ga) (Moura sedimentary sequence, attested by concordant low dips and directions.
and Gaudette, 1999) represent the basement in the northern portion, Therefore, here we consider gneissic bands and migmatite structures as
including the Xambioá dome. This portion have been considered as an previous foliation Sn-1 (Fig. 4 c-d) since these structures were over­
extension of the Amazonian craton to the east (Dall’Agnol et al., 1987; printed by mylonitic foliation (Sn), which is of low-angle near the
Moura and Gaudette, 1999; Arcanjo et al., 2013). The basement in the contact with high-angle foliations of the metasedimentary sequence.
southern segment is represented by the Rio do Coco Group (2.6 Ga) Near the border of the dome gneisses, sillimanite is indicative of the
(Arcanjo et al., 2013), and mainly by the Rio dos Mangues complex metamorphic grade increase, but has the same kinematics seen in por­
(2.05 Ga) and Serrote granite (1.86 Ga) and monzogranitic gneiss of the phyroclast tails of a low angle mylonitic foliation. The Sn directions of
Cantão dome, indicating the predominance of Paleoproterozoic units. both dome and the metasedimentary sequence follow the geometry of
The basement rocks were later deformed and metamorphosed during the the dome, except in its center, where foliation is concordant with the
development of the Araguaia belt in the Panafrican-Brasiliano cycle NW-SE regional trend of major transcurrent faults (Fig. 3). The gneissic
(Moura and Gaudette, 1999). The well-documented Archean TTG suites bands are exposed as relict bands involved in mylonitic foliation, evi­
(2.93–2.87 Ga) (Almeida et al., 2011) intruded by Orosirian (1.88 Ga) denced by the mafic domains predominantly composed of biotite and
anorogenic granites of the Jamon suite (Oliveira, 2006) at the adjacent muscovite, contrasting with felsic domains composed of quartz and
southeastern portion of the Amazonian craton, also suggest that the feldspars. All the domains were affected by low-angle mylonitic folia­
rocks of the northern segment of the Araguaia belt represent windows of tion. Different types of folds are recognized, as intrafolial folds with
the Amazonian craton (Moura and Gaudette, 1999). This also suggests mineral lineation parallel to the fold axes. Recumbent folds developed
that the supracrustal sequences of the Araguaia belt were deposited in on a preexistent compositional banding have an E-W axis strike.
the eastern part of the craton (Moura and Gaudette, 1999). The migmatites associated with the gneiss dome present concordant
The mantling metasedimentary sequence surrounding the Xambioá and discordant leucosomes to gneissic bands, being better represented
dome shows Pb/Pb detrital zircon ages in quartzites of the Morro do on the border parts of the dome. In the gneiss domains, the migmatites

R.A. Bordalo et al. Journal of South American Earth Sciences 104 (2020) 102753

Fig. 3. Geological map of the Xambioá Region with the location of samples collected for geochronological studies. Modified from Souza and Moreton (2001).

