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A. Create a multiple choice LET Type test. Each item should be patterned on LET questions with
four options (A, B, C, and D). Each question should not be limited to simple recall but it should
go beyond. Situational questions were highly encouraged. Answer key should be attached.
Submit your answer in MS Word format. The number of items per topic was specified as

Module 1 – Principles of High-Quality Assessment (at least 10 items)

Module 2 – Development of Written Test and Administering Procedure

(at least 10 items)

Module 3 – Item Analysis and Validation (at least 10 items)

Name: ________________________________________ Date: _________________

Year&Section: ________________________ Score: _________________

Multiple Choice. Choose the letter of the correct answer. Encircle the letter of your answer.

1. Which of the following shows clarity of learning outcomes?

a. Educational program has a clear statement of objectives aligned to the mission and
core values of the institution.
b. Test is appropriate for assessing the various levels of hierarchy of educational
c. Educational programs and expected learning outcomes are concentrate only to the
cognitive knowledge and outputs.
d. Assessment method in education is in proper order to achieve a good quality.

2. It is a type of written response test instrument appropriate for assessing the various levels
of hierarchy of educational objectives.

a. Examination c. Objective Test

b. Essay d. Written Works and Work Samples

3. Teacher Adi wants to measure the analysis, application, synthesis and judgement skills of
his students. What type of written response instrument should she use?

a. Examination c. Objective Test

b. Essay d. Written Works and Work Samples

4. It is a type of objective test that use to test knowledge and comprehension of students.

a. Multiple Choice c. Short Answer Test

b. Matching Type d. True or False

5. It is defined as a closed-ended survey question used to represent respondent feedback in a

comparative form for specific particular features/products/services.

a. Performance Test c. Observation and Self-Report

b. Oral Questioning d. Rating Scale

6. If a teacher wants to consider students unenthusiastic attitude or state due to their fears,
anxiety and other negative attitudes, what method should be use?
a. Performance Test c. Observation and Self-Report
b. Oral Questioning d. Rating Scale

7. It refers to instrument’s ability to measure what it intends to measure. It is the

appropriateness, correctness, meaningfulness and usefulness arrived at after teaching and
learning process.

a. Validity c. Fairness
b. Reliability d. Practicability

8. This is also known as usability. This is the property of assessment instrument in which it
can be used by students, teachers, and policy makers without undue expenditures of time,
money and effort.

a. Validity c. Fairness
b. Reliability d. Practicability

9. It refers to the consistency, stability and dependability of the instrument.

a. Validity c. Fairness
b. Reliability d. Practicability

10. The following are several factors to consider when conducting oral questioning except?

a. Knowledge c. Student’s state of mind

b. Feelings d. Nervousness

11. What type of test is used for Board Examination and National Aptitude Tests?

a. Teacher –Made Test c. Periodical Test

b. Standardized Test d. Objective Test

12. What type of test is used for Quizzes and Periodical Tests?

a. Teacher –Made Test c. Periodical Test

b. Standardized Test d. Objective Test

13. The following are steps that you need to follow in writing a test except?

a. Identifying the test objectives

b. Deciding on the type of test to be prepared
c. Preparing the Table of Specification (TOS)
d. Identifying the purpose of the whole test
14. It ensures that easy, average and difficult items in a test are balanced to measure equally
the different thinking skills. It is a prerequisite in constructing major examination like
periodical test.

a. Objectives c. Table of Specification (TOS)

b. Vision and Mission d. Length of the test

15. What phases of Try-out and validation should Teacher Rozen use to help him decide
whether to revise, replace, or retain an item in the test?

a. Item Revision Phase c. Validation Phase

b. Item Analysis Phase d. Item Testing Phase

16. Since Teacher Rozen already know what to revise, replace, or retain an item in the test,
what phase should he do next?

a. Item Revision Phase c. Validation Phase

b. Item Analysis Phase d. Item Testing Phase

17. It is a grading system wherein a student’s grade is based on the performance of the

a. Criterion – Referenced Grading

b. Norm – Referenced Grading
c. Scoring- Referenced Grading
d. Item- Referenced Grading

18. A test used to measure level of performance under time conditions and items are arranged
in order of increasing difficulty.

a. Speed Test c. Individual Test

b. Verbal Test d. Power Test

19. A test used to measure the general level of student’s achievement and uses Norm –
Referenced interpretation.

a. Educational Test c. Teacher –Made Test

b. Group Test d. Survey Test

20. It is a commonly used as assessment tool in education because it is easy to construct and
it can be administered in simple ways.

a. Written Test c. Periodical Test

b. Oral Test d. Summative Test
21. A tool used in deciding whether a particular item in a test should be revised, retained or

a. Item Analysis c. Item Evaluation

b. Item Validation d. Item Assessment
22. As a future teacher, why it is necessary to learn the concepts and principles of Item

a. To established creative and meaningful assessment items.

b. To easily create a test or assessment.
c. To determine the effectiveness of the whole test.
d. To test the knowledge and learnings of the student.

