Filipino Christian Living Prelim Q1 - Cabutin, Aira Miyaka

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Filipino Christian Living

Karol The Pope Man

Pope Jhon Paul II

Name: Cabutin,Aira Miyaka

Professor: Mr,Rene Calandria
The pope’s traits that shows stewardship are the following:

• Caring for the child

The pope visit the children that have been taking care of by the nun.he even bond with
the childrens the children that has special needs or children that needs to be treated. He
even kiss one of them .they treat him as a normal person as they were

• Treat people equally

He recognized one of the guards as he is a vistor he never ignores anyone.

he stops on the people on field and embraced them even stop the guards who dosent
allow them to touched the people or come near to him.

• Confidence
Pope is confident towards what his vision.

• Devotion to god
His gone for awail to devote to GOD,
• Meets the people in the government
Talks about the wrong doings inside the government which talks the war

• The exuction of father romero

As farther romero talks about the killings that people done.he got killed at the mass.

Popes shows how equal he is and he sees everyone equally treating them with the same
respect and liking like to higher people.pope’s shows humanity what is God want us to
do and to show.the popes guides the people towards the better life.he don’t want us
killing each other for something temporary he also reminds us there is no such precious
thing on earth than the life .popes shows how to value people how to treat people
eaqually.he even talks to government persons to follow what is GOD want us to do.stop
the killing for something temporary rather than solve the problem without war or killing
by trying to prove who is more stronger and who is the winner.

Over all the pope’s shows love to humanity and keep reminding us the good deeds to

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