show mylonitic leucosome domains where feldspars porphyroblasts graphite and sericite schist alternates with a spaced foliation composed
define elongate lineations. The Xambioá dome shows transposition fo­ of quartz and muscovite layers. The schistosity is generally parallel to
liations (Sn+1) in the leucosome domains forming intrafolial folds the spaced foliation except in fold hinges. It is underlined by elongate
verging NW, similarly to the metasedimentary sequence that verge to quartz parallel to the foliation direction, and by the preferred orienta­
NW and SE, predominantly to NW (Fig. 4 e-f). These folds developed tion of tourmaline, kyanite, biotite and muscovite, as well as the
millimeter to meter-scale pre-to syn-kinematic quartz veins, and prob­ preferred orientation of phyllosilicates in the spaced foliation. Other
ably represent later stages of regional contraction deformation. A N–S- schists of the Xambioá formation show continuous <1-cm schistosity
trending and east-dipping spaced cleavage is also present, which is axial and differ from the Morro do Campo Formation rocks because of thin
plane to the Fn+1 folds. Sometimes, the Fn+1 folds have sheath-like phyllosilicate layers and the predominance of quartzites. Both structures
forms. are considered contemporaneous and are named Sn structures.
The Xambioá dome is well represented by mylonites composed of The mineral and stretching lineations (Fig. 5b) associated with the Sn
quartz (Qz) ± plagioclase (Pl) ± K-feldspar (K–F) ± biotite (Bt) ± schistosity and spaced foliations are named Ln lineations. These struc­
muscovite (Ms) ± sericite (Sc) ± epidote (Ep) ± chlorite (Ch). Allanite, tures become thinner and with higher dips in the frontal thrust, which is
titanite, zircon, opaque minerals and sillimanite occur as accessory well exposed in the Morro do Campo Formation (Fig. 5c). The stretching
minerals. Quartz occurs in a granoblastic fabric, with strong undulating lineation, strongly marked by the elongation of quartz rods and boudins,
extinction, subgrains and new grains resulting from bulging recrystal­ occur mainly in mica schists. A down-dip lineation is associated with
lization. The plagioclase crystals are anhedral and are partially replaced schistosity planes (Ln) and stretching and mineral lineations are WNW-
by sericite, and show strong undulating extinction, as the K-feldspar ESE-trending on average, with plunges predominantly to SE.
crystals. Plagioclase occurs as rounded porphyroclasts sometimes also A metaconglomerate (Fig. 5d) of the Xambioá Formation, composed
showing microfaults and sigma type forms indicating top-to-the-NW of biotite, muscovite and quartz, is associated with a WNW-ESE-trending
kinematics. Biotite is oriented along the spaced foliation in a lepido­ wrench fault and shows asymmetric folds with axis in the same direc­
blastic fabric and has subhedral to euhedral crystals. Muscovite is tion, plunging varyingly to NW and SE. The Sn structures are dominantly
anhedral to euhedral and occurs preferentially in the foliation domains. shallow dipping, increasing to subvertical dips in some contact zones
These grains shows kink bands and sigmoidal forms, also indicating top- with the north dome limb.
to-the-NW kinematics (Fig. 4g). Epidote occurs preferably in foliation A dominant component of the top-to-the-WNW non-coaxial defor­
domains, with biotite, muscovite and sericite. Sillimanite (Fig. 4h) mation is indicated by kinematic criteria, such as S/C structures, delta
marks the increase of metamorphic conditions towards the dome border, and sigma porphyroclasts and asymmetric boudinage (Fig. 5e) seen in
originating mylonite rocks. the XZ plane of the Sn structure. It indicates an association with
The mantling metasedimentary sequences for the Xambioá Dome thrusting patterns. The asymmetric folds show a transposition of the
(Fig. 3) display a pervasive ductile deformation. Micaceous metasand­ schistosity (Sn) in some outcrops, characterizing a transposed foliation
stone and metagraywackes of the Morro do Campo Formation, which Sn+1 (Fig. 5f and g), with associated asymmetric folds Fn+1 (Fig. 5h
occurs restrictively in contact with the dome and within N–S thrust and i), common in the Estrondo Group units.
faults domains, show spaced foliations, generally >1 cm (Fig. 5a). The Sn structures is further delineated by index minerals that range
The Sn structures (spaced and continuous foliation) trend N–S and from greenschist facies (muscovite, epidote and chlorite) in regions near
dip at low angles (<20◦ ) to the east. In some domains muscovite-biotite, the Amazonian Craton to amphibolite facies (biotite, kyanite, garnet,

R.A. Bordalo et al. Journal of South American Earth Sciences 104 (2020) 102753

Fig. 4. The Xambioá gneiss dome rocks and structures. a-b) Sn structure represented by mylonitic foliation involving gneissic bands; c-d) Feldspar porphyroclast and
sigmoidal structures indicating top-to-NW kinematics associated with Sn foliation; e-f) Fn+1 fold seen in transposed leucocratic gneissic band (Sn); g) Sigmoidal
plagioclase indicating top-to-the-NW kinematics; h) Mineral arrangement concordant with Sn and sillimanite parallelism.

