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Ryan Joseph L.

Concepcion BTVTED ELX -3A

1. Spend a little time thinking and reflecting on the aspects of your sociological self.
2. Identify the various teachings/knowledge, skills, values, or beliefs that each aspect has
contributed to the development of yourself?
A. Family
- Values and Ethics - Belief System
- Cultural Heritage - Resiliency and Adaptability
- Education and Learning - Self-Identity and Self-Worth
Reflecting on my family's teachings, expertise, and values might help me understand my own personal
growth journey. Acknowledging their impact can enable me to value the advantages they have provided
and comprehend the ways in which they have influenced my identity and perspective.

B. Peer Group / Friends

- Diverse Perspective - Shared Values & Beliefs
- Social Skills - Adventures & Experiences
- Personal Interests & Hobbies - Self-Expression and Authenticity
Reflecting on my friends' teachings, knowledge, and views can help me understand the various influences
that have formed my own development. Recognizing their contributions can help me appreciate the
meaningful connections I've made and the ways they've enhanced my life.

C. School
- Academic Knowledge - Socialization and Collaboration
- Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving - Personal Responsibility and Discipline
- Creativity and Innovation - Character Development
Reflecting on the teachings, knowledge, and values imparted by my school might provide insights into the
many ways in which my educational experiences influenced my personal growth. Recognizing my
school's influence might make me appreciate the chances and resources it has provided to help me grow
and learn.

D. Larger Society & Community

- Cultural Identity - Community Service and Volunteerism
- Social Bonds and Relationships - Local History and Heritage
- Values and Ethics - Environmental Awareness and Sustainability

Reflecting on the teachings, knowledge, and beliefs imparted by my community can provide insights into
the collective influence of the people and institutions that surround me. Recognizing the contributions of
my community can deepen my appreciation for the rich tapestry of experiences and values that have
shaped my personal development.

1. From among the four aspects of your sociological self, which has contributed the most in the
development? How or in what way?
- Among the four aspects of my sociological self—family, friends, school, and community—it's
challenging to determine a single most influential factor, as each contributes uniquely to my development.
However, if I were to choose one, I would say that family has played the most significant role because
family plays a crucial role in your development by providing a foundation for emotional support, shaping
your values, and influencing social skills.
Through shared experiences and guidance, family contributes uniquely to your identity and overall

2. Which has contributed the least in your development? How or in what way?
- Among the four aspects of my sociological self—family, friends, school, and community, I will
choose community contributed the least in my development because community has a group of
individuals that has different kinds of attitudes and communities can provide valuable support and
opportunities for growth, individual development is also influenced by personal choices, experiences, and
internal factors. Some aspects of your development may be shaped more by individual decisions or
unique circumstances rather than direct community influence.

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