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4 Skills CFOs Need Now and

How to Strengthen Them

Tips to excel at communication,

collaboration, data analysis and FP&A

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4 Skills CFOs Need Now and

How to Strengthen Them

Tips to excel at communication,

collaboration, data analysis and FP&A

The best CFOs are always looking for feedback on knowing they generally earned high marks from their
how finance can better serve the business. Based on peers — finance leads scored lowest on communication,
NetSuite’s Spring 2022 Survey data, there are four yet still just 17% of non-finance executives gave them the
domains where peer executives see room for growth: lowest rating of “could use work.”
communicating with stakeholders and employees,
Additionally, CFOs’ self-assessments did not vary
scenario planning and forecasting, collaborating to
dramatically from that of their colleagues, suggesting
improve business functions and analyzing data.
that finance leaders are aware of their weaknesses.
Of the 10 skills we asked about, these were also areas
In this guide, we’ll take a closer look at communication,
with the biggest gaps between how CFOs rated
data analysis, scenario planning/forecasting and
themselves and how other executives, finance
collaboration, explaining why these functions are
managers and departmental leaders graded them.
especially important in a uniquely challenging business
Finance heads should not see this as a slight on their environment created by a confluence of challenges
expertise or abilities. First, much is expected of CFOs and fast-shifting macroeconomic world events. We’ll
today, and a similar survey on others in the C-suite would also provide practical steps to improve in these areas,
likely have similar results. CFOs can also take comfort in including tips provided by fellow CFOs.

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Table of Contents

1 2
Overview Why These Skills Making
Matter Now Meaningful

Page 2 Page 4 Page 7

How NetSuite The Bottom Line
Helps With
These Skills

Page 13 Page 15

Why These Skills Matter Now

Market conditions have changed quickly after a long make it applicable to the audience, you become like
period of economic growth and low inflation interrupted the Neil deGrasse Tyson of the industry.”
only briefly by the pandemic. Fears of a recession are
A related but distinct skill is collaboration. For CFOs,
brewing as inflation sits in the upper single digits, the
getting out of the departmental silo and soliciting input
highest rate in 40 years, and supply chains continue to
from other teams requires open lines of communication
stall as interest rates tick higher.
and frequent conversations with colleagues. This has
These conditions have added stress to the CFO role, been an area of focus for many finance executives as
according to nearly half of finance executives who they become business partners rather than simply the
report their jobs have become much more or somewhat “numbers guru,” but our survey suggests there’s more
more difficult since 2019. But they also make these skills work to do. Sixteen percent of all executives said the CFO
all the more important. Consider “communicating with could use work here, though only 2% of CFOs agreed.
employees and stakeholders,” for example, where there
Alignment among departments is critical when
was an 11-point gap between how CFOs rated themselves
business conditions toughen. These shifts affect
and how the three other groups rated them — the largest
different functions in different ways, so keeping
delta of any area we evaluated. Proactive and frequent
everyone informed of big-picture changes is critical as
communication is critical during a time of such
businesses target greater efficiency and profitability.
uncertainty. Employees appreciate transparency from
leaders. It reduces the fear that bad news or major Strong collaboration also helps CFOs perform other core
changes that directly impact them are being withheld. job functions well.
All-hands meetings led by executives to explain how
these broader economic forces affect the company and
what they’re doing in response can go a long way.
“You’ve got to be able to communicate
Communication with your board of directors is just as
important; CFOs must be able to effectively characterize
across your functions to be able to
their business’s financial position and how it’s changed or really put together a solid forecast.
could change in the near future due to current conditions.
That’s the key, because that’s the only
They understand the numbers in a way few others do, but
that holds little value if they can’t convey insights to others way that people are going to buy into
in understandable terms. it as well.” John Cappadona, CFO, School of Rock
“I think being able to effectively communicate, no matter
what your role is, just adds so much value,” said Glenn The CFOs we spoke to about these survey results
Hopper, CFO at eDiscovery software company Sandline. noted that individuals who came up through the FP&A
“Think about if you were an engineer or a physicist or ranks have a clear advantage here. The nature of their
whatever; half of what you do is so obscure and abstract prior work, like building budgets and putting together
that nobody understands it. But if you can take it and financial models, required regularly collaborating

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CFO Self-Assessment: Proficiency


90% 22% 23%

29% 26% 26% 28% 30% 30%
33% 35%


50% 39% 44% 43% 41% 39% 34%
41% 34%

31% 28%
16% 25% 22% 22% 22% 24% 26%
10% 7% 8% 9% 8% 8% 5% 7% 7%
0% 2%
Analyzing Communicating Understanding Managing the Ensuring Collaborating to Scenario Driving new Driving Financing
data with employees my company's �nance team accounting improve business planning and initiatives with adoption of
and stakeholders business excellence functions forecasting partners new tech

