Spek Pewarna Karamel Kelas III

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Jl.Tol Cikampek KM. 37, Kota Delta Mas, Kawasan Green Land
Kav. Batavia BD/2, 17530 Cikarang Pusat , Indonesia
Tel No: 21 8997 0302 Fax : 21 8997 3247
Email : roha.indonesia@rohagroup.com Web :www.roha.com

Material Specification

Material - Information
Material No ID1CARAMEL3PN Status Approved
EEC No. E150c

Sr No. Specification UOM Requirements

1 Appearance Dark Brown Liquid
2 E.B.C. 45,000-51,000
3 Color Abs. at 610 nm Sol. 0,1% Cell 10mm 0,175-0,200
4 Color Abs. at 530 nm Sol. 0,1% Cell 10mm % 0,450-0,510
5 pH as is 4,70-5,70
6 Density at 15,5 Deg. Celcius Bé 31,500-32,200
7 Viscosity at 20 Deg Celsius cP (Max.) 3,500
8 Specific Gravity at 20°C g/cm3 1,2730-1,2810
9 Colloidal Charge Positive

Application :
Shelf Life :
730 Days from the date of manufacture for unopened packs under specified storage condition.

The compliance to the above mentioned specification can be verified using respective methods of analysis. The product being natural, seasonal variation
and variety of raw material can cause slight variation in color from batch to batch, although this variation can normally be managed to not affect the
final product quality.
Disclaimer :
Above information is correct at the time of issue but may be subject to alteration. The information on the specification remains the property of ROHA
Group (JJT Group companies). Information is to the best of our knowledge and it should not be construed as warranty.Users should conduct their own
tests to determine the suitability of this product/data for this purpose. Users must satisfy themselves suitability of product, ingredients in accordance
with regulations applicable and suitability of product in end application. Roha Group (JJT Group Companies) shall not be liable for any claims or losses
of any nature arising directly or indirectly from use of the information, data or other material on this document.

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