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did you put colour on that?


We commonly use Doppler to help us advantage of demonstrating only Doppler corrected PW gate and subsequent
characterise and quantify pathology shifts from a chosen area. The relatively velocity calculation.
in our patients. But there are various small sample area is sampled many times
forms of Doppler available to us. Which prior to velocity calculation allowing a good Power Doppler
do we use when and what can we do signal to noise ratio and sensitivity to low
if we’re not seeing what we expected? Also known as Angio, Energy and
flow. It’s not the quickest way to assess
Before turning the Doppler back off Amplitude Doppler, Power Doppler (PD) is
a large area but it does provide us with
again I hope to help you explore the a coloured representation of the strength
velocity information. Combine this with
options. (amplitude) of the frequency shift. PD
haemodynamics and we know both the
essentially represents the volume of
conditions the blood has travelled through
Firstly, we’ll need an understanding red blood cells (the greater the number,
of haemodynamics (another article all as well as that it’s approaching.
the greater the signal strength). It has
together so for our purposes it will be greater sensitivity for low flow states
assumed knowledge) and to remember the Colour Doppler
due to its lower PRF and higher frame
Doppler equation for any of this to make Colour Doppler (CD) is a colour coded averaging giving a better signal to noise
sense. So a reminder of the latter:
representation of the mean Doppler shift ratio. Displaying the strength of the signal
fd = ft 2 v cos θ / c or calculated over the observation time. rather than mean frequency shift (which is
v = fd c / 2ft cos θ Autocorrelation is usually used as a dependant on angle of incidence) allows
statistical averaging process to calculate better visualisation of blood travelling
where v = source velocity, fd = Doppler
this mean Doppler shift. In generous terms parallel to the transducer face. But it
frequency shift, c = speed of sound in soft
it is a visual display of fr - ft (frequency also means direction and velocity cannot
tissue, ft = transmit frequency, θ = the
received minus frequency transmitted). be calculated. PD may also suffer from
angle between the line of sight and the
This may be a positive or negative value reduced penetration due to attenuation.
direction of blood flow and the factor of 2
and so the colour coding is directional and,
accounts for the double Doppler shift which
like PW, this is relative to the transducer. Directional Power Doppler
occurs between the transducer and the
Due to the reference map displayed to
moving source Directional Power Doppler (DPD) is as
one side of the image showing cm/second
And fd = fr - ft it is commonly thought that velocity is its name implies. DPD makes use of the
being displayed but this is not the case. directional information from the Doppler
where fr = receive frequency shift and combines it with the amplitude of
By significantly reducing the number of PD. DPD is certainly more sensitive than
The Dopplers we use include:
times each line of sight is sampled, CD CD but the higher frame averaging results
allows us to assess a much larger area at in loss of temporal resolution (refer to time
Pulse Wave Doppler
a time but the trade off is lower sensitivity smooth).
Pulse wave (PW) or spectral Doppler is a to low flow and a lack of time to perform
display of positive and negative velocities velocity calculations. However it can
Short Pulse Doppler
(calculated using the above formulae) at and does reduce examination time by
a position in the patient indicated by a demonstrating areas of greater frequency “The pulses used for colour flow imaging
sample gate. Second only to continuous shift which can be interpreted as relative are typically three to four times longer
wave Doppler for its sensitivity, PW has the velocity, providing guidance for an angle than those for the B-mode image, with a

14 issue 2, 2006 soundeffects

did you put colour on that?

