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n 1 [PHASE - | FUN BOOK PARAGRAPH BASED QUESTIONS The region round « charged object where is inflence can be felt is called its electric fey ‘charge placed in this field will experience a force. So to move charge againest the fig ton work has to be done on the charge. The potential diference between two pois in an ej"® field is defined as the amount of work done in bringing one unit positive charge from one Poi another, 3) What is the required condition to move a charge inthe conductor. Ss ee eS bb) How can we maintain constant potential difference between the ends of a conduct, int ©) What are the charecteristcs of a device which used to measure the potential difference the circuit Certain components offer an esay path for the flow of electrons while the others resist the fy, We know that motion of electrons in an electric circuit consttates an electric cUrTent. The electrons however are-not completly free to move within a conductor. They ar restrained by iy atraction of the atoms among which they move. The motion of electrons through a conductor, retarded by is resistance, The resistance of the conductor is depends on its dimensions and iy nature, a) Define resistance SO SS > ) How the resistance of conductor changes with dimensions. te ee —— ee eee a, ©) Compare the effect of temperature on conductor and alloys in the view of their resistance. ese aa oe a BAe SVN cP Me sity Education Management Pvt. Ltd PHYSICS - CBSE 4) piece of wire iredrawn by pulling with the eiznal value atts Fengths doubled Compare the ne resistance and current ina resistor the following potential cliferenee 3. Fromthe activity finding relation between the Set of results was obained on a Paw) | 2 4 e [386 | Way | 074 152 2.30 8) Poltthe graph of potential uitference (V) om the x-axis, i ‘on y-axis against cure b) — Whatare the conditions to maintain V/Lis constant ©) _Istheresisiorusedin the above activity ohmic conductor (or) non ohmic condvetor Explain. Beet Bas «(eR ee anes Nei ee Rs maa ) What isthe resistance of a resistor. 4. A student made an electric circuit lke the one shown alongside in order to measure the cumment through the bulbs. [Varsity Education Management Pvt. Ltd} 5 $SE-= TRON B0gR} —_____—fFHsis cay a 8) Thestudent made a mistake in circuit, what isthe mistake ? cuit 1) Draw the diagram showing the correct way to onnect his ©) Ifthe two bulbar of same kind, then how curent and potential difference related among | a emegtl ee. [ASSERTION & REASON QUESTIONS i i ion and Reason. While ‘These questions consist of two statements each printed! as Assertion sees these questions you are required to choose any one ofthe following four responses 42) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) isthe corect explanation of (A). 1) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) s not the correct explanation of (A) ¢) (A) isthe tre but (R) is false. ‘ £4) (A) is the false and (R) iste 2 Cal Assertion (A) + Coulomb is a very big unit of electric charge One Coulomb of charge contained 6 x 10° electrons. “The role of resistance in electrical circuits is similar to the role of friction in mechanics lecrical energy is converted into heat energy when an electric curent flows through a resistance wire tea ‘The ammeter is always connected in series withthe circuit in which the 4 3. Assertion (A) current is to be measured § Reason (R) : An ammeter should have very low resistance i 4, Assertion (A) + The electric bulbs glows immediately when switch is on (ol Reason (R) : The drift velocity of electrons in a metallic wire is very high 5, Assertion (A) : When @ wire is stretched to three times of its length its resistance becomes 9 times, ] Reason (R) : Resistance of a given wire is directly proporational to length of wire [ 6 Assertion (A) : Silver isa ohmic conductor tl Reason (R) : The resistivity ofa silver is very low 7. Assertion (A) : The SI unit of resistivity is ohm-metre om) Reason (R) : The resistivity of a substance depends upon resistance and length 1g} firey aseton manaponert vu] ce ai erm Conductor at two different lemperatures T, and T, are shown here R)_+ Resistance oF conductor in © eo ase with rise in temperature l 1 nh jon (A): Resistivity of a cond ase (R) + Resistance of a unit ‘ Electric cell is a source of electrons, | ‘The chemicals used in electric cell produce electric current. yuLTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS 6 student