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Republic of the Philippines

Commission on Higher Education

Quirino State University
College of Teacher Education
A Detailed Lesson Plan in Grade 7-Technical Drafting
Day: Wednesday Date: March 13,2024

Time: 3:20-4:20 pm

I. Learning competencies
Prepare hand tools and equipment in technical drafting (TLE_ICTTD7/8UT-0a-1).
II. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, learners should be able to;

a. Define freehand drawing and technical drawing

b. Identify different hand tools and their usage in technical drafting
c. Classify hand tools according to function
III. Subject Matter

A. Topic: Use of hand tools

B. Strategies: Discussion, learner-centered activities
C. Materials: Laptop, interactive materials (showing pictures)
D. Learning resources: “Learning Module on MECHANICAL DRAFTING.” Grade 7/8,
Department of Education, last modified October 20, 2015,
IV. Procedure

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Greetings & Preliminaries

Before we start our day, anyone who wants

to lead the prayer?

Let us all stand, bow our head and let us (Student lead the prayer)


Okay good morning class! Students: Good morning sir

Before you take your seats, kindly pick up
pieces of paper first and return to your proper

Let me checked the attendance first. As I call (students saying present when their names
your name say present are being called

Very good! You’re all present.

B. Review of the past lesson
Before we proceed to the next lesson, who
wants to give a short summary to the
previous lesson?
Anyone? About business environment and market sir

Very good!
Anything else? The SWOT analysis sir, its importance and its

Very good!
To assess your business as of the moment
So, why is it important then? sir, and to determine the strength, weakness,
opportunities and the possible threats of your
What are they?

Very good!

C. Motivation

Do you want to play class?

Yes sir!
Urnusen nak(arrange me)

Directions: divide the class into 2 groups.

Each group will be given a half-filled bottle of
water and the teacher will show the class
pictures with shuffled letters describing the
photo. The task of the students is to arrange
the letters and say the answer, however they
need to make the water bottle stand first, in
order to answer. Group that can answer more
will win.



Yes sir.
Did you enjoy the game class?
yes sir!
Are you sure!

Okay very good, as you can see all those

pictures relates to one another because they
are all under INDUSTRIAL ARTS. In this
fourth quarter, your topic is all about technical
drafting. Crystal sir.
Are we clear?
D. Lesson proper
To start our discussion proper, let me
present first our objectives for today.
At the end of the lesson, learners
should be able to;

a. Define freehand drawing and

technical drawing
(students are listening)
b. Identify different hand tools
and their usage in technical
c. Classify hand tools according
to function

Our topic for this fourth quarter will be TLE-

technical drafting

Upon hearing the term Technical Drafting,

what comes to your mind?
Drawing sir.
Okay, very good!
And how do you define drawing?

Yes it is! Very good. Drawing - is an art of sketching an idea which

commonly done through freehand
Kindly read, Mr.(student)?
Freehand drawing
Freehand drawing- is a type of drawing that
does not employ guiding or measuring
Thank you Mr.(student)
How about technical drafting/drawing? Ms.
Technical drafting/drawing- it heavily relies on
the use of drawing instruments and
equipment. It follows a standard style.
Thank you
And the people who are trained and qualified
to undertake the production of technical
drawings are called drafters or draftsman

Can anyone of you give examples of


Engineers and architects sir

Yes, very good! They are the ones who
studied concepts of drawing.

Okay lets proceed to different hand tools that

are used in technical drafting.

Please read Mr.(student)

Pencil - the drawing pencil is one of the

I know that you already know what pencils
draftsman’s most important tools categorized
are. Had anyone of you still haven’t used a
pencil? by different grades of hardness and softness.

Good! And in drafting there are 3 grades of

pencil No sir
Please read, miss(student)

Hard pencils – are used where extreme

accuracy is required especially working on
graphs, diagrams and charts.

