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Admin Workflow User Documentation

1. Logging In:
 Enter your username and password in the designated fields on the login page.
 Click on the "Sign In" button to access the admin portal.

 Upon successful authentication, you will be directed to the dashboard of the admin
portal, ready to commence your administrative tasks.

2. Adding Colleges:
 Navigate to the "Colleges" tab located in the main navigation menu.
 Upon clicking on the "Colleges" tab, you will be directed to the colleges management

 Click on “Add College” button.

 The Essential Information for Adding a college are:
College Code: A unique identifier for the college within the system.
college Name: The full name of the college.

 After filling in the required information, click on the "Add" button.

 Upon successful addition, a confirmation message or success alert will be displayed,
indicating that the college has been added to the system.
 Review the details of the newly added college to ensure accuracy and completeness.

 Once colleges are added, you can view and edit them as needed from the list displayed
in the "Colleges" section.
 To edit a college, locate the respective option provided in actions column next to each
college entry and click “Update” button after you make change in college code or name.

3. Adding Batches:

 Navigate to the "Batches" tab located in the main navigation menu of the admin portal.
 Click on the "Batches" tab to access the batches management page.
 On the batches management page, locate and click on the "Add Batch" button

 Enter batch name, click on the "Add" button to finalize the batch creation process.

 Upon successful addition, the newly created batch will be displayed in the list of batches
on the same page.
 You can view all existing batches, including the newly added one, on the batches page.
 To Edit the batch name, click on option in the Actions column corresponding to the batch
name and edit name click on “Update” button.

4. Adding Students:
Here there are two options to add students if there is only one student then can add by
“Add student” or if there are many students then add using “Add students in bulk”
i) Adding individual students.
 Click on the "Students" tab in the main navigation menu of the admin portal.
 Select the "Add Student" option.
 Fill in the required details for the individual student:
College: Select the college from the dropdown menu.
Name: Enter the student's full name.
Username: Provide a unique username for the student.
Batch: Choose the batch to which the student belongs.
Password: Set a password for the student's account.

 After entering the information, click on the "Add" button to add the student.
ii) Uploading Students in Bulk:
 Click on the "Students" tab in the main navigation menu of the admin portal.
 Select the "Upload Students in Bulk" option.
 Download the sample.csv file to ensure the correct file format.

 Open the sample.csv file and fill in the data of the students to be added.
 Save the filled CSV file on your device.
 Back in the portal, click on the "Drop or Upload CSV" button to select the filled CSV file.
 Select the college and batch for the uploaded students from the respective dropdown

 Click on the "Add" button to upload the students in bulk.

 Click on preview to see the data is uploaded in correct format only.
 Click on Submit to upload the students in bulk.

 To update or edit the any particular student information can click edit option in actions
column and edit the details of student and click on update.
5. Adding Subjects:
 Navigate to the "Subjects" tab located in the main navigation menu of the admin portal.

 Click on “Add Subject” to add a subject.

 Enter the name of the subject and click on ADD.
 Upon successful addition, the newly created subject will be displayed in the list of
subjects on the same page.

6. Adding Teachers:
 Navigate to the "Teachers" tab in the main navigation menu of the admin portal.
 Click on the "Add Teacher" button located within the teacher management section.
 Fill in the required details for the teacher:
Username: Enter a unique username for the teacher's account.
Name: Provide the full name of the teacher.
Subject: Specify the subject(s) that the teacher will be teaching.
Password: Set a password for the teacher's account.

 After entering the information, click on the "Add" button to add the teacher to the
 Upon successful addition, a confirmation message will be displayed, indicating that the
teacher has been added.
 The newly added teacher will now appear in the list of teachers within the teacher
management section.

 To update the teacher details, can click on edit option in actions column and update
details of a particular teacher and click on update.
7. Adding topics:
 Goto Topics page, and click on “Add Topic”, enter the topic name and select subject.
 click on add button.
 To edit the topic that was already added click on update option in actions column and
edit the information and click on update.

8. Scheduling Interviews:
 Navigate to the "Schedules” tab in the main navigation menu of the admin portal.
 Click on the "Schedule Interview" button within the interview scheduling section.
 Specify the details of the interview:
subject: select the subject from the dropdown list.
Topic: select the topic from the dropdown list
Questions: number of questions to asked in interview.
Name: the name of the interview.
Batch: The group of people who will attend interviews.
Date: Set the date for the interview
 Click schedule button.

 Click on start to start a particular interview.

9. Accessing Interview Details:
 Click on the "Interviews" tab in the main menu of the interview system.
 From the dropdown menu, select the scheduled interview for which you want to view

 Within the list of interviews, there is a column labeled "Actions." Click on the "Details"
button corresponding to a specific interview to access detailed information about the
students' performance.
 Upon clicking the "Details" button, you will be presented with comprehensive
information about student's interview session. This includes:
Questions Asked: A list of questions presented to the student during the interview.
Answers Given: The student's responses to each question.
Evaluation Marks: The marks or ratings assigned to the student's answers by the

 From this you can download the pdf of interview report.

10. Operations:
 In the "Operations" tab of the admin interface, administrators have the capability to
reset passwords for both teachers and students.
 Within the Operations tab, administrators will find a list of both students and teachers.
 To reset a password, locate the desired user from the list.
 Click on the "Update" button in actions columns next to the user whose profile requires

 This action will open up a profile editing interface where administrators can make
necessary changes.
 To change the password, input the new password into the designated field.
 After updating the password and any other profile information as needed, click on the
"Update" or "Save" button to confirm the changes.

 Click on OK to confirm.
 Once the password is reset or the profile is updated, a confirmation message will be
displayed, indicating that the changes have been successfully applied.

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