corresponding loss of axial resolution” [1]. reflected from soft tissue. So to receive
Advanced Dynamic Flow (ADF) is a short echoes from the same depth, PW and CD
pulse Doppler technique which results in frequencies need to be lower than that
a range/spectrum of frequencies being for B mode. But “a doubling of transmit
transmitted. The short pulse means that frequency results in a return echo 16
it doesn’t suffer the loss of resolution times stronger” [2]. Increasing transmit
described above and the directional frequency increases the intensity of
Doppler display has temporal and spatial echoes from blood (and hence sensitivity)
resolution similar to that of B mode. ADF and can be helpful when assessing veins
also has the ability to display both low and such as the great saphenous where less
Fig 1. Insufficient gain makes visualisation of this
high flow states simultaneously. The trade penetration is required. Transmit frequency
PW trace difficult.
off is that the wider transmit spectrum also not only determines penetration but also
widens the range of Doppler shifts making governs the maximum detectable Doppler
relative velocity more difficult to assess. frequency. Lowering the transmit frequency
Like for colour and power Doppler, PW is (which may include changing transducer)
needed to assess velocity. lowers the Doppler shift and may be the
answer for reducing or eliminating aliasing
Using these complementary Doppler
in that really tight stenosis when the
techniques in combination affords us the
maximum PRF has been reached.
most information. To help you get the most
out of Doppler the following is a description
of common machine controls and how
they will affect your Doppler display. As It is common to use the invert or reverse Fig 2. Increased gain settings introduces excessive noise.
manufacturers have differing names for controls that allow us to display arterial
the controls available to you it may be flow as toward the transducer and venous
necessary to consult your Applications as away. It is essential to remember
Specialist for a ‘translation’ of the terms I that direction of flow is relative to the
have used. transducer. All systems indicate on the
monitor display if the CD and/or PW have
Parameters Applicable to Colour been inverted.
and Pulse Wave Doppler
Presets The amplification of the return signals
is determined by the PW or CD gain. If Fig 3. Appropriate gain settings optimise
Just like B mode, you need to consider
set too low the colour or PW signals are demonstration of flow within this vessel.
the default settings of the preset you are
using. For example, your carotid preset is underwritten and may be missed (fig 1).
set to default to settings that are suitable Too high and too much noise is introduced
to assess average flow in a common (fig 2). For colour, adjusting the gain so as
carotid artery. Such factors as direction, to induce noise and then turning it down
scale, filter, gain and angle for both CDI just enough to remove the noise will give
and PW are set with the assumption that optimum gain settings (fig 3). When gain
this is where you will begin your scan. settings are such that noise makes the
You need to adjust these settings as you trace difficult to see, altering the dynamic
negotiate changes in vessel position and range of the trace or applying a PW map
flow characteristics, be they physiological may help to make things clearer.
Fig 4. Split screen. Left image demonstrates aliasing
or pathological. Those incidental nodes or
Pulse Repetition Frequency (PRF) (PRF too low). Right image shows inadequate colour
thyroid nodules are often more quickly and
filling (PRF too high).
accurately assessed by a quick change PRF, velocity range and scale all refer to
in presets, especially until you become the sampling rate. The PRF needs to be
confident with Doppler. at least twice the Doppler shift in order to
prevent aliasing. For slow flow the PRF
Frequency needs to be lower to allow time between
Whilst we are familiar with making sampling. So if the PRF is too high, poor
adjustments for B mode imaging, filling of the vessel with colour occurs, too
changing Doppler frequency can be low and aliasing will result (fig 4). As the
overlooked. Blood cells are smaller than minimum filter setting is usually linked to
the wavelength of ultrasound and so act velocity range it is important to reduce the
as scatterers (not reflectors). The returning scale for slow flow to maximise sensitivity Fig 5. High PRF and high filter settings result in sub
echoes are much weaker than those (figs 5 & 6). optimal demonstration of the venous flow in this vessel.

soundeffects issue 2, 2006 15

did you put colour on that?

Baseline Filter

Whilst commonly altered for PW Doppler Filters are a user defined threshold and
(figs 7 & 8), baseline is underutilised for CD. are visually seen as a black or ‘no fill’
Baseline represents the position of zero flow area either side of the CD (fig 13) or PW
and divides the display into forward and baseline. We use them to eliminate the
reverse flow. Changing the baseline allows low frequency noise generated by vessel
you to optimise your Doppler display and wall motion but it will also filter out low
prevent aliasing without changing the scale frequency Doppler shifts in regions of low
(fig 9). This allows you to maintain a lower velocities (figs 14 & 15). An arterial preset
PRF for slow flow or allows you to display Fig 10. Demonstrates the change in the spectral will have higher default filter levels than
high Doppler shifts without increasing the trace as the angle of incidence increases. a venous preset, so if looking for trickle
PRF or reducing transmit frequency to flow in an ICA you’ll need to remember to
prevent aliasing. reduce the filter. Remember that CD and
PW have independent filter settings and
also that the minimum filter settings and
scale are commonly linked.

Dynamic Range

Adjusting the dynamic range of your

Doppler alters the display as it would
for B mode. Use it to enhance a trace
Fig 11. A relatively poor spectral trace is
Fig 6. Low PRF and low filter settings optimise the seen with a low angle of incidence.
visualisation of low velocity flow within the same
vessel as figure 5.

Fig 13. This colour images demonstrates the difference

seen with different filter settings (higher on the right).
Fig 12. The improvement in image quality can be
Fig 7. Aliasing can be corrected by altering the
seen in both the colour and spectral image with a
position of the baseline.
higher angle of incidence.

