343 Assignment 1

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EEB343: Electrical Engineering


[Company name] | [Company address]

Question 1: (20)
Define the Electrical Engineering Design Process? Define the 12-step model. List
down all steps and explain each of them. Also, show the steps by a drawing a flow
diagram for the engineering design process.

Electrical Engineering design is a series of steps that engineers follow to solve a


The 12 step model is a structured approach aimed at guiding engineers through the
development of technical systems. It is made up of

1.Defining the problem: clearly define the problem to be solved and state who it is
for, why it should be solve, as well as the limitations and requirements

2.Brainstorming: generating multiple solutions to create a pool from which to


3.Researching and generating ideas: investigating existing knowledge and

developing new concepts through past projects and people of different

4. Identifying criteria and specifying constraints: involves considering the

information gathered and establishing any factors that may constrain the work.

5. Consider alternative solutions: involves considering further solutions to compare

the potential outcomes and find the best approach

6.Select an approach: after a full assessment of all possible solutions choose one
that meets your requirements

7. Developing a design proposal: refine and improve the solution to create a design
project or detailed plan. This can be ongoing through the length of the project and
even after it has been delivered to customers

8. Make a model or prototype: build a physical representation of the design that

will allow for testing how the final product will perfom

9. Testing and evaluating a design using specifications: validating functionality and

effectiveness of the prototype to see where improvements are needed.

10. Refining the design: improving upon any short comings identified during
testing as many times over as necessary

11. Create the solution: constructing the final productive as per the final polished
and approved product.

12. Communicating process and reslts: documenting the entire project and sharing

Definition of the


Research and
generation of


Identification of
criteria and



Testing and evaluation

Select an approach

Model or prototype
Developing a design

Question 2: (10)
What is literature review? Define and explain comprehensively with the help of an

A literature review is an overview of previously published works on a topic that

provides general understanding of existing knowledge ensuring that a proper
research question is asked and a theoretical framework is established. The
published works could be a journal article, scholarly paper, report, article in
periodical or even a book section.

For example a team undertaking a project on designing a traffic light system that
gives priority to pedestrians can read published articles and scholarly papers on
traffic light systems, pedestrian safety and urban road mobility. From such review
they can then have an understanding of the concept of traffic light systems and
how it has evolved over time as well as how considerate it is of pedestrians. This
allows them to generate an innovative approach to improve existing systems or
come up with an entirely new one that not only assures traffic flow but also
priorities pedestrians.

Question 3: (10)
What is the Methodology? Define and explain comprehensively with the help of an

Methodology is a structured and systematic approach used to conduct a research or

to solve a problem. It describes the set of methods, principles, type of data and
methods of collection employed to solve the problem

For example a team undertaking a project on bettering the public transport system
in Botswana can choose digitalizing the industry as a solution. They would then
have to specify how exactly they will do so. This would entail issues like building
a software that tracks enroute buses, combis or taxis. Outlining that this system
would be available online and also at bus stops so that commuters can know when
to expect the arrival of the vehicle. The system should also allow commuters at bus
stops to indicate the route they are taking as a way of alerting drivers. They could
also incorporate monthly subscriptions with multiple payment systems. In the
methodology they would also have to state that they will use html to structure and
organize the webpage, CSS for its style and appearance as well as JavaScript for
enhancing interactivity. To collect data they could first release a beta product or pre
release for only one route that is usually busy to collect data for one month during
which they can also work on improving any shortcomings of the software.

Question 4: (20)
What is difference between a Schematic and Circuit/Wiring diagram? Explain with
the help of at least two examples

A schematic diagram is a drawing showing how circuit elements of a circuit,

represented by standard symbols are interconnected while a wiring or circuit
diagram shows how the wires of a circuit are connected or inter-connected.

Schematic diagram Circuit Diagram

Representatio Abstract and graphic symbols Shows physical layout of
n representing system elements components and wire
Focus Comprehension and information Depicts how equipment is
dissemination physically connected together
Usage Commonly used by advances More user friendly for
users for system analysis and beginners and practical
design applications

Example 2

Question 5: (10)
Draw a series RC circuit and explain its operation by doing its analysis using
Kirchhoff's laws. Also, show the implementation of the state equation in
Loop Law (Kirchhoff's Voltage Law - KVL): Around the loop, the sum of the
voltages equals zero. In this circuit, the voltage across the resistor (V r ) and the
voltage across the capacitor (V c ) must sum up to the applied voltage (V).
V =V r +V c
Using Ohm's Law (V=IR) for the resistor and the capacitor equation

V c=
∫ i ( t ) dt
we get:

V =iR +
∫ i ( t ) dt

Node Law (Kirchhoff's Current Law - KCL): At any node, the sum of currents
entering the node equals the sum of currents leaving the node. In this circuit, the
current (i) is common for both elements.