Could use work Ge�ing the job done Highly pro�cient Expert

Data: NetSuite Spring 2022 Survey (500 respondents)

CFO Assessment by Other Execs


90% 18% 17% 19% 19% 20%

22% 22%
38% 40% 31%
60% 37% 42%
50% 41%
30% 25% 27% 36% 31%
31% 23%
20% 18% 25%
10% 17%
16% 12% 16% 15%
10% 10% 8%
Analyzing Communicating Understanding Managing the Ensuring Collaborating to Scenario Driving new Financing
data with employees my company's �nance team accounting improve business planning and initiatives with
and stakeholders business excellence functions forecasting partners

Could use work Ge�ing the job done Highly pro�cient Expert

Data: NetSuite Spring 2022 Survey (500 respondents)

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with other departments. Those with deep accounting uncertain estimates, of course — Cappadona jokes
backgrounds, on the other hand, may not have that that the only thing he can guarantee is that his forecast
same experience of being “embedded” in the business. will be wrong. But landing as close as possible to actual
numbers is essential when conditions put cash flow and
Companies are also keeping an especially close eye on profitability into question. If sales are expected to sink
their numbers and how they’re trending as the economy 15% while expenses climb 7% over the next quarter,
slows. This is where data analysis comes in. The right leadership needs to explore options to offset that gap.
technology can track any metrics you might need, but
finance chiefs need to know what that data means for At the beginning of the pandemic, there was a surge
the business. Calculating burn rates and cash runways of interest in scenario planning as businesses tried
is easy enough. Now let’s answer questions like, “Are to prepare for the unknown. Today’s inflation and
expenses expected to go up or down in the next continued supply chain problems may have more
quarter, and how does that affect the runway?” or “We precedent, but it’s not hard to see why scenario
saw a substantial change in a certain KPI over the last planning remains an area of focus. Companies need
month — what explanations does the data provide?” to prepare for a variety of outcomes, depending on
how situations develop. What if supply chains continue
Working with their teams, finance chiefs must be able to recover and start to catch up to demand, cooling
to tease out the most important data points from inflation? If prices of commodities your business relies
vast amounts of information. They must be able to on increase or decrease, what does that mean for your
contextualize it and know what it means for the overall bottom line? How might the Fed bumping up short-term
business, then share those insights with others, which interest rates by .75% vs. .5% at its next meeting affect
goes back to communication. your debt?
That data analysis will then inform forecasts and Quantifying the impact of potential events beforehand
scenario plans, and the increased importance of both leaves the business in a much better position.
in a slowing economy is clear. Forecasts are always

CFO Assessment: Top 3 Areas to Improve Skills

40% 40%
35% 36%
35% 33% 34%
31% 31% 32%
29% 30%
27% 27%
25% 25%
20% 18%




Analyzing data Financing Driving new Ensuring Collaborating Scenario Communicating Managing the Understanding
initiatives accounting to improve planning and with employees �nance team the company's
with partners excellence business functions forecasting and stakeholders business

Finance execs: Would like to improve skills Non-�nance execs: Would like CFO to improve skills

Data: NetSuite Spring 2022 Survey (500 respondents)

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Making Meaningful Improvements

Below are suggestions on how CFOs can sharpen these also mean stepping in to fill a need. Earlier in his career,
four skills. Trying to hit all of these is likely too much to Cappadonna worked at a company that was acquired,
take on, so we recommend you choose based on what and he became the go-to finance person for the
would make the biggest difference for your organization acquiring company.
and where you think you have the most room for growth.
“At one point, I was probably the main spokesperson,
An even better approach is polling peers to see what in terms of what was going on with the business,”
they need from you so you know where to focus in the he said. “You get thrown into that, where I’m literally
limited time available for professional development. explaining what’s going on versus budget and then
sales of products and things like that. I thought that
1. Communication
was very helpful for me because I knew it was a skill I
Becoming a better communicator comes down to needed to develop.”
practice. This could mean presenting to the board or
leading a session at an industry conference. It could

The Power of Active Listening

Great communication isn’t all about talking. Active listening is just as important. Those who excel at active listening
are seen as great communicators because they pay full and thoughtful attention to the person who is speaking.
They demonstrate that by:

Making eye contact and nodding occasionally.

Asking questions that reflect awareness of what the speaker said, at natural break points in
the conversation.