23. Below are some of the purposes of Item Analysis except?

a. Item Analysis provides information about the difficulty of the item.

b. Item Analysis provides information about the validity of the item.
c. Item Analysis provides information about the discriminating power of the item.
d. Item Analysis provides information about the value of each alternative.

24. It is the percentage of students who got the answered right.

a. Discrimination Index c. Item Difficulty

b. Item Validation d. Item Analysis

25. This tells whether it can be discriminated between those who know and those who do not
know the answer.

a. Item Analysis c. Discrimination Index

b. Item Validation d. Item Difficulty

26. The process of collecting and analyzing the evidences to support the meaningfulness and
usefulness of the test.

A. Evaluation c. Analysis
B. Assessment d. Validation

27. The ability to answer the problems by those who know and those who are merely
guessing especially to the difficult items because easy items cannot be discriminated by
these two groups of learners.

a. Index of Discrimination c. Item Difficulty

b. Process of Test Validation d. Item Analysis
28. What is the interpretation when the index range is -1.0 ≤ DI ≤ -0.50?

a. Discriminating c. Can discriminate but item is questionable

b. Non- Discriminating d. Can discriminate but item should be revise

29. What is the interpretation when the index range is -0.51 ≤ DI ≤ -0.45?

a. Discriminating c. Can discriminate but item is questionable

b. Non-Discriminating d. Can discriminate but item should be revise

30. What action must be done the index range is in discriminating item?

a. Discard c. Reserve
b. Revise d. Include

Module 1 Module 3
1. a 21. a
2. c 22. c
3. b 23. b
4. d 24. d
5. d 25. c
6. c 26. d
7. a 27. a
8. d 28. c
9. b 29. b
10. a 30. d

Module 2
11. b
12. a
13. d
14. c
15. b
16. a
17. b
18. d
19. d
20. a
1. In not less than 200 words, write an essay about Principles of High-Quality Assessment
and your role as a future teacher. Your answer should include Introduction, Body and

As future educator, we must be driven by strong concepts about how to assess each
student's performance. High-quality assessments give relevant and credible information to all and
stakeholders and admins, including teachers and parents, regarding how well learners have
learned and what additional instruction is necessary. Assessing students' learning has now
become an increasingly or less difficult responsibility for instructors since the introduction of the
K–12 basic education curriculum and outcomes-based education (OBE). Along with this are the
three (3) Principles of High-Quality Assessment, that are taken from the Student Workbook and
Portfolio in Assessment of Student Learning 1 by Camano (2018), namely; clarity of learning
outcomes, suitability of assessment instrument, and qualities of assessment technique.

One of the most important principles of high-quality assessment is the clarity of learning
outcomes. The clarity of learning outcomes emphasizes the importance of educational programs
having a clear declaration of objectives that are associated with the school's mission and core
values. The teaching and learning process will have a clear direction as a result, and learning
outcomes will be focused not just on cognitive aspects and results, but also on the learners' real-
life engagements and lived experience along the way, taking into consideration the function of
accomplishing an activity. If we have clear and proper learning targets of learning outcomes, we
may make assessment comprehensive, efficient, and reliable. The appropriateness of the
assessment instrument was another fundamental principle in assessment. As future teachers, it is
significant that the assessment instruments we utilize match or align with the abilities of the
students and the assessment purpose itself. It is beneficial and preferable to match assessment
instruments to learning targets or objectives. Variety of assessment instruments can be
incorporated to cater to each student's needs and ensure that they are suitable for them. This
allows us, as teachers, to see what the students are learning and where they need to improve.
Assessment instruments help in determining and assessing student learning and can offer various
alternatives for assessing students, hence it is essential for teachers to use appropriate assessment
instruments. The properties of the assessment method are the last essential principle of high-
quality assessment. To obtain excellent performance, educational assessment methods must be
properly implemented. Validity, reliability, fairness, assessment ethics, and practicability are all
characteristics of assessment methods. The quality of the assessment method applied in
education is extremely important since the teacher's evaluation and assessments on the student
are dependent on the information collects employing these methods. As future teachers, we must
carefully plan and examine each assessment property in order to successfully assess our students.
Teachers can use educational assessment methods to monitor and assess students' performance
all through the learning process. They provide sufficient information to improve general learning
and teaching experiences.

