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f4e,urrttten O ullins o bo"tf {'o lrtf qal M i<,infocrqtion

bg.Pili, [:azrnin ,

ldro d,^c+io n

l. I[e disrrqoedangr clnd qtr.ustionobilily of socre.tol values in*hc cuament t*otu

of thu ptilfippines
'o('e, of surcess
A . l4orql= clisttSo"dqd in {hc pcsuit
ond acl"rointoncoships
qrcbcokr,", onc& prfti.ol sloncgs in{cieod"higs
ts. f ricncrships
di{t{r t""ni qnch other
1- Couscs wtoru oishaP
z' Phqsi"o\ hacrq and' Sossip nr. pronrocril oncc q bla"h' shery is "ttn
o*juo of trie,nd s
6.1"uJt rJ\th sther indiv(duq\s is sho*,n *o b.?.ll.d down.
ll. Thq, rnultitude o( dqnogcthat plihcn\ flfsic'{ocrnq}io\ co,,rld poscto people both
rnerrtatt5 and ghgsi.all5
A. Cqn qffe.t lagc o.*nL of pe,plc
, ?,:"!*
r$ordig ,qtnta ylu.rirth o"l$ 0o dotrnhil\
- 1" Yltlt^ it-s,rd'i' t" ghgsica\ ho.p1 thqt cqn\e,qd to q dornino d{wt
b. ls p-vt'\ *o exqc.rbc+< fanilia\ .tr;o,
C diyo"i5 anongsr pbptc
r' Lq\Irsss q So.jql hicrarchg anog pners
* 2'- Insinqqtes bullgin5
b..o,rJ" of otn,
lll' 'the eftc"k p.ritico\ coutld harp on goliti'al ond,erlr'oni.a\ fqctoos
A"tn{lotion a.,d dsbt
X. ln$lq+ion nqh of E.g"lo

's' lll Tritrrion de,bt uyvoar{s

f,\\-ti,\c hiqh cegardinq lho pcice. {onions
B- fct\s(, f.rnris'es" orrJ odroncornepts
I ' Prorningnt i"'
P"ss. Oosgp\ Lstrqrlq, fc"dinan"l }\qr.os, Bongbo.,
an4 Corg Anuino! Flqccos

lV. p;; tl 1t|1 {. linL tor,r vqlur, of tt,e. philippin.pts.o

s a'g h q^r rr i cq \ $i s i qto.r";ri"r crr{ 6.
l"H il rh'J:" "
vor o{ fc
h" b,,';:;ffi1
,,i A' ld to *h. zl rlenr cli4qt$s\i? o{the, ?hi\ilgincs
1' HissilE pe-csoh ccrsrs sFikA up
z. Gonocidq, ond rg$s wrrs- \rqstll .r.f,
A. Lov6s bch*'{ yrqjocts .nd iit.rrts
'1. Ld *ot\r loss of vstuablstc€os,,^ren S"$o( in ths phrlippines
-S'-[]"ts Philippines ulur\ urnclcc rnqrtlo\ lqu,

B. l^car,5 of
" ?tusiclrt\'.\ *,161{alc
l- [ U,rt.ltLr",l i,,lqgc qgoi.ret c.ctain indiviC,ots
e. lncli".-ctlg to hocrid {isqirrriru}ions cgorrling linerg.qnd
g' l^ttdg\q w^stcd pt,*\q\ onogst $uturo lud*s
bgcauso of bia\s ond
t -*ad fornnsn vr'ct frcsicrtnf Leni

?fir: ::"ffiil1 Bobru.r"r eJdoar

l- 8tM *o lS M votc elisp".ity
2. Bdth Mqroos and Aebrredo surno\rn(sgr"at\elish*,"md orrd lookcdclo.rnupn

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