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Assessing writing

Handout 1. Read the nformation about criteria for assessing writing

Writing can be as:

An actiona purposeful action.

A producta written artifact.

A processa means by which the artifact is produced.

Criteria for evaluating writing:

Purpose (goal, intention, action).


Process (or production).

The 12 Criteria to assess writing


1.Orientation and engagement:clear expression, enough information, and a text structure and
language features.

2. Text structure:chronologically

Ordered series of events.

3. Register:Specific type of vocabulary,

Facts and objective language.


4. Ideas:relevant, sufficient, coherent and elaborated ideas.

5. Vocabulary:use of

Words for artistic impact.


6. Paragraphing:paragraphs are ordered logically.

7. Sentence structure:sentences to enrich or add precision to the message.

8. Word structure:the writer is aware that

Not all words conform to regular patterns.

9. Connecting and tracking ideas in text:Use of sentences and the words to link ideas
within and amount sentences.

10. Sentence punctuation:marks used to separate words into sentences to make meaning clear.

11. Punctuation within sentences:marks used to separate letters, words, phrases, and clauses to
make meaning clear.

12. Spelling: The writers sense of the way sounds are written as letters.

Overview of Assessing Writing

Genre of Written Language

Micro & Macroskill of Writing

Types of Writing Performance

Genre of Written Language

Academic writing

Papers and general subject report

Essays, compositions

Academically focused journals

Short-answer test responses

Technical reports (e.g. lab reports)

Theses, disertations

Job-related writing

Messages (e.g., phone messages)


Memos (e.g., interoffice)

Reports (e.g., job evaluations, project reports)

Schedules, labels, signs

Advertisement, announcements


Personal writing

Letters, emails, greeting cards, invitations

Messages, notes

Calendar entries, shopping lists, reminders

Financial documents (e.g., checks, tax forms, loan application)

Forms, questionnaires, medical reports, immigration document, diaries, personal journals

Fiction (e.g., short stories, poetry)

Micro & Macroskill of Writing


Produce grapheme and orthographic pattern

Produce writing at an efficient rate of speed

Produce an acceptable core of words

Use acceptable grammatical system

Express a particular meaning

Use cohesive device in written discourse


1. Correctly convey culturally specific references in the context of the written text

2. Develop and use a battery of writing strategies.

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