V dV C
i= =C
R dt

Implementing State Equation in MATLAB/Simulink:

Below is a script m file for the implementation of the sate equation


% Define parameters
R = 1000; % Resistance (ohms)
C = 0.001; % Capacitance (Farads)
V = 5; % Applied voltage (Volts)

% Define the state equation function

state_eq = @(t, x) (V - x(1)*R)/C; % dx/dt = (V - VR)/C

% Initial condition (voltage across capacitor)

Vc0 = 0; % Initial voltage across capacitor

% Time span
tspan = [0 10]; % Simulation time span

% Solve the differential equation

[t, Vc] = ode45(state_eq, tspan, Vc0);

% Plot the response

plot(t, Vc);
xlabel('Time (s)');
ylabel('Voltage across Capacitor (V)');
title('RC Circuit Response');

Question 6: (10)
Draw a series RL circuit and explain its operation by doing its analysis using
Kirchhoff's laws. Also, show the implementation of the state equation in

Loop Law (Kirchhoff's Voltage Law - KVL): Around the loop, the sum of the
voltages equals zero. In this circuit, the voltage across the resistor (Vr) and the
voltage across the inductor (VL) must sum up to the applied voltage (V).
V =V r +V L
Using Ohm's Law (V=IR) for the resistor and the inductor equation


we get:

V =iR + L

Node Law (Kirchhoff's Current Law - KCL): At any node, the sum ofcurrents
entering the node equals the sum of currents leaving the node. In this circuit, the
current (i) is common for both elements.

V 1
i= = ∫ V L dt

Implementing State Equation in MATLAB/Simulink:


% Define parameters
R = 1000; % Resistance (ohms)
L = 0.1; % Inductance (Henrys)
V = 5; % Applied voltage (Volts)

% Define the state equation function

state_eq = @(t, x) (V - x(1)*R)/L; % dx/dt = (V - VR)/L

% Initial condition (current through inductor)

I0 = 0; % Initial current through inductor

% Time span
tspan = [0 10]; % Simulation time span

% Solve the differential equation

[t, I] = ode45(state_eq, tspan, I0);

% Plot the response

plot(t, I);
xlabel('Time (s)');
ylabel('Current through Inductor (A)');
title('RL Circuit Response');

Question 7: (10)
Draw a parallel RC circuit and explain its operation by doing its analysis using
Kirchhoff's laws. Also, show the implementation of the state equation in

Implementation of state equation


% Define parameters
R = 1000; % Resistance (ohms)
C = 0.001; % Capacitance (Farads)
V = 5; % Applied voltage (Volts)

% Define the state equation function

state_eq = @(t, x) (V/R) - (1/(R*C))*x; % dVc/dt = (V/R) - (1/(R*C))*Vc

% Initial condition (voltage across capacitor)

Vc0 = 0; % Initial voltage across capacitor

% Time span
tspan = [0 10]; % Simulation time span

% Solve the differential equation

[t, Vc] = ode45(state_eq, tspan, Vc0);

% Plot the response

plot(t, Vc);
xlabel('Time (s)');
ylabel('Voltage across Capacitor (V)');
title('Parallel RC Circuit Response');

Question 8: (20)
Draw a series RLC circuit and explain its operation by analyzing it using
Kirchhoff's laws. Also, show the implementation of the state equation in
Implementation of state equation

script m file


% Define the state-space equations

A = [0 1 0; 0 -R/L -1/L; 0 1/C 0];
B = [0; 0; 1/C];
C = [1 0 0];
D = 0;
% Create a state-space model
sys = ss(A, B, C, D);

% Define input voltage

t = 0:0.01:10; % Time vector
Vin = 5 * ones(size(t)); % Constant input voltage of 5V

% Simulate the system response to the input voltage

[y, t, x] = lsim(sys, Vin, t);

% Plot the response

plot(t, y);
xlabel('Time (s)');
ylabel('Output Voltage (V)');
title('Response of Series RLC Circuit to Step Input Voltage');

Question 9: (10)
What is interpersonal conflict? Explain with the aid of a diagram five strategies for
resolving interpersonal conflicts

Interpersonal conflict is a disagreement between two or more people that can be

emotional, physical, personal or professional in nature.

strategies to resolve interpersonal conflicts:

1. Avoiding: choosing not to address the conflict which can be appropriate for
minor issues or when the time is not right. This prevents unnecessary escalation
and allows for emotions to cool. However it can cause friction between involved
parties as the issue will linger on.