sillimanite and staurolite) in regions far from it, where the contact with indicating sinistral kinematics (Fig. 6c). The development of conjugated
the dome are in the sillimanite isograde. fracture presents a pattern whose paleotensor orientation is compatible
The cm-to mm-scale folds have axes plunging to NW and SE. with the sinistral kinematics of the brittle deformation (Fig. 6d).
Different types of folds are exposed near the Xambioá Dome region. The
most common occurrences are asymmetric intrafolial folds (Fig. 5g) 4. Microstructures
delineated by bedding planes and quartz veins, where a lineation par­
allel to the folds axis near the N–S direction is defined by the intersection The mantling metasedimentary sequence is composed in general of
of the primary bedding (S0) and the axial planar schistosity. Chevron schist and quartzite, the Pequizeiro schists showing is composed of
folds occur in chlorite-schists showing the same N–S axis direction quartz (Qz), muscovite (Ms), chlorite (Ch), epidote (Ep), titanite (Tn)
(Fig. 5i). The interference patterns indicate a superimposition of and allanite (Al). Quartz is anhedral, with strong undulating extinction,
generally asymmetric folds axes parallel to the stretching and mineral and has a granoblastic polygonal fabric outside the foliation domain,
lineations. sometimes forming ribbons. Muscovite defines the foliation and is
The brittle-ductile deformation is characterized by drag folds and anhedral to sub-euhedral, locally folded (Fig. 7a). Epidote is anhedral to
transcurrent faults and is considered a third deformation phase (Dn+2). sub-euhedral and is mostly associated with muscovite. Chlorite is also
The drag folds result from WNW-ESE cm-to m-sized slip faults (Fig. 6a anhedral and sub-euhedral and results from the alteration of muscovite.
and b) that follow major lineaments of the same direction. The faults The opaque minerals occur as anhedral to euhedral porphyroclasts, with
intersect phyllites of the Couto Magalhães Formation, and have an a cubic shape suggestive of magnetite.
associated sub-horizontal lineation. The Sn+2 planes intersect Sn and Near the north limb of the dome, the schist of the Xambioá Formation
Sn+1 structure. Tension gashes occur in quartzites of the Couto Mag­ is composed of quartz (Qz), muscovite (Ms), plagioclase (Pl), biotite (Bt),
alhães formation linked with WNW trending transcurrent fault chlorite (Cl) and epidote (Ep). Quartz occurs in a granoblastic polygonal

R.A. Bordalo et al. Journal of South American Earth Sciences 104 (2020) 102753

Fig. 5. Metasedimentary mantling rocks of the Xambioá dome. a) Sn in quartzite. b) Ln in Sn plane in quartzites. c) imbricate Sn foliation; d) Sn foliation in
metaconglomerate (TJROG 91); e) Sigmoidal structure formed during principal deformation indicate a sinistral movement; f-g) isoclinal fold and transposed foliation
Sn+1 develop Fn+1 folding in micaschist; h-i) Chevron fold in micaschist.

