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Building Services IV - 2021-2022- Assignments 13.04.

2022 till

1 Certificate with college index filled sheet

A. Portfolio - A2 Drawing sheets 120 Marks

1 Passive Acoustics - Amphitheatre - 1 Drawing 10 Marks

A2 size - Design, plans & sections - concept and description

2 Principles of Acoustical design for the Auditorium - 2 Drawings 10 Marks

A2 size - Design, plans & sections - concept and description

3 RT Calculation for the Auditorium - 1 Drawing 20 Marks

A2 size - Calculation, plans & sections - description

4 RT Calculation for the Studio - 1 Drawing 20 Marks

Layout, sketches. Photographs , reports

6 Market Survey Acoustical Materials - Each sheet 20 Marks

Panels, Carpet, Fibre / Mineral Boards, Wools with acoustical properties

7 Case study - Fire Fighting Layout - 1. Site with Ground Floor 2. First Floor Plan 20 Marks
Layout with symbols, notations, distances, Descriptions and specifications

8 Case study - Auditorium 20 Marks

Layout, sketches. Photographs , reports

B. Tutorials - Journal with notes and Sketches are very very important 80 Marks

1 Acoustics, Defination of sound, properties of siund etc - Tutorial

Short notes in question answer format 20 Marks

2 Acoustical Treatment to various enclosed spaces - Tutorial

Short notes in question answer format 20 Marks

3 Short notes - 5 marks each 20 Marks

1 Public Address System
2 Methods of cutting- off structure-borne noise
3 Methods of cutting- off air-borne noise
4 Sound amplification system

4 Long Notes - 10 marks 20 Marks

1 Discuss about various types of acoustical materials used for
sound insulation in a building.
Explain structure borne noise and what are the different methods of
2 dampening of structure borne noise

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