2. Competing: involves asserting one’s own needs and goals without considering
other people’s viewpoints. It is useful in emergencies or when quick decisions are
required. This however does not allow for collaborative problem solving.

3. Accommodating: this involves yielding to the other party’s needs or preferences.

This helps to maintain relationships and can be effective when the issue is more
important to the other member.

4. Compromising: when both parties make concessions to reach a mutually

acceptable solution. This allows for a quick resolution and maintains a moderate
level of satisfaction for both parties

5. Collaborating: involves working together to find a mutually beneficial solution

that satisfies both parties’ interests. This fosters creativity, strengthens relationships
and often leads to sustainable solutions.
Below is a diagram showing how these strategies range in terms of assertiveness
and cooperativeness.

Question 10: (10)

Name the preferred strategy for interpersonal conflict resolution. Name the steps
involved in using the preferred strategy for interpersonal conflict resolution

The preferred strategy for conflict resolution is collaborating. The steps include
1.defining the source of conflict
2. looking beyond the incident
3. Requesting solutions
4.identifying solutions both disputants can support
5.reaching an agreement

Question 11: (10)

What are the project management considerations?
Project management considerations in electrical design are crucial to ensure
successful completion of projects within scope, budget, and time constraints. Here
are some key considerations along with examples:

Project Scope Definition: Clearly defining the scope of the electrical design project
is essential to avoid scope creep and ensure that all stakeholders have a common
understanding of project deliverables. For example, in designing a power
distribution system for a building, the scope might include determining the number
and location of electrical panels, specifying the wiring and conduit requirements,
and ensuring compliance with relevant codes and standards.
Resource Allocation: Properly allocating resources such as personnel, equipment,
and materials is necessary to meet project requirements efficiently. For instance, in
a large-scale electrical infrastructure project, allocating skilled electricians,
procurement of quality electrical components, and ensuring availability of
necessary tools and equipment are critical aspects of resource management.

Scheduling and Timeline Management: Developing and adhering to a realistic

project schedule is vital to ensure timely completion. This involves identifying
critical milestones, sequencing tasks, and allocating time for design, procurement,
construction, testing, and commissioning activities. For example, in the design of a
solar power plant, scheduling tasks such as site surveys, engineering design,
equipment procurement, installation, and grid connection must be carefully
planned to meet project deadlines.

Risk Management: Identifying, assessing, and mitigating risks associated with

electrical design projects is essential to minimize disruptions and cost overruns.
Risks may include technical challenges, supply chain disruptions, regulatory
changes, or unforeseen site conditions. For instance, in designing an electrical
system for a remote location, risks such as inclement weather, transportation
delays, and limited access to skilled labor may impact project timelines and
budget. Implementing contingency plans and risk mitigation strategies can help
address such challenges proactively.

Quality Assurance and Compliance: Ensuring compliance with industry standards,

codes, and regulations is critical to maintain the quality and safety of electrical
designs. Quality assurance processes may include design reviews, testing,
inspections, and documentation to verify that the electrical system meets
performance requirements and safety standards. For example, in designing a
medical device, adherence to regulatory standards such as ISO 13485 for quality
management and IEC 60601 for electrical safety is essential to obtain regulatory
approval and ensure patient safety.

Communication and Stakeholder Management: Effective communication with

project stakeholders, including clients, team members, contractors, and regulatory
authorities, is essential to address concerns, manage expectations, and facilitate
collaboration. Regular project meetings, progress reports, and clear documentation
of project requirements and decisions help ensure alignment among stakeholders.
For instance, in a commercial building project, regular communication between the
electrical design team, architects, contractors, and building owners is necessary to
coordinate design changes, resolve conflicts, and ensure that electrical systems
meet the needs of end-users.

By incorporating these project management considerations into electrical design

projects, project teams can enhance efficiency, minimize risks, and deliver high-
quality solutions that meet client expectations and regulatory requirements.
Question 12: (10)
What could be the best steps to form and organize a teamwork? Populate your
answer with the help of examples.

