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Civic responsibilities and duties of citizen


Save water
 Plant more trees
 Follow traffic rules
 Obey rules while you are being observed or not
 Parking on right place
 Stop or report water leakage
 Respecting one another
 Help fellow human beings in times of difficulty
 Respect elders specially the old age people on buses, banks and other places
 Respect for minorities
 Use the public facilities with utmost care
 Keep the environment clean
 Switch off electric appliances where not required


 No smoking on public places

 Do not spit on roads, streets and public places
 Do not play loud music
 Do not use pressure horn
 Do not throw garbage on road.

Civic Duty Obligations

Civic obligations are actions citizens must take to participate in society and avoid
legal repercussions.

 Obeying the Law: Citizens must follow federal, state, and local laws. .
Obeying traffic signals is an example.
 Jury Duty: Individuals charged with a crime have the constitutional right to
a speedy and fair trial before a jury of peers. It, therefore, becomes the
responsibility of citizens to fulfill this role.
 Taxes: Citizens are responsible for reporting their income to the Internal
Revenue Service (IRS) and paying federal, state, and local taxes. Tax
collection keeps the government up and running and pays for essential
services like clean water, paved roads, schools, and the police and fire
 Education: Child citizens are required by law to obtain an education. This
civic obligation can be satisfied by attending school or an alternative method
(i.e., homeschooling, distance learning). By attending school, citizens
commit to developing the skills needed to contribute to and function
effectively in society.

Voting: Though not required in the United States, voting is a critically

important right for all citizens 18 and older. The first step is registering to
vote, but civic responsibility doesn't end at the ballot box.

Respect Across Differences: Democratic societies are composed of people

who hold diverse beliefs. So citizens must be accepting of those who may
not share their same views.

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