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Name: Christien Nikki R.

Section: BSN-1A


Amartya Sen’s article talks about the “human” in human development. The article provides an
alternative development metrics so that it can focuses on person’s preferred alternatives and genuine
ability to live in one end, like satisfaction and preferences rather than simply the acquisition of properties
and the capability to act freely in pursuit of such options. The welfarist approach however, pushed the
idea that development should not be solely based on numbers, GDP nor currency but rather the quality of
life the “human” itself possess. The approach simply tells us that people must have significant wealth, a
opportunity, knowledge, safety, civic responsibility and civil liberties, and people should think as well
about the tactics and aiming the fundamentals, these are the bases according to the purpose.
Sen described that in contrast to welfarist approach the capability approach proves that
development is the ability to expand the opportunity present it is vital to note the process of acquiring
such things. Sen's method emphasizes the essential role of liberty. There are two reasons for this: first, if
we focused just on power, compulsion, and control, we would lose sight of the bigger picture. They might
extend the purpose of dominance or imperialism. In addition, wise people will in order to consume a
product, people will occasionally choose to be disadvantaged in one aspect of their lives. Sen is correct in
seeing liberal equality as a problem since it ignores the basic issue.
Variation in the environment Variations in social climate, interpersonal disparities, and family structure.
On multiple occasions, The capacity approach has been misunderstood as a justice concept. The
potentials methodology doesn't really support any one method of determining what people are like. I was
able to explore into the reality using Amartya Sen's core theory of human growth of inclusion, as well as
the problem of underdevelopment brought about by unjust global institutions, It is inextricably linked to
ethical conduct.


Ongoing improvement projects are initiated and promoted by both federal and regional entities.
In a Lumad neighborhood As a result, the displacement of Lumad communities is a sort of civilian
Given the circumstances, there will be casualties "if colonization of indigenous peoples is considered
development. They should give up their lands if they want to keep their territory "for the benefit of the
country as a whole welfare. The aforementioned investigation delves into the roots of how Lumad
communities, The CADT was founded by numerous of their own confederations as well as tribesmen.
methods, as well as the challenges that have arisen and continue to arise.
The goal of this study is to demonstrate the dual effects of these two resources. Capitalist businesses
moved into the Lumad area for extraction in the tribal territory, how does expansion frequently result in
social unrest, a lower standard of living, and resource depletion? resources? Why do archaeologists
suggest this? Because governments "take effective action" when they "take effective action." "Through
what authority do you have over tribal nations' territory and exploit resources from it for state interests?"
"Through what authority do you have over tribal nations' territory and exploit resources from it for state
interests?" anthropologists frequently use a variety of devices when performing fieldwork, including data
collection instruments. visual immersion, key informant interviews in numerous locations, supplemental
knowledge in multiple locations on the field and at various offices, targeted group discussion, and hands-
on experience.
Lumad welfare are often sacrificed in Mindanao to ostensibly more important goals."Developmental
demands" as defined by government agencies, which are not the Lumad's demands are, without a doubt,
the most serious issue. According to anthropologists "the requirement to rethink as a result, "any
government that is charged with envisioning development" works hand in hand with "any government
that is charged with reimagining development." Anthropologists can and do disprove the authoritarian
motivations for training programs, particularly in the case of military training. Those who perpetrate war
crimes and crimes against humanity "From her, I obtain a better understanding of ethics and morality,
criticisms of anthropologists, thinkers, ideas, and others

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