Unit 5 Part1

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Unit 5

Robots and its Applications:

Robotics Applications

Robotics has a wide range of applications across different industries and sectors. Some of the most notable
applications of robotics include:

Manufacturing: Robotics is widely used in manufacturing to automate repetitive tasks, increase productivity and
improve quality. Robots are used in assembly lines, welding, painting, and other manufacturing processes.

Transportation: Self-driving cars, drones, and autonomous vehicles are examples of robotics applications in
transportation. They are being developed to improve safety, reduce traffic congestion, and increase efficiency.

Healthcare: Robotics technology is increasingly being used in healthcare to assist with surgeries, rehabilitation,
and other medical procedures. Robots can also be used to help with tasks such as monitoring patient vital signs
and administering medication.

Agriculture: Agricultural robots are being used to plant and harvest crops, monitor crop growth, and perform
other tasks to increase efficiency and reduce labor costs.

Construction: Robotics technology is being used in construction to automate tasks such as bricklaying, concrete
pouring, and other labor-intensive tasks.

Space Exploration: Robotics technology plays an important role in space exploration as it can be used to explore
other planets, moons, and asteroids.

Service Industry: Robotics technology is used in the service industries such as hotels, malls, banks, etc. to
provide customer service like answering queries, providing information, and guiding customers.

Military and Defense: Robotics technology is being used in military and defense to perform tasks such as
surveillance, reconnaissance, and bomb disposal.

These are just a few examples of the many ways that robotics technology is being used to improve efficiency,
reduce costs, and enhance the quality of life across a wide range of industries.

Overall, Robotics has a wide range of applications and has been and will continue to be an important field of
technology that has the potential to significantly impact various industries and change the way we live our lives.
Advancements in Robotics technology have and will continue to lead to new opportunities, efficiencies, and cost
savings. However, the increasing use of robots also raises ethical and societal issues, such as job displacement,
which will need to be addressed in the future.

Robotics in AI

Robotics and artificial intelligence (AI) are closely related fields, with many areas of overlap and integration.
Robotics uses AI techniques to enable robots to perceive and understand their environment, make decisions, and
carry out tasks autonomously. Some specific ways that AI is used in robotics include:

Computer Vision: Robotics often rely on computer vision to perceive and understand their environment, which
involves the use of cameras and image processing algorithms to extract information from visual data.

Natural Language Processing (NLP): Robotics uses NLP to enable robots to understand and respond to human
speech, this can be used in customer service, personal assistance, and other applications.
Machine Learning: Robotics uses machine learning techniques to enable robots to learn from experience, adapt
to new situations, and improve their performance over time. This can help robots to become more autonomous,
flexible, and efficient.

Motion Planning: Robotics uses motion planning algorithms to enable robots to navigate and move through their
environment in a safe and efficient way.

Robotics is also used in AI applications such as Robotics Process Automation (RPA) which uses the capabilities
of software robots to automate repetitive tasks.

Overall, the integration of AI into robotics has led to the development of more advanced and capable robots that
are able to perform a wider range of tasks, with more autonomy and flexibility. This has led to significant
improvements in areas such as manufacturing, transportation, healthcare, and more. As technology continues to
advance, it is likely that the integration of AI and robotics will become even more seamless and will lead to the
development of even more sophisticated and capable robots.

Robotics for Beginners

Getting started with robotics can be a fun and rewarding experience, even for beginners. Here are some basic
steps to help you get started:

Learn the basics: Familiarize yourself with the basic concepts and terminology of robotics, including things like
sensors, actuators, and control systems.

Build a simple robot: Start by building a simple robot using a kit or pre-built platform. This can be a great way
to learn the basics of robotics and get a feel for how robots work.

Experiment with programming: Learn how to program your robot using a simple programming language like
Scratch, Python, or C++. This will help you to understand how robots make decisions and perform tasks.

Learn about electronics: Robotics involves the use of electronics, such as sensors and microcontrollers. Learn
the basics of electronics and how to use components like LEDs, transistors, and motors.

Join a robotics community: Join a local robotics club, attend robotics workshops or competitions, or participate
in online communities to learn from more experienced robotics enthusiasts and get feedback on your projects.

Stay updated with the latest advancements: Robotics is a rapidly evolving field, so stay updated with the latest
advancements and developments in the field.

