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In the figure below, how many cubes are there in total?


在下列的圖形中,第 12 個圖形共有多少個小正方形積木?

在下列的图形中,第 12 个图形共有多少个小正方形积木?

In the following figures, how many small squares are there in the 12th figure?


1 盒牛奶可以換得 3 支水,2 支水可以換得 3 包紙巾,弟弟現在有 7 盒牛奶,他最多可以換多


1 盒牛奶可以换得 3 支水,2 支水可以换得 3 包纸巾,弟弟现在有 7 盒牛奶,他最多可以换多


1 carton of milk can be exchanged for 3 bottles of water. 2 bottles of water can be exchanged for 3
packs of paper tissue. Sam now has 7 cartons of milk, how many packs of paper tissue can he
exchange at most?

填寫數字於 ( ) 中,不可重複。

填写数字于 ( ) 中,不可重复。

Fill in the brackets with the numbers below, without repeating.

15 ; 23 ; 31 ; 51

( )x2–( )=( )


有一個兩位數,個位數比 1 多 3。而個位跟十位數的差是 5。數字是多少?

有一个两位数,个位数比 1 多 3。而个位跟十位数的差是 5。数字是多少?

There is a two-digit number, which its unit digit is greater than 1 by 3 and the difference between
unit digit and tens digit is 5. What is this number?


B + B = 10

BxBxB+BxB=( )


5, 20, 50, 110, 230, ( )


13 到 94 有多少個 3 的倍數?

13 到 94 有多少个 3 的倍数?

How many multiples of 3 are there from 13 to 94?


小明在下午 2 時 50 分離開學校,他走了 45 分鐘到達小賣店,過了 30 分鐘後回到家。問小明


小明在下午 2 时 50 分离开学校,他走了 45 分钟到达小卖店,过了 30 分钟后回到家。问小明


Peter left school at 2:50pm. He then walked 45 minutes and arrived at the tuck shop and went back
home after another 30 minutes. When did Peter arrive home?



哥哥今年 12 歲,比妹妹大 7 歲,請問 5 年後兩人合共幾歲?

哥哥今年 12 岁,比妹妹大 7 岁,请问 5 年后两人合共几岁?

Ben is 12 years old and he is 7 years older than his sister. What is the sum of their age after 5 years?



用邊長為 5 厘米的 16 個小正方形組成的大正方形周長是多少?

用邊長為 5 厘米的 16 個小正方形組成的大正方形周長是多少?

What is the perimeter of a large square composed of 16 small squares with a side length of 5 cm?





How many Wednesdays are there at most in a year?



修小屋要用 89 塊磚,第一次搬來 28 塊,第二次搬來 38 塊,還需要搬多少塊?

修小屋要用 89 块砖,第一次搬来 28 块,第二次搬来 38 块,还需要搬多少块?

89 bricks are needed to repair a small house. 28 and 38 bricks are brought in the 1st and 2nd time.
How many more bricks are needed?



媽媽有 41 元,買了 3 支筆,每支 6 元,還剩多少元?

妈妈有 41 元,买了 3 支笔,每支 6 元,还剩多少元?

Mum has $41. She bought 3 pens and each pen costs $6. How much money does she have now?



從地下走到 3 樓,用了 24 秒;從 1 樓走到 6 樓,那麼需要多少秒?

从地下走到 3 楼,用了 24 秒;从 1 楼走到 6 楼,那么需要多少秒?

It takes 24 seconds to walk from ground floor to third floor. How much time needed for one to walk
from first floor to sixth floor?



小明在排隊買午餐,在他前面排了 3 個同學,後面排了 8 個同學,請問一共有多少人在排


小明在排队买午餐,在他前面排了 3 个同学,后面排了 8 个同学,请问一共有多少人在排


Paul is queuing to buy his lunch. There are 3 students queuing in front of him, while there are 8
students queuing behind him. How many students are there in the line?




There is a lever and 9 weights. One of the weights is a bit lighter than the other 8. At least how many
times are needed for one to find out the lighter weight?





8 chess players take part in a chess competition. Each player must play a game with the other 7
players once. How many games will be played in total?





Which of the figures has the largest proportion of shaded region?



爸爸這兩天都買了壽司吃,昨天他買了 9 件,今天他比昨天買多了 4 件,請問他這兩天平均


爸爸这两天都买了寿司吃,昨天他买了 9 件,今天他比昨天买多了 4 件,请问他这两天平均


Dad has been buying sushi these two days. He bought 9 pieces yesterday. He buys 4 pieces more
today. How many sushi in average has he bought these two days?


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