Making affirmative statements that bolster the speaker’s main points — again,
without interrupting.

Summarizing the content that was presented in a way that demonstrates their understanding versus
immediately pivoting to their own experiences. This summary also cements the knowledge gained in much
the same way as taking notes aids recall.

You may find that, over time, practicing active listening results in more productive communication with coworkers.

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Those who don’t want to dive right into the deep end
can start with networking events and meetings put on Learn More About Communication
by local professional organizations and other groups.
These are also a great place to meet more junior finance • Investor Relations 2.0: What CFOs Need
and accounting professionals who may be looking for to Know Now. Technology enables richer
experienced mentors, another good way to work on and more frequent connection points with
communication skills. investors — but also invites higher levels
of scrutiny and increases the risk of very
Some of the many stakeholders and employees public missteps.
financial leaders need to communicate with won’t have
deep knowledge of accounting or finance. CFOs bring • Toastmasters International is a nonprofit
a particular perspective to any conversation, but they educational organization that teaches public
must realize that an all-hands meeting is not the right speaking and leadership skills through a
place to present advanced financial models. With that worldwide network of clubs.
in mind, finance professionals could do a practice run
• Udemy’s Communication Skills for
of their presentations for an upcoming meeting with
Finance Leaders course is affordable and
colleagues from other departments to see what does
targeted to CFOs and those looking to advance
and doesn’t click. Then use that feedback to adjust the
their careers.
presentation accordingly.
• Also consider as a benefit for staff an in-person
The classic “management by walking around” is also
or online group finance communications
a great idea for CFOs. Becoming a familiar face can
course from a group like the AICPA.
make you more approachable and naturally increase
communication — and collaboration — with others
across the organization.

CFO Self-Assessment: Where Do You Spend Significant Time?


70% 67%

60% 57%
50% 46% 45%




Data analysis, FP&A, Meeting with Meeting with line-of- Email and other Reviewing books, Meeting with investors,
scenario planning other execs business managers collaboration apps checking others' work creditors, board

Data: NetSuite Spring 2022 Survey (500 respondents)

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Those looking for formalized training can choose
from a broad assortment of executive courses on Learn More About Collaboration
communication. Well-known universities like Stanford,
Cal Berkeley and MIT offer in-person and virtual • Fostering Effective Finance and IT
programs that last anywhere from a couple of days Collaboration Starts at the Top. Finance and
to more than a month. They cover topics you would IT, two functions that had little occasion to
expect, like creating memorable pitches and engaging collaborate closely in the past, now find they
presentations, as well as less obvious ones such as voice are frequently working side by side to deliver
regulation and body language. high-value, strategic projects for the business.

In addition to honing their own skills, CFOs should also • LinkedIn Teams and Collaboration. Training
look for opportunities to help members of their teams courses are among more than 18,000 courses
gain more practice. Any chance to present to fellow ranging from beginner to advanced offered
executives, the board or a larger internal audience can for groups.
prove quite valuable in preparing them for the CFO seat.
• HBR: Eight Ways to Build Collaborative
For example, Cappadonna has his VP of finance handle
Teams. Although teams that are large,
most presentations to School of Rock’s board.
virtual, diverse and composed of highly
2. Collaboration educated specialists are increasingly crucial
Financial leaders hoping to become better collaborators with challenging projects, those same four
need to find ways to ingrain themselves in the business. characteristics make it hard for teams to get
For those who manage large teams, like Dave Damond, anything done.
CFO of national nonprofit March of Dimes, it can be a
good idea to embed finance personnel in different units.

“We try to integrate with the department itself,” Damond “What I’ve noticed is that, at times, when people
said. “So have a person who supports that department start seeing you providing them insight or looking to
and is part of that department every day, [participates understand what they’re doing, then they want more
in] weekly meetings and everyday operations. So they of it,” Cappadona said. “It’s like, ‘Hey, that’s actually
get to know that person as part of their team. I think pretty cool.’ Now people will start to seek you out, and
that helps.” then inherently, you will start communicating more. But
Each embedded person then reports back to Damond, you’ve got to take that first step.”
and together they determine how the finance team can This kind of localization will strengthen relationships
help those other functions. The long-time leader also between CFOs and other functions and facilitate
sees it as his role to build a finance department that’s continued collaboration.
customer-service-focused, meaning his team tries to say
“yes” to as many requests as possible. This helps reframe During tumultuous times, frequent cross-functional
the finance team as a valued business partner rather meetings led by the finance head and other executives
than a source of convoluted processes and roadblocks. are morale boosters. They keep everyone up-to-date
on what major events mean for the business and offer a
Cappadonna suggests starting conversations with diverse range of employees the opportunity to explain
non-executives in other departments to discover their challenges and brainstorm solutions.
opportunities for collaboration. You could reach out to
another stakeholder about a particular data point that
caught your eye, to get their take on it, for example.

