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Maryknoll School of Manay, Inc .

Brgy. Central ,Manay, Davao Oriental


Subject Area/Level: SCIENCE 8 Date: FEBRUARY 12-16, 2024 Week No. 9

Unit Topic: ELECTRIC CIRCUITS Quarter No. 3

Stage I – Desired Results

Content Standard:
The learners demonstrate an understanding of current-voltage-resistance relationship, electric power,
electric energy, and home circuitry.
Performance Standard:
The learners should be able to create a campaign poster about electrical energy conservation.
Essential Understanding:
In a series circuit, the same number of current flows through all the components present. In a parallel
circuit, the connection splits the current flow.
Essential Questions:
1. What is the difference between a series and parallel circuits?
2. Draw the circuit diagram for a series circuit with two light bulbs and a switch.
3. Why is it important to use circuit breakers and fuses in electrical circuits?
Learning Competencies:
The learners
 understand the basic concepts of electricity, including circuits, conductors, and
 identify and explain the components of a simple circuit.
 explore the relationship between voltage, current, and resistance.
Learning Target:
I can…
 differentiate series circuits from parallel circuits,
 draw series and parallel circuit connections, and
 explain the functions of circuit breakers, fuses, earthing, double insulation, and other
safety devices at home.

Stage II – Evidence of Learning

The students will reflect the importance of different electrical measurements, how to determine the
amount of current that flows through a circuit, and the rate at which electrical energy is used by an
element in the circuit.
Stage III – Learning Plan
A. Explore
Day 1 & 2

1. Begin the lesson by asking students to answer a few quiz questions related to series and parallel
2. This will activate their prior knowledge and engage them in the topic.
3. Show students a series of images depicting different circuit arrangements and ask them to
identify if it is a series or parallel circuit.
4. This will encourage critical thinking and class participation.

Activity 1: Building Circuits

Materials: Batteries, light bulbs, wires, switch, ammeter, voltmeter

5. Divide the class into small groups.

6. Provide each group with the necessary materials.
7. Instruct the groups to build a series circuit and measure the current and voltage across each
8. Repeat the process for a parallel circuit.
Rubric - Criteria:
Correct circuit arrangement (10 pts)
Accurate measurements (10 pts)
Teamwork (5 pts)

Assessment Questions:
Maryknoll School of Manay, Inc .
Brgy. Central ,Manay, Davao Oriental
1. What is the main difference between a series and parallel circuit?
2. How does the current flow in a series circuit?
3. Why is the total resistance in a parallel circuit less than the resistance in any individual
Day 3
1. Explain the concept of series and parallel circuits using visual aids such as diagrams and
2. Clarify the differences between the two types of circuits and the importance of understanding
their characteristics.

Problem-Based Learning
Task 1: Safety Device Analysis
3. Students will research and analyze the functions of circuit breakers, fuses, earthing, double
insulation, and other safety devices at home.
4. They will create a presentation highlighting their findings and present it to the class.

Task 2: Circuit Design Challenge

5. Students will be given a scenario where they need to design a circuit for a specific purpose (e.g.,
lighting a room, operating a fan).
6. They will have to decide whether to use a series or parallel circuit and justify their choice based
on the requirements of the scenario.

Day 4
1. Review the key concepts learned during the lesson.
2. Ask students to summarize the concept of series and parallel circuits.
3. Ask them to explain the difference between a series and parallel circuit.
4. They will be going raw the circuit diagram for a series circuit with two light bulbs and a switch.
5. Calculate the total resistance if each bulb has a resistance of 10 ohms.
Day 5
1. Summarize the key concepts of the properties of conductors and insulators.
2. Summative assessment through a short quiz or written reflections on the key concepts learned.
3. Ask them why is it important to use circuit breakers and fuses in electrical circuits?
1. Formative
2. Summative

 Performance Task

VI. Reference/Instructional Materials:

Science Links 8 Teachers Resource Material. 2013.Manila: Rex Book Store, Inc.

Instructional Materials: PowerPoint presentation, Activity Sheets

Prepared by: Checked by:


Subject Teacher Academic Coordinator

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