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STS REVIEWER Copernicus- rediscovered the rotation of the earth 4.

Science as a personal and social activity-

and the sun is the center of the solar system improve life and survive in life
Science- the systematic study of the structure and
behaviour of the physical and natural world
through observation and experimentation
Galileo Galilei- first to use the modern scientific REVOLUTIONARY IDEAS
Technology- the application of scientific
knowledge for practical purposes
-spy glass now as telescope Nicolas Copernicus- book “Epitome or Sumary
Society- a set of individuals, people living together
Isaac Newton- define laws of gravity and of Ptolomy’s Almagest”
planetary motion -Epitome- observation of the heavens
Albert Einstein- famous scientist of 20th century Heliocentric Model- the sun is the center of the
-Science allows us to understand the world we
-e=mc² in calculus universe
live in and the universe that surrounds us at a
Industrial Revolution- beginning of factories Claudius Ptolemy- Earth is the center
deeper level, whereas technology improves our
20th century- gave birth to radio
standard of living and opens up new opportunities
Charles Darwin- Theory of Evolution
for exploration and communication that we can
President Joseph Estrada -“Survival of the Fittest”
take full advantage of.
-has 2 major legislation -Origin of the species
1. Philippine clean Air act
2. electric commerce act Sigmund Freud- founder of “Psychoanalysis”
Ancient Ages- beginning of the time
President Gloria M. Arroyo -Proposed 2 models
Sciend and technology- can be traced 2 million
-labelled as the “Golden Age” 1.Topographical Model- Concept of
years ago
-fifth Republic hysteria(unconscious mind)
President Benigno C. Aquino 2. Structural Model(the psyche)
Bronze Age- bronze was used in making
-“Father of Organic Farming” a.) ID- primitive Instinctive component (pleasure)
b.) Ego- ID which has been modified(reality)
-2 wheeled carts had been created
UNIT 2 c.) Super Ego- synthesizes the morals(identifies
Pyramids- most outstanding development in the
Scientific Revolution what is right and wrong)
1. Science as an Idea- Ideas and theories
Urbanization- Development of large cities
2. Science as an Intellectual activity- Mesoamerica
systematic observation and >Mayan- measuring time using 2 complicated
Middle Ages- also called as “Dark Ages”
experimentation calendar
Renaissance Era- rebirth of knowledge
3. Science as body of knowledge- school >Quipu- knotted ropes
Gutenberg- developed “printing press”
science >Inca textile- cloth
Leonardo Da Vinci- great pioneer in arts
Middle Eastern Countries FILIPINO SCIENTIST RECOGNIZED ABROAD Karl Popper- proponent of the view falsification
Ibn al-Haytham- muslim scientist, “father of 1.Ceasar A. Paloma- internationally renowed theory
optics” physicist technology Scientific Method- systematic way of studying
Muhammad ibn Musa al-kwarizmi- concept of 2. Edgardo Gomez- famous scientist in marine things and finding answers to questions
algorithm science
Jabir ibn Hayyan- Father of chemistry 3. William Padolina- chemistry and president How to solve problem in scientific method
4. Angel Alcala- marine development and ecology 1. Observe- determine
The Lebombo bone- tool for mathematics concerns 2. Determine the problem- identify
3. Formulate hyphothesis- reject the null
UNIT 3 UP Los Baños- Paradise agriculture hypothesis is the goal
UP Visayas- Center of marine 4. Conduct experiment- setting independent
Galleon Trade- brought additional technology and UP Manila- Center of excellence and dependent variables
development UP Diliman- engineering complex 5. Gather and analyze
6. Formulate conclusion and provide
1. Ramon C. Barba- more flowers in mango Indigenous knowledge- daily life experiences UNIT 6
tree Indigenous science- indigenous knowledge
2. Josefino Comiso-observing antarctica using system, includes complex arrays of knowledge Aristotle- the first philosopher who approached
satellite images Wedge- tool from stone and flints the problem of reality
3. Jose B. Cruz Jr.- known in the field of Plato- change is perplexing
electrical engineering Nude Woman (venus of Willendorf)- portable art
4. Lourdes J. Cruz- sea snail venom the represent “fertility” 2 Realities
5. Fabian M. Dayrit- herbal medicine Homo Erectus- using fire to cook >The World of Forms- things are changing
6. Rafael D. Guerero III- tilapia culture >The World of Matter- the entities are only copies
7. Enrique M. Ostrea Jr.- meconium drug Holocene Extinction- the sixth extinction or more
testing aptly Anthropocene extinction Aristotle- “this world is all there is it to…”
8. Lilian F. Patena- walang buto (seedless)
9. Mari-Jo P. Ruiz- educator and graph Unit 5 Change- process that is inherent in things
10. Gregory L. Tangonan- research in Verification theory- hypothesis is being accepted I. Materialism
the filed of communication technology Falsification theory- ideology is not proven, -the world and is made up and is controlled by
otherwise rejected by verification tiny invisible units(atomos/seeds)
-Atomos(invisible particles)

II. Hendonism
-see the end of life acquiring pleasure
-mantra is “eat, drink,…” or “YOLO”

III. Stoicism
-those who live their lives in the real world
-founder is Athens by Zeno of Citium
-Apatheia means indifferent

IV. Theism
-using God as a fulcrum on their existence
-polytheism (more gods)

V. Humanism
-humans have the right and responsibility to
give meaning and shape their own lives
-man is free to carve his own destiny

Eudainomia (daimon-true nature)

-true happiness is found by leading a virtuous

Boniwell- feeling good is not enough for a

good life

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