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Educating Concerns For Mother Nature:

A narrative study on the attitudes

of GAS students towards

environmental sustainability

Leader: John Paul Dela Cruz

Clyde Aliman
King Justine Alviz
Joshua Aquino
Gabriel Bituin
Carlo Buan
Cedric Baldovino
John Nathaniel Calilung
Mark Jairo Calilung
Angel Mae Batiloy
Cunanan Cristine
Cyrine David
Research Design

In this study, the researchers employed a qualitative research method, specifically a narrative
study, to explore the attitudes of General Academic Strand (GAS) students towards environmental
sustainability. Qualitative research allowed for an in-depth exploration of the students' experiences,
perspectives, and narratives, providing rich insights into their attitudes and behaviors related to
environmental sustainability. The narrative study approach focused
on capturing and analyzing the stories, accounts, and personal narratives of the participants,
allowing for a holistic understanding of their attitudes and experiences in relation to the
research topic.

Educating Concerns For Mother Nature: A narrative study on the attitudes of GAS
students towards environmental sustainability
Research Instrument

To collect data, the researchers utilized open-ended questionnaires and interviews. The open-
ended questionnaires were carefully crafted to elicit detailed and rich responses from the
participants, allowing them to express their thoughts, beliefs, and attitudes towards environmental
sustainability in their own words. The interviews provided a more in-depth exploration of the
participants' experiences and allowed for follow-up questions to delve deeper into their attitudes and
perceptions. The combination of open-ended questionnaires and interviews provided a
comprehensive data collection approach, enabling a thorough examination of the attitudes of GAS
students towards environmental sustainability.

Educating Concerns For Mother Nature: A narrative study on the attitudes of GAS
students towards environmental sustainability
Research Participants

The participants in this study were specifically selected from the General Academic Strand
(GAS) students. The researchers interviewed a total of 15 GAS students, considering their
significant influence on the sustainability of the environment. The choice of GAS students was
based on their reputation for being more socially engaged and active compared to students from
other academic strands. This selection aimed to capture a diverse range of perspectives
and experiences among GAS students, providing a comprehensive understanding of their
attitudes towards environmental sustainability.

Educating Concerns For Mother Nature: A narrative study on the attitudes of GAS
students towards environmental sustainability
Data Gathering Procedure

To gather data, the researchers first developed and validated the open-ended questionnaires to
ensure they effectively captured the relevant information. The questionnaires were then
administered to the participants, allowing them to provide detailed responses that reflected their
attitudes and beliefs regarding environmental sustainability. Additionally, the researchers conducted
interviews with the participants, providing an opportunity for in-depth discussions and further
exploration of their experiences and perspectives. The combination of open-ended questionnaires
and interviews facilitated a comprehensive data gathering process, ensuring a
rich and nuanced understanding of the attitudes of GAS students towards environmental

Educating Concerns For Mother Nature: A narrative study on the attitudes of GAS
students towards environmental sustainability
Data Analysis

For data analysis, the researchers employed thematic analysis. This involved transcribing the
interviews and systematically coding the data to identify recurring themes, patterns, and categories
related to the attitudes of GAS students towards environmental sustainability.
Thematic analysis enabled the researchers to identify key themes and concepts emerging from
the data, facilitating a comprehensive exploration of the participants' narratives and
perspectives. Through this approach, the researchers were able to derive meaningful insights and
draw conclusions based on the identified themes and patterns in the data.

Educating Concerns For Mother Nature: A narrative study on the attitudes of GAS
students towards environmental sustainability
Ethical Consideration

In this study, the researchers prioritized ethical considerations to ensure the well-being and rights of
the participants. The researchers made a commitment to maintain the confidentiality
and privacy of the personal and private information collected from the participants. All data
collected were kept secure and the identity of the participants remained anonymous throughout the
study. Participation in the interviews was voluntary, and participants were not coerced or forced to
take part in the research. The researchers also took precautions to ensure the physical and emotional
safety of the participants, and any potential risks or discomfort
were minimized. The study was conducted with the utmost respect for ethical guidelines and with
the intention of upholding the well-being and rights of the participants involved.

The results of this study provide valuable insights into the attitudes and behaviors of General
Academic Strand (GAS) students towards environmental sustainability. Thematic analysis of the
data collected from 15 GAS students through open-ended questionnaires and interviews revealed
several prominent themes. These themes include knowledge acquisition, waste management
strategies, sustainable waste management, point of view, empowerment
possibilities, promotional strategies, and the environmental impact of waste generation.

Participants demonstrated varying levels of knowledge acquisition regarding environmental

sustainability concepts and practices. While some students exhibited a strong understanding of key
terms and principles, others displayed a need for further education and awareness. In terms of waste
management strategies, the majority of GAS students expressed a positive
attitude towards practices such as recycling, reducing, and reusing. They recognized the
importance of sustainable waste management and highlighted the need for improved strategies

Educating Concerns For Mother Nature: A narrative study on the attitudes of GAS
students towards environmental sustainability
and infrastructure.

