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The Philippines is currently facing numerous challenges and problems, including

criminality, climate change, natural disasters, accidents, poverty, corruption, and
others. These issues repeat themselves every day, week, month, and year,
witnessing these problems makes me sad. In a positive side Philippines is blessed
with a bounty of minerals, cropland, timber, and coastal and marine resources. These
natural resources make up an estimated 19% of the nation's wealth, contributing to
the country's consistent GDP growth. The Philippines is called Asia's pearl of the
orient for the richness of its culture and the beauty of its landscape. Well, as a
concern student I am always happy and excited to share my visions and dreams for
our country. I wonder “what our country would be in 50 years?”

In the next fifty years I believe Philippines will be the best place to settle in terms of
economy it is expected to grow steadily. Road, sea, and air transportation networks
would enable expanded growth, tourism, foreign direct investment, and self-
sufficiency in agriculture and large industries during the next 50 years. The "Build,
Build, Build Program" of our President Rodrigo Duterte is one of the biggest
opportunities for growth, because the infrastructure being built will create jobs, attract
investments, and attain financial inclusion for the Filipino people. Furthermore, the
number of people doing business and investing will increase. As a result, the
economy is growing.

In terms of education, I believe that at this time, every dreamer can afford to study
abroad, or that our education system will be on an international level, with Filipino
astronomers flying to the moon or outer space like Neil Armstrong - who knows, our
next generation will be more known in terms of music and arts in 50 years. The
Philippines will be recognized for having famous Filipino artists just like Leonardo da
Vinci- I hope so.

I believe that social life will improve in the next 50 years; I can see that people are
starting to embrace living in the new era and new lifestyles and we are doing our best
to succeed in life and live a pleasant existence. I believe that in 50 years, the next
generation's life will be lot better and more organized than we have now. In terms of
the clothes and fashion, I bet our styles will be upgraded we will be having a
famous brand here in our beloved country just like Dior and Channel.
Imagining what the Philippines will look like or be like in 50 years makes me both sad
and happy. I believe that more women will become leaders and involve in politics,
and that one of the Philippines' presidents in the next 50 years will be from the LGBT
community, since we are already aware of and advocating gender equality because
we see potential in them.

In terms of nature and environment, if we do not preserve it, I believe that in 50

years so many buildings will rise and mountains will be flattened -nature will be
affected and disasters will occur again and again because there are many
earthquakes, typhoons, and floods right now that serve as a warning that we need to
preserve the beauty of the natural environment. If not in 50 years, there will be a
tsunami or other disaster and many people will die. Additionally, there would be
possible war against foreign countries or Filipinos versus Filipinos – I hope it will not

Meanwhile, when technological advancements and breakthroughs emerge, human

labor will be replaced by robots, AI technology, and machines. People in this period
may be increasingly dependent and reliant on technology. I believe marriages and
relationships in the Philippines may undergo significant adjustments during the next
50 years as a result of a mix of sociological, technical, and economic changes. With
the rise of technology, online dating and social media may play a larger role in
connecting people, perhaps disrupting conventional courtship patterns.

In essence, our beloved country will continue to expand and nurture because the
Philippines has tremendous growth potential. There are numerous chances and
resources available for the Philippines to improve its economic, social, and political
standing. However, all of this remains a fiction to the collective effort of the Filipino
people. It is in our hands to sustain the current rate of growth and to make our
country what it should and deserves to be.

I hope that in the following 50 years, may it be 2073-2074, the people of the
Philippines will be prosperous. I hope that this era will still be amazing, celebrating
Christmas with love, and that people will not forget the meaning of life. I know that
problems, catastrophes, and tragedies will continue to occur during this time period,
but I'm praying that the Philippines will be progressive, that there will be no more
hungry people, and that every life living in this era will find comfort and peace - that
they will still find God despite the influence of modernization, changes and the
internet. - I'm hoping so.

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