while studying the dependence of cure 1 ed fra long time to measure the current and ovemeter's Zo error will change 2 wimeter Will give more reading ; xoltmeter will show constantly higher reading. { esisior will get heated up and its value wll change, ze following ammeters and voltmeters ae available » sgawo resistors R, and R, in parallel gmmeters + A, of Range 0.0 300mA : Least Count 10mA A, of Range 0 10 100mA : Least Count 20mA Voltemeters + V, of Range 0 to SV : Least Count 0.2 V V, of Range 0 to 4V ; Least Count 0.4.V ‘The best combination of voltmeter and ammeter would be a) ammeter A, and voltemeter V, ) ammeter A, and voltmeter V, ) ammeter A, and voltemeter V, 4) ammeter A, and voltmeter V, nt on the potential difference keeps the circuit Potential difference, then 87 inthe laboratory to find equivalent resistance ty) Inthe experiment on studying the dependence of current I) on the potential difference (V), three students plotted the following graphs as per their observations ed yy ——y Guan (student II) (student III) i t, are those of citar By fice Wily ) student II only all the three students 8) student mt ‘sly Education Management Pvt. Lt. 4 ] PHASE =| FUN BOOK}—————__ PHYSICS - Gj LPHYSICS = CBs For verifying Ohin’s law, we design ‘an electric circuit diagram in which we show the arrangemeng, different circuit components, We find that with respect tothe resistor, the: fe 44 4) ammeter is connected in parallel and the voltmeter in series by ammeter is connected in series and the volimetr in parallel 6) ammeter and voltmeter are both connected in series 4) ammeter and ‘voltmeter are both connected in parallel, 5. Asstudent carries out an experiment and plots the I-V graph of three samples of nichrome wire wig, Tesistances R,, R.,and R, respectively shown in figure. Which of the following is true? [ Ry 2 R £ é Ry V volts) : byR)>R>R, OR, >RDR, RRR, 6. Conventionally, the directions of the current is taken as Lied 4) The direction of flow of negative charge b) The direction of flow of atoms ©) The directions of flow of molecules 4) The direction of flow of positive charge | 7. A graph is ploted between the potential difference (applied acros the ends of a conductor) and the current (following through the conductor). The graph isa straight line (aa a) Intersecting both the axes b) Having an intercept on the X = axis, ' c) Having an intercept on the ¥ ~ axis «} None ofthe above 8. The area covered under electric current - time graph gives re) 4) electric potential ») electric charge 6) electric resistance ) electri field strength 9, Among the following the precautions to be used while doing ohms law, i 4) Resistor and voltmeter should be connected in parallel +b) The least count of ammeter and voltmeter should be at zero «€) To avoid unnecessary heating in the circuit, the current should be passed for a short time «) Allthe above 10, “As temperature increases (a a) resistance of conductor decreases b) resistance of conductors doesnot change «©) resistance of conductor increases 4) all the above 11, Electrical resistivity ofa given metallic wire'depends upon Lag a) its length by its thickness ¢) its shape 4) nature of the material 12 [Varsity Education Management Pvt. Lt | ios CBSE [PHASE - | FUN BOOK ‘A student ©xPeriment and plots the V-I graph of three samples of nichrome wite with resistances R,, R, and R, respectively. Which of the following is true? te R aR =R=R, ha Naor Vovot < c)R,>R,>R, d)R,>R,>R, 13. The resistance of a ‘manganin wire of 1 mm? cross-sectional area is 15. The Tesistance of manganin wire of same length but of a cross-section of 3mm? is t } 100 180 59 129 4 Latest count ofa voltmeter and an milliammeter in given figures would respectively be | Sage | Tees 1p) 3 0. eens ‘ ee v mA a) Voltmeter - 0.2 V ; Ammeter - 0.2 mA b) Voltmeter - 4 V ; Ammeter - 4 mA c) Voltmeter - 4 V ; Ammeter - 0.2 mA 4) Voltmeter - 4'V ; Ammeter - 0.4 mA. 15, What is the least count of a milliammeter in which there are 20 divisions between 400 mA and 500 mA marks Ta) a)S mA" +b)10 mA, ©) 1S mA d)20mA 16. The variable resistance is called t 7 a) Resistor 'b) Rheostat ©) Open switch d) None of these 17. The reciprocal of resistivity of a conductor is Coa 4) conductance ») capacitance ©) conductivity 4) none of these 18. fa copper wire is stretched to make i 0.1% longer. Find the percentage change in its resistance. 01% b)0.2.