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Trần Anh Văn

Assessing a person
To: Tran Thi Cuc, Head Teacher of 64NNABP2
From: Tran Anh Van,student of NTU
Date: 13/04/2024
Subject: Scholarship Recommendation for best student for Vo Kieu Trang
This report recommends Vo Kieu Trang for the university’s scholarship for best students.
Throughout the 64NNABP2 class this semester, she has consistently impressed me with a
dedication to academic excellence and a genuine passion for learning.
Academic Achievements:
Trang consistently demonstrates a deep understanding of course material. Her
contributions to class discussions are insightful and well-researched, often prompting
deeper analysis from others. Assignments are meticulously crafted, showcasing a strong
ability to analyze information, synthesize ideas, and present them in a clear and concise
manner. Her recent research paper on [Topic] serves as a prime example. It not only
demonstrated a thorough understanding of the subject but also presented a unique
perspective supported by compelling evidence.
Collaboration and Contribution:
Trang thrives in both independent and collaborative learning environments. She actively
participates in group projects, fostering a positive and inclusive atmosphere through active
listening, constructive feedback, and a willingness to share knowledge. Beyond academic
contributions, Trang creates a supportive learning environment by offering guidance and
encouragement to classmates who may be struggling.
Trang embodies the qualities of a distinguished scholar. Her dedication to academic
excellence, intellectual curiosity, and collaborative spirit make her a truly deserving
candidate for this scholarship.

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