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Class – X Chapter – Electrolysis


1. The electrolysis of acidifed water is an example of [2018] (1)

(a) reduction (b) oxidation (c) redox reaction (d) synthesis

2. Which of the following is correct? (1)

(a) The metal to be plated on the article is always made the cathode.
(b) The metal to be plated on the article is always made the anode.
(c) For electroplating, high amount of electricity is supplied for longer time.
(d) All are correct statement.

3.When fused lead bromide is electrolysed, we observe [2014] (1)

(a) a silver grey fumes form at anode and reddish brown fumes formed at cathode.
(b) a silver grey deposit at cathode and reddish brown fumes formed at anode.
(c) a silver grey deposit at cathode and a reddish brown deposit at anode
(d) a silver grey deposit at anode and a reddish brown deposit at cathode

4. The particles present in strong electrolytes are [2016] (1)

(a) only molecules (b) mainly ions (c) ions and molecules (d) only atoms

5. Fill in the blank spaces of the following sentences : (6)

(i) The metal plate through which electric current enters in an electrolyte is called ________ It has
________ of electrons.
(ii) The metal plate through which ________ leaves from an electrolyte is called ________. It has ________
(iii) The ions which discharge on negative electrode during electrolysis ________ electrons. Thus, the ion is
said to be________.
(iv) The ions which discharge on positive electrode during electrolysis ________ electrons. Thus, the ion is
said to be________.
(v) Hydrogen and metallic ions are ________ because they ________ electrons.
(vi) Non-metallic ions are ________ , because they ________ electrons

6. (a) Al3+; Cu2+; Na1+; Zn2+ ions are present in an aqueous solution such that the concentration of ions is the
same. Write the order of discharge of ions during electrolysis. (1)
1– 1– 1–
(b) Amongst OH , Br and Cl , which ion is likely to discharge first and why? (2)
(c)Compare flow of electricity through copper metal and copper sulphate solution. (2)

7. State the reactions occurring at the anode during the electrolysis of : (3)
(i) Copper sulphate solution, using copper electrodes.
(ii) Copper sulphate solution, using platinum electrodes.
(iii) Aluminium oxide, dissolved in cryolite using carbon electrodes.
8. Explain the following :
(i) A solution of sugarcane does not conduct electricity, but a solution of sodium chloride is a good
conductor. (2)
(i) A graphite anode is prefered to other inert electrodes during electrolysis of fused lead bromide (2)

9. (a) Why is electrolysis of acidulated water considered an example of catalysis. (2)

(b) If molten magnesium chloride is electrolysed, suggest a suitable anode. (1)
(c) (i) Draw a labelled diagram for the apparatus used to electroplate a spoon with silver. (3)
(ii) What are the ionic reactions that take place :
(1) at the anode (2) at the cathode?

10.When copper sulphate solution is electrolysed with copper electrodes, the blue copper ions are
discharged at cathode and get deposited at it, yet the blue colour of copper sulphate does not fade. Explain

11. Give a reason why metals such as copper, silver and lead are electro-refined, but not sodium, potassium
and calcium. (2)

12. Give appropriate scientific reasons for the following statements. (4)
(i) Zinc oxide can be reduced to zinc by using carbon monoxide but aluminium oxide cannot be reduced by
a reducing agent.
(ii) Carbon tetrachloride does not conduct electricity.
(iii) The electrical conductivity of acetic acid is less in comparison to the electrical conductivity of dilute
sulphuric acid at a given concentration.
(iv) Electrolysis of molten lead bromide is considered to be a redox reaction.

13. Define electroplating. Explain the necessary conditions for an ideal electroplating. (3)

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