fabric with irregular crystals that show moderate undulating extinction, equipped with Oxford energy dispersive spectroscopy system and a
eye-shaped fabric (Fig. 7b) and separate domains where foliation is Gatan Chroma CL detector at the UNICAMP Institute of Geoscience,
composed of muscovite and biotite. The muscovite and biotite crystals which was used to select spots for analysis. The U–Pb zircon isotopic
mark the continuous foliation, where epidote occurs in small crystals analyses were carried out at the: i) Geochronology Laboratory of the
also conditioned to foliation domains. University of Brasília according to the method described by Bühn et al.
At the border dome occurs a quartzite composed of quartz (Qz), (2009) (samples TJRog-99 and TJRog-91), and ii) Isotopic Geology
muscovite (Ms), and kyanite (Ky). Quartz shows granoblastic polygonal Laboratory of the UNICAMP Geoscience Institute, using a Thermo Fisher
fabric, moderate undulating extinction, and has subgrains showing Element XR sector field ICP-MS and a Photon Machines Excite.193 nm
subgrain rotation recrystallization. Kyanite occurs strictly in the folia­ laser ablation system, equipped with a two-volume HelEx ablation cell
tion domains together with muscovite and opaque minerals (Fig. 7c). (samples TJRB-XBL, TJRog-92, and TJRog-87) according to the method
The opaque minerals have elongated forms and follow the direction of described by Sugano et al. (2015). The laser was regulated with a spot of
the foliation. Biotite is rarer and is partially replaced by muscovite and 25 μm with acquisition of 40s. The measure isotopic ratios were moni­
opaque minerals. Biotite shows S–C structure, which indicates a top-to- tored using the international zircon standard 91500 (Wiedenbeck et al.,
the-NW kinematics (Fig. 7d). 1995) and the data were reduced using Iolite Software (version 3.1)
following the method described by Paton et al. (2010). In addition to
5. Geochronology dating, Iolite allowed to determine the total approximated concentra­
tions of U, Th, and Pb in the same spot. Table 1 shows the analytical
5.1. Analytical procedures geochronological data. Ages are reported using the 206Pb/238U ratio; all
errors are quoted at the 2 sigma (2σ) level, and weighted averages are at
For the analyzed samples, 5–8 kg of whole rock were processed at the 90% confidence.
Mineral Separation Laboratory of the Campinas State University (UNI­
CAMP) following standard procedures: jaw crusher, disc mill, panning 5.1.1. Results
and handpicking of individual zircon grains using a binocular micro­ The samples from the Xambioá gneiss dome come from an orthog­
scope. Zircon grains were abundant enough to select 150 grains per neiss from the western part of the Xambioá dome core, southeast of the
sample. The selected grains were mounted on a 2.5 cm block with epoxy Xambioá city (Fig. 3). Sample TJRog-99 is greyish tonalitic to granodi­
resin polished and coated with diamond paste. The internal structure of oritic gneiss, holocrystalline, fine-grained, composed of quartz, plagio­
each grain was revealed by cathodoluminescence (CL) and back­ clase, K-feldspar, biotite, muscovite, epidote, chlorite and opaque
scattered electron images using a LEO 430i (Zeiss Company) SEM minerals. It has an anastomosed spaced foliation, where a granoblastic

R.A. Bordalo et al. Journal of South American Earth Sciences 104 (2020) 102753

Fig. 6. The brittle deformational features. (a) and (b) Wrench faults in phyllites of the Couto Magalhães Formation. c) Tension gashes in quartzites of the Couto
Magalhães Formation. d) Conjugated fracture planes filled with quartz concordant to the attitude of tension gashes.

fine-grained texture of the felsic and lepidoblastic mafic domains, with is low, however displaying a weakly mottled texture. Shorter prismatic
in general more than 1 cm of thickness, composes the gneissic bands. grains contain bright luminescent rounded cores with sector zoning,
Zircon grains of the Xambioá gneiss dome samples range in length surrounded by patchy textured low luminescent rims (Fig. 8).
from 100 to 300 μm. They are sub-euhedral and some prismatic, trans­ We analyzed twenty-three zircon grains from the tonalitic gneiss of
parent, and yellowish to brownish. Cathodoluminescence of some grains the Xambioá dome (TJRog-99 sample) by LA-ICP-MS (Table 1). Of these,

R.A. Bordalo et al. Journal of South American Earth Sciences 104 (2020) 102753

Fig. 7. Microstructures of the metasedimentary mantling sequence of the Xambioá Dome. (a) muscovite grains defining the principal foliation and local folds in
quartzite. (b) Eye-shaped quartz fabric in schist. (c) Kyanite parallel to muscovite crystals defining the continuous foliation. (d) S–C fabric composed of biotite and
muscovite from mica schist of the Xambioá formation.