Forming and organizing a successful team involves several key steps. Here's a
structured approach along with examples:

1. Define Clear Objectives: Start by outlining the team's purpose, goals, and
expected outcomes. This ensures everyone is aligned and working towards the
same objectives. For instance, if you're forming a marketing team for a product
launch, the objective could be to increase brand awareness by 30% within six

2. Identify Roles and Responsibilities: Clearly define each team member's role and
responsibilities based on their skills, expertise, and interests. This prevents
confusion and ensures efficient task distribution. In a software development team,
roles might include project manager, frontend developer, backend developer, and
quality assurance tester.

3.Establish Communication Channels: Set up effective communication channels to

facilitate collaboration and information sharing. This could include regular team
meetings, project management tools like Slack or Trello, and email updates. For
example, a weekly video call could be scheduled for progress updates and
problem-solving sessions.

4.Encourage Collaboration and Teamwork: Foster a culture of collaboration where

team members support each other, share ideas, and work together towards common
goals. Encourage brainstorming sessions and team-building activities to strengthen
relationships. A design team could hold regular critique sessions where members
provide feedback on each other's work.

5.Provide Resources and Support: Ensure team members have access to the
resources and support they need to perform their tasks effectively. This might
include training opportunities, access to relevant tools and software, or mentorship
from senior team members. For instance, a sales team could benefit from regular
training workshops on new sales techniques.

6.Set Clear Deadlines and Milestones: Establish realistic deadlines and milestones
to keep the team focused and on track. Break down larger tasks into smaller,
manageable chunks to maintain momentum and track progress. In a content
creation team, deadlines could be set for drafting, editing, and publishing each
piece of content.
7.Encourage Feedback and Continuous Improvement: Create a culture where
feedback is encouraged and valued. Regularly solicit input from team members on
what's working well and what could be improved, and take action to address any
issues. For example, after completing a project, the team could hold a retrospective
meeting to reflect on what went well and what could be done differently next time.

8.Celebrate Successes and Recognize Achievements: Acknowledge and celebrate

the team's successes and achievements to boost morale and motivation. This could
be done through verbal recognition during team meetings, shoutouts in company
newsletters, or even small rewards like gift cards or team outings. For instance, if
the sales team exceeds their quarterly targets, the manager could organize a team
dinner to celebrate.

Question 13: (20)

What is the difference between modelling and simulation? What is their
importance in any project design? List down name of 5 standard software used in
electrical engineering design problems.

Modelling Simulation
Definition Modeling involves Simulation is the process
creating an abstraction or of running a model over
representation of a real- time to observe its
world system using behavior and predict
mathematical equations, outcomes.
physical laws, or other
descriptive methods.
Purpose The purpose of modeling Simulation allows
is to simplify complex engineers to test the
systems into a performance of a system
manageable form that under different
can be analyzed, conditions, analyze its
understood, and behavior, and optimize its
manipulated to gain design without the need
insights into system for physical prototypes.
Examples In electrical engineering, In electrical engineering,
modeling may involve simulation may involve
representing a circuit running transient analysis
using circuit diagrams, on a circuit model to
mathematical equations observe voltage and
describing component current waveforms, or
behavior, or simulation performing frequency
models in software tools. domain analysis to
determine system
response to different

here are five standard software used in electrical engineering design problems:

MATLAB/Simulink: MATLAB is a high-level programming language and

computing environment widely used for numerical computation, data analysis, and
algorithm development. Simulink is an extension of MATLAB that provides a
graphical environment for modeling, simulating, and analyzing dynamic systems,
including electrical circuits, control systems, and signal processing algorithms.

PSpice: PSpice is a simulation software package commonly used for simulating

electronic circuits and systems. It allows engineers to analyze circuit behavior,
perform transient and AC analysis, simulate component tolerances, and optimize
circuit performance.

Altium Designer: Altium Designer is a comprehensive PCB design software

package that includes tools for schematic capture, PCB layout, and simulation. It
enables engineers to design and simulate complex printed circuit boards, verify
signal integrity, and ensure compliance with design rules and manufacturing

ANSYS Maxwell: ANSYS Maxwell is electromagnetic field simulation software

used for designing and analyzing electromagnetic and electromechanical systems.
It enables engineers to simulate electromagnetic fields, evaluate device
performance, optimize designs, and predict device behavior under various
operating conditions.

