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Time & Dates WEEK 1 DAY 1 Quarter 4TH
A. Content Standards

The learner demonstrates understanding…

● of texts elements to comprehend various texts

● that English language is stressed time to support comprehension
● Demonstrates command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking.

B. Performance Standards

The learner …

 Uses the correct function of nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs in general and their functions in various
 Evaluate effectively the message constructed and conveyed in various viewing texts.

A. Learning Competencies/ Objectives

 Compose clear and coherent sentences using appropriate grammatical structures (verb tenses) EN6G-Ig-4.4.1

A. Subject Matter Compose clear and coherent sentences using appropriate grammatical
Integration: MAPEH (Health) structures (verb tenses) EN6G-Ig-4.4.1
Strategies: Explicit Teaching,
Differentiated Instruction
A. References CG EN5RC-llc-3.2.1
1. Teachers Guide pages TG/Week 1
2. Learner’s Materials pages English 6 Quarter 4 module
3. Textbook Pages
4. Additional Materials from
Learning Resource (LR) portal
B. Other Learning Resources Charts, pictures, PowerPoint
lV. PROCEDURE Teacher’s Activity
A. Preliminary Activities
1. Behavioral Check
The class will be divided into 4; Each group will be given a star which is
equivalent to 5 points. Additional stars will be given every correct response of the
pupils. A deduction will be made if misbehave during class discussion. The group
with the highest earned stars wins.
2. Review

A. Reviewing previous lesson or

presenting the new lesson

B. Establishing a purpose for the At the end of the lesson the student is able to:
lesson  identify the appropriate tense to be used in a sentence.
(Indicator 1)  use verb tense to be used in the sentence
C. Presenting examples /Instances of Students will pick the picture place on their armchair and they will act out what
the new lesson ever the picture is showing and they will paste it on the board.


The things that you just did are what you called actions words or verb.
D. Discussing new concepts and
practicing new skill #1 What is a verb? A verb is an important part of the English language. Without them,
sentences wouldn’t have any action.
Indicator 3 In its most basic definition, a verb is a word used to indicate an action.

A verb is the part of a sentence that tells us what the subject performs. Verbs are the
hearts of English sentences.

Verbs come in three tenses: past, present, and future.

The past tense is used to describe things that have already happened. (e.g., earlier
in the day, yesterday, last week, three years ago)

The present tense is used to describe things that are happening right now, or things
that are continuous, it is the “s” form of the verb

The future tense describes things that have yet to happen (e.g., later, tomorrow,
next week, next year, three years from now).

As a general rule, use 'will' for affirmative and negative sentences about the future.
Use 'will' for requests too. If you want to make an offer or suggestion with I/we, use
'shall' in the question form. For very formal statements, especially to describe
obligations, use 'shall'.

(Video presentation: discussion of the tenses of the verb)

 I exercise regularly to keep my body healthy.
 I wash my hands before and after eating.
 I sneeze because of my allergy.
 I exercised regularly to keep my body healthy.
 I washed my hands before and after eating.
 I sneezed because of my allergy.

 I will exercise regularly to keep my body healthy.
 I will wash my hands before and after eating.
 I will sneeze because of my allergy.

E. Discussing new concepts and The teacher will call a representative to answer the online game.
practicing new skill #2

F. Developing mastery (leads to Guided Practice

formative assessment 3) Group 1
Give the past and present form of the verb
 climb
 wish
 dream

Group 2

Use the following words to make sentences.

 Exercise
 Exercised
 Will Exercise

Group 3

Choose the correct form of the verb that agrees

with the subject.
1. Annie and her brothers (is, are) at school.
2. Either my mother or my father (is, are)
coming to the meeting.
3. The dog or the cats (is, are) outside.
4. Either my shoes or your coat (is, are) always
on the floor.
5. George and Tamara (doesn't, don't) want to
see that movie.

G. Finding practical applications  Ask students about the current pandemic, the covid 19.
of concepts and skills in daily Ask the students to name the symptoms of the virus and how to avoid it.
Indicator 2
H. Making generalizations and  What is a verb?
abstractions about the lesson  What are the tenses of the verb?
What is present tense? past tense? Future tense?
I. Evaluating Learning Directions: Underline the correct verb.

J. Additional activities for

application or remediation List down irregular verbs and give its present, past and future tenses.



A. No. of learners who earned 80% on

the formative assessment
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for remediation
C. Did the remedial lessons work? No.
of learners who have caught up with
the lesson.
D. No. of learners who continue to
require remediation
E. Which of my teaching strategies
worked well? Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter
which my principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use / discover which I
wish to share with other teachers?

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