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Narrator: At first Maia was alone in her room and missed her parents. Mr. Murray is the one who help
Maia after her parents died, and her relatives are willing to take care of her.

Carters: Maia would you like to join our family in amazon?

Maia: Yes, I would like to join your family.

Narrator: Miss Minton accompanied Maia to Maia’s relatives house. When they are on there way to
England they meet Clovis a child actor.

Maia: Hi Clovis! Can we be friends?

Clovis: sure why not?

Maia: I’m on my way to amazon to live with my relatives since my parents die, How about you where are
you going.

Clovis: Ohhh! I’m sorry to hear that.

Maia: But I’m excited to live with my relatives, especially the twins.

Clovis: It’s to hear that.

Narrator: Maia imagine that she will have a good relationship with the twins but she didn’t know the
only reason why the carters invite her to join their family was all about her money, in reality the twins
are selfish.

Gwendolyn: I hate Maia, I don’t want to see her around.

Beatrice: Me too, I don’t want her to be part of our family.

Narrator: Maia stayed in her room and think of her life if she is with her real family.

Maia: I hope my parents are here, now I feel like I’m in prison.

Narrator: Soon, she meets Finn, who is running away from private detectives. They are trying to force
Finn to return to England and claim his inheritance.

Finn: Hi can you help me?

Maia: How can I help you?

Finn: I have a big problem!

Maia: What is it?

Narrator: Someone is calling Finn

Finn: Ahmmm nothing I need to go.

Maia: bye (curious)

Narrator: When Finn left he came back again and Said to Maia that he want to hide Clovis in lagoon,
Maia agree to Finn to hide Clovis. When they are in lagoon Clovis and Finn change their identity they
decide to switch that Clovis is Finn and Clovis pretend to be Finn. Meanwhile in England, Clovis confess
that he is not a real Finn.

Clovis: Maia

Maia: Why Finn

Clovis: I’m not Finn

Maia: “laughing” huh? What are you saying?

Clovis: I’m Clovis

Maia: What?

Clovis: Yes, Finn left

Maia: Wha-what? I guess your lying

Clovis: I will explain it to you

Narrator: And Clovis start to explain all the details of the story to Maia

Mrs. Carters: Come on dear lets back to England (sad reaction in their face)

Ms. Minton: Clovis, Maia come on were going back to brazil

Maia: Yehey (happy and full of joy)

Clovis: (a happy face that show in his face)

Narrator: Finn inheret all the money of his family

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