Bảng tổng hợp Word form lớp 9 theo từng Unit

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Bảng tổng hợp Word form lớp 9 theo từng Unit

Unit 1: Local Environment

Unit 1 lớp 9 tập trung vào các từ vựng về chủ đề Môi trường địa phương (Local Environment)

Danh từ Động từ Tính từ Trạng từ

attraction attract attractive attractively
embroidery embroider embroidered
treatment treat
preservation preserve
authenticity authenticate authentic
craftsman craftsman
fame famous famously
enjoyment enjoy enjoyable
traditional traditionally
culture cultural culturally
speciality specialize special specially

Unit 2: City Life

Trong Unit 2, chúng ta sẽ tìm hiểu về các từ vựng và word form của chúng liên quan đến những
khía cạnh khác nhau của cuộc sống thành phố (City Life).

Danh từ Động từ Tính từ Trạng từ

affordability afford - -
conduction conduct conductive -
development develop developed, developing -
determination determine determined determinedly
indicator indicate indicative -
noise - noisy noisily
populate population populous -
reliability rely, reliance reliable reliably
variety vary variable, varied variably
urbanization urbanize urban -

Unit 3: Teen stress and pressure

Trong Unit 3, chúng ta sẽ được tìm hiểu các word form liên quan đến chủ đề áp lực mà thanh
thiếu niên phải đối mặt, chẳng hạn như áp lực học tập, áp lực gia đình, áp lực xã hội,..

Danh từ Động từ Tính từ Trạng từ

cognitive communicate communicative communicatively
confidence confide confident confidently
dependence depend dependent dependently
emotion emote emotional emotionally
encouragement encourage encouraging encouragingly
organization organize organizational organizationally
society socialize sociable socially
stress stress stressful -

Unit 4: Life in the past

Từ vựng word form lớp 9 trong Unit 4 liên quan đến chủ đề cuộc sống xưa cũ (Life in the past)

Danh từ Động từ Tính từ Trạng từ

behaviour behave behavioural behaviourally
entertainment entertain entertaining entertainingly
facility facilitate - -
generation - generational -
history - historic, historical historically
illiteracy - illiterate -
occasion - occasional occasionally
suffering suffer insufferable insufferably

Unit 5: Wonders of Viet Nam

Unit 5 tập trung vào các từ vựng và word family liên quan đến kỳ quan thiên nhiên và di tích lịch
sử Việt Nam.

Danh từ Động từ Tính từ Trạng từ

administration administrate administrative administratively
geology - geological geologically
measurement measure measurable measurably
recognition recognize recognizable recognizably
spectacle - spectacular spectacularly
structure structure structural structurally
excite exciting excited excitedly
monument - monumental monumentally
measure measure measurable measurably

inheritor inherit inheritable -

honor - honorable honorably

center centralize central centrally
conservation conserve conservative -
religion - religious religiously
origin originate original originally
local localize local locally
recommendation recommend recommended -

Unit 6: Vietnam: Then and now

Trong Unit 6, các bạn sẽ được bổ sung vốn từ vựng liên quan đến sự thay đổi của Việt Nam qua
chủ đề Vietnam: Then and now

Danh từ Động từ Tính từ Trạng từ

annoyance annoy annoying annoyingly
compartment compartmentalize compartmental -
cooperation cooperate cooperative cooperatively
exporter, exportation export exportable -
obedience obey obedient obediently
invention invent inventive inventively
initiation initiate initial initially
improvement improve improved -
extend - extended -
noticeable notice noticeable noticeably
exhibition exhibit exhibitionist -
sympathy sympathize sympathetic sympathetically
solution solve solvable -

Unit 7: Recipes and eating habits

Các từ vựng trong Unit 7 tập trung vào chủ đề ẩm thực Việt Nam (Recipes and eating habits)
Danh từ Động từ Tính từ Trạng từ
benefit benefit beneficial beneficially
finish finish finished -
health - healthy healthily
nutrition - nutritious nutritionally

pleasure please pleasant pleasingly


preparation prepare prepared -
type typify typical typically
versatility - versatile -

Unit 8: Tourism

Đến với Unit 8, chúng ta sẽ cùng tìm hiểu về các từ vựng và dạng word form liên quan đến chủ đề
du lịch.

Danh từ Động từ Tính từ Trạng từ

accommodation accommodate accommodating -
access accessibility accessible accessibly
activity act active actively
challenge challenge challenging -
environment - environmental -
excitement excite excited, exciting excitedly
exploration explore exploratory explored
expense - expensive expensively
hospitality - hospitable hospitably
magnificence - magnificent magnificently
promotion promote promotional -
stimulation stimulate stimulating -

Unit 9: English in the world

Unit 9 tập trung vào các từ vựng liên quan đến chủ đề Tiếng Anh trên thế giới (English in the

Danh từ Động từ Tính từ Trạng từ

dominance dominate dominant dominantly

establishment establish established
flexibility flex flexible flexibly
fluency - fluent fluently
imitation imitate imitative imitatively
possibility - possible possibly
presentation present presentable -
reason reason reasonable reasonably
simplicity simply
simplification simplify
translation translate - -

Unit 10: Space travel

Trong Unit 10, các bạn cần quan tâm đến các word form liên quan đến chủ đề du hành không
gian (Space travel).
Danh từ Động từ Tính từ Trạng từ
attachment attach attached -
atmosphere - atmospheric -
collection collect collective collectively
comparison compare comparative, comparably,
comparable comparatively
extremity - extreme extremely
maintenance maintain maintainable -
operation operate operational, operative operationally
universe - universal universally
gravity gravitate gravitational gravitationally