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Learn More About Data Analysis
Finance executives should also meet
• Making the Case for the CFO as the Chief
periodically with peers across the Data Officer. Author and CFO Glenn Hopper
business to explain current big-picture argues that the CFO has the potential to
become the chief data officer, building their
financials and future goals, what it
department into a data analytics powerhouse
means for that team’s priorities and and becoming a more strategic partner to
how they can contribute. the business.

• Data Storytelling: Next-Level Analytics

CFOs earned high marks from fellow executives in our Skills. Hard numbers are the basis of most
survey for understanding the company’s business, so good business decisions, but it’s not always
they should leverage that knowledge to advance cross- easy to draw insights just by looking at a
functional goals. Both sides have a lot to gain through spreadsheet or table. Data storytelling takes
increased collaboration. raw data and turns it into a narrative that any
manager or executive can understand and
One closing note: The IT department is an excellent
act on.
place for CFOs to start when launching or deepening
a collaboration initiative. Automation and fintech are • What Is a Data Dashboard? The Ultimate 101
important focuses for companies as hiring remains Guide. These business intelligence tools help
difficult, and the CIO is an invaluable partner now. organizations better take advantage of the vast
3. Data Analysis amount of information at their disposal.
Much of what previously made up the workload for
accounting and finance professionals is now automated.
This will only continue, of course, which means your “That is the biggest pain point that I’ve had over my
team needs to develop more advanced analysis skills. career, you spend more time gathering the data and
That requires an understanding of the latest business trying to put it together in a way that makes sense, and
intelligence tools and technologies, like machine less time analyzing it,” Cappadona said.
learning (ML) and predictive analytics.
Some of the low marks on data analysis may tie back
CFOs are numbers people, so making an effort to to CFOs not excelling at data storytelling. Most finance
improve data analysis expertise should not be painful. leaders today know how to glean the insights they
Hopper familiarized himself with these technologies need from data and use it to guide decision-making.
through YouTube videos and also recommends signing But they may not always share the source of that
up for free courses on these topics offered by online wisdom with colleagues or use visualizations to explain
learning platforms. trends. This may give the impression that data analysis
is not the CFO’s strong suit, when indeed they’re more
But the level of insights you can provide from vast than capable.
data repositories is also dependent on the tools at your
disposal. You need software that can automatically store It’s easy to see a link between this and communication —
and process large amounts of information, leaving more more evidence of the interconnectedness among all of
time for observation and analysis. these proficiencies.

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“Start finding ways to analyze all this
data, use your analytical skills that
you used in finance to apply to the
rest of the key metrics of the business.
Then you become a more valuable
strategic partner.” Glenn Hopper, CFO, Sandline
4. Scenario Planning and Forecasting
The work of finance professionals and accountants in Learn More About Scenario Planning
particular can revolve around things that happened in and Forecasting
the past. There’s a certainty with historical numbers that
some appreciate. • Scenario Planning: Strategy, Steps and
Practical Examples. Scenario planning
But forward-looking projections are an equally helps decision-makers identify ranges of
important part of the CFO’s purview. One way to potential outcomes and impacts, evaluate
enhance your forecasting skills is to develop a deeper responses and manage for both positive
understanding of what makes the business tick, and negative possibilities.
according to Cappadona.
• Financial Planning & Analysis (FP&A):
“People need to understand the dials that need to be Practices, Roles, Responsibilities, and
moved in order to make the forecast,” Cappadona said. Functions. The FP&A function is becoming
“For us, we’re a simple business, so it’s revenue per increasingly forward-looking. It’s using best
student, number of students. There’s not a whole heck practices to focus not only on what happened
of a lot that goes into it. But in other companies, it can or what’s happening but on why it’s happening
be more complex. And so understanding what those and what is likely to happen in the future.
dials are that are going to move the forecast. That’s
going to require somebody getting out to understand • The Entrepreneur’s Guide to Financial
how the business works, that’s going to require them to Planning & Analysis. You’ve likely been
talk to people.” performing financial planning and analysis
(FP&A) all along as you grow your business.
Finance executives should also look to leverage all Now’s the time to formalize that function.
the data they have available to them, whether internal
or external. Start with simple models and gradually
progress from there.
change variables to see the results of different potential
“Any business that you’re in, there is publicly available scenarios? This will impact both the quality of your
data, and then there’s data about your business,” financial models and how frequently they’re updated.
Hopper said. “The models don’t have to be super
There are also educational courses available for general
complex to start with — we don’t have to be trying to
financial modeling, specific types of modeling and
win the Netflix million-dollar prize for recommending
modeling for various industries. The Wharton Business
movies. It can just be, ‘Hey, we see our business
School even offers a six-month online course for free.
goes up when the temperature is below 90 degrees’
The Financial Modeling Institute provides various levels
or whatever.”
of accreditations, and Udemy has a course designed for
Damond said his experience as an FP&A professional startups and other small businesses, neither of which
through numerous landscape-shifting events, from cost more than a couple hundred dollars. That’s money
9/11 to the Great Recession to the pandemic, gave well-spent for those hoping to sharpen their financial
him on-the-job experience with scenario planning. As projection skills.
“business as usual” starts to feel like a relic of the past,
With that foundation in place, CFOs might move on to
opportunities to learn on the job will likely continue.
system-specific training to better understand how they
Another piece of this is, again, having the right can get the most out of the planning and budgeting
supporting technology. Does your planning software software their organization uses.
automatically pull information in from other sources,
like an ERP system? Does the solution make it easy to