Cadence Allegro: Cadence Allegro is a PCB design and analysis software suite that
provides tools for schematic capture, layout design, signal integrity analysis, and
electrical simulation. It allows engineers to design high-speed digital and mixed-
signal PCBs, perform power integrity analysis, and verify design compliance with
industry standards and specifications.

Question 14: (10)

Define and explain the impact of modelling and simulation software on the project

Modeling and simulation software have a significant impact on project design in

electrical engineering by providing tools for analyzing, testing, and optimizing
designs before implementation. Here are some key ways in which modeling and
simulation software influence project design in electrical engineering:
Visualization and Conceptualization: Modeling software allows engineers to create
visual representations of complex electrical systems, including circuits,
components, and interconnections. This enables designers to conceptualize the
system architecture, understand the relationships between components, and
visualize how the system will function.

Analysis and Prediction: Simulation software enables engineers to analyze the

behavior of electrical systems under different operating conditions, such as varying
voltage levels, load conditions, and environmental factors. By running simulations,
engineers can predict the performance of the system, identify potential issues or
bottlenecks, and optimize design parameters to meet performance requirements.

Iterative Design and Optimization: Modeling and simulation software support an

iterative design process, where engineers can quickly modify design parameters,
run simulations, and evaluate design alternatives. This iterative approach allows
for rapid prototyping, experimentation, and optimization of designs to achieve
desired performance objectives while minimizing cost and time.

Risk Mitigation and Validation: Simulation software helps identify and mitigate
risks associated with design decisions by simulating the behavior of the system
under various scenarios. Engineers can assess the impact of component failures,
design flaws, or environmental factors on system performance and reliability. By
validating designs through simulation, engineers can identify and address potential
issues early in the design process, reducing the likelihood of costly errors or
failures during implementation.

Cost and Time Savings: Modeling and simulation software can significantly reduce
the time and cost associated with traditional design and testing methods. By
simulating designs in a virtual environment, engineers can avoid the need for
physical prototypes, expensive testing equipment, and lengthy trial-and-error
iterations. This results in faster time-to-market, lower development costs, and
increased competitiveness in the marketplace.

Question 15: (20)

How to calculate the cost of a project? What is rate of return? Explain with the
help of an example.

Calculating the cost of an electrical design project involves considering various

factors such as labor, materials, equipment, overheads, and contingencies. Here's a
general approach to calculating project costs:

Labor Costs: Estimate the labor required to complete the project, including
engineering, design, testing, installation, and project management. Determine the
labor rates for each type of personnel involved in the project and multiply by the
estimated number of hours or days required for each task.

Material Costs: Identify the materials needed for the project, including
components, equipment, tools, and consumables. Obtain quotes or pricing
information from suppliers and multiply the quantities required by the unit costs to
calculate the total material costs.

Equipment Costs: Determine if any specialized equipment or machinery is needed

for the project, such as testing instruments, fabrication tools, or software licenses.
Estimate the rental or purchase costs of equipment and include them in the project

Overheads and Contingencies: Consider overhead costs such as office space,

utilities, insurance, and administrative expenses. Additionally, include a
contingency allowance to account for unforeseen expenses or changes in project

Profit Margin: Factor in a profit margin to ensure that the project generates a return
on investment for the company or contractor undertaking the work. The profit
margin is typically expressed as a percentage of the total project cost.

Once you have estimated the costs for each of these components, sum them up to
determine the total project cost.

Now, let's discuss the concept of rate of return (RoR) in the context of electrical
design projects:

Rate of Return (RoR) is a financial metric used to measure the profitability of an

investment relative to its cost. It represents the percentage increase or decrease in
the value of an investment over a specified period.

The formula to calculate the Rate of Return (RoR) is:

Net Profit
Initial Investment
Initial Investment
Net Profit



Net Profit is the difference between the total revenue generated by the project and
the total project cost.
Initial Investment is the total cost incurred to undertake the project.

Suppose a company invests P100,000 to design and install a solar power system
for a commercial building. The total revenue generated by selling the excess
electricity back to the grid over the system's lifespan is estimated to be P200,000.

Net Profit = Total Revenue - Total Project Cost

Net Profit = P200,000 - P100,000 = P100,000

Initial Investment = Total Project Cost

Initial Investment = $100,000

Rate of Return = (Net Profit / Initial Investment) x 100%

Rate of Return = (P100,000 / P100,000) x 100%
Rate of Return = 100%

In this example, the Rate of Return ( for the solar power project is 100%,
indicating that the project generated a profit equal to the initial investment,
doubling the company's investment over its lifespan.

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