Unit 11: Changing roles in society

Trong Unit 11 lớp 9, các bạn sẽ được tìm hiểu về các từ vựng và word form liên quan đến Thay
đổi trong quy tắc xã hội (Changing roles in society)

Danh từ Động từ Tính từ Trạng từ

application apply applicable applicably
attendance attend attentive attentively
consequence - consequent consequently
externality externalize external externally
facilitation facilitate facile facilely
finance - financial financially
individual - individual individually
response respond responsive responsively

sense - sensible sensibly
virtuality virtualize virtual virtually
vision envision visionary visionarily

Unit 12: My future career

Với Unit 12, các bạn cần nắm được các từ vựng và word family của nó về chủ đề Nghề nghiệp
tương lai.

Danh từ Động từ Tính từ Trạng từ

academician - academic academically
alternativeness alternate alternative alternatively
application apply applicable -
approach approach approachable -
certificate certify certified certifiably
cultivation cultivate cultivated -
enrolment enrol enrolled -
profession profess professional professionally

4. Tổng hợp bài tập Word form lớp 9

Bài tập 1: Give the correct form of the word in brackets.

1. My friend's __________(inspire) story motivated me to start my own business.

2. The __________(pollute) of the environment is a serious issue facing our planet.

3. I bought these beautiful flowers at the local __________(flower) shop.

4. The doctor's __________(advise) helped me overcome my anxiety.

5. We enjoyed a delicious __________(seafood) feast at the beach.

6. The __________(crowd) cheered loudly as the athlete crossed the finish line.

7. The company is looking for a creative __________(design) to join their team.

8. The __________(historic) landmarks in Rome are breathtaking.

9. Learning a new language can be a __________(reward) experience.

10. We took a __________(scenic) train ride through the mountains.

11. Her __________(optimism) outlook on life is contagious.

12. The __________(celebrate) atmosphere during the festival was electric.

13. They made a __________(mistake) by booking the wrong flight.

14. The __________(silence) in the library was broken only by the scratching of pens.

15. The __________(aroma) of fresh bread filled the kitchen.

16. Reading classic literature can __________(enrich) your vocabulary.

17. We had a __________(relax) afternoon at the spa.

18. The __________(mystery) surrounding the ancient ruins continues to intrigue archaeologists.

19. __________(Respect) for authority is important in any society.

20. The __________(government) is working to improve the education system.

21. The __________(volunteer) work they do in the community is truly admirable.

22. The __________(invent) of the printing press revolutionized communication.

23. Practicing __________(yoga) can help improve your flexibility and mindfulness.

24. The __________(performance) at the theater was dazzling.

25. __________(Recycle) is essential for protecting our planet.

26. The __________(courage) of the firefighters who saved the family from the burning building
is inspiring.

27. We need to find __________(sustainable) solutions to environmental problems.

28. __________(Educate) is the key to a brighter future for our children.

29. The __________(community) came together to rebuild after the hurricane.

30. __________(Honest) is the best policy.

Bài 2: Bài tập trắc nghiệm word form lớp 9 - Chọn đáp án đúng điền vào chỗ trống

1. The _____________ of the new technology is still uncertain, but its potential is exciting.

a) affect b) affective c) effectually d) effectiveness

2. The company is facing a _____________ crisis due to the recent financial downturn.

a) commerce b) commercial c) commercially d) commercialize

3. She has a _____________ smile that could light up a room.

a) radiantly b) radiant c) radiance d) radiate

4. It is _____________ important to stay hydrated during hot weather.

a) crucial b) crucially c) crux d) criticize

5. They reached a _____________ agreement after hours of negotiation.

a) mutual b) mutuality c) mutually d) mutiny

6. The _____________ architecture of the ancient temple left us speechless.

a) marvel b) marvelous c) marvelously d) marveled

7. Reading widely can ___________ your vocabulary and improve your writing skills.

a) enrich b) enriching c) enrichment d) enrichingly

8. Despite its _____________ appearance, the house had a surprisingly spacious interior.
a) modest b) modestly c) modesty d) mode

9. The doctor gave him a _____________ look, suggesting she knew exactly what was wrong.

a) knowing b) knowingly c) known d) knowledgeable

10. His _____________ of the situation was completely inaccurate.

a) misunderstanding b) misunderstand c) misunderstood d) misrepresented

11. The _____________ of the new product was a huge success.

a) launch b) launched c) launching d) launcher

12. The _____________ of the city was badly damaged by the earthquake.

a) infrastructure b) infrastructures c) infrastructural d) infrastructurally

13. The _____________ of the new employee was a great relief to the team.

a) arrival b) arrived c) arriving d) arrivaled

14. The _____________ of the meeting was delayed due to a technical problem.

a) commencement b) commenced c) commencing d) commence

15. The _____________ of the new law has been met with mixed reactions.

a) implementation b) implemented c) implementing d) implementational

16. The _____________ of the painting was breathtaking.

a) beauty b) beautiful c) beautifully d) beautified

17. The _____________ of the speech was clear and concise.

a) delivery b) delivered c) delivering d) deliverable

18. The _____________ of the accident was a tragedy.

a) aftermath b) aftermathed c) aftermathing d) aftermaths

19. The _____________ of the new technology has revolutionized the way we live.

a) impact b) impacted c) impacting d) impactful

20. The _____________ of the new restaurant has been a hit with locals.

a) opening b) opened c) openinging d) openness

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