% 903% 4) 0.4% teal 19. Ifa wire of resistance 10 is setched to double its length, then resistance will be | 1 a) ¥Q b) 20 ©) MO d4Q 20. In the following diagram, the position of the needle is shown on the scale of a voltmeter. The least count of the voltmeter and the reading shown by it respectively ate ee) 1s a v 2)0.15 Vand 16V_ b)0.05 find 16V ©) 0.15 Vand 1.8V d) 005 Vand 1.8 PHYSICS - CBSp) PHASE - | FUN BOOK, I, PARAGRAPH BAS 1, The figure shows a circuit 'D QUESTIONS 60N fie 30RD the ammeter reads 0.5 8 When the circuit is switched on, unknown resistors R i) Calculate the value of the the 30 resistor in 120 s: ii) Calculate the charge footed Miao jii) Calculate the power dsipated in the 3@ resistor he key K open. 30 i 50 ‘The diagram above shows a circult with t 20 sie 25V Caleulate: 1) The resistance of the circuit when K" is open 2) ‘The curent drawn from the cell, when °K" is OPen- Varsity Education Man: gement Pvt. Lid Gey a) How the readings of A, and A, related? b) How the readings of A, and A, related? ¢) How the readings of A, and A,related with A,? 4d) How the readings of V,and V, related? | 4. \ tf two bulbs 40W, 220 V and 60W, 220 V are once connected in series and then parallel to the \ mains. then explain the following. a) Insseries combination which bulb glows brightly? b) In parallel combination which bulb glows brightly? ©) Among series and parallel combinations which of the combination of bulbs glows brightly? [Varsity Education Management Pvt. Ltd. i] AIL, ASSERTION & REASON QU 18 —_— ~ RVSIGE Tay =TFUN BOOK| [PHYSICS - CBR ESTIONS These questions consist of wo statements each printed as Assertion and Reason. Wh, These questions you are required to choose any one ofthe following Four respongy, is the correct explanation of (A). lanation of (A) 4) Both (A) and (R) are rue and (R) +) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is not the correct expl £) (A) isthe true but (R) i false 4) (A) isthe fase and (Ri re shed as 100W ~ 220V and 200W ~ 220V are connected in series 10 220V supp, The 200W bulb glows with more brightness than LOOW bulb ee Reason (R) A100 wat bulb has more resistance than a 200W bulb Assertion (A) + Electric appliances with metallic body have three connections, whereas y clectrc bulb has a two pin connection. fcpat Reason (R) + Three pin connections reduce heating of connecting wires. | Assertion (A) + Resistance of 50 W-220 V bulb is greater than that of 100 W -220V.[ Reason (R) + Resistance of bulb is inversely proportional to rated power at constant voltage, A resistor of resistance R is connected to an ideal batery. If the value of R jy decreased, the power dissipated in the circuit will increase (oe) Reason (R) : The power dissipated in the circuit is dretly proportional to the resistance o Two bulbs are Assertion (A) : Assertion (A) = Assertion (A) + Fuse wire must have Tow melting point (aa) Reason (R) + Fuse wire is melts when curtentexeeds the limit. Assertion (A) When current through a bulb decreases by 0.5% the glow of bulb decreases by 1% Reason (R) + Glow (Power) which is directly proportional to square of current. [| ‘Tungsten metal is used for making filaments of incandescent lamps. [__] ‘The melting point of tungsten is very low. Assertion (A) Reason (R) Assertion (A) £ Two resistance ving value Reach, Tet eqialet resistance is Reason (R) + Given resistor are connected in parle ys 1 Assertion (A) + Long distance power transmission is done at high voltage. i Reason (R) + At high voltage supply power loses are less Assertion (A) + 40 W tube light give mor ight in comparison o 40 W bulb. = [|] Reason (R) + Light produced is same from same power. MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS Inn elect circuit, three resistors R,, R, and R, are connected in series such that R, = R,,IfV, V, and V, are the voltages across R,. R, and R, respectively, then. ie) av,=V, bY. OV=V, ay, Varsity Education Management Pvt.Ltd] ae Using thet jsuderts AFEUSIME the Twa cncin nce oF * Shown below. They are d is ‘ [PHASE | FUN BOOR) ning experiment to find the equivalent : (-1 rae He ries combination anda para paral! combination and tees ne Tespectvely, of the two given resistors, ; series Fennel of the two given aan: ect of the two given resistors 2 pontine ge ha | ‘bout the following circuit is ty] SW spe smtement hat met core och: DASA, oA, ‘he sesistrs R, and R, ate connected in Hot Lye I . a IL 4) Prallel in both ciruits b) Series in both circuits «) Praalel in circuits I and in series in ccuits Id) Series in circuits 1nd in parallel in circuit I {In the following circuits heat produced in the resistor or combination of resistors connected to & Is 12 V battery will be Pt 20. 