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Episode 2

The Ultimate Crypto Trading Course

Episode 2 - How to Actually Make Money Trading



Today is our last true introductory lesson where we're going to plant the seeds that will
eventually evolve into profitable trading. So even though it's introductory, you need to
make sure to pay attention.


● What is Trading?
● Trading Like A Casino
○ Why casinos are the BEST traders in the world
● Skills Needed to Trade
○ Three elements of profitable trading systems
● What Kind of Trader Are You?


So let's start with a definition of trading. Whenever you think trading,

you're probably thinking of someone sitting behind a computer desk
looking at a chart like the one on the right. And if you've never seen
something like it before, it's probably a bit confusing. But at its core,
trading is just buying and selling an asset in order to profit off price
fluctuations. It doesn't even have to be on a chart like the one on
the right.

Example: Selling Several Pairs of Yeezys.

So there's a new pair of Yeezy sneakers coming out. And you know, that demand is going
to be really high for these. There are only 100 of them and everyone is going to want them
so you believe supply is really low. You spot this opportunity and manage to buy three
pairs of Yeezys for $200 each, totalling $600. Then a few weeks later, you decide to sell
the shoes at $300 each, for a total price of $900. So you've just made yourself $300 in
profit. That is a trade.

Now, were you guaranteed to make money here? Well, you could say it was highly
probable because Yeezys are very popular shoes. But what if in between the time of you
buying and selling the shoes Kanye West (the founder of Yeezys) had some huge scandal,
and no one wanted to buy Yeezys anymore. Now you were forced to sell your three pairs
Episode 2
for $100 each, meaning you actually lost money. What I'm doing here is trying to plant
seeds that are going to evolve into the ideas that make you profitable traders.


Now the best example of a company that thrives in uncertainty and is a good trader is a
casino. We want to learn how to trade like a casino. If we can mimic what a casino does,
we will revel within uncertainty.

An example I like to use is the poker table. People who trade without any experience and
try to guess what's going to happen are equivalent to those who will turn up to a high
stakes pro poker table to try and beat the professionals, but don’t know the rules. People
would never dream of doing that with gambling, but for some reason do the same and

Now I'm going to use a simpler game in order to fully explain

how to trade like a casino. This is where I want you to take notes
and I want you to make sure you fully understand these
concepts. We're going to use a game of Roulette.
● Look to the image on the left.
● Now, you can ignore the numbers, there are 37 different
possibilities in a game of Roulette.
● And of these possibilities 18 of them are red, and 18 of
them are black.
● And then we've got this one magical green zero. This
changes everything and makes it so the casinos win.

When a gambler plays the game, he can either bet on red or he can bet on black.
● Gambler: Red 18/37 Black 18/37
○ Whichever one he picks, he has an 18 out of 37 chance of winning. That's
because of that magic zero because whenever the ball lands on zero, the
casino wins.
● Casino: Red 19/37 Black 19/37
○ This means that the casino has a 19 out of 37 chance of winning whether
you pick red or black.
● The casino always has an edge
○ Does this mean you can never make money at the casino? Absolutely not.
You can pick any random stock or cryptocurrency you want right now. Buy it
and there’s a chance you'll make money. But over the long term, is it
profitable? The answer is no. Because the casino always has an edge.
○ It always knows that the odds are in its favour. So no matter what, after
playing the game a million times, a thousand times, etc the casino will come
out on top.
○ Now if you're following so far, this isn’t everything. There's one more
important concept that guarantees the casino wins.
● The casino manages its bankroll
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○ It makes sure it never goes to zero. Let’s look at an example.


● Let’s say a casino has $5000

○ This is all the money it has.
○ You wish to place a bet of $5
○ The casino is going to be really happy because it's probably going to win.
And if it doesn't, it just pays me $5.
○ But if I play the game 100 times the casino is probably going to come out on
top. If I play the game 1000 times the casino is almost certainly going to
come out on top.
● But now what if my bet size were to get a little bit bigger?
○ What if I were to come in and bet $5,000 against the casino?
○ So the casino is probably going to win. But if it doesn't, I take all the casinos'
money and then the casinos goes out of business, the casino can't play the
game long enough to win.
○ So what does the casino do? It won’t let you take that bet. It limits its
downside risk so it can't lose all of its money in one go. Instead, it makes it
so that it can stay in the game long enough to win.


So we've seen how the casino does it. And we've seen an example of how we would trade
in the market. So how do we create a profitable trading system using this knowledge? A
profitable trading system includes an edge & trading strategy, risk management, and
psychology to tie it all together. Let’s explore each concept individually.

