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Meaning: The word communication has been derived from a Latin word 'communis' which
to share. 1Thus, communication stands for means
sharing thoughts.
Definition: According to Webster "communication means to share in,
interchange of thoughts, opinions or information"
to give to another or the

Ans. 1:-Nature/ Seope and Functions of communication

Communication occurs wherever life exists. The transmission of
communication any meaningful message is

Communication maintains and animates life. It creates a common

feelings of togetherness pool of ideas, strengthens the
through exchange of messages and translates thoughts into action.
Corporate organizations use information based system to run business
has a
significant impact on the ultimate potency of an successfully. Communication
communication that ideas, information, emotions organization. It is only through
get conveyed from one person to another.
from binding its various
components internally communication links an Apart
external world. Thus communication is organization with the
regarded as the foundation of a successful
profession can exist without communication. No organization.
In any profession, communication works towards establishing and
goals of an
enterprise, evolving plans for their achievements, disseminating (publishing) of the
in an efficient way, organizing human and other resources
motivating and encouraging people to put in their best. No
function in isolation. It is
only through effective communication an profession can
system interacting with its environment. organization became an open

Communication is a means by which behavior is

productive and gals are achieved. modified, change is effected, information is made

Ans. 2: Characteristies:
1. Interchange of information: Communication aims at
exchange can be at the individual/ organizational exchanging information. The
2. Continuous process: Communication is a level
continuous process. It is
change and is dynamic (lively/active). constantly subject to
3. Mutual understanding: Communication
- brings mutual
message in the manner that the understanding.
receive and understand the 1The receiver should
4. Response/ reaction: - sender intended him to.
Communication always leads to some
message become communication only when response or reaction. A
the receiving
acknowledges it and also reacts and responds to it. party understands and
5. Social activity: communication is a social activity. Society based into a relationship of
sharing of felings and emotions. The same holds true for professions. It involves the effort
ofpeople to get in touch with one another and to make themselves understood.
6. Universal funetion: communication functions universally. It covers all levels

Communication is divided into two types: verbal and non-verbal. Communication with words
is called verbal communication. And non-verbal means Communication without


Verbal Non-verbal
(use of words) no use of words)

oral written language
(spoken words)
Body language
(written words)

seminar letter personal appearance

conference e-mail Visual Auditory Post
lecture notice (that can (That can
Ifa cial xpaassion
presentation be seen) be heard)
circular Me Conta.c

tc angio

Ans. 3: - Non-verbal communication

Communication without words is called Non-verbal communication. It involves sounds,

signs and body language. Non-verbal communication is sub-divided into two parts: Sign language
and body language.
Sign language is again classified into visual and auditory. Visual
be seen. The examples are means.the things that can
traffic lights, zebra crossing, danger
means that can be heard. For sign etc. The word auditory
example: bell, horn, whistle etc.
Body language: Body Language is in other word called
Movements of its
kinesics. Our body through the
parts convey messages, attitudes, moods, status etc. Even if we to
the truth our eyes, our try hide
gestures, may speak out loud and clear. Body language is further
divided into:
. Personal appearance: Personal
appearance is one of the basic elements of Body
language. Clothes and silence speaks a lot about a person's personality. A man's clothes
play an important role in
enhancing his personality. Example: shabbily dressed people
may cut a sorry picture. Similarly, silence is also contributing a lot in
wit. It is known that silence speaks louder than words. But some other
indicating a man's
time it shows the
inability to converse further.
ii. Posture: Posture is the position adopted by body. It includes the
angle of inclination
and the position of the arms, and the legs. Example: a raised head indicates
while a tilted head indicates curiosity etc.
iii. Gesture: Gestures are small body movements that transmit some
message in their own
way, such as a headshake for a 'no' or a handshake as a 'hello.
iv. Facial Expression: The face is said to be the mirror of
the mind. Whatever we feel is
reflected on our face. Our face can convey anger, grief and emotions. Examples: A
smile means friendliness, while a frown means anger and raised
surprise etc.
eyebrow shows
V. Eye contact: Eyes are windows to soul. Through eye contact the

speaker gets signals of

openness communication. It shows truthfulness, confidence. A
long and fixed gaze shows
Vi. Proxemics (space): - The space and distance maintain
between the speaker and the
listener is called proximity. The amount of
space indicates the
of formality between two individuals. Example: One sits importance or the degrees
close with a friend but
maintain distance to a stranger.
vii. Chronemics (time): Chronemics is the

study of how human beings communicate

through their use of time. In the professional world, time is a valuable resource.
When late arrival is reacted
negatively, early arrival considered either over Example:
aggressive. On-time is considered punctual. eager or
viii. Paralanguage: Paralanguage involves tone, voice,
stress, pronunciation etc. The voice can intonation, pitch, pause, volume,
be sweet, soft,
mental state. Example: Once voice can nasty and can reveal a
convey enthusiasm, speaker's
temperament. confidence, anxiety and

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