ten grains display a concordant to slightly discordant analyses, and the opaque minerals. Quartz crystals are coarse, anhedral, with strong un­
remaining grains show an accentuated Pb loss, but define a discordia dulating extinction, irregular contacts and a subgrain rotation recrys­
line intersecting the concordia curve at 2.930 ± 31 Ma at the upper tallization fabric. It has a spaced penetrative foliation with
intercept and 507 ± 54 Ma in the lower intercept (Fig. 8a). Individual approximately 1 cm. Muscovite crystals are anhedral to sub-euhedral,
grains show no age differences within errors, even between distinct core marking the foliation. Detrital zircons ages varied from 1520 ± 28 Ma
and rim domains (Fig. 8c). to 2.155 ± 30 Ma, with a peak at 1.9 Ga (Fig. 9b).
The leucosome of the migmatized quartz-feldspathic tonalitic gneiss The sample from the biotite schist (TJROG-92) is composed of
(TJRB-XBL sample) shows the same gneissic bands and feldspar por­ quartz, biotite, muscovite, epidote, plagioclase, carbonate, chlorite,
phyroclasts. It shows under the microscope a weak late brittle-ductile sericite and kyanite. Quartz is anhedral arranged in a granoblastic
deformation with kink bands in muscovite and feldspar, micro­ polygonal fabric, defining the general foliation direction, and shows
fractures in feldspar, subgrain formation and grain boundary migration moderate undulating extinction and recrystallization fabric by grain
in quartz. Shape-preferred orientation of quartz produces a weak boundary migration. Biotite is sub-euhedral to euhedral, marks the
foliation. foliation, and is arranged as lamellae parallel to the direction of foliation
The spots in the zircon grains from the migmatite leucosome (TJRB- and sometimes showing kink bands in some. Muscovite is euhedral, in
XBL sample) were positioned on the rims (nine grains) and cores general lamellar parallel to the foliation direction, and accompanies
(twenty-seven) of the grains to identify possible interference of meta­ biotite in an oblique foliation that intersects the main foliation, deter­
morphic events. Similar arrangement for the grains analyzed in the mining the schistosity (Sn). Epidote is anhedral and occurs mainly in the
concordia diagram with the tonalitic gneiss shows the same Pb loss and foliation domain. Plagioclase occurs as rounded crystals surrounded by
defines a discordia line intersecting the concordia curve at 2938 ± 20 biotite and muscovite crystals, shows strong sericitization and has
Ma at the upper intercept in the lower intercept the age obtained was muscovite inclusions. Carbonate is anhedral and sometimes occurs in a
402 ± 15 Ma (Fig. 8b). The individual grains show no age differences granoblastic fabric intercalating with foliation domains. Kyanite is sub-
within errors, even between distinct core and rim domains. No inherited euhedral and quite offen as lamellae following the foliation direction.
zircons (e.g. with older cores) were observed. Sericite is anhedral and forms a mass that surrounds the biotites,
Quartzites, schists, and metaconglomerates, which represent the muscovite and epidote. Chlorite is rare and replaces biotite. Detrital
metasedimentary rocks that surround the Xambioá dome, were zircons from the biotite schist (sample ROG 92) yielded ages varying
analyzed. The metaconglomerate is a yellowish-brown rock, composed from 632 ± 29 Ma to 2.703 ± 15 Ma, with a peak at 670 Ma (Fig. 9c).
of muscovite, quartz, tourmaline and opaque minerals, and has a
penetrative continuous mm-to cm-sized foliation. Rounded and angu­ 6. Tectonic evolution of the Xambioá gneiss dome
lose quartzitic clasts more than 3 cm thick are immersed in foliation. The
quartz is anhedral, with a granoblastic polygonal fabric, strong undulose The structural analysis of the Xambioá dome and the mantling
extinction and is restricted to microliton domains. From this sample, 59 metasedimentary sequence presented in this paper is consistent with
zircon grains were analyzed and 44 yielded a confidence of 207Pb/238U – regional works (Abreu and Hasui, 1978; Abreu et al., 1980; Herz et al.,
Pb/238U ages of >90%. Detrital zircons from the metaconglomerate 1989; CPRM, 1994; Fonseca et al., 2004). The tectonic structures present
(TJROG 91 sample) yielded ages varying from 1401 ± 24 Ma to 3351 ± in Xambioá dome region are associated with two major tectonic regimes:
30 Ma, with a peak at 1743 ± 25 Ma and many ages clustering near this a compressive regime, which shows essentially different ductile struc­
value (Fig. 9a). tures in the main NS direction, varying NNE-SSW and NNW-SSE; and a
Sample TJROG-87 from a whitish gray micaceous quartzite is strike-slip regime, which is represented by ductile and brittle structures
composed essentially of quartz with thin muscovite ridges, epidote and with EW directions varying WNW-ESE and WSW-ENE, which cut the NS

