Second Lessonplan

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Republic of the Philippines

Commission on Higher Education

Quirino State University
College of Teacher Education
A Detailed Lesson Plan in Grade 7-Technical Drafting
Time: 8:00-9:00 AM Date: February 26,2024
Day: Tuesday

I. Learning competencies:
Participate in workplace meeting and discussion(TLE_HEHS7/8PW-0g-j-10)

II. OJECTIVES: at the end of the lesson, the students are expected to:
a. Identify the basic concepts of team and team building
b. Construct their own acrostics on the word leader
c. Appreciate different roles, objectives and workplace procedure


A. Topic: Work in Team Environment

B. Material: Smart TV, Power point Presentation
C. Date and Time:
C. Values Integration: Responsible, Knowledgeable
D. 21st century learning skills: creativity, critical thinking, collaboration, and career learning
and self-reliance
E. Learning Reference: Sumisim, Corazon M., Asprer, Fe F. Dela Rosa, Juanito S., Technology
and Livelihood Education 8, The Library Publishing House.Inc.

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Preliminaries

1. Prayers

-let us all stand and start our meeting with a (Students will stand and pray)
prayer, to be led to us by miss(student)

2. Greetings

-Good afternoon class!

-How are you today?
“Good afternoon, sir”
“Better than yesterday!”

-Very good! I’m glad to hear that

3. Checking of Attendance

-okay, before anything else lets check the

attendance first. Say present as I call your (Students saying present when their
name names are called)

-Very good class! Maintain your perfect

attendance so that you won’t miss any
lessons from our discussion.

4. Classroom Management
Pick up pieces of papers

-Okay so before we proceed to our lesson, I

just want you to know my rules.
-First, listen to your teacher, especially to
-raise your hand if you want to recite (the students will pick scattered
-going outside is strictly prohibited once I papers )
started our discussion.
-unnecessary noises during discussion is
not allowed
-and lastly, respect one’s opinion.

5. Review of the past Lesson

-Okay so, before we start our new lesson,

let us review our previous discussion.
Again, class who can give me a short recap
from our previous lesson?

-Yes mr (student)?
-Very Good!
One student will raise his/her hand
That’s correct.
and answer.
6, Checking of the assignment
Pass your assignments in front so I can record that

DAVID-Sir our last topic is all about

household services and its different

B. Motivation
Lets have a game first, it will be called
“game of wits”.
The mechanics is simple:
 Group yourselves into 3,
 All of you in a group needs to stand
 Your task is to count starting from
one up to the highest number
possible and sit down immediately,
however, the fun part is no two or
more people can count at the same
 If it happens that 2 or more people
said a number in unison then you
should remain standing its an
instinct game where the last one
standing will have punishments

C. Lesson Proper

-As we are going on with our lessons, today we will

be discussing about work in team environment

-When you hear the phrase work in team

environment, what’s the first word that comes to
your mind? (student’s raise their hands)
-Anyone from the class?
-Yes miss (STUDENT), please share your idea.

“sir is it about how people interact with

one another in a team? ”
Yes, very good (student)!

That’s correct!

Work in team environment governs the interaction,

the roles and task of the members in a team.
Now, what is teamwork?
Yes, Mr.(student) you’re raising your hair, what
can you say about teamwork?

Very good Mr.(student) Sir it is about cooperation

teamwork is a skill in which a group of people will

work together on a certain topic or project.

Lets also discuss about the difference of boss and


What do you think is the difference

between the two?
Mr(student)yes! Your raising your hair?

Sir a boss only manages employees.

It only gives commands and let the
Very well said mr(student) that’s correct
members do the work while A leader is
there to inspire them, to innovate, to
So, what do you prefer class a boss or a motivate, and to help employees reach
leader? their potential.

Im glad to here that. Lets continue. Nest is

the basic concepts of team and tam
(in unison): a leader sir
Please read miss(student)
1.A remarkable leader who seemed to be
a manager, vice president, coach or
captain, but in making goals, making
decision, and implementing ideas all
members should participate and
democratic leadership
2. Team members should be referred to
as “us” and “we” unlike in a group
(the teacher will explain the 4 concepts, where they was referred as “the group”
providing examples) and “they”.
3. Members do not just work towards a
goal but they define what those goals
4. Team strives for innovation

There are also different team roles, what is

task role? Yes Mr.(student)?
(Students are listening)

Very good!how about relation relationship

roles? Yes, Miss(student)? May you read.

Thank you ms(student).

Last but not the least is the self-centered

roles, what are self-centered roles?
-roles that help the team carry out task
and get work done sir.

- let’s proceed. Now, lets talk about the 2

types of communication. The intrapersonal and
interpersonal communication.
-roles that strengthen or maintain team
- Who wants to read? relationship. It includes supporter,
- Yes miss (student) harmonizer and gatekeeper
roles that interfere with the team’s
- Thank you, can you give me examples of ability to complete task blocker,
interpersonal communication Mr.(student)? attacker, dominator belong to this

- Very good! thats correct.

How about intrapersonal?
Yes! Very good!

- Interpersonal communication- is
the type of interaction between 2
or more people.
- Intrapersonal communication-
interaction with self

Do you understand the difference class?

Are there questions regarding our
discussion? Sir interaction with friends, talking
with parents.

- I’m glad to hear that!

Sir having alone time, talking in

front of mirror

-yes sir!
-no sir!
D. Evaluation

For your activity, create your own acrostics on the

word “leader”. It can be how you define leader, or
what character a leader should have


5 4 3
content The The The
acrostic is acrostic acrostic
shows high shows shows no
degree of little degree of
of content degree of content
congruency content congruency

E. Generalization
- Okay class, what have you learned from
our lesson?
- Yes miss (student)

Team members should be referred to as

What are the basic concepts of team and building
again? Can you give one miss(student)? “us” and “we” unlike in a group where
they was referred as “the group” and
Members do not just work towards a
goal but they define what those goals
Very good! That’s correct! How about the Team strives for innovation
difference between group and team? Mr.(student)

Last but not the least, what are the 3 roles in a team
that was mentioned during our discussion? Task roles, relationship roles and self-
centered roles sir

As I have observed, you participated in our lesson

and you listened well to your classmates who are
reciting and you learned from them. Give your
selves a round of applause!

IV. Assignment

Give at least 2 samples of diversity in the workplace?

Prepared by: Checked by:


Student Teacher Cooperating Teacher

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