The findings also shed light on the diverse viewpoints held by GAS students. Some students
emphasized the urgency of addressing environmental issues, while others expressed skepticism
or apathy. However, a common thread among participants was a sense of empowerment and a belief
in the possibility of making a positive impact on the environment. GAS students
expressed their ideas for personal and collective actions, showcasing their willingness to
contribute to environmental sustainability.

The results of this research study provide valuable insights into the attitudes and behaviors of
General Academic Strand (GAS) students towards environmental sustainability. Thematic
analysis of the data revealed several prominent themes, including knowledge acquisition, waste
management strategies, sustainable waste management, point of view, empowerment possibilities,
promotional strategies, and the environmental impact of waste generation. These findings contribute
to a deeper understanding of GAS students' perspectives on environmental
sustainability and can inform educational strategies aimed at promoting sustainable behaviors.

The findings indicate that GAS students exhibited varying levels of knowledge acquisition
regarding environmental sustainability concepts and practices. While some students
demonstrated a strong understanding of key terms and principles, others displayed a need for
further education and awareness. This highlights the importance of incorporating
environmental education into the GAS curriculum to ensure all students receive the necessary
knowledge to engage in sustainable practices (Stern, 2000; Schultz & Zelezny, 1999).

Regarding waste management strategies, the majority of GAS students expressed a positive

Educating Concerns For Mother Nature: A narrative study on the attitudes of GAS
students towards environmental sustainability
attitude towards practices such as recycling, reducing, and reusing. They recognized the
importance of sustainable waste management and emphasized the need for improved strategies
and infrastructure. This suggests that GAS students are receptive to sustainable waste
management practices and are willing to contribute to environmental sustainability through
their waste management behaviors.
The diverse viewpoints held by GAS students regarding environmental sustainability were evident
in the data. Some students emphasized the urgency of addressing environmental issues, while others
expressed skepticism or apathy. However, a common thread among participants
was a sense of empowerment and a belief in the possibility of making a positive impact on the
environment. GAS students expressed their ideas for personal and collective actions,
demonstrating their willingness to contribute to environmental sustainability efforts.

These findings align with previous research that highlights the importance of positive attitudes,
knowledge, concerns, and engagement in promoting sustainable behaviors (Hungerford &
Volk, 1990; Kollmuss & Agyeman, 2002; Gifford & Nilsson, 2014; Steg & Vlek, 2009). The
results of this study reinforce the significance of addressing these factors within the educational
context to foster a sustainable mindset among GAS students.

However, it is essential to acknowledge the limitations of this study. The sample size was relatively
small, consisting of 15 GAS students from a specific school, which may limit the generalizability of
the findings. Additionally, the study focused solely on GAS students and did not compare their
attitudes and behaviors with students from other strands. Future research could address these
limitations by including a larger and more diverse sample and comparing GAS students with
students from other academic strands to provide a more
comprehensive understanding of the attitudes towards environmental sustainability among
high school students.

Educating Concerns For Mother Nature: A narrative study on the attitudes of GAS
students towards environmental sustainability
In conclusion, this research study provides valuable insights into the attitudes and behaviors of
GAS students towards environmental sustainability. The findings highlight the importance of
addressing knowledge acquisition, waste management strategies, viewpoints, and empowerment in
promoting sustainable behaviors among GAS students. These insights can inform the development
of educational interventions and strategies that foster a sustainable mindset among GAS students,
contributing to a more environmentally conscious future.

Educating Concerns For Mother Nature: A narrative study on the attitudes of GAS
students towards environmental sustainability

In conclusion, this research study aimed to identify and analyze the attitudes and behaviors of
General Academic Strand (GAS) students towards environmental sustainability. The findings
revealed valuable insights into the perspectives of GAS students, shedding light on their knowledge
acquisition, waste management strategies, viewpoints, empowerment possibilities,
promotional strategies, and awareness of the environmental impact of waste generation.

The results highlighted the varying levels of knowledge acquisition among GAS students,
emphasizing the need for comprehensive environmental education within the GAS curriculum.
Additionally, the majority of participants displayed a positive attitude towards waste
management practices and recognized the importance of sustainable waste management,
indicating their willingness to contribute to environmental sustainability.

The diverse viewpoints expressed by GAS students showcased a sense of empowerment and a
belief in their ability to make a positive impact on the environment. This reflects the potential
for GAS students to become agents of change and contribute to sustainability initiatives
through their personal and collective actions.
Overall, the findings underscore the importance of addressing knowledge acquisition, waste
management strategies, viewpoints, and empowerment in educational interventions aimed at
promoting environmental sustainability among GAS students. By incorporating these insights into
the development of educational programs and initiatives, educators and policymakers can
foster a sustainable mindset among GAS students, contributing to a more environmentally
conscious future.