Start with a simple project: Start with a simple project like line following robot, obstacle avoiding robot, etc.

Build on what you’ve learned: As you gain experience, you can start to build more advanced robots and
experiment with new technologies, such as artificial intelligence and machine learning.

Remember, the key to learning robotics is to have fun and be curious. Robotics is a complex field, but with
persistence and dedication, anyone can learn the basics and start building their own robots.

History of Robotics

The history of robotics can be traced back to ancient times, with the creation of simple machines and
automatons that were designed to perform specific tasks. However, the modern concept of robotics, as we know
it today, began to take shape in the 20th century. Some key milestones in the history of robotics include:

1951: George Devol patents the first digitally-operated programmable robot, which he called the “Unimate.”
This robot was later used in manufacturing to perform tasks such as welding and assembly.
1968: The first robot to work in a factory environment, the Stanford Arm, was built by Victor Scheinman at the
Stanford Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (SAIL).

1974: The first industrial robot, named “IRB 6,” was created by ABB.

1980: The first robot to be used in surgery was the PUMA 560, which was developed by Computer Motion.

1983: The first autonomous mobile robot, named “Genghis,” was developed by the Massachusetts Institute of
Technology (MIT).

1986: NASA’s Mars rover, Sojourner, was the first robot to be sent to another planet.

2000: The first robot to compete in the DARPA Grand Challenge, a competition for autonomous vehicles, was
the “Sandstorm” built by a team from the Red Team of Carnegie Mellon University.

2014: Amazon introduces a robot, “Kiva” for inventory management in their warehouse.

2019: Boston Dynamics released the first commercial robot, SpotMini, which is designed for use in a variety of
settings, including construction, emergency response, and security.

Today, robotics technology continues to evolve and advance, with new applications and uses being developed in
fields such as healthcare, agriculture, transportation, and more.

Robot Specification:

Robot specifications are used to define certain characteristics of an industrial robot. No two industrial robots are
exactly alike. Each varies depending upon payload, reach, axes, and application capabilities, among other
aspects. With so many variables to consider it can make the robot selection process seem overwhelming, but it
does not have to be. Understanding each robot specification will help you select the right industrial robot to
allow for full optimization of your manufacturing process. The following are important to define when choosing
between different types of robots:

• Axes - A robot axis represents a degree of freedom. A degree of freedom determines an independent motion of
the robot. The more axes a robot has the more flexibility or movement it will be capable of. Most industrial
robots have between three to seven axes. It is important to consider the number of axes when selecting an
industrial robot as it will determine its range of motion. Six-axis robots tend to be the most common since they
have a high level of flexibility, making them capable of performing complex applications. More simple
applications may require less range of motion.

• Payload - Payload capacity represents the maximum amount of weight a robot arm can tolerate. Robotic
payload is typically expressed in kilograms. Payload varies greatly among industrial robots, from 0.5 kg to over
1000 kg. Considering the workpieces as well as the weight of any end-effectors integrated with the robot will
help guide you to selecting a robot with an appropriate payload capacity.

• Repeatability - Repeatability references a robot’s ability to return to the exact same position over and over. In
other words, it defines how precise a robot may be. Repeatability is expressed in millimeters plus or minus the
point of alteration to determine the robot’s margin of error.

• Reach - A robot’s reach may be broken down into two types; vertical and horizontal. Vertical reach determines
the maximum height a robot arm can obtain when extended upward from its base. Horizontal reach defines the
maximum distance obtained from the center of the robot base to its wrist. A robot’s reach can determine the
scope of its work envelope.
• Robot Mass - Robot mass is the weight of a robot. It is usually expressed in kilograms and references the
weight of the robotic manipulator only. This can be important to consider if you are looking to mount a robot on
a shelf, table, or overhead.

• Structure - Structure refers to the type of robot. There are many types of industrial robots with the most
common including articulated, delta, SCARA, and gantry. This specification is important because it determines
a robot’s work envelope and functionality. Articulated robots are generally the most common used in welding
automation and robotic assembly.

• Motion Speed - Motion speed lists the degrees traveled per second to define the speed of each robotic axis.

• Motion Range - This specification defines the scope of movement for each robotic axis as expressed in

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