R.A. Bordalo et al. Journal of South American Earth Sciences 104 (2020) 102753

Fig. 8. Cathodoluminescence imagens of zircons and Concordia diagrams of gneiss of Xambioá dome. a-b) CL imagen; c) Crystallization age in mylonitic gneiss
(TJROG 99) and d) age of migmatite leucossome (TJRB-XBL).

structures. Temporal and spatial relationships between these two transposed foliation Sn+1, and Ln+1 local stretching patterns are rep­
deformation patterns help the understanding of their occurrence forms. resented by boudins and down-dip stretching lineations. This deforma­
tional event developed under lower greenschist to upper amphibolite
metamorphic conditions, occurring in the contact with the Amazonian
6.1. Dn event
craton. Sericite, muscovite and chlorite present the phyllites of the
Couto Magalhães Formation define a low greenschist facies, and far from
The deformational events are grouped in three main events. The first
this region, from east to west. Biotite, kyanite, garnet and sillimanite in
one (Dn) was a non-coaxial ductile event where a NW-SE compression
the Xambioá Formation and the Colmeia complex indicate an increase of
led to the formation of open and slightly open folds (Fn) from Sn-1
metamorphic conditions tending to the upper amphibolite facies.
structures, in gneiss axial plane foliation and spaced foliation (Sn) in
the mantling metasedimentary sequence and the mylonitic foliation (Sn)
in dome rocks, all of them associated with a thrust system. The lineations
6.3. Dn+2 event
associated with this system are called Ln (mineral lineation associated
with Sn and Fn axis).
The third deformational event (Dn+2) is represented by transcurrent
faults (Sn+2), which sectioned the Dn structures and formed sinistral
6.2. Dn+1 event wrench shear zones of different scales. This event would be responsible
for the formation of major WNW-ESE faults that cut across the meta­
The second event (Dn+1) is considered to be a refolding with Sn sedimentary sequence in the south limb of the dome, besides faults of
transposition, followed by the formation of asymmetric Fn+1 folds and different scales, mineral and stretching lineations, fractures, axis of slip

R.A. Bordalo et al. Journal of South American Earth Sciences 104 (2020) 102753

Fig. 9. Detrital zircon ages in the metasedimentary mantling sequence of the Xambioá dome. a) Metaconglomerate of the Xambioá Formation. b) Quartzite of the
Morro do Campo Formation. c) Biotite schist of the Xambioá Formation.

folds of same direction rearranging the NS structures formed at Dn gneiss domes (Eskola, 1948; Teyssier and Whitney, 2002; Yin, 2004).
event. Retrograde metamorphism evidenced by biotite to chlorite The Xambioá Gneiss dome is considered here to be part of an unevenly
alteration occurs along the WNW-ESE faults, in the Xambioá Schists. The spaced linear-array dome (Yin, 2004) and related to thrust in a
actual geometry of the Xambioá dome alligned in same direction as a passive-roof fault. This relationship has field evidences, where low dip
whole indicates an intrinsic relationship between wrench faults and the foliations and NNW-SSE directions are concordant with N–S thrust faults
Araguaia Belt structural evolution. and show the intrinsic link between the dome and these faults, although
the relationships between the basal thrust and the roof fault, as well as
7. Tectonic discussions and conclusions the thermal history, are still unknown. The main originality of this
contribution resides in the structural analysis of the Xambioá gneiss core
Different models have been proposed for the origin and evolution of and the contact with metasedimentary sequence. A mylonitic fabric that

