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Juli Chiriboga

Community Park Elementary School

“4-5 Name Game” (10-20 minutes)

National Standards:
● MU:Cr1.1.4.a - Improvise rhythmic, melodic, and harmonic ideas, and explain connection to specific
purpose and context (such as social and cultural).
● MU:Cr1.1.5.a - Improvise rhythmic, melodic, and harmonic ideas, and explain connection to specific
purpose and context (such as social, cultural, and historical).

● By the end of the activity, all fourth/fifth grade students will perform the body percussion for “Up
the ladder, down the ladder” safely and appropriately.
● By the end of the activity, all fourth/fifth grade students will chant “Up the ladder, down the
ladder” to a steady beat.
● By the end of the activity, all fourth/fifth grade students will add their name to the chant.

1. Students will safely find a spot in the circle in the back of the classroom and stand on it.
2. Introduce activity: “Up the Ladder, Down the Ladder”
3. Learn the chant:
a. “Up the ladder down the ladder, one by one the ladder”
b. Students imitate (don’t move on until they can say it confidently without help)
4. Add the body percussion movements:
i. “Up the ladder…” 2 high claps
ii. “Down the ladder…” 2 low pats
iii. “One by one the ladder” 4 quick points
5. Try both together (don’t move on until they have this confidently without help)
6. Explain the game:
a. Sing the chant with the movements two times.
b. Then, to the same beat we will say our names and everyone else will repeat it back.
i. “My name is Miss Juli” the class will say “Your name is Miss Juli” etc. – helpful
to use a few student names as examples too
c. The rule is we will do the chant 2 times, 4 people will share their names, and then we will
do the chant again and repeat…
d. (It might take a couple of turns to get into the flow so everyone understands)
7. Play the game.
8. (This game can likely be adapted to share something else around the circle; favorite color, animal,
food, etc.)

● Informal, formative assessment:
○ Watching and listening to the students, paying attention to if we forget the body
percussion movements, or get off the beat so we can get back on it.
■ also taking note of student participation

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