Medium pencils – are used for general

purpose work in drawing.
Thank you miss(student)
(teacher is explaining) Soft pencils – are too soft to be used in
Next are triangles mechanical drafting. They are very useful for
Please read miss(student)
art work of various kinds

Nest tool is? Read mr.(student)

Triangle-It is a three-sided ruler, which
typically has two equal sides meeting at a 90
degree angle and to a third side at 45, 30,
including 60 degree angles

It is used in making horizontal lines. What’s T-Square- It is a drawing instrument used

the difference of horizontal and vertical lines? when making horizontal lines as well as for
guiding triangles when drawing vertical lines.
It was called in such name because it
resembles a capital letter T

Very good! Ill show you some pictures and

you tell me if its horizontal or vertical okay?
Horizontal is a line made from left to right or
right to left, while vertical is a line made
starting at the top to bottom or vice-versa

Okay sir!
Correct next!

Horizontal sir

Very good!

Lets proceed, another tool is eraser?

Why do you think erasers are important even

if the drafter is already using guides or tools? Vertical sir

Very good ! that’s correct. Eraser is used to

clean the dirt off the drawing. A soft eraser is
advantageous in removing smudges and
pencil marks, whereas, a harder eraser is
useful for making changes and correcting
errors in the drawing.

If there’s eraser, there is also a erasing Sir even if he/she is professional, he/she can
shield. They come in pair. still make mistakes and that’s where erasers
come in use.
Erasing shield – made up of metal or
celluloid with irregular holes. It is useful to
protect the rest of the drawing when making
an erasure

-next tool, read Mr.(student)

Protractor – a semi circular scale divided

into 180 equal parts each of which is called a
degree, (°), and is used for measuring and
laying out arcs of circles as well as angles
that cannot be measured with the 45° or the
30° x 60° triangles

Have you used a protractor?

Next tool please read Miss(student)

Thank you!
(teacher is explaining) Yes sir!

Next tool Mr.(student)kindly read.

Pencil sharpener-This is used in sharpening

Thank you! pencil whenever they show signs of dullness.
(teacher is explaining)
Next kindly read?

Compass- This drawing instrument is used

when drawing regular curves such as arcs
and circles. It is used in a similar way to a
divider. It is composed of one with the pen
leg and the needle point leg being held
Thank you!
Next kindly read?
together with a handle

Divider -his is a drawing instrument used

Thank you!
when transferring measurements, dividing
lines and arcs into the desired number of
equal parts.
That’s the last basic tool that were gonna
tackle today class, do you have any None sir

If none let’s proceed to your activity.

E. Evaluation
I. Identify the following drafting tools,
from the functions given on each
item. Provide a separate sheet of
paper for your answers.
_______________ 1. It is a three-sided
ruler, consisting of sides meeting at a 90
degrees angle.
_______________ 2. It is used for actual
drawing of objects which comes in three
grade classifications namely hard grade,
medium grade, and soft grade.
_______________ 3. used when making
horizontal lines as well as for guiding
triangles when drawing vertical lines.
_______________ 4. Its function is to
draw regular curves such as circles and
arcs which composed of a pen leg and a
needle point leg on the other end.
_______________ 5. This keeps the
pencil’s tip pointed and away from
showing any signs of dullness.
1. Triangle
2. Pencils
3. T-square
4. Compass
5. Pencil sharpener
F. Abstract and Generalization
If you really understand our lesson, who
wants to give a short summary to our lesson

Yes viam! Sir about different hand tools in technical

Very good! Can you give one and where it is
used? Erasers sir. Used in corrections or when the
draftsman makes a mistake and it needs to
be corrected.
Brilliant answer!

What else class? Sir the difference between freehand drawing

and technical drawing

And what is their difference?

Freehand doesn’t employ the usage of
guiding and measuring instruments while
Very good learners! technical drafting relies on drawing
Did you understand our topic today? instruments sir

Yes sir.
Very good students, you cooperated well in Students are clapping
our discussion and shows participation in its
activities, give yourselves a round of

V. Enrichment activities
Name of Line Drawing Tools used

Horizontal lines t-square, pencil

Vertical lines t-square, pencil

Oblique lines t-square, triangle, protractor, pencil

Curve lines Compass, pencil

Angles Triangle, protractor, pencil

VI. Follow-up Activities

1. What’s the difference between hand tools , materials and equipment used in technical
Pre-Service Teacher Checked by: KRISTINA CASSANDRA SEBASTIAN

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