R.A. Bordalo et al. Journal of South American Earth Sciences 104 (2020) 102753

overprints the gneisses and migmatites structures of the Xambioá dome in the metasedimentary sequence of the Estrondo group, the ages are not
is correlated with ductile fabric of the mantling metasedimentary representative of Neoproterozoic and Cambrian sources, and also
sequence, which indicates a dominant component of top-to-the-NW contribute to define the last episode of collisional tectonics, probably
thrusting. Ln plunges, dominantly to SE, suggest that this event had a linked to the Clymene ocean closure, belonging to the Phanerozoic era.
tectonic flux from SE to NW direction, the Dn event. A finite strain The 2.93 Ga U/Pb zircon ages obtained for gneiss and migmatite
ellipsoid in the flattening field is deduced from stretching in several leucosome of the Xambioá dome instigate discussions about its origin
directions parallel to the shallow-dipping foliation plane of the meta­ and provide new insights for the structural evolution of the Araguaia
sedimentary rocks, as attested by boudin structures and by placing the belt. Firstly, this age excludes the possibility of this dome to be
remobilized quartz parallel to these planes. The fact that Sn has magmatic-related as proposed by Santos et al. (1984), and the meta­
sub-vertically attitudes near dome boarder, specifically in the north morphic event responsible for the migmatization to be related to Bra­
limb, suggests that the thrusts fronts are in this side, whereas in other siliano orogenic event in 600 Ma (Tohver et al., 2012). Other gneiss
cases the foliations dip less than 20◦ , and Sn in the dome domain shows domes of the Araguaia belt northern domain are concordant with Pb/Pb
the same low angles. This geometric relationship between the mantling and U/Pb zircon ages of 2.86 Ga, as the Lontra, Grota Rica and Colmeia
metasedimentary sequence and the Xambioá dome indicates that the domes (Moura and Gaudette, 1999). Comparing these ages with those of
dome served as a floor for the supracrustal sequence during the Dn the Amazonian craton basement, considered the belt basement (Dal­
event. l’Agnol et al., 1987), two events are well described in the Carajás
Another aspect evidenced in the structural analysis is the WNW-ESE Province: a magmatic event of 2.86 ± 0.01 Ga (U/Pb zircon age) that
and EW orientation of several structures. Even the geometry of the dome formed the Água Fria Trondhjemite (Almeida et al., 2011) in the Rio
indicates that wrench faults of same attitude linked with the Iriri-Mar­ Maria Granite-Greenstone Terrain, and a migmatization event of 2859
tírios lineament conditioned the tectonic structure arrangement in the ± 2 Ma (U/Pb zircon age) that affected the Xingu complex (Machado
region, due to the Dn+2 event. Metaconglomerate associated with this et al., 1991; Pidgeon et al., 2000) in the Carajás domain. A major
fault shows that it reached ductile depths and shows stretching linea­ magmatic event of 2.93 ± 0.02 Ga that formed the Caracol tonalitic
tions and fold axis parallel to the WNW-ESE wrench fault that has a link complex, the Mariazinha tonalite, and the younger rocks of the Arco
with the Iriri-Martírios lineament. The reactivation of the Iriri-Martírios Verde tonalite, which are basement units of the Rio Maria
lineament could be the responsible for this deformational pattern, since Granite-Greenstone Terrain (Almeida et al., 2011), suggests that this
the lineaments linked to these basement wrench faults in the Carajás and terrain is the probable protolith of the Xambioá dome gneiss. Evidences
Bacajá domains in the Amazonian Craton extends to wrench shear zones in the structural development of the Araguaia belt could explain the fact
of the Araguaia belt, suggesting that older transcurrent NW-SE wrench that the Xambioá dome occurs north of the Rio Maria Terrain. Consid­