Angle of Incidence

The steering of the angle of incidence

or line of sight affects the Doppler image
due to it changing the Doppler shift.
The closer to 0 degrees the angle
of incidence is to the blood flow the
greater the Doppler shift. In figure 10 Fig 14. When the filter is set too high important
the gate remains in the same position frequency shift information is removed from the
Fig 8. Correction of the trace seen in figure 7 by spectral trace.
but as the angle of incidence becomes
changing the baseline.
closer to being along the axis of the
vessel, the Doppler shift becomes
greater. This applies to CD and PW
and is a sometimes overlooked means
of achieving better Doppler signals
(figs 11 & 12). Without changing acoustic
windows we may be limited in the angles
available to us though. For example, when
scanning vertebral arteries we need to
Fig 9. Split screen images demonstrate the change in steer the PW gate between the transverse Fig 15. The same vessel as seen in figure 14 with
the display when the baseline is lowered (left to right). processes to avoid the bony interface. lower (and more appropriate) filter settings.

16 issue 2, 2006 soundeffects

did you put colour on that?

(figs 16 & 17) or CD display, reduce the

display of noise or make a trace easier to
read on film.

Fig 21. The different flow patterns in the ICA

Fig 18. This narrow box allows a frame rate and ECA are easily seen.
of 7 frames per second (fps).

Fig 16. A high dynamic range degrades the spectral


Fig 19. Widening the box decreases the frame Fig 22. The low resistance ICA waveform.
rate to 4fps.

Fig 17. A lower dynamic range (same vessel as figure

16) improves visualisation of the spectral trace.

Parameters Applicable
to Color Doppler

Colour Box Size and Depth

You’ll notice that as the colour box

becomes wider, the frame rate reduces Fig 20. Increasing the data number improves Fig 23. The high resistance ECA waveform.
sensitivity but decreases the frame rate (left image
(figs 18 & 19). This is because of the
compared to right).
multiple pulses needed for each line of
sight. Most systems use multiple beam
formers to reduce the loss of frame rate, Increasing data number will result in slower Spatial Smooth
however spatial resolution is still reduced frame rates but increases the accuracy
Sometimes called edge control, spatial
by increased colour box width. Colour of flow estimates and more importantly
smoothing assigns a colour value to the
box depth affects frame rate to a lesser sensitivity to slow flow due to increased pixel based on a comparison of that pixel to
degree and the loss is governed by how observation time (fig 20). those adjacent. This can be used to make
posterior the back of the box is rather flow look smoother and more continuous.
than its overall height. If you’re after good Time Smooth
spatial resolution, such as in fetal cardiac Time smooth adjusts temporal resolution by Threshold
scanning, it is essential that you use a varying the amount of frame averaging. It’s Colour balance or priority determines the
narrow colour box. The depth required may used to smooth out flow characteristics, giving threshold value at which colour will be
not be something you have control over but the flow a more even look. If you understand displayed if a Doppler shift is detected.
as always there are image quality benefits the flow characteristics of the vessel you’re Set the balance too low and you’ll get poor
in reducing it. looking at, maintaining temporal resolution colour fill, more so if the vessel initially
is very helpful. Looking at the ICA and ECA has low level echoes within it. Too high
Data Number
in the transverse plane you can quickly and colour will be displayed in areas of
May also be known as pulse sample differentiate the two as the ECA has little filling soft tissue, especially when there is tissue
count, sensitivity, packet size or ensemble during diastole (fig 21). This is comparable to movement (fig 24). Lowering the balance
length. Adjusts the number of sampling the waveforms that show a lower resistive bed when scanning hepatic veins close to the
data or number of pulses sent along (more diastolic flow) for the ICA (fig 22) than heart will allow you to show flow without
each scan line to acquire CD information. the higher resistive ECA (fig 23). colour display artefacts.

soundeffects issue 2, 2006 17

did you put colour on that?

you trained on becomes your preferred. A large gate can be helpful when searching
Any map can be used as long as you for flow in a near occluded vessel or if
understand what it’s displaying. For PD the you are unable to keep the gate within the
variations reflect signal strength or number vessel (due to movement). However the
of red blood cells. increased range of Doppler shifts will result
in spectral broadening and a reduction
Parameters Applicable in trace brightness (figs 28 & 29). The
to Pulse Wave Doppler presence of spectral broadening normally
alerts us to flow disturbance but will also
Fig 24. This split screen image demonstrates colour Gate Position & Size be present if the gate is not positioned mid
in areas of soft tissue (left) when balance is set too flow or when the gate is large.
The PW gate width is defined by the
high and inadequate colour filling of the vessel (right)
machine but its depth/size and position
when set too low. Angle Correction
within the vessel are user defined. The
fastest flow is in the centre of the vessel Unless you tell the machine otherwise,
(fig 27) and whilst we need to scan a velocity calculations are made with the
vessel along the long axis to be able to assumption that the beam is travelling
angle correct, the position of the gate along the long axis of the blood flow.
within the transverse plane will also Except for when this is true, the velocity will
influence the Doppler signal. If the gate be underestimated. Angle correction allows
isn’t in the centre of the vessel in both us to align to the blood flow (cos θ ) and
planes the velocity calculated and the obtain more accurate velocities. All systems
amplitude of the spectrum will be lower. will alert you when θ exceeds 70 degrees as

Fig 25. This split screen image demonstrates the

difference in the display with higher (left) and lower
(right) cut off thresholds.