2 az $20 Env 4 J @ nv @ ‘iy 4) same in all the cases ) minimum in case ()* ) maximum in case (i) <é) maximum in case (ii) a Enon gene Pag} fil] & | PHYSICS “Cy, [PASE -1 FUN BOOK| es ‘A, BandC of rating 40 W. 60 Wand spect ca bulbs. s their brightness? 1 4) Brightness of all the bulbs will be the same +) Brightness of bulb A will be the maximum ) Brightness of bulb B will be more than that of A @ Brightness of bulb C will be less than that of B following electric circuit is 7. The only corect statement for the fi 4) The voltmeter has been correctly connected in the circuit ) The ammeter has been correctly connected in the circuit ©) The resistors R, and R, have been correctly connected in series 4) The resistors R, and R, have been correctly connected in parallel 8. The filament of electric bulb is usually made of tungsten, because of : by its low resistivity and high melting point a) its high resistivity and low melting point ivi i ¢) its high resistivity and high melting point 4) its low resistivity and low melting point ‘An electire iron draws a current of 15A from a 220 V supply. What is the cost of using iron for 9 30 min everyday for 15.days if the cost of unit (unit = | kW hr) is 2 rupees? L. ] a) Rs. 49.5 b)Rs. 60 ©) Rs. 40 @)Rs. 10 10. The expressions that relate (i) Q, I and t and (i) Q, V and W respectively are (Here the symbols SY have their usual meanings); @ II, Anelectric kettle consumes | kW of electric power when operated at 220 V, The minimum rating of the fuse wire to be used for it is fo) ala b)2A 4a” dSA 12. If four identical resistors, of resistance 8 ohm, are first connected in series so as to give an effective resistance R,, and then connected in parallel so as to give an effective resistance eRe thn the ato gis : a 8 b2 90s O16 (@}_———_______5 be by1OA the circuit given below, low, what would be th he readings in the ammeter ammeter and the voltmeter? sh 2A eier 058 A 8V a0 20 49 by 067 A 8V y gost a tad ye resistances ate converted as shown in fi Fi ete own in figure. If total current flowing is 0.5 A, then the 6 (ohms) 6 (ohms) 6 (ohms) U 1 tet i wav a2v pte crit diagram, Peat pr By in R,2R and 1.SR are inthe ratio OF 4:23 84227 g2:4:3 eae] what isthe resistance etwee? Pand Q? 4) Infinity work? hat isthe resistance Berween A and B in given net b) a) 20 ) 30 19. 10 D QUESTIONS sec exerts a F168 ANY eld. A fel line isthe pag rection of the magne would take, Fy A magnet rage aes & mage ill ia he pce acd Meee Maced it el nes are used ores ma Tilden pr hypothetical free north pole would tend to move. TMS jhe Point is given by the direction that a north pole placed at that poin ‘are shown closer where the magnetic field is greater: 8) Define magnetic line of force ines of forces List any two properties of magnetic li 0 ney mmpinsmerre ©) Why don't evo magnetic fines of free intersect each other. fects of current around a current 'A sade performs an experiment ro sti the magne © eng conductor, He report that the direction ofthe north pote of a compass needle Kept at Gren pint near he conductor gets reversed wien (Me terminals of the battery are interchanged, 3) What is magnetic effect of electri curren? Strength of magnetic field around conductor depends. b) On which factors, does the s a BS A aS iy otal i ee Se ‘Why the north pole of compass reverses, when polarities of battery changed. Varsity Education Management Pvt. Ltd. sq a chatged particle enters in the magnetic field it experiences force. Ths f we. This force is de tn cto chrged particle and external aft gon between the Magnetic Fel produced inte icle when it enters in sate the rule which we can used to find foree acting an charged magnetic field irection the the following particle can deviated, In which 0 5 Proton ic field, in which direetion it deviate explain antral particle enters inthe magnet 9 i Nutron B i + ae ee Tp olan nour homes, we recieve supply of eletric power through a malt supply. At the meter-board in the ‘meter through a main fuse. These wires supply rouse ive and neutral wires pass into an electricity ccetricit to separate circuits within the house 4) Whatis the use of fuse wire in electric circuits a ie tao ST a eT SE NS ee 1) Whatis power circuit and light circuit ai eee Se lg ABBE ORO IANS AE SS £ ERPREE ISS FS, SOE SAS [trsity Education Management Pvt. Ltd} 2 i ee i ‘of current to the metalic body of the applians [PHASE - | FUN BOOK ¢) Howcan we overcome the leakage III, ASSERTION & REASON QUESTIONS two statements each printed as Assertion and Reason, Whi, ‘These questions consist of ing any one ofthe following four response. answering these questions you are required to choose 4) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) i the correct explanation of (A). b) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) isnot the correct explanation of (A) «)(A) is the true but (R) is false (A) isthe false and (R) is true 1. Assertion (A) # Magnetic field produced by the solenoid is depends an number of tums in it in solenoid lie along the same 2, Assertion (A) £ As we move away from the current carrying wire the strength of magnetic field, Cd Reason (R) -: The magnetic field produced by the each tum i direction. (a decreases Reason (R) + The magnitude of magnetic field is inversely proportional to distance ofthat poin, figgm wire 3. Assertion (A) : A’concealed curent- caring conductor can be located due fo the magnetic effer a | of current Reason (R) + Acurrent -carying conductor can produces magnetic field around it 4. Assertion (A) + A freely suspended current carrying solenoid comes to rest in East - West directions Reason (R) + Acusrent carying solenoid behaves like bar magnet re 5, Assertion (A) : The magnetic field lines around a current carrying straight wire do not intersect each other. Reason (R) : The magnitude of the magnetic field produced at a given point increases as the current through the wie increases. 6. Assertion (A) : Magnetic field lines do not intersect each other. (Ay Reason (R) + Magnetic field lines are imaginary lines the tangent to which at any point gives the direction ofthe field at that point. 7. Assertion (A) : When an electron enters into magnetic field along the direction of magnetic field it experiences maximum force ei Reason (R) + Maximum foree exerted on a charged particle only when itis entered fi i dicular to the direction of magnetic field fe 8 Assertion (A) : Foree experienced by moving charge will be maximum if direction of velocity of ‘ charge is perpendicular to applied magnetic field. (a eason (R) + Force on moving charge is independent of direction of applied magnetic field. ge ‘Varsity Education Management Pvt. Ltd, assertion (A) 2 Act reason (RD The force ‘Ntemal magnetic field wate arly ine ico ee te Safety fuse are made YIN conductor ang assertion (A) £ + Safety fuses should Reason (R) MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS which ofthe following comely describes the magnet ymte field consists of straight lines ass oe The field consists of taght ies poral tothe wre. lal Ay pe fc consist of radial ines originating from the wie ine field consists of concentric circles centred onthe wie ose the correc tatement fom the following regarding magnetic ines of Mt ection of magnetic ld points taken beth dee ac pon po ai ‘magnetic compass needle points ich the north pole of a Magnetic field lines are closed curves th of magnetic field is shown by the degree of closeness ofthe field lines «) Rolative streng ‘All the above: 1 strength of magnetic field inside along current carrying straight solenidhd is Lol more atthe ends than atthe centre b) minimum inshe middle o same at al points 4) found to increase from one end tothe other agetic il du to acuent through astaight conductor depends on” LAI ) Curent b) distance from the wire Whothaandd «) oss - sectional area of wire By increasing the numberof turns in the coil, the go of the mugnbtic field [ke] ) Increases ’ a) Decreases. ¢) Fist decreases then increases 4) Remains unchanged ‘The magnetic lines of force, inside acurent carrying solenoid, are 2) along the axis and are parallel to each other b) perpendicular tothe axis and equiditance fom each other. )cireular and they do not intersect each other. d) circular at the | ‘ends but they are parallel to the axis. ‘inside the strength ofthe magnetic field peed Increases b) Decreases ae ¢) First decreases then increases 4) Remains unchanged For making an electromagnet the best material tobe used is (fe) a) Stainless steel b) Silver ‘Y Soft iron - d) Nickel (et A magnetic field cannot oe any foree on a 4) Moving magnet ‘Stationary magnet ¢)Moving Charge Stationary charge ‘Acuten flows in a conductor from east to west Direction to magnetic field ata point above the lis

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