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Parallel Reading

Reading Classification:
Objects in Environment
Materials Prepared cards naming classified groups of objects. The name of the
classification is on the outside of the container of the cards.
(Blank papers, pencil, pencil holder, underlay)

Purposes  Reading exercises to introduce the child to the written form for the
vocabulary he already knows from the Enrichment of Vocabulary
 To help the child in his classification of the environment.

Age 4 and up

Preparation The child is becoming fluent decoding phonetic and words with key
phonograms without having to sound them out.
The child knows the related vocabulary through spoken language
Parallel Reading
Reading Classification: Objects in the Environment

Presentation 1. Invite 2-3 children and bring the writing tray.

2. “I’ll write some labels for you to read.”
3. Each child takes a turn reading a label and placing it on its
environment object.
4. Continue writing labels as long as the children are interested.
5. Gather all the labels, place them in a column and read them together.
6. Repeat with more labels.
7. “You can also write your own labels or use ones we have prepared.”
8. Introduce the prepared labels and remind the children to collect them
when they are done.

Control of Error None

Following 1. Invite the child to use the prepared slips for objects in the
Exercises environment.

Pedagogical The words you write can be tailored to the reading level of the child.
Notes For a more phonetic reader, you can write phonetic words. If the child
knows phonograms, you can include them. For a child who is reading
phrases, you can write a small phrase, for example – the writing desk

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