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How NetSuite Helps

With These Skills

No piece of technology can, by itself, solve the CFO’s Consider projects that might involve purchase orders,
challenges in these four areas. However, the right contracts and customer records, all of which cross
technology is an essential tool for excellence in each. over multiple departments. When finance has
deeper insight, that increases the chance the CFO
Take communication and collaboration. When your entire will spot problems — whether the responsibility of
business runs on a single platform, with users across her department or another — and reach out to the
departments, it’s easy to see what others are working on appropriate person to address it. That results in the
and how their efforts might impact joint initiatives. CFO becoming more embedded in the business and a
trusted resource for other teams, someone they can go
to with questions or for feedback.

A unified source of data insights, like The connection between an ERP system and data
analysis skills is even more clear. The primary reason
NetSuite ERP, makes it easy to see
businesses invest in ERP is to put all their critical
areas of overlap, sparking more information in one place, unlocking new reporting
communication and collaboration. capabilities and transparency across the organization.

How Has Your Job Changed Since 2019?

41% 42%

35% 34%

30% 29%
26% 26%
20% 21%
20% 18% 18% 19%

15% 14% 14%

7% 7%
5% 4% 4%
Much more di�cult Somewhat more di�cult About the same Somewhat easier Much easier

Finance execs Non-�nance execs Finance managers Non-�nance managers

Data: NetSuite Spring 2022 Survey (500 respondents)

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NetSuite has a powerful reporting engine to make
whatever comparisons or calculations you might need
and also comes with common reports prebuilt. Saved
searches allow CFOs to find what they need in the vast
data repository and save it for future reference, when it
will reflect the latest results. All of this allows for deeper
data insights that are easy to share.

As we noted earlier, getting better at forecasting and

scenario planning takes a combination of skills and
software. That starts with an ERP system that brings
together all the financial information that may be
needed for the forecasts and models useful for your
business. That system can then be integrated with a
more specialized financial planning system, like NetSuite
Planning and Budgeting, to pull in data from the ERP
to run various what-if scenarios and help with related
functions, like headcount planning.

CFOs can take their data analysis and projections to

the next level with NetSuite Analytics Warehouse,
which enables finance teams to combine data sets from
NetSuite with those from external analytics tools to
build a true data warehouse. That data can then be fed
through prebuilt models to reveal additional insights.

You can start to see how skills development and

technology work hand-in-hand. CFOs should
not overlook the role of a best-in-class financial
management system like NetSuite and complementary
applications in helping them do their jobs better.

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The Bottom Line

As CFOs’ responsibilities and prominence in the C-suite More than ever, they are strategic partners who shape
grow, so do expectations. Finance leaders and their the biggest business decisions.
teams have earned additional respect during these
The continuation of that evolution requires getting
turbulent times, as evidenced by our survey data: 87%
stronger in these four areas. All are places where
of non-finance executives and 85% of non-finance
colleagues see the most room for growth, and all
managers think the finance team has become much
are especially critical right now. By becoming better
more or somewhat more important since the start of
communicators, collaborators, data analyzers and
the pandemic.
forecasters, CFOs will only add to the tremendous
CFOs have already made impressive strides. The image value they already provide to the organization.
of a sheepish finance chief isolated from the rest of the
organization, head down in the books, is nearly extinct.

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