Educating Concerns For Mother Nature: A narrative study on the attitudes of GAS
students towards environmental sustainability
It is important to acknowledge the limitations of this study, including the small sample size and the
focus on a specific school and academic strand. Future research could consider expanding the
sample size and including students from different strands to provide a more
comprehensive understanding of high school students' attitudes towards environmental

By addressing these limitations and building upon the findings of this study, further research can
continue to explore effective strategies for promoting environmental consciousness and
sustainable behaviors among GAS students and contribute to the broader goal of achieving
environmental sustainability.

1. Educational Interventions: Develop and implement targeted educational interventions thatfocus

on enhancing the knowledge and understanding of General Academic Strand (GAS) students
regarding environmental sustainability. These interventions can include interactive workshops,
seminars, and awareness campaigns that provide comprehensive information on key
sustainability concepts, principles, and practices. By equipping GAS students with the
necessary knowledge, they can make informed decisions and engage in sustainable behaviors.

2. Collaboration with Stakeholders: Foster collaboration between educational

institutions,environmental organizations, and local communities to create a comprehensive
approach to environmental sustainability. This collaboration can involve organizing joint
initiatives, such as community clean-up drives, tree planting activities, and sustainability projects.
By engaging GAS students in these collaborative efforts, they can gain hands-on experience and
develop a
deeper sense of environmental responsibility.

Educating Concerns For Mother Nature: A narrative study on the attitudes of GAS
students towards environmental sustainability
3. Integration of Sustainability in the Curriculum: Advocate for the integration ofsustainability
topics and practices across various subjects within the GAS curriculum. This can
be achieved by incorporating sustainability-related projects, assignments, and discussions in
subjects such as science, social studies, and economics. By embedding sustainability
throughout the curriculum, GAS students will have regular opportunities to explore and apply
sustainable principles in different contexts.
4. Student Empowerment and Leadership: Promote student empowerment and leadership by
providing GAS students with opportunities to initiate and lead sustainability initiatives within their
school and community. This can include establishing student-led environmental clubs, organizing
awareness campaigns, and implementing sustainable practices within the school
premises. By empowering GAS students to take ownership of environmental sustainability,
they can become change agents and inspire their peers to adopt sustainable behaviors.

5. Continuous Evaluation and Improvement: Establish a system for continuous evaluation

andimprovement of sustainability initiatives and educational interventions. Regularly assess the
impact and effectiveness of the implemented strategies through surveys, feedback sessions, and
data analysis. Use this feedback to refine and enhance future interventions, ensuring that they
remain relevant and impactful for GAS students.

Implementing these recommendations will contribute to fostering a sustainable mindset among

GAS students, equipping them with the knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors necessary to
become responsible environmental stewards.

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Educating Concerns For Mother Nature: A narrative study on the attitudes of GAS
students towards environmental sustainability
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concern and behavior: A review. International Journal of Psychology, 49(3), 141-157.

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Educating Concerns For Mother Nature: A narrative study on the attitudes of GAS
students towards environmental sustainability
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Interview Photos

Educating Concerns For Mother Nature: A narrative study on the attitudes of GAS
students towards environmental sustainability
Name: John Paul Dela Cruz
Address: San Matias, Santa Rita, Pampanga
Mobile No: 0993 579 7504

Personal Info
Birthday: September 8, 2003
Age: 19
Gender: M
Religion: Roman Catholic
Father: Robert Dela Cruz
Occupation: Construction Worker
Mother: Salve Planco
Occupation: Housewife
Language Spoken: Filipino

Educational Background

Educating Concerns For Mother Nature: A narrative study on the attitudes of GAS
students towards environmental sustainability
Secondary: Becuran High School
Becuran, Santa Rita, Pampanga
Primary: Becuran Elementary Schoool
Becuran, Santa Rita, Pampanga

Educating Concerns For Mother Nature: A narrative study on the attitudes of GAS
students towards environmental sustainability
Educating Concerns For Mother Nature: A narrative study on the attitudes of GAS
students towards environmental sustainability
Educating Concerns For Mother Nature: A narrative study on the attitudes of GAS
students towards environmental sustainability
Educating Concerns For Mother Nature: A narrative study on the attitudes of GAS
students towards environmental sustainability
Educating Concerns For Mother Nature: A narrative study on the attitudes of GAS
students towards environmental sustainability
Educating Concerns For Mother Nature: A narrative study on the attitudes of GAS
students towards environmental sustainability
Educating Concerns For Mother Nature: A narrative study on the attitudes of GAS
students towards environmental sustainability
Educating Concerns For Mother Nature: A narrative study on the attitudes of GAS
students towards environmental sustainability
Educating Concerns For Mother Nature: A narrative study on the attitudes of GAS
students towards environmental sustainability
Educating Concerns For Mother Nature: A narrative study on the attitudes of GAS
students towards environmental sustainability
Educating Concerns For Mother Nature: A narrative study on the attitudes of GAS
students towards environmental sustainability

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