High-quality assessment principles help teachers be more effective and productive by

maximizing assessment use to increase student performance and allowing students to utilize
assessment information to make choices about their domains of focus and attention. As a future
teacher, it is essential to remember and consider these three principles of high-quality assessment
in order to effectively assess performance and help each student progress. The inclusion of high-
quality assessment principles will make the teaching and learning processes more meaningful
and fulfilling.

2. In at least 100 words, as a future teacher, what benefits would it give you. If you know
everything about Development of Written test and Administering Procedure?

Test is always part of teaching and learning process. It is vital and necessary for teachers
to create an assessment test to determine and assess a students' progress. Written examinations
were extensively utilized as assessment instruments in school since they were simple to create
and conduct. Testing and evaluation are regarded essential components of any well-functioning
educational institution. When teachers want to know what their students have learned and
develop instructional guides, they will assess and properly evaluates their students.

The development of written tests and administering procedures have an important

influence in how students learn, what drives both students and teachers, and how teachers teach.
Knowing everything regarding the development of written tests and administering procedures
will be extremely beneficial to me as a future teacher. One of the advantages I can gain from this
is understanding how to appropriately prepare a test for students. A properly designed test with
an appropriate administration technique will assist me as a teacher in efficiently gauging my
students' knowledge and comprehension. Following the administration test procedure will help
me as a teacher ensure that everything, I give my students in a test is relevant to the things I have
taught or provided in the course. Failure to assess students' understanding of course content and
their degree of ability in applying what they are learning will also arise from failing or poorly
constructed written examinations and failing to follow administering procedures. Furthermore,
establishing a well-developed written test will reflect on who we are as teachers, our level of
competence, and how much our students learn from us.
Knowing how to create written tests and administer procedures will be highly useful as a
future teacher in assessing students' knowledge and abilities. This will provide me with accurate
and dependable data about my students, allowing me to determine which subject areas or topics
they struggle with and where they excelled. Finally, planning, writing, reproducing,
administering, scoring, evaluating, and interpreting test results will considerably enable us
teachers in recognizing our students' progress and needs.

3. As future teacher, briefly discuss your major role in Item Analysis and Validation. Are
there issues you can cite as far as Item Analysis and Validation is concerned? Support
your claim. Your answer should not be less than 150 words.

Item Analysis is the primary method for determining if a question in a test should be
modified, maintained, or eliminated. It is the process of gathering, summarizing, and analyzing
information from student answers in order to evaluate the quality of test items. It is essential for
future teachers to understand the concepts and principles of item analysis.

Item analysis is a dependable technique that educators can use to guide and improve their
teaching. It is completed following the administration and scoring of an examination. Item
analysis is particularly useful for improving items that will be utilized in subsequent tests, but it
can also be used to eradicate unclear or misleading items in a single test administration. My
major responsibility in item analysis and validation as a future teacher is to administer the
analysis and validation procedure. Throughout the school year, teachers prepare and deliver tests.
I will create the test from the beginning, and after the examination, I will also be the one to
facilitate the analysis, such as analyzing the item's difficulty index and determining its
discriminating power. It is our obligation and main role as teachers to ensure that each of the
tests is of the right difficulty for our students. Then, based on the outcomes of the item analysis
and validation, we, the teachers, will adjust it and re-create the test. I think the issue with item
analysis and validation is when errors happen, such as calculation errors, which result in an
incorrect score being obtained. Furthermore, the item analysis data is tentative. The type and
quantity of students tested, educational practices used, and chance errors all have an impact on
such data.

Throughout the school year, teachers from all levels of education develop and conduct a
variety of formal teacher-created assessments. As a result, tests are useful components in the
educational sector. Careful adherence to test construction, administration and analysis, and
reporting criteria is needed. Most schools' teaching quality reflects the importance teachers place
on their exam items. Item analysis is useful for improving teachers' test construction abilities and
finding particular areas of course content that require more emphasis or clarification.

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