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Name: ________________

The Marrow Thieves Ch. 1-13 Quiz

Section I: Fill in the Blank

For each question, fill in the blank with the character who BEST fits the description. Each
character name will only be used once OR not at all.
Character Name Bank:
Tree RiRi Minerva Chi-boy
Miig Frenchie Rose Zheegwon
Slopper Isaac Mitch Wab

1. She is the oldest woman in the group. Some of the characters would rather go out hunting
than spend time with her, but she teaches words from the old language to group members
who stay with her. This character is _______________

2. He is the protagonist of the novel. He lost his brother after the two of them were discovered
hiding in a treehouse—then, he was found by Miig’s group and has travelled with them ever
since. This character is _______________.

3. She has a large scar across her face and is missing one of her eyes. Many men in the group
think that she is both attractive and mysterious. This character is _______________.

4. She is the youngest girl in the group—so young that she cannot hear Story yet. She was very
excited to find a new pair of boots. This character is _______________.

5. He is a chubby, younger boy in the family. He is a little lazy and is often thinking about food.
This character is _______________.

6. He was married to Miig; however, Miig lost him to the residential schools after guests at
their cabin sold them out. This character is _______________.

7. She joined the group most recently out of everyone. She used to live with her grandma but
was sent away with her grandmother’s brothers, who took her into the wilderness. She
joined the group only after they died. This character is _______________.
Section II: Multiple Choice
For each question, select the choice that best answers the question.

8. What gave away the boys’ location in the treehouse?

a. Laughing
b. Radio noises
c. Eating popcorn
d. Opening Doritos

9. Which character tells Story to the group?

a. Wab
b. Miig
c. Minerva
d. Frenchie

10. In Story, the group is told about how the world was damaged by what?
a. Asteroid impact
b. Climate change
c. Giant monsters
d. Global pandemic

11. Which two characters are twins?

a. Miig and Minerva
b. Wab and Chi-boy
c. Tree and Zheegwon
d. Frenchie and Slopper

12. Where are dreams located in the Indigenous population?

a. Their bones
b. Their braids
c. Their minds
d. Their hearts
13. Which character teaches Frenchie the word “nishin”?
a. Miigwans
b. Minerva
c. Rose
d. Wab

14. What does the word “nishin” mean?

a. Nothing
b. Good
c. Tree
d. Fire

15. What is the name of the group that is responsible for camp duties?
a. Homesteaders
b. Recruiters
c. Gatherers
d. Hunters

16. What animal did Frenchie choose not to shoot?

a. A deer
b. A moose
c. A squirrel
d. A wild turkey

17. What happened to Wab’s face?

a. She was hit by a car
b. She cut it on a tree branch
c. She was attacked by someone
d. She was born with a birth defect

18. What was the medicine Minerva made the group for their winter colds?
a. Boiled tea leaves and soup
b. Boiled ashes and sweetgrass
c. Boiled dandelion root and berries
d. Boiled cedar branch and pine needle
19. What did RiRi do when she got her new boots?
a. She threw them out
b. She stored them in her bag
c. She splashed in the puddles
d. She compared them to candy

20. Why were trees being destroyed near the group?

a. There is a stampede of animals
b. The Recruiters need wood for their fires
c. They are building a new residential school
d. People are building a shopping mall

21. Why was Miig suspicious of the three people staying at their lodge?
a. They did not speak English
b. They behaved in a bizarre way
c. They were too well-dressed
d. They asked if he had extra snacks

22. What was on the lunchbox RiRi found?

a. Planets
b. Flowers
c. Superman
d. Barbie dolls

Congratulations, you are done the quiz! Please sit quietly and wait for the other students to
finish working. There is a word search that you can complete while you wait; or, you can
silently read.

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