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Module // 4 Unit // 3 Lesson // 1

Unit » 3
» I can describe celebrations and traditions.
» I can talk about traditional foods.
» I can describe people, places and customs.
» I can compare customs.
Let’s Celebrate!

In Context » Today Is a Special Day

1. Read Read about different celebrations.

Ch ris tm as tree 21st Century Skills

· Critical Thinking
Tam a l What celebrations are
Ch ine se Ne w Ye ar:
Ja nu ar y-Febr ua ry important to your family?
Pa p e r
la n te r n Colom bian
Chris tmas:
N at iv it y Dece mber 24th


Indian Th a n k s e r ic a n
Diwali : Th u rs d a g iv ing: f o u rt h Tu r k e y
y in No v
Du ring au tum nsweets embe r

83 2. Listen Listen and complete the chart.


Chinese New Year Indian Diwali Colombian Christmas Thanksgiving
When: When: When: When:
Important facts: Important facts: Important facts: Important facts:

Food: Food: Food: Food:

module 4 // Unit 3
3. Speak In groups, discuss if you agree or disagree.

“I think Diwali is more colourful than the Chinese New Year.”

“I think the food at Thanksgiving is nicer than the food in Diwali”.
“In my opinion, tamales are spicier than turkey.
“I think the sweets of Diwali are sweeter than the oranges of
Chinese New Year.
“Chinese New Year lasts longer than Colombian Christmas.”
“In my opinion, a Thanksgiving meal is bigger than a Diwali meal.”

4. Speak Ask and answer questions. 21st Century Skills

· Flexibility
pizza burgers delicious Do you respect others’
Which is more delicious: a pizza or a burger? opinions?
hot weather cold weather comfortable
Which is more… cold weather or hot weather?
the beach the mountains beautiful
Which is… the beach or the mountains?
football basketball good
Which is better: football or basketball? I think pizza’s more
fruit sweets healthy delicious.
In my opinion…
Which is healthier: fruit or sweets?
I believe that…
I like…
5. Read Read and complete the chart.

In the UK, people sing The big celebration is on Christmas Day, December
Christmas carols in December. 25th. Usually families get together and eat turkey,
vegetables, potatoes and pudding.
On Christmas Eve, children hang stockings. People wear paper hats and pull crackers that
Father Christmas fills them with presents. make a noise!

1 51

Christmas in the UK Christmas in Colombia

Children hang stockings. ✔ ✘
People sing carols in December.
Father Christmas brings presents.
People celebrate Christmas on
December 25th.
A traditional dinner is turkey with vegetables.
People wear hats and pull crackers.
Module // 4 Unit // 3 Lesson // 1

6. Speak Say if you agree or disagree.

I think birthday parties I believe Halloween’s the best In my opinion, Mother’s Day
are absolutely wonderful! celebration. It’s very exciting! is really fun because I make a
They’re better than New card for my mum and I choose a
Year’s parties! present for her.

Agree Disagree Agree Disagree Agree Disagree

7. Speak Match the words to express your opinions.

a Maths exa a race a school dance a field trip a science experiment

absolutely totally completely really very

amazing great boring interesting stressful

Really? I don’t agree.

I think a Maths exam’s I think a Maths exam’s
really interesting … very stressful.

Look at the diagram about American New Year and describe it in pairs.
8. Write Then, make one about New Year in Colombia and share in groups.

When: Other
New Year Study Tip
152 December 31st elements:
people say “Happy New Making diagrams

Food: Year” at midnight and helps you to

How: make resolutions for categorize words
people have meat, peas, and concepts.
cabbage the New Year.
parties with
friends and
opinion: absolutely
module 4 // Unit 3
Expanding Knowledge » Party Time!
Look and describe the foods. Then, tell a partner which foods you like
1. Speak and don’t like.

American Christmas American Halloween Mexican tortillas for a birthday Colombian pipián empanadas for
biscuits: sweet chocolates: party: salty and a birthday party: salty and

Traditional German
sauerkraut for Japanese pickles for Grapes for Colombian New Oranges for Chinese
New Year: New Year: Year: New Year:

21st Century Skills

American Christmas biscuits · Communicating
and Halloween chocolates
are sweet. What is a traditional food
of your region for a birthday

2. Write Ask and answer questions in groups.

a. Which is sweeter: a cocada or a dulce de leche?

b. Which are spicier: Mexican tortillas or pipián empanadas?
c. Which is more sour: a lime or a mandarin?
d. Which are juicier: grapes or oranges?
e. Which is saltier: an empanada or a Mexican tortilla?

1 53
3. Speak Ask and answer the questions.

What is a spicy/sweet food in

your town/region?
When do you eat it?
Do you like it?
Which kind of food do you
prefer: sweet, spicy or savoury?
Module // 4 Unit // 3 Lesson // 2

4. Write Complete the chart.

Come to the Lopez Family

Christmas Party!
When? What activities can you do
When: there?
December 23rd
What time?
Games! Bingo! Dance contest!
3:00 to 8:00 pm
Where: Party
Cra. 79b 129-34, Casa 27 Food:

In pairs, look and describe Rodrigo’s friends. Then, listen and say
84 5. Speak who’s who.

Rodrigo Study Tip

Sebastián Opposites can be very useful.
Do you understand what these
Ana words and their opposites mean?
Carolina long short
fat thin
tall short
dark light

6. Speak Discuss with a friend whether the sentences below are true or false.

True False
Carolina’s taller than Rodrigo.
Ana’s thinner than Sebastián.
Rodrigo’s hair’s longer than Ana’s.
Sebastián’s shorter than Ana.

7. Write Look at Sandra’s birthday photo album and describe the children.

Party a. Jessica is than Sandra.
Mateo b. Ricardo is than Sandra.
c. Daniel’s hair is
than Tomás’s.
d. Sandra’s hair is than
Daniel Jessica’s.
e. Sandra is than Mateo.

My brother
Ricardo Tomás
module 4 // Unit 3

8. Write Write about your friends in groups.

Friend’s name Description

is than .
is than .
is than .
is than .

9. Read Read and answer the questions.

Ana María's
You’re invited to
13th Birthday Party
Juan Andrés's Party
Date: March 10th
On May 16th at 3:00 pm Time: 2:00 pm
Come to my house Place: Park in front of my house
Av. 34 68-20 casa 2 COME FOR VOLLEYBALL AND
Music and dancing FOOTBALL FUN

a. Whose parties are these?

b. When are the parties?
c. At what time are the parties?
d. Where are the parties?
e. Which party do you think is more fun?
1 55
10. Write Plan your own party.

When? What activities can you do

What time?
Where? Party

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