Edge and Trading Strategy

The first thing we build is an edge & trading strategy. We need this because if we don't
have an edge, the odds aren't in our favour.
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● Technical Analysis.
○ We will use things like support and resistance, market structure, and more, to
assess supply and demand through the study of price data.
● Fundamental Analysis.
○ We're going to look at the specific details of what makes a project good. This
will include strategies to vet the team, the idea, the concept and more.
○ I'm going to be sharing the exact strategies and formulas that I use that I’ve
learned from the dozens of fund managers that have come onto our podcast
and explained how they do fundamental analysis.
● On Chain Analysis.
○ Now if you don't know what that is don’t worry, most people don't. Especially
people who don't know about crypto! On chain analysis, to put it simply (and
we'll get into more detail later) is something unique to crypto.
○ Crypto is transparent, so you can see what everyone is doing with their
money. With on chain analysis we could look at:
■ What the whales (i.e. people with lots of money) are doing.
■ What the biggest investors are doing
■ What the best traders are doing
■ What the smart money is doing
■ What the exchanges are doing
■ We get to study these price movements, and use them to help inform
our trading strategies.
● Market Sentiment.
○ This is where we take into account all news using social media and various
different news platforms, we absorb that information and make sure we've
got a good pulse on the market, what is hot, what is trending and what
everyone is focused on.

Most people only focus on one of these for their trading, I'm going to make it so you can
use all four if you want to. But you only really need to identify two and get really good at
them and just have a slight understanding of the other so you're not ever caught
completely off guard.

A lot of traders who struggled to be successful will stop right here. They'll just take this and
try and trade but it's not enough by itself. As you have seen in the casino example, even if
they have an edge, they can still lose the game.

Risk Management

● Position Sizes.
○ How to find the optimal position size
● Stop Losses.
○ How to place your stop losses correctly.
○ How many trades have you been in when the price comes down, hits your
stop loss, and then immediately rockets up? There's multiple different
Episode 2
strategies you can use to set stop losses successfully to prevent this from
happening again.
● Risk Analysis.
○ How to calculate the exact risk you're taking on not just in an individual trade,
but over several trades over a long period of time.

Now, it's easy to think that these two are the only things you need. But one of the most
overlooked things in this game is Psychology.


Psychology is what ties everything together. No matter how good you are at trading or risk
management, if you get emotional and don't stick to your system you will struggle to trade

● Traders Mindset. I'm going to go over exactly what it takes to develop a trader’s
mindset, including specific training habits to strengthen your mind.
● Inherent Biases. We're going to go over the inherent biases that lead us astray,
and help bring awareness to those so you’re on the path to profitable trading.

Once you have these three things in place, that's all you need to make money trading: an
edge, risk management and psychology.


● Are you more suited to part-time trading or full-time trading?
○ You might be someone with kids. Maybe you have other responsibilities or
things you want to do with your time. Yet you still want to get the benefits of
understanding the market and having a new income-generating skill like
■ In these cases, I actually think it could be a huge advantage to trade
part-time and there are loads of perks to doing that. We're going to
cover exactly what it takes to trade part-time.
○ Maybe you're on the other end of the spectrum. Maybe you're a university
student with lots of time on your hands and huge ambitions to make it big in
the market.
■ Well, we're going to tailor it to you as well. We're going to teach you
exactly what it takes to be a full-time trader and bust through every
single plateau.
● Find your exact trading style.
○ Is it going to be short, medium or long term? Some people are suited to quick
trades where you are in and out in five minutes, maybe an hour, maybe two
hours at most. This sort of intraday trading works for a lot of people.
○ Others prefer more long term positions, they like to make macro bets with
what they think is going to happen over the next few weeks, months, maybe
even years.
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○ All of these use the same principles, but you must make small changes to
adjust for each individual style.
● Find your routine.
○ And finally, I'm even going to teach you how to make this a real career. This
will include how to structure a daily routine around trading.
○ I've been doing it for a while now and I've spoken to hundreds of people who
do too. They all take different approaches and we’ll find which is best for you.
○ I'm going to take the best things from everyone's approach and share it in
this course.


That’s it for introductory lessons - now it’s time to get tangible. Next time, we're going to
jump into the trenches and understand:

● What makes crypto different?

● What software and platforms do you need?
● Key, essential terms you need to know
● The breakdowns of key cryptocurrencies and how to trade them.


Podcast with Trader Mayne: An amazing trader who quit his job to trade crypto full time

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