Fig 30a.
Fig 27. Higher velocity flow is seen in the centre of
the vessel.
Fig 26. An example of four different colour maps
applied to the same image.

Some systems allow you to change this as

a post processing function allowing you to
correct the display without rescanning.

When using PD, threshold settings may

have a different name such as cut off.
As with colour balance, cut off allows Fig 30b.
you to filter out tissue movement noise
and can be adjusted post freeze. As PD Fig 28. A narrow gate results in a clearer trace with
less spectral broadening.
is better for low flow, cut off is effective
when used during augmentation for a DVT
study, especially in the calf. It allows flow
to be seen without the noise from tissue
movement during augmentation (fig 25).

Colour Maps

Variations of colour hues can be used

Fig 30c.
to demonstrate the range of frequencies
detected (fig 26). This can be a matter of Figs 30a-30c. Note the change in the calculated velocity
personal taste and often the type of map Fig 29. A larger gate results in spectral broadening. with the change in angle correction.

18 issue 2, 2006 soundeffects

did you put colour on that?

the percentage error becomes too large. Another useful artefact is known as the
It then becomes necessary to scan from a ‘Twinkling Artefact’. This is seen as a
different approach to reduce this angle or “rapidly changing mixture of red and
change the steering of the angle of incidence. blue behind presumed calcifications” [2]
and is generated by the multiple strong
Maps reflections caused by the relatively rough
but echogenic surface of calcium (fig 34).
Like dynamic range these can be used
The twinkling artefact was investigated by
to make the trace better seen on film or
Rahmouni et al and found to be present
enhance the trace to help differentiate it
Fig 31. An example of four different PW maps in granular structures but not smooth
from noise when excessive gain is needed
applied to the same spectral trace. surfaces [3]. PW detects no Doppler shift
or there is a lot of spectral broadening
and so can confirm the random colour
(fig 31). Your system may also allow you
display is due to this artefact. With an
to alter the post processing curve allowing
increased use in compound imaging and
further manipulation of your Doppler trace.
the potential loss of B mode artefacts
Sweep Speed such as shadowing, the use of CD and the
presence of ‘twinkling artefact’ can improve
Alters the time over which the Doppler clinical confidence about the presence of
trace is displayed. A fast sweep speed calcifications. It is best not to saturate your
will allow you view the trace over a longer image with colour though as you may mask
time or more cardiac cycles (fig 32) and its presence and it has been reported that
is also useful for showing prolonged Fig 32. A fast sweep speed demonstrates many the colour focal position also needs to be
venous reflux. Reducing the sweep speed cardiac cycles simultaneously. considered for greater accuracy.
decreases the time display making it
easier to more accurately measure time,
especially acceleration time (fig 33).
1. Deane C. Doppler ultrasound principles
A note about artefacts and practice. Diploma in Fetal Medicine
& ISUOG Educational Series – Doppler
There are many that could be discussed
in Obstetrics [serial on the Internet].
but won’t with the exception of two.
2002 [cited 2006 Apr 20]. Available
As I have referred to aliasing several
times I feel compelled to comment on it.
Aliasing occurs when the PRF is not at Fig 33. A slower sweep drags out the spectral
least twice that of the Doppler shift. Those trace allowing for more accurate measurements of 2. Ferrara K, DeAngelis G. Color Flow
components of the PW or CD image that acceleration time. Mapping. Ultrasound Med Biol.
are aliased are displayed in the opposite 1997;23(2):321-45.
channel or direction. Aliasing makes it
3. Rahmouni A, Bargoin R, Hermant A,
impossible to measure maximum velocity
Bargoin N, Vasile N. Colour Doppler
in PW and so should be avoided by
Twinkling Artefact in Hyperechoic
adjusting baseline, increasing scale/PRF,
Regions. Radiology. 1996;199:269-71.
decreasing cos θ and/or reducing transmit
frequency. In CD aliasing can be a friend.
Suggested Further Reading
If the settings are correct for ‘normal’ flow
then flow above this level will be shown as 1. Gent R. Applied Physics and
aliasing and help draw your eye to an area Technology of Diagnostic Ultrasound.

that needs PW evaluation. Fig 34. Twinkling artefact. [Image courtesy of Australia: Openbook Publishers; 1997.
Craig Cairns.]

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soundeffects issue 2, 2006 19

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