faults could be genetically linked. Another important subject in discus­ ering the intrinsic involvement of the basement gneisses and granitic
sion is the timing of wrench faults formation. Although the concordia rocks in the belt deformational history, the tectonic transport from SE to
diagrams presented here do not irrefutably show that lower intercept NW associated with the thrust system established in the Dn event could
ages around 500-400 Ma have a geologic meaning, they are in agree­ be the mechanism responsible for that. The TTG affinity of the Colmeia
ment with a thermal event evidenced by K–Ar ages (426–581 M.a) in complex pointed by Dall’Agnol et al. (1988) contribute to this consid­
schists of the Estrondo Group (Hasui et al., 1975). The sharp and eration. The Mesoarchean ages of ~2.93 Ga for zircon grains of the
consistent Pb loss registered in the Archean dome and supracrustal rocks Xambioá dome gneiss also exclude the hypothesis proposed by Tohver
from the Araguaia belt also display similar behavior in the TTG gneiss et al. (2012) that the gneissic domes in the Araguaia Belt have been
from the east border of the Amazonian craton (Moretto et al., 2011). emplaced and metamorphosed at 600 Ma, and the purpose of a diapiric
This is probably the influence of compressional tectonics generated in model established by Santos et al. (1984) for the origin of the Xambioá
regional scale with the structures linked in the N–S thrust fault system Dome. These ages also define the Xambioá dome with the oldest pro­
(Dn), and this could be the maximum age of the late continental tholith crystallization ages in the Araguaia belt. Moreover, the structural
strike-slip event (Dn+2). and metamorphic evidences point to a development of the Araguaia belt
The ancient tectonic setting responsible for the formation and evo­ gneiss domes involving reworking dynamics of the actual southeast
lution of Araguaia, Paraguay and Pampean belts was the Clymene Ocean Amazonian craton border. Fig. 10 summarizes the tectonic evolution of
(Tohver et al., 2012; Cordani et al., 2013; Tohver and Trindade, 2014), the Araguaia belt, showing the tectonic settings responsible for the
although there are doubts about the time of the basin development. material provenance of the Arauguia belt and uplift of the Xambioá
Cordani et al. (2013) defend the idea that there is no evidence of the dome, defined as an extension of the Amazonia craton.
existence of the Clymene Ocean (ophiolites, magmatic arcs) after 600
Ma, while Tohver et al. (2012) consider the existence of the Clymene
Ocean beyond the Paleozoic.
In the Araguaia belt, the evidence for the Clymene ocean existence
beyond Cambrian times is put forward by the interpretation of different
isotopic analysis in different units (Moura and Gaudette, 1993; Alves,
2006; Hasui et al., 1975). The mantling metasedimentary sequence of
the Xambioá dome yielded U/Pb detrital zircon ages of 1520 ± 28 Ma
(Quartzite – TJROG 87) and 632 ± 29 Ma (Biotite schist – TJROG 92),
whereas the metaconglomerate (TJROG 91) yielded a minimum age of
1401 ± 24 Ma. These data differ from those of Pinheiro et al. (2011) who
obtained ages from 3.0 to 2.65 Ga in the Xambioá region (north segment
of the Araguaia Belt), and minimum ages of 0.85 Ga in the Paraíso do
Tocantins region (middle segment of the belt), with a maximum age of
1.85 Ga. Neoproterozoic, and also Cambrian ages, were obtained from
the detrital zircons of the Estrondo group sequence, which suggests that
a regional event could be responsible for the Pb loss and U/Pb opening
system in this interval. Considering the Santa Luzia granite minimum
crystallization age of 498 ± 19 Ma, intrusive in the Estrondo group
sequence, and K/Ar ages varying from 426 to 516 Ga (Hasui et al., 1975) Fig. 10. Simplified tectonic model for the evolution of the Araguaia Belt.

R.A. Bordalo et al. Journal of South American Earth Sciences 104 (2020) 102753

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