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Geotech engineering II

Unit 1 : Shallow Foundations

1. What are the different types of foundation explain with suitable diagrams, also
explain types of shear failure.
2. Explain Terzaghi bearing capacity theory and write down its assumptions with

different formulas ?
3. Explain plate load test with suitable diagram.
4. A 2m wide strip footing is formed at a depth of 1.5m below ground level In dense
sand having properties y = 1.85 t/ m³ Nc = 60, Nq = 42 ,Ny = 47, FOS - 3 assume
GSF failure condition and find out:
A) Ultimate bearing capacity 203.5
B) Net ultimate bearing capacity 200.725
C) Net safe bearing capacity 60.91
D) Safe bearing capacity 69.685
5. Explain the types of shall foundation with the help of diagram.
6. Explain all the types of shear failure with the help of diagram.
7. Using Terzaghi's theory, determine the ultimate bearing capacity of a strip footing
1.5m wide resting on a saturated clay (C=30kN/m², ¤=0°, Y= 19kN/m² and Ysat=
21kN/m3), at a depth 2m below ground level. The water table is also at a depth of 2m
from the ground level. If the water table rises by 1m, calculate the percentage
reduction in the ultimate bearing capacity Solve by effective unit weight concept.
8. A square footing 2.5m × 2.5m is built in a homogenous bed of sand of unit weight
20kN/m³ and having an angle of shearing resistance of 36°. The depth of the the
base of footing is 1.5 m below the ground surface. Calculate the safe load that can
be carried by a footing with a factor of safety of 3 against complete shear failure. Use
Terzaghi's analysis.(Use Nc=65.4, Nq=49.4, and Ny= 54)

9. Write a short note on Plate load test and give the formula for bearing capacity of clay
and sand.
10. A rectangular raft footing is of 6m x 4m and 2m deep. The soil has unit weight of
18kN/m² and angle of internal friction φ = 35°. Calculate the safe bearing capacity.
Taker c = 20kN/m² and FOS=3.
11. A 2.5m wide square footing is located in a dense sand at a depth of 1.5m. The shear
strength parameters being c = 0 and φ=40°. Determine the ultimate bearing capacity
for the following water table positions using unit weight concept.
a) At ground surface.
b) At 1 m below ground surface.
c)At footing level.
The unit weight of sand above the water table is 19kN/m² and the saturated unit
weight of soil is 21kN/m². The values of bearing capacity parameters for φ=40° are
Nq = 81.3, Nc= 100.4.

Unit 2 : Deep Foundation

1. Classification of piles based on different criteria & also specify the need of deep
2. Explain in brief about negative skin friction and under reamed piles.
3. For a 450*450 mm square concrete pile having 15m length is driven in clay having
alpha adhesion factor 0.8, Y = 18KN/m³, C = 37.5KN/M² .find ultimate load capacity.
Geotech engineering II

4. Find out the number of piles to carry load 400 KN in clay with C = 30KN / m², alpha =
0.6 , dia= 300 mm, length= 6m. FOS = 2.5.
5. What is under-reamed pile? Explain its construction and use damping.
6. Explain in brief about negative skin friction and under reamed piles.
7. A precast concrete pile weighing 40kN is driven by a drop hammer weighing 50kN
and having an effective fall of 10cm. The penetration under last 5 blows is 50mm.
The temporary elastic compression is 20mm. Estimate the allowable load using
Hiley's formula. Take coefficient of restitution, e = 0.4 and FOS= 3 . Assume
efficiency of hammer 75%.
8. 9 piles of 400mm diameter and 8 m length are arranged in a square pattern for a
column in a uniform deposit of clay having average unconfined compressive strength
of 100kN/m2. If the c/c spacing of pile is 1.5m and adhesion factor=0.5. Calculate the
allowable load capacity of pile group assuming a FOS of 3.

Unit 3: Soil Improvement techniques

1. Explain the standard proctor test for compaction.
2. List the various equipment used for field compaction
3. Difference between standard Proctor test and modified Proctor test.
4. Explain factors affecting compaction.
5. What do you mean by soil stabilisation Explain in brief about cement stabilisation.

Unit 4: Soil explorations and foundations on expandable and collapsible soils

1. Describe the method of soil explorations.
2. Describe types of soil samples. Explain.
3. Describe various types of samples for collecting soil.

Unit 5 : Sheet piles/ bulkheads and machine foundation

1. what are the different types of coffer dam? Draw their net sketches and give
suitability of each type.
2. Write a short notes on sheet piles
3. Different types of vibrations with and without damping.
4. Discuss various types of machine foundations with neat sketches.
5. Explain the effect of vibration on soils.
6. Describe the net earth pressure distribution of cantilever sheet pile wall in cohesive
7